
On A Wing And A Prayer Part 14

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"Hey there, love," Nikki said, planting herself on the side of Rox's bed and kissing her friend on the cheek. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Rox didn't meet Nikki's eyes, but continued to stare at her broken wrist. "Fine," she mumbled.

Nikki lifted Rox's chin to force eye contact. "Roxie, what's wrong?" she asked.

Jerri, who had remained in the doorway watching the police officer walk down the hall, answered for her. "You told him it was an accident, didn't you Rox?"

Roxanne shook her chin free of Nikki's hand and looked down once more without answering.

Jerri threw her arms up into the air. "Well that's great! Just great! G.o.d d.a.m.n it, Rox, why are you protecting that a.s.shole?" she asked angrily.

"My father..." Roxanne began.

Jerri was at the foot of Rox's bed in two large steps. "NO! I don't want to hear about how you're protecting your father, Roxanne. How about protecting yourself for a change, huh?" she said loudly, leaning over the bed to make her point.

"Jerri, honey, please calm down," Nikki said to her wife, then turning to Roxanne, she added, "Is that right, Rox? Did you tell the police it was an accident?"

Rox closed her eyes and deposited several tears onto her cheeks as she nodded her head yes.

Nikki looked up at Jerri, who raised her eyebrows in an 'I told you so' gesture. Taking a quick breath, Nikki closed her eyes and dropped her chin to her chest, bringing her right hand up to ma.s.sage her forehead. "Roxie ..." she began.

"Look, I know you mean well, and I love you both for it, but it's my life, okay? Now please ... I just want to go home," Roxanne said through pitiful tears.

Nikki stood up beside the bed. "All right," she said in a voice laced with defeat. "Let's go."

The ride to Rox's house was quiet and heavy with tension. Jerri drove as Nikki sat sideways in the seat beside her, constantly looking into the back seat at a very solemn Rox. Rox spent most of the drive looking out the side window, avoiding her friend's knowing looks.

As they stepped into the large open entryway, Rox turned to her friends and said, "Look, I really appreciate what you're willing to do for me, but it isn't necessary for you to stay."

"We're staying, Rox," Jerri said. "Nikki's already arranged for the week off to take care of you ... now I don't want to hear another word about it, okay?" Grabbing the two suitcases that she and Nikki had brought along, she headed up the stairs to settle into one of the guest rooms.

"Come on ... let's go make a pot of coffee before we tuck you into bed," Nikki suggested as she steered Rox into the kitchen. "Rox, please don't be angry with her ... she just cares about you so much ... she's just trying to protect you," Nikki said, trying to explain her wife's angry behavior.

Sitting heavily into one of the kitchen chairs, Rox placed her broken wrist gingerly on the table and sighed. "I know, but I ... d.a.m.n it, Nik. He only has a few months left to live. It will be all over then ... I promise," she said.

Nikki walked over to her friend and wrapped her arms around her, pulling Rox's head in to rest just above her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Placing a long firm kiss on Rox's head, she said, "Honey, you don't have to let your father's death signal the start of your life. Sweetheart, if he only knew you were living in such pain, he'd be the first to tell you to escape from it ... he'd be the first to kick Chris' a.s.s. Rox, if you want your father to die happy, then let him die with the knowledge that you are truly happy, not living under a facade of happiness."

Roxanne wrapped her good arm around Nikki's waist and hugged her tight, finally allowing the deluge of emotions to escape the prison she had confined them to. Her body shuddered as the sobbed into her friend's embrace. Suddenly, she felt another pair of arms wrap around her as Jerri joined the fray, holding the two women who meant the most to her in her life.

Several moments later, Rox broke the embrace, feeling silly for acting like a helpless child. Wiping her eyes, she started to rise. "I've got to pick up the mail ... get the paper," she began.

"Sit, I'll get it," Jerri said as she pushed her smaller friend back into the chair, then went to gather the mail and newspaper that were in a heap on the living room floor from being shoved through the mail slot in the front door. Returning to the kitchen, she threw the mail on the table, then unfolded the paper and laid it flat in front of Rox.

Rox began to scan the headlines . "Boeing 737 Crash Lands In San Diego," the banner read.

"Hey! This was on the morning news while I was waiting for your two this morning," Rox said as she continued to scan the article. "Southern Lights Airline, flight 203, crash landed in San Diego yesterday afternoon, after being struck twice by lightning. The plane was on route to Durango, Mexico from San Jose, to deliver much needed medical supplies to the drought-stricken area. Airport officials attribute the safety of the flight crew and pa.s.sengers to the skillful flying of pilot Ca.s.s Conway ... Oh my G.o.d!! Ca.s.s!!" Rox exclaimed, suddenly becoming dizzy and sick to her stomach. "Oh my G.o.d!!" she said again.

