
Off Limits Part 7

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"Listen, we're getting the help we need to break that stalemate topside. Thejets are gonna start dropping napalm any moment now, and we've got a bunch ofmedevacs coming for these grunts-and you."

Alex frowned. "What about you?"

He grinned tiredly and straightened. "Me? Marines don't hat out when they'retied down. I'll stay until it's over."

"What are you doing up there?"

"Mostly helping the wounded. Sometimes I trundle ammo to the grunts in thetrench." He shrugged. "The gunny has me giving pep talks to some of theyounger marines who are worried about being overrun. I sort of fill in thegaps where he needs me."

Alex was proud of Jim, proud of his commitment despite his vow never to pickup another rifle. "You're so special," Alex quavered.

Jim shook his head. "Gal, you must be plumb out of your head with feveragain," he teased. With a wave of his hand, he turned. "Stay here and staysafe. When the medevacs land, we're going to get you out. The weather's finally lifting, and we can get them in here-providing the VC don't shoot themout of the sky."

Alex had never realized what it took for the heroic medevac pilots to landtheir aircraft under the withering hail of small arms fire. The first one camein and the worst cases, marines who needed immediate surgery, were hustled onboard by men who risked their lives just getting their buddies onto thehelicopter. It was on the third helicopter that Jim personally took charge ofincluding Alex with several of the less seriously wounded marines.

She didn't have time to say goodbye as he thrust her up onto the lip of theaircraft and the crew chief guided her to a nylon-covered seat at the rear.

"I'll make sure you get home...or at least as far as Da Nang," Jim promisedwith a shout, and lifted his hand before quickly moving off the crown of thehill where he was a target. Mortars still dropped sporadically around them,and the helicopters were perfect targets.

Alex opened her mouth to say goodbye, but the craft lifted off, straining withits full load of wounded. Despite the way her mind was shorting out withexhaustion, Alex wondered if and when Jim would get off that embattled hill.The last she'd heard, there was still the possibility of it being overrun.Fighting to hold together her shredded emotions, Alex bent her head so no onecould see her tears. She was going to Da Nang, to safety. Never in her lifehad anything sounded so good-but leaving Jim behind dampened her relief. a.s.soon as she landed back at the huge marine complex, she would receive neededmedical attention and then she'd find Jim's commanding officer, Breckenridge.Alex began to laugh, her shoulders shaking. Her father! She'd completelyforgotten about her father. Where was he? Still in Vietnam? Stateside?

Her laughter, more out of hysteria than humor, pa.s.sed. The helicoptershuddered on toward its destination, and she was relieved to think of hermother being told that Alex was alive. Her father was probably more angry overher disappearance than anything else. He didn't like unplanned events gettingin the way of his precise schedule.

As Alex lifted her head, her eyes awash with tears, she set some prioritiesfor her arrival. First, she'd ask a Red Cross official to contact her parents,then she'd get someone to hunt down Lieutenant Breckenridge. Would Jim's bossbe as nasty as Captain Johnson out at the hill had been? Or would heunderstand what Jim had done? More than anything, Alex didn't want to see Jimslapped in the brig and held on desertion charges.

"Miss Vance? I'm Lieutenant Matt Breckenridge. I understand you wanted to seeme."

Alex was lying with her eyes closed on a bed in one of the MASH-unit tents.Two hours had pa.s.sed since her arrival at Da Nang.

Struggling to sit up, wearing only a light blue gown of coa.r.s.e cotton, Alexcrossed her legs beneath the bed covers. The recon officer standing at thefoot of her bed was in his mid-twenties, his dark brown hair cut very short.He was tall and lean, but not rawboned like Jim. It was his gray, hawklikeeyes that made her understand why recons were set apart from the regularmarine forces. For a moment, Alex was frightened by the officer's emotionless.e.xpression. And then, as if he sensed her apprehension, his eyes thawed andgrew warm. His mouth stretched into a slight smile of welcome. Her left arm ina sling, Alex maneuvered awkwardly upright, and tried to return the smile.

The lieutenant carried his utility cap carelessly in his left hand. The webbelt around his waist had the same items as Jim's, with the addition of a .45pistol. As Alex searched the officer's hard features, she felt hope.

"You're Jim McKenzie's boss?"

"Yes, ma'am, I am. I understand Jim's alive?"

