
Neuralgia And The Diseases That Resemble It Part 3

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According to my observation, there are three distinct varieties of sciatica. The first of these is obscure in its origin, but may be said, in general terms, to be connected with a nervous temperament of the highly impressible kind, which is more or less like what we call "hysteric," not only in the female, but also in male patients. The subjects of this kind of sciatica are mostly young persons, and hardly ever more than middle-aged; they are generally found to be liable to other forms of neuralgia; and the actual attack of sciatica is produced by some fatigue or mental distress, which at other times might have brought on sick headache, or intracostal neuralgia, etc. Very many of these patients are anaemic; and chlorotic anaemia seems specially to favor the occurrence of the affection. The greater number of the victims are females, and in very many, whether as cause or effect, there is impeded, or at least imperfect, menstruation. This kind of sciatic pain is not usually of the highest degree of intensity, but it generally spreads into a great many branches, both in a direct and a reflex manner. It is probable that this variety of the disease is, at least very often, dependent upon, or much aggravated by, an excited condition of the s.e.xual organs; certainly, I have observed it with special frequency in women who have remained single long after the marriageable age, and in several male patients there has been either the certainty or a strong suspicion of venereal excess. Sciatica of this kind also occurred in the case of a single woman aged about thirty, who to my knowledge was excessively addicted to self-abuse.

The second variety of sciatica occurs for the most part in middle-aged or old persons who have long been subject to excessive muscular exertion, or have been much exposed to damp and cold, or who have been subject to the combined influence of both these kinds of evil influence.

One must also include, I think, in this group a considerable number of cases where the age is not so advanced, but the patient has been obliged, by the nature of his business, to maintain the sitting posture daily, for hours together, exercising pressure on the nerve; this is especially liable to happen in these persons.

The sufferers from this variety of sciatica are mostly, as already said, of middle age or more; but this statement must be understood to be made in the comparative sense, which refers rather to the vital status of the individual than to the mere lapse of years. Many of these people have hair which is prematurely gray, and in some the existence of rigid arteries, together with arcus senilis, completes the picture of organic involution, or senile degeneration. In particular cases, where depressing influences have been at work for a long time, or unusually active, these appearances rectify the false impression we should otherwise derive from learning the mere nominal age of the person; this is especially often the case with regard to patients who have for a long time drunk to excess. The prematurely and permanently gray hair (it will be seen hereafter that permanency of grayness is an important point), together with well-marked inelasticity of arteries, very often tells a tale which is most useful in informing us, not only of the vital status of the patient, but of the kind of sciatica under which he labors; and also influences our prognosis seriously. There is otherwise a somewhat deceptive air about the appearance of many of these degenerative cases; for instance, a ruddy complexion is not uncommon, nor the retention of considerable, or even great, muscular strength. It is probable that these appearances deceived Valleix and many others, or they could hardly have failed, as they have, to observe the frequency of the degenerative type among the most numerous group of sciatic patients, namely, those between thirty and fifty years of age. These persons are not truly "robust," although at a hasty glance they might at first seem to be so.

It would be a serious mistake to omit the search for the important vital evidences which have been referred to, since these therapeutic and prognostic indications are of the highest value.

A prominent feature in this kind of sciatica is its great obstinacy and intractability. Another, equally marked, is the tendency to the development of spots around the foci of severest pain which are intensely and permanently tender, and the slightest pressure on which is sufficient to set up acute pain. This is a symptom much less developed, if developed at all, in the variety of sciatica which we first discussed. The places which are especially apt to present this phenomenon of tenderness are as follows: (1) A series, or line of points, representing the cutaneous emergence of the posterior branches, which reaches from the lower end of the sacrum up to the crista ilii; (2) a point opposite the emergence of the great and small sciatic nerves from the pelvis; (3) a point opposite the cutaneous emergence of the ascending branches of the small sciatic, which run up toward the crista ilii; (4) several points at the posterior aspect of the thigh, corresponding to the cutaneous emergence of the filets of the crural branch; (5) a fibular point, at the head of the fibula, corresponding to the division of the external popliteal; (6) an external malleolar, behind the outer ankle; (7) an internal malleolar.

