
No Animal Food Part 12

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8 ozs. corn meal, 6 ozs. white flour, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. nut-b.u.t.ter, 8 ozs. preserved cherries, 2 ozs. lemon peel, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, water.

Rub b.u.t.ter into flour, mix all ingredients together with water into stiff batter; bake in cake tins lined with b.u.t.tered paper.

=63.--Apple Cake=

1 lb. apples, 1/4 lb. white flour, 1/2 lb. corn meal, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 4 ozs. sugar, 2 small teaspoonfuls baking powder, water.

Cook apples to a sauce and strain well through colander, rejecting lumps. Melt fat and mix all ingredients together with water into stiff batter; bake in cake tins lined with b.u.t.tered paper.

=64.--Corn Cake (plain)=

1/2 lb. maize meal, 3 ozs. 'Nutter,' 3 ozs. sugar, 1 teaspoonful baking powder.

Melt fat, mix all ingredients together into batter; bake in cake tins lined with b.u.t.tered paper.

=65.--Nut Cake=

12 ozs. white flour, 4 ozs. ground rice, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' or nut b.u.t.ter, 5 ozs. sugar, 6 ozs. mixed grated nuts, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

Melt fat, mix ingredients together into batter, and place in cake tins lined with b.u.t.tered paper.

=66.--Mixed Fruit Salads=

2 sliced bananas, 1 tin pineapple chunks, 2 sliced apples, 2 sliced oranges, 1/2 lb. grapes, 1/4 lb. raisins, 1/4 lb. sh.e.l.led walnuts, 1/2 pint grape-juice.

=67.--Fruit Nut Salad=

1 lb. picked strawberries, 1/4 lb. mixed sh.e.l.led nuts, 1/2 pint grape-juice. Sprinkle over with 'Granose' or 'Toasted Corn Flakes' just before serving.

=68.--Winter Salad=

2 peeled, sliced tomatoes, 2 peeled, sliced apples, 1 small sliced beetroot, 1 small sliced onion, olive oil whisked up with lemon juice for a dressing.

=69.--Vegetable Salad=

1 sliced beetroot, 1 sliced potato (cooked), 1 sliced onion, 1 sliced heart of cabbage, olive oil dressing; arrange on a bed of water-cress.


The following biscuits are made thus:--Melt the 'Nutter,' mix all ingredients with sufficient water to make into stiff paste; roll out and cut into shapes. Bake in moderate oven.

These biscuits when cooked average 20 grains protein per ounce.

=70.--Plain Wheat Biscuits=

1/2 lb. entire wheat flour, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' little chopped peel.

=71.--Plain Rice Biscuits=

3-4 lb. ground rice, 4 ozs. sugar, 3 ozs. 'Nutter,' vanilla essence.

=72.--Plain Maize Biscuits=

1/2 lb. maize meal, 4 ozs. sugar, 3 ozs. 'Nutter.'

(If made into soft batter these can be dropped like rock cakes).

=73.--Banana Biscuits=

1/2 lb. banana meal, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter.'

=74.--Cocoanut Biscuits=

1/2 lb. white flour, 3 ozs. sugar, 2 ozs. 'Nutter,' 4 ozs. cocoanut meal.

=75.--Sultana Biscuits=

3-4 lb. white flour, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 6 ozs. minced sultanas and peel 2 ozs. almond meal.

=78.--Fig Biscuits=

1/2 lb. entire wheat flour, 3 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 3 ozs. minced figs.

(If made into soft batter these can be dropped like rock cakes).

=Date, Prune, Raisin, and Ginger Biscuits=

These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 76, using one of these fruits in place of figs. (Use dry preserved ginger).

=77.--Brazil-nut Biscuits=

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