Alex saw worry and concern in the marine's eyes. "He's recovering from abroken leg, Lieutenant. Please, if you've got a few minutes, I've got to tellyou what happened to Jim. It's important you know the truth-I'm afraid they'llput him in the brig when he gets to Da Nang."

"What?" Breckenridge muttered, coming around the end of the bed. "Jim? In thebrig? What are you talking about?"

As weary as Alex was, she pointed to a nearby chair. "Sit down, Lieutenant.I've got a lot to tell you." She glanced at her watch. Her father was due toarrive from Saigon in another hour. "And I don't have much time."

Breckenridge nodded and straddled the chair. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"What do you think the Marine Corps will do with Jim now that you know thewhole story?" Alex asked in a hushed voice, closely watching the officer's.e.xpression.

Breckenridge rose tensely. "McKenzie's one of the best men I've served with inthe recons," he muttered more to himself than her. "He's not a coward or adeserter."

Alex watched Breckenridge pace, feeling strongly that he was a fighter-adefender of the men on his team. Alex liked the young officer. It was obvioushe was loyal to his men. "I found out through Gunny Whitman that CaptainJohnson, the company commander on that hill, is going to put Jim on report fordisobeying a direct order from a superior officer. Jim refused to pick up arifle and fight."

Rubbing his chin, Breckenridge nodded. "That's going to work against him."

"But he was helping with the wounded and taking ammo to the marines in thetrenches. I saw him!"

Matt shook his head and glanced over at her. "How much do you know about theMarine Corps?"

"I have two brothers in the corps."

"Then you know how they feel about a marine who commits treason, deserts orrefuses a direct order."

Alex nodded. "Oh, Lieutenant, you understand why he made that decision!"

"Yes, I do. I was there when Kim was killed." He shook his head. "It was ashame. A crying shame. Kim loved Jim and vice versa. What Duc did-" He took ina deep, ragged breath and gave Alex an apologetic glance. "Sorry. When thingslike that happen, you don't get over them fast... maybe never."

Alex understood completely. She saw how shaken the officer had becomediscussing Kim's death. Gently, Alex asked, "What do you think they'll do to Jim?"

Matt snorted softly and stared down the row of bunks filled with woundedmarines. He kept his voice low. "Honestly? Probably slap him in leg irons andput him in the brig. I'm sure they'll charge him with insubordination at thevery least. He's likely to get a court-martial."

Wincing, Alex forced the question out of her mouth. "What about prison? Willthey put Jim in prison?"

Breckenridge shrugged. "I don't know. So much depends on whether and howMcKenzie defends his actions. Captain Johnson is a hard-nose, from what I hearthrough the grapevine."

"Please, can you help Jim?"

The officer smiled slightly. "I'll get over to CID- the Central IntelligenceDivision-and see what I can find out."

"You're on his side, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am."

Relief flowed through Alex. "Thank G.o.d."

"Look, you need some rest, Miss Vance. You've been through a lot."

Touched by his concern, she shook her head. "Jim is more important to me,Lieutenant. He's a good man who was caught in a terrible situation. He needseveryone who's on his side working for him right now."

Settling the utility cap on his head, Breckenridge grinned sourly. "You'reJim's ace in the hole. You're a congressman's daughter. If I were you, I'dplay the publicity angle for all it's worth."

Alex nodded. "I don't know how my father will react to Jim's problem. I'mhoping he'll see that Jim saved my life and forgive him for his choice."

"Your father's a hawk," Breckenridge whispered with a frown. "He's gung ho."

"I know...." Alex lifted her hand in farewell to the marine officer and watched him move quietly down the aisle toward the exit. She knew MattBreckenridge would defend Jim. Would her father? Anxiety coursed through Alexas she lay back down. Sleep, as badly as she needed it, refused to come. Heremotions skewed sharply from worry for Jim on that heavily defended hill andher father's arrival. What would her father do once he heard her story? Wouldhe help defend Jim or try to put him behind bars?

"Alex," Hiram Vance said heavily from where he sat on the chair next to herbed, "I think you're suffering from all the trauma you endured. McKenzie mayhave saved your life, but the boy's a d.a.m.ned coward and a shirker, in myopinion."