Nikki placed a cup of coffee in front of Rox and continued reading the article while Jerri rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. "Airport officials attribute the safety of the flight crew and pa.s.sengers to the skillful flying of pilot Ca.s.s Conway, who was forced to land the plane without landing gear. Witnesses say the plane gracefully slid onto the runway, gliding several hundred yards, rolling side to side while pieces of the wings broke off and scattered afield. The plane came to a graceful stop near the end of the runway. Captain Conway refused to exit the plane, and refused medical help for a deep gash on the forehead, until all of the pa.s.sengers had safely disembarked."

Nikki put the paper down on the table and looked at Rox. "Wow! Looks like your Captain Conway is a hero!" she said. "Are you okay, Rox?" she added, seeing the ashen look to her friend's face.

Rox just stared at the paper on the table, nodding her head. Finally, she looked at Nikki and then Jerri. "I have to get on-line," she said. "I need to send him an e-mail."

"Rox ... you're supposed to be resting," Nikki said, "not spending hours on the 'net."

"I won't spend hours. Nikki, I've got to do this. He almost died! I want him to know that I'm thinking about him," she said, and that I'm proud of him, her mind finished.

"Come on ... I'll help you navigate the stairs," Jerri said as she reached to help her friend up.

"Jer!!!" Nikki whined, exasperated with her friend and her wife.

"Nik, if it were me in that situation, wouldn't you do the same?" Jerri asked, immediately deflating Nikki's balloon.

Nikki just frowned, knowing she was defeated. "All right ... all right," she said. "But you're going to bed right after that, okay?" she said pointedly to Rox.

"Okay," Rox agreed. "I'll sleep on the hide-a-bed in my office," she added.

"Ah! What am I going to do with you?" Nikki exclaimed throwing her hands up.

Jerri and Rox tried hard to hide their grins as they made their way to the stairs.

"Well, its already noon. You have one hour, then I'm bringing lunch up to you. You got it?!" Nikki exclaimed as she watched her wife and best friend head for the stairs. "Kids today ..." she said under her breath as she went to work finding something for lunch.

"Oh my G.o.d ... did someone get the name of the guy that ran over me yesterday?" Ca.s.s mumbled to herself as she struggled to sit up in bed. Every bone and muscle in her body hurt. "Gee, it feels like I was in a plane wreck," she said sarcastically. Her legs hurt worst of all. Must be when I braced them on impact, she said to herself.

Ca.s.s, do you realize your talking to yourself again? Enforcer asked.

E, I've decided to live life to the fullest. After that fiasco yesterday, I really don't give a d.a.m.n if I talk to myself or not anymore. At least I'm alive, she replied.

Just as she managed to maneuver her feet onto the floor, the telephone rang. Reaching over to pick up the offending object from the night stand, she brought it to her ear. "h.e.l.lo?" she said.

"Ca.s.sidy Conway, I'm gonna kick your a.s.s from here to kingdom come! d.a.m.n it, young lady! Why didn't you call me last night when you got in. For Christ's sake ... I pick up the morning paper, and there, across the headlines it says, 'Local Hero, Ca.s.s Conway Crash Lands Plane Safely'. Roger nearly had to pick me up off the floor after I read that! What have you got to say for yourself?" the voice said.

"Good morning to you too, Ang," Ca.s.s said dryly.

"I'll good morning you! You get your a.s.s dressed and over here to the diner this instant - do you hear me? I need to see for myself that you're all right." Angie insisted.

"Can I take a shower first? It seems like my muscles aren't cooperating today," she commented, mirth filling her voice.

"I'm glad you think this is funny! You've got one hour. I'll have today's special waiting for you, all right?" Angie asked.

Ca.s.s smiled to herself. "All right Angie. One hour."

An hour later, Ca.s.s was sitting at her usual table, head in her hands, waiting patiently, as she got her a.s.s reamed out for the second time that morning. Angie paced back and forth in front of her table, her hands flailing, as she vented her anger at the young woman. Finally, she stopped in front of the table, hands on her hips and said, "Well?"

Ca.s.s looked up sheepishly. Sitting back in her chair, she threw her hands up and exclaimed, "All right, Ang. You're right. I should have called. I'm sorry. The next time I have to crash-land a plane, I'll call you, okay?" she asked.

Feeling somewhat vindicated, Angie softened. "All right ... you remember that. Now, as soon as you're done your breakfast, I want you to tell me about this feat of yours that has earned you hero status, okay?"

Smiling, Ca.s.s said, "Yes, Mommy. Can I eat now?"

Angie swatted Ca.s.s on the arm, causing the younger woman to grasp it and howl out in mock pain.

Angie swatted her again. "There's another one for good measure!" she said before heading to the kitchen for Ca.s.s' breakfast.

Ca.s.s just grinned and watched her go.


