
I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night! Chapter 1175 - Simply Relieving Our Needs, Don't Misunderstand

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Chapter 1175 - Simply Relieving Our Needs, Don’t Misunderstand

Simply Relieving Our Needs, Don’t Misunderstand


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Mom is right. A family with a daughter will have a lot of suitors. I’m now in high demand.”

Fu Sinian’s expression darkened.

“No one wants to be a stepfather.”

Shi Qian’s expression changed and she put the phone in her pocket.

Fu Sinian also felt that his words were a little too much, and he shouldn’t have said that.

Shi Qian took a deep breath and looked at Fu Sinian. “That’s right. Who knows which b.a.s.t.a.r.d won’t acknowledge his biological son? I can’t find a biological father, but I can find a stepfather! As long as I’m willing, there are many people who can be my son’s father!”

Suddenly, Fu Sinian pulled the flowers from Shi Qian’s arms and threw them onto the seat in front of him.

Shi Qian still wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h the flowers, but Fu Sinian grabbed her wrist.

Fu Sinian was too strong. In his hands, she was like a little chick.

Suddenly, Shi Qian took the initiative to kiss him.

Fu Sinian was stunned and immediately let go.

Seeing that he had dodged, Shi Qian became bolder and got up to sit on him.

The s.p.a.ce in the car was so small. It was easy for her to sit on him, but it was difficult for Fu Sinian to push her down.

Jiang Feng immediately put down the part.i.tion.

Was this scene something he could see?

Shi Qian grabbed Fu Sinian’s collar and leaned toward him again.

Fu Sinian turned his face and avoided her lips.

Shi Qian grabbed his chin and forced him to turn his face away.

Fu Sinian was a little surprised. The training effect was not bad, and she was much stronger.

However, it was still a little inappropriate to use it on him.

Shi Qian kissed him again.

Fu Sinian pushed her shoulder.

“Stop fooling around!” he scolded.

“President Fu, are you afraid because you didn’t drink? You only dare to use the alcohol to show off, right? Alcohol strengthens one’s courage. Should I buy two bottles of alcohol for President Fu to boost his courage?”

Fu Sinian wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled hard, causing Shi Qian to fall into his arms.

She was small, and his arms were big enough to hold her.

The two of them were so close that Fu Sinian’s lips were pressed against hers.

This kiss swept over her like a storm. Shi Qian’s lips burned from his strength.

She did not back down and wrapped her arms around his neck in response.

Jiang Feng drove the car to the parking garage of Fu Sinian’s residence as quickly as possible and abandoned the car to escape.

They kissed in the car for a full half hour.

Shi Qian felt the car stop. Fu Sinian wanted to push open the car door and carry her out.

She pressed Fu Sinian’s hand and closed the car door again.

She raised her hand to brush her long black hair away and leaned over to bite the b.u.t.tons of Fu Sinian’s shirt.

Fu Sinian leaned back in his chair and let her do whatever she wanted.

Today, Shi Qian was like a demoness who devoured people’s souls. She was bold and open.

This was also the first time Fu Sinian had lost the initiative.

After that, Shi Qian was so tired that she was panting. She didn’t even have the strength to move.

Fu Sinian stroked her back and gently soothed her breathing.

After a while, Shi Qian finally regained some strength. “Why are these still in your car?”

“They were from last time.”

“We’ve never used it in a car before.”

“But we used it now.”

Shi Qian was speechless.

“Qian Qian, did you find out about something?” Fu Sinian asked carefully.

Shi Qian asked, “Find out about what?”

Fu Sinian choked.

“Don’t misunderstand. I’m just thinking that you are here already and we are both adults who have needs to relieve,” Shi Qian said as she tidied her hair and turned to push open the car door.

Seeing that this was Fu Sinian’s residence, she was so angry that she wanted to kick the car door..

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I Woke My Vegetative Husband up at Our Wedding Night! Chapter 1175 - Simply Relieving Our Needs, Don't Misunderstand summary

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