I have already mentioned that in sciatica the pain frequently spreads in a reflex manner to nerves which are connected, by their origin from the plexus, with the sciatic. It will be remembered, also, that I related cases in which the formation of tender points, in the course of the nerves thus secondarily affected, was even more distinct and remarkable than anywhere in the branches of the sciatic itself.

Another circ.u.mstance which distinguishes the form of sciatica which we are now describing is, the degree in which (above all other forms of neuralgia) it involves paralysis of motion. [The subject of the complication of neuralgia will be treated in a general manner farther on; but it seems necessary to note here the special liability of sciatic patients to this and to the most material complications]. By far the largest part of the motor nervous supply for the whole lower limb pa.s.ses through the trunk of the great sciatic; it might therefore be naturally expected that a strong affection of the sensory portion of the nerve would produce, in a reflex manner, some powerful effect upon the motor element. This effect is most frequently in the direction of paralysis.

Complete palsy is rare, but in a large proportion of cases which have lasted some time there will be found, independently of any wasting of muscles, a positive and considerable loss of motor power. It is of course necessary to avoid the fallacy which might be produced by neglecting to observe whether movement was restricted merely in consequence of its painfulness. Not long since, I had occasion to test the electric sensibility in a case of sciatica, in which there was extremely severe pain, affecting chiefly the peroneal region of the leg, and great weakness of the leg, amounting to inability for walking. The gastrocnemius could hardly be got to contract at all, when the most powerful Faradic current was directed upon the nerve in the popliteal s.p.a.ce of the affected limb, though the muscle of the sound side reacted with great vigor.

_Anaesthesia_ is also a common complication of sciatica, far commoner, I venture to think, than it has been represented either by Valleix, or Notta. It is necessary, however, to be explicit on this point. In the early stages, both of this form of sciatica, and of the milder variety previously described, there is almost always partial numbness of the skin previous to the first outbreak of the neuralgic pain, and during the intervals between the attacks. By degrees this is exchanged, in the milder form, for a generally diffused tenderness around the foci of neuralgic pain, while other portions of the limb remain more or less anaesthetic. In the severer forms it sometimes happens that, besides an intense tenderness of the skin over the painful foci, there is diffused tenderness over the greater part or the whole of the surface of the limb. But it is important to remark that both in the anaesthetic and the hyperaesthetic conditions (so called) the tactile sensibility is very much diminished. I have made a great many examinations of painful limbs, in sciatica, and have never failed to find (with the compa.s.s points) that the power of distinctive perception was decidedly lowered.

_Convulsive movements of muscles_ are met with in a moderate proportion of cases of sciatica in middle and advanced life, in which affection they are entirely involuntary. They differ from certain spasmodic movements not unfrequently observed in the milder form (and especially in hysteric women), for these are more connected with morbid volition, and are in truth, not perfectly involuntary. In several cases of inveterate sciatica I have seen violent spasmodic flexures of the leg upon the thigh. Cramps of particular muscles are occasionally met with.

I have seen the flexors of the toes of the affected limb violently cramped, and in one case there was agonizing cramp of the gastrocnemius.

It is chiefly at night, and especially when the patient is falling asleep, that this kind of affection is apt to occur.

A third variety of sciatica is the rather uncommon one so far as my experience goes, in which inflammation of the tissues around the nerve is the primary affection, and the neuralgia is mere secondary effect, from mechanical pressure on the nerve, which, however, is not apparently itself inflamed. I believe that these cases are sometimes caused by syphilis, and sometimes by rheumatism. One of the most violent attacks of sciatic pain which ever came under my notice was in a syphilized subject, a discharged soldier, who had been the victim of severe tertiary affections, and had been mercilessly salivated into the bargain. This unfortunate man suffered dreadful agony, which was aggravated every night, but was never totally absent. The pain started from a point not far behind the great trochanter: pressure here caused intolerable darts of pain, which ramified into every offshoot of the sciatic nerve, as it seemed, and made the man quite faint and sick.

Large doses of iodide of pota.s.sium, together with the prolonged use of cod-liver oil, completely removed the pain and tenderness. It need hardly be said that cases of this kind are essentially different, and require perfectly different principles of treatment from neuralgias in which the disturbance originates within the nervous tissues themselves.

The chronic rheumatism does also, occasionally, affect the sheath of the nerve in such a manner as to produce a deposit which sets up neuralgic pain, must also be admitted, although I believe the number of such cases to be preposterously over-estimated by careless observers. It has several times happened that a patient has come under my care with so-called "rheumatic affection of the nerves" of the thigh and leg, and that on examination one has found all the symptoms and clinical history of a neurosis, but not the slightest valid argument for a diagnosis of the rheumatic diathesis. Indeed, upon this point, I think it is time that a decided opinion should be expressed. I firmly believe that a large number of sciatic patients have their health ruined by treatment directed to a supposed rheumatic taint which is purely imaginary. The state of medical reasoning, suggested by the way in which too many pract.i.tioners decide that such and such pains are rheumatic in their origin, is a melancholy subject for reflection. Nearly always it will be found, on cross-examination, that the state of the urine has been made the basis of a confident diagnosis; the pract.i.tioner will tell you that the urine was loaded, _i. e._, with lithtaes. He ignores the fact that nothing is more common, in neurotic patients who are perfectly guiltless of rheumatic propensities, than a fluctuation between lithiasis and oxaluria, neither of which phenomena, under the circ.u.mstances, indicates any more than a temporary defect of secondary a.s.similation of food, produced by nervous commotion. I may perhaps find room, on a future page, for a few further remarks on the subject; at present I only put in a caution against too ready an acceptance of the rheumatic hypothesis.


_Uterine and Ovarian Neuralgia._--This is an important group of neuralgic affections, and one which I cannot help thinking is strangely misappreciated, very often, in a therapeutic point of view. In one aspect these affections possess a special interest, namely this, that they are more frequently dependent on peripheral irritation for their immediate causation than any other group of neuralgias. If we consider the great copiousness of the nervous supply to the uterus and ovaries, and the powerfully disturbing character of the functional processes which are periodically occurring in these organs, we shall be at no loss to understand how this may be. The amount force of the peripheral influence and which are brought to bear upon the central nervous system by the functions of the uterus and ovaries are greater than any that emanate from the diseases and functional disturbances of any other organ in the body.

The most common variety of peri-uterine neuralgia is that which attends certain kinds of difficult menstruation. It would be hardly correct to give the name of neuralgia to the pain existing in these very numerous cases of dysmenorrhoea in which the suffering is apparently altogether dependent on the mere retention or difficult escape of the menstrual fluid, although the character of the pain often resembles the neuralgic type. There is another group of dysmenorrhoeal affections however, in which the pain may fairly be called neuralgic, since it is apparently independent of the circ.u.mstances of the discharge of menstrual fluid, and simply attends the process, seemingly on account of a naturally-exaggerated irritability of the organs concerned. There is a large cla.s.s of young women in whom, and more especially before marriage, the time of menstruation is always marked by the occurrence of more or less severe pain. Formerly I used to believe that this pain was relieved on the occurrence of the discharge, but I have seen too many cases of a contrary nature to retain this opinion. I now believe that the subjects of the kind of menstrual pain to which I am referring are naturally endowed with a very irritable nervous apparatus of the pelvic organs, and that there is a certain character at once of immaturity and excitability in their s.e.xual organs, especially in the virgin condition.