THE TRIP UP two flights of stairs took more out of Rox than she cared to admit. Jerri sat her down at the terminal and booted up the computer for her as she caught her breath. While Rox logged onto the 'net, Jerri went over and pulled the hide-a-bed out of the couch, then descended the stairs one flight to the linen closet in the second floor bathroom to retrieve clean bed sheets and a blanket. Returning to the attic, she made the bed while keeping watch over Rox out of the corner of her eye.

Rox was ma.s.saging her ribs with her uninjured hand as she waited for the dial-up network to connect.

"Are you all right, Rox?" Jerri asked.

Rox nodded, not taking her eyes off the monitor. "Ribs ache ... I'll be fine," she said.

Finally she was in. Selecting "Netscape Communicator", she went directly to new mail. It had been Wednesday afternoon since she had last checked her mail, and here it was Friday morning. Rox sat patiently as the system retrieved a total of seven new messages for her ... two of them from Ca.s.s. Bypa.s.sing the other five, she went directly to Ca.s.s' first note.

"Hi Rox,

I really enjoyed our chat session too. I couldn't believe how fast the time flew. I hope I didn't keep you up too late.

I'm sorry to hear that you don't have someone to discuss your work with more often. I find science fiction so captivating and stimulating. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to discuss it -- especially with a talented writer such as yourself.

So, you want a description of me, huh? Okay, I hope I don't disappoint you. I'm nearly six feet tall, relatively slim, somewhat muscular from working out and from Taekwondo (I earned my black belt a few months ago). I have dark hair and blue eyes. That's about it. I'm attaching a scanned photo of myself and my co-pilot so you can see for yourself. If you need to know more, just let me know.

I too would like to chat with you again. I am finding myself very enchanted with you, Roxanne Ward. You invade my thoughts at the oddest moments. It is a welcome invasion, mind you. I have not had any real companionship since the woman I was seeing pa.s.sed away nearly three years ago. I have guarded my heart relatively close since. It seems good for it to be invaded again.

Well, I'm on my way to dinner, so I will bid you adieu for now.

I am looking forward to chatting with you again. Please let me know when it is convenient for you.


Roxanne sat stunned as she read the note. He's enchanted with me? she asked herself, feeling her heart flip-flop in her chest. Tall, dark, blue eyes. Wow, sounds like a dream come true. G.o.d, it looks like he's had a pretty rough life though. His companion pa.s.sed away three years ago. I wonder if he loved her? Such were the thoughts running through Rox's head as she scrolled to the attached photograph.

"Wow, he is good looking!" Rox exclaimed, looking at a picture of a tall, dark haired man in a pilot's uniform, posing with an attractive woman, also dressed in flight blues. Hmmm, she's quite attractive too. I wonder if they have a history? she thought.

Jerri couldn't resist taking a look at the mystery man. Walking over to Rox, she looked over her shoulder and said, "Yeah, he's good looking all right, but I'm kind of partial to the lovely lady with him."

"You would!" exclaimed Rox, lightly elbowing her friend in the stomach. "You'd better not let Nikki hear you say that ... you'll be sleeping on the couch for a week!"

Jerri laughed. "Fat chance of that happening. She can't resist my beauty and charm!"

"Oh Pluuuuuuuease!" Rox said as she took a closer look at the picture. Where have I seen her before? she thought. She looks really familiar. She certainly is beautiful.

Shrugging off the feeling of familiarity, she decided to read the second post before answering either. Maneuvering the mouse to the "X" in the upper right corner of the screen she closed the note and struggled to align the pointer to the next piece of mail. "d.a.m.n it!" she said out loud.

"You okay?" Jerri asked as she watched her friend struggle with the mouse.

"Yeah ... it's just hard to do things left handed. d.a.m.ned cast. How am I going to write with my hand in this contraption? And look, my fingers are all swollen up. Will it be like that for the whole six weeks?" Rox asked her friend.

"No. The swelling will be gone in a few days. Do you want some help typing a reply?" Jerri asked.

Rox turned to look at her friend with raised eyebrows as if to say, "you're kidding, right?", but instead thought more logically about the problem and furrowed her eyebrows into a frown.

"That was an interesting play of emotions," Jerri said as she saw the expressions parade across her friend's face.

Rox grinned. "I'm sorry, Jer. I just feel so d.a.m.ned helpless. Yeah, I might need some help. Let me read this other post first, okay?" she said.

"I'm in no hurry ... got the day off!" Jerri said as she threw herself down in one of the overstuffed chairs and crossed her legs.

Rox turned back to the monitor and clicked on Ca.s.s' second post.

"Hi Rox,

Look, I'm sorry I was so forward in my last post. I don't want to push you into a relationship you don't want. It's just that I have never felt such an instant connection with anyone before like I did with you, and I was hoping that you felt the same way. I'm sorry if I have overstepped my bounds. You are probably involved in a loving relationship already. I certainly don't want to interfere with your happiness.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 14 summary

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