"No!" Alex's cry sheared through the tent. "No!" she whispered stridently,"he's not!" Sitting up, her arm aching with pain, Alex held her father's darkstare. At fifty, Hiram Vance had silver streaks in his black hair. He wasdressed in a suit, of all things, looking sorely out of place in the humidjungle climate. But Alex knew he was proud of the power he wielded inCongress-particularly of being a member of the prestigious finance committee.

Holding up his square hands, Vance gave her a look of disapproval. "Alex,you're distraught from the experience. Now, settle down. Getting all upsetisn't going to accomplish a thing."

Alex tried to bridle her emotions. "But Father, Jim saved my life! Isn't thatworth something?"

"Of course it is. But it doesn't take away from the fact that he refused asuperior officer's order under fire. And I hear from CID that he deserted hisrecon team."

"He didn't desert! How could he go anywhere with a broken leg?"

"Look, this isn't your fight. It isn't even your business, Alex. You're acivilian who happened to get caught in the crossfire."

Alex glared at her father. "Well, what are you going to do now that you knowJim's a conscientious objector?"

"I'm going to do nothing. The marines can handle a yellow-bellied coward likeMcKenzie without my involvement." He rose and smoothed the dark fabric of hissuit against his protruding belly. "Now, stop worrying about this jerk and getsome rest, Alex. I'm going to talk to the doctor about getting you flown toSaigon for some decent treatment. You need to get out of this country. You'redistraught."

Tears welled into Alex's eyes as she looked up at her father's grim features."No," she quavered, "I'm not going anywhere until I know what the Marine Corpsis going to do with Jim McKenzie."

He halted and stared at her. "Alexandra, what's gotten into you? Do you stillhave a fever?"

She wanted to cry, but didn't dare. Every time she got emotional in front ofher father, he walked away from her, as if she wasn't worthy of his attention.Clamping down on the cauldron of emotions roiling within her, she rasped, "Myfever's gone, Father. I've got enough antibiotics in me to kill a horse. Myshrapnel wound is fine. I'm clear-headed."

"Sweetie pie, don't concern yourself with this McKenzie fellow. He's trying tochange his mind in midstream. This conscientious objector routine is just acover to get out of doing his duty. Let the corps handle it and let's get youhome."

Her heart jagged with anger and fear. "Father, I'm staying. I'm over eighteen,and I decide where and when I'm leaving Da Nang. I spent a week with that man,and he's one of the most courageous and kind human beings I've ever met. I'mnot abandoning him when he needs me."

He stared down at her. "Alex, you obey me."

Alex held his glare. Rarely had she stood up to her father aboutanything-except her degree in nursing. "I will not."

"You're being disrespectful to my wishes."

Alex's eyes widened. Her voice strangled with anger, she said, "If it was Caseor Buck, you'd be slapping them on the back for making a command decision. Butsince it's me doing it, you think I'm being disrespectful."

"Young lady, you are way out of line."

Alex heard the tremor in his voice as it grew deep and defensive. "A man'slife is at stake, Father, and I'm not letting him down," she continuedheedlessly. "He saved my life. I'll be d.a.m.ned if I'm going to let the MarineCorps railroad him! Jim has every reason never to fire a rifle again!"

With a curse, Vance shook his finger at her. "Alexandra, you stay out ofthis!"

"No." For a moment, as she watched her father's square face turn a purple hue,Alex wondered if he was going to reach out and strike her. It wouldn't be thefirst time, although her brothers had been struck many more times than shehad, growing up. Hiram Vance was known on the Hill for his short-fused temper,his opinionated stance and his bellicose personality. He was even moresingle-minded when dealing with his family. Alex watched his hands slowly ballinto fists. Would he hit her in front of all these marines?

Her mouth dry, Alex held her father's black glare. She watched as he flexedhis fists. The rage in his face was consummate, and inwardly, Alex tried tosteel herself for his explosive tirade. Jim had faced the enemy for her-he'drisked his life to get her sulfa drugs and take her to the firebase. She coulddo no less for him now.

"This isn't the time or place to correct you," he rasped, glancing at the tentfull of wounded marines, most of whom were now watching the confrontation withopen curiosity. "What are your plans?" Hiram ground out.

Alex set her mouth, and her eyes narrowed. "To help Jim any way I can."

He advanced upon Alex, towering threateningly above her. "Young lady, under nocirc.u.mstances will you embarra.s.s me. Do you understand?"

Refusing even to wince, Alex held her father's stare. He had always beenoverly worried about public opinion, but then, Alex reminded herself bitterly,her father was a politician. They had to be responsive to the public."Whatever I decide to do will be on my own," she said, hoping the quaver inher voice wasn't obvious. "I'll leave your name out of it."

Her father whirled around and stalked out of the tent.

Alex released a ragged sigh. The marine in the next bed, his leg in asuspended cast, gave a soft whistle. She looked over at him. He couldn't havebeen more than eighteen.

"Man, that was some kind of stand you took, Miss Vance."

Alex heard the admiration in the marine's voice. Shaking visibly, she lay backdown and shut her eyes. Her entire world was coming apart. It had been nosurprise that her father didn't see Jim in the same light that she did. AsAlex lay there, trying to pull herself together for the coming fight to saveJim, she knew in her heart that this argument with her father was only thebeginning. Hiram Vance prided himself on winning-on always having the lastword. This was only the second time in her life she'd stood up to her powerfulfather.

Alex's shoulder ached badly, but her heart hurt worse. Between her father andJim was a chasm. How could Jim be so sensitive, gentle and thoughtful when herfather was the opposite? Finally Alex drifted into a restless sleep, where shedreamed of Jim McKenzie, of his soft smile, the teasing light in his dark blue eyes and his incredibly gentle touch. A fierce love blanketed Alex, her sleepdeepened, and in her dreams she saw them together-and happy.

"Corporal McKenzie, you're under arrest for desertion and insubordination to asuperior officer."

Jim stood in the headquarters tent of Da Nang, brig guards on either side ofhim as Major Dover read the charges. Exhaustion lapped at him, but he stood atattention the best he could with his aching leg. Yesterday he'd taken off themakeshift splint because it was falling apart.

The door to the tent was jerked open. Lieutenant Matt Breckenridge entered,his face set and grim as he approached Jim.

"Major, what's going on? I understand my man just returned from that hill.He's in need of medical attention."

Dover glanced at Breckenridge. "Captain Johnson on Hill 223 put your man oncharges for his actions during a recent firefight, Lieutenant." He handed himthe orders. "Before you get your hackles up, I suggest you read this."

Jim glanced at Breckenridge, relief flowing through him. Two days had pa.s.sedbefore the hill had been secured from the attacking VC. The only thing onJim's mind now was Alex. How was she? He knew Captain Johnson would slap himin leg irons as soon as possible. Jim had already resigned himself to hisfate. He saw his lieutenant's face grow hard.

"Major Dover, I request that Corporal McKenzie be given over to me. I'll beresponsible for him while he's here in Da Nang awaiting court-martial."

"Sorry, Lieutenant, but that's not in the rule book. Corporal McKenzie isgoing straight to the brig here on base to await deposition of this matter."

Breckenridge glared at the officer. "With all due respect, sir, CorporalMcKenzie suffered a broken leg while on patrol. Look at him. He's got otherwounds. I demand he be taken to the MASH unit first to be cared for."

Dover shrugged. "Fine. He's your responsibility in that arena, Lieutenant. Gethim medical attention, then these brig guards will escort him to his cell.Those are my orders. Do you understand, Lieutenant?"

"They're perfectly clear, sir." Breckenridge looked over at Jim. "Let's go,"he ordered softly.

Limping badly, Jim followed, the brig guards remaining close by. They left thetent, the hot sun feeling good to Jim. He took a deep, steadying breath ofair.

"I'm glad to see you, sir."

Bieckenridge looked at him grimly. "Same here, Jim. I'm afraid you're notgoing to find too many friendly faces here in Da Nang. In fact, Miss Vance andI are your only supporters."

"What about Miss Vance? Is she okay?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, she's going to be fine."

"Did they ship her out?" Jim hoped so.

"No. She's remaining at the base in Da Nang." Bieckenridge glanced over at himsharply. "You've got two people who know you're not a deserter or a coward,McKenzie-me and her."

"What are you talking about?"

"Alex Vance is refusing to leave Da Nang until you're cleared of all charges.She's a witness, if you will, in your defense." Matt pursed his lips. "I'vealready talked to the CID people to see what charges are being pressed by thisCaptain Johnson."

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