So far from these females being disposed to sterility, as is too often the case with those dysmenorrhoeal subjects whose troubles depend upon occlusion, distortion, or narrowing of the outlets, they are often extremely apt to the generative function; and, what is more, the full and natural exercise of the s.e.xual function appears necessary to the health of their organs, as is shown by the fact that these menstrual pains lose their abnormal character, completely or in great part, after marriage, and especially after child-bearing. The contrast between the two types of dysmenorrhoeal patients is sharply brought out by the two following cases:

CASE I.--S. M., a housemaid, aged twenty-three when first under my notice, was the picture of physical health and strength, very intelligent, and a girl of excellent character and most industrious habits. At every menstrual period, however, she suffered, for some hours previously to the occurrence of the flow, from severe pain in the uterine region, which was tumefied and tender. Hot hip-baths gave some relief, apparently by hastening the discharge; as soon as the latter was established, the pain rapidly subsided. This young woman married a healthy and vigorous young man, but has never had any children, and at the date of my last inquiries still suffered periodically from her old troubles.

CASE II.--Mrs. B. was married at the age of twenty-six. Up to the date of her marriage she used to suffer the most severe pain at every menstrual period; the pain, however, bore no relation to the freedom of the discharge, but always lasted about the same length of time, under any circ.u.mstances, or was only less or more according as the general bodily vigor was greater or less at the moment. From the date of marriage these troubles steadily declined; a child was born at the end of twelve months, and the menstrual troubles have never resumed a serious shape up to the present time, a period of nearly nine years.

This lady is herself a neuralgic subject, liable to migraine in circ.u.mstances of fatigue, and suffering horribly from it during her pregnancies; and she comes of a family in whom the nervous temperament is strongly developed.

It must not always be concluded, because the menstrual pain is very severe before the discharge and is relieved at or soon after its appearance, that the case is one of occlusion, and not of neuralgia.

There is a cla.s.s of cases in which the affection appears to be a very severe ovarian neuralgia, attended with a vaso-motor paralysis which causes great engorgement of the ovary and consequent difficulty of "ovulation." I have seen several instances which I could not explain in any other way.

CASE III.--One patient I particularly remember, from the fact that she was always attacked with dreadful pain, which was sometimes seated in one groin and sometimes in the other, but was regularly attended with large and palpable tumefaction of the ovary, which began to subside when the discharge commenced. This woman married rather late, but her menstrual troubles immediately became less, and she became pregnant and was happily delivered, nearly as soon as was possible. She, too, was a decidedly neuralgic subject, independently of her tendency to dysmenorrhoeal ovarian pain.

In some women who remain single long after the marriageable age, ovarian or uterine neuralgia becomes a constantly-recurring torment, not only at the menstrual period, but at various other times when they are depressed or fatigued in body or mind. As might be expected, this tendency is greatly aggravated in the rarer cases where the patient's mind dwells in a conscious manner on s.e.xual matters, especially if by an evil chance she becomes addicted to self-abuse. Among the many reproaches that have been thrown upon the indiscriminate use of the speculum in examining unmarried women, it has often been urged that it tends to excite s.e.xual feelings. I do not for a moment doubt that this is the case, or that the indiscriminate use of the instrument is altogether indefensible. But I expect that neuralgic pain of the uterus or ovaries, in unmarried women, connected with an already irritable condition of the s.e.xual organs, has often been the reason why such women have applied for advice and have consequently been examined with the speculum; and that the same thing has frequently happened in the case of women who have been left widows at a time of life when the s.e.xual powers were still in full vigor. These patients deserve great pity.

The peripheral irritation which gives rise to peri-uterine neuralgia is not always originally seated in the organs of generation. The following are various sources of external irritation which I have known to produce the affection:

1. Ascarides in the r.e.c.t.u.m sometimes produce pelvic neuralgia. A woman, aged thirty-four, single, was under my care in King's College Hospital many years ago, under suspicions of ulcerated cervix. On examination, no lesion could be detected. It was discovered that the r.e.c.t.u.m was infested with ascarides, and, after the use of appropriate vermifuges and tonics, the patient entirely lost the uterine pains and also a tormenting pruritus v.a.g.i.n.ae, from which she suffered. This woman had at various times suffered from neuralgic headache a good deal.

2. Profuse and intractable leucorrhoea, whether a.s.sociated or not with ulceration of the cervix, may produce peri-uterine neuralgia, even of great severity, when there are strongly-marked neurotic tendencies. It must be noted, however, that many cases of pain in leucorrhoeal subjects, which superficially bear the aspect of neuralgia, turn out on closer investigation to be merely examples of myalgia of the abdominal muscles or aponeuroses.

3. Calculus in the kidney, or in the ureter, sometimes causes intolerable ovarian neuralgia. In the case of a woman who was under my care at the Chelsea Dispensary, some years ago, this was the unsuspected origin of severe neuralgic pains in the left ovary, which recurred several times a day, and which certainly contributed to the patient's death by the exhaustion which they produced. A calculus was found tightly impacted in the ureter, near the kidney.

4. Prolapsus uteri sometimes gives rise to severe peri-uterine neuralgia, or what appears to be such; though it is difficult here to draw the line between neuralgia and myalgia. The commonest kind of pains from prolapsus uteri are not neuralgic in their nature at all, but are of a "bearing down" character, and probably depend upon actual contractile movement of the walls of the uterus.

5. The presence of tumors, either cancerous or fibroid, in the uterus or its appendages, gives rise, frequently, to severe and indeed almost intolerable pains of a distinctly intermittent character. In the early stages of cancerous diseases these pains are usually felt at the lower part of the back; in the later stages they are felt also in the hypogastric region, and are then much more severe.

6. Ulcer of the cervix, of a non-malignant kind, probably sometimes gives rise to neuralgic pain of the uterus, though this is not so severe as in cancer.

7. Large ma.s.ses of scybalous faeces, impacted in the r.e.c.t.u.m, will occasionally, by the pressure which they exert on nerves, set up violent neuralgia of uterus or ovaries, the true nature of which is accidentally discovered by the use of aperients which unload the intestine and put an end to the suffering. No doubt it is chiefly in persons with neuralgic predisposition that this effect is produced; for, common as is the occurrence of extreme constipation in women, it is comparatively very rare for us to hear of distinctly neuralgic pain being caused by it.

8. The condition known as "irritable uterus," ever since Gooch's cla.s.sical description of it, is always attended with uterine pain, which is continuous, but is liable to periodical exacerbations of great severity. In this disorder there is no recognizable physical disease of the pelvic organs, and the patient will generally be found to have suffered neuralgia in other parts of the body on previous occasions.

[There is some difference of opinion about this affection: some authors (_e. g._, Hanfield Jones) considering it as distinct from the true neuralgias.]

9. Reflex irritation, the source of which is in some quite distant part of the body, has in many recorded instances occasioned uterine neuralgia, in highly-predisposed persons. I have seen one case in which severe pain of this kind was clearly proved to have been excited by the presence of a carious tooth which was itself little, if at all, painful, but the removal of which at once cured the pelvic pain.

Neuralgia of the urethra is an affection which is occasionally seen, both in males and females. I have observed it three times; all these cases were apparently traceable to the effects of excessive self-abuse.

The male subject was an unmarried man, aged forty-two, of cadaverous appearance, much emaciated, with clammy, perspiring skin, and habitual coldness of the extremities; he suffered much from dyspepsia and palpitation of the heart. The pain ran along the under side of the p.e.n.i.s, which was very large, with an elongated prepuce. The paroxysms were severe, and came on chiefly in the morning, soon after he awoke. No remedies did this man any permanent good, and he pa.s.sed out of my sight, being at that time in a condition of wretched feebleness, and with symptoms of threatened dementia. Of the female subjects, one was a married woman, who accused her husband of impotence, and from her account it would certainly appear that effective connection had never taken place; the hymen was completely destroyed, however. The neuralgic pains recurred nightly in several paroxysms, and were especially severe about the time of the monthly periods. In this case the patient was, she stated, induced to give up her malpractices; at any rate, the pain subsided in a manner which could not be well accounted for by any direct influence of the medicinal treatment. The other female patient was a widow in whom the morbid habit was suspected from her general appearance, and from the existence of enlarged c.l.i.toris and other signs of irritation about the external parts: she became rather rapidly phthisical, and suffered severely from neuralgic headaches.

Neuralgia of the bladder has been specially described by various writers; the pain is usually spoken of as seated at the neck of the bladder, and as accompanied by frequent desire to micturate. I have seen two cases, both in women: the first was eventually discovered to be an instance of malignant disease of the fundus of the bladder; the other was apparently the result of a long-continued menorrhoeal flux, which had greatly impaired the health, and produced extreme anaemia. In neither of these instances was the pain referred to the external meatus, as in the female patients above mentioned who were suffering from urethral neuralgia. I have never seen the extreme examples of vesical neuralgia described by some writers, in which actual paralysis of the coats of the bladder was secondarily produced; but the reflex influence of the neuralgic affection in both the examples just mentioned appeared to produce great weakening of the muscular power of the r.e.c.t.u.m, occasioning most obstinate and troublesome constipation.

It would appear, from recorded cases, that both the bladder and the uterus are liable to be affected with neuralgia from malarious influences; but I have never chanced to see any such cases.

Neuralgia of the kidney is spoken of by several writers, and I suppose there is no doubt that it may exist as a special neurotic disease with obvious organic cause. For my own part, I cannot say that I have ever seen it except in instances where there was either the certainty, or a very strong suspicion, that the cause was the mechanical pressure and irritation of a calculus within the kidney. The diagnosis of the simple functional disorder must be excessively perplexing; for in the first place there is the greatest difficulty in making sure that the pain is not external, and seated either in the muscles of the back, or in the superficial dorsal or lumbar nerves, and certainly I am strongly inclined to suspect that this has been really the case in many examples of so-called renal neuralgia. That neuralgia of the kidney may arise secondarily, as a reflex extension of pelvic neuralgia, does, however, appear probable enough; for it is almost certain that in the latter affection at least, the vaso-motor nerves of the kidneys must be strongly influenced in a reflex manner; since the crisis or acme of a paroxysm of pelvic pain is not unfrequently attended with a copious secretion of pale urine.

Neuralgia of the r.e.c.t.u.m has been carefully described by Mr. Ashton, but is probably not often seen except by pract.i.tioners who possess special opportunities of observing rectal diseases. In the one pure case which has fallen under my notice the patient complained of acute paroxysmal cutting pains extending about one inch within the a.n.u.s, and, as these were greatly increased by defecation I suspected the existence of fissure. Nothing of the kind, however, was found on examination; and the pain ultimately yielded to repeated subcutaneous injections of atropine.

This patient had got wet through, and had sat in his damp clothes, getting thoroughly chilled; the pain came on with great suddenness and severity, and the tenderness which has been mentioned was developed very quickly. Probably the influence of cold and wet is among the commonest causes of the complaint. Mr. Ashton also reckons as causes, reflex irritation from other parts of the alimentary ca.n.a.l, and the influence of malaria. He observes that the subjects of the affection are most frequently anaemic, and of a generally excitable and deranged susceptibility, and that females, who, from menorrhagia, or frequent child-bearing with much haemorrhage, have lost a great deal of blood, are specially predisposed.

Neuralgia of the testis (as an independent affection and not a mere extension of lumbo-abdominal neuralgia) is fortunately a much less common malady than the corresponding affection of the ovary; as might indeed be expected, from the much less degree of functional perturbation to which, in ordinary physiological circ.u.mstances, the former organ is exposed than the latter. Except from actual growths within the testis, of which it was a mere symptom, I have never seen neuralgia of the testis save from one of three causes. In one remarkable example it was produced as a reflex effect of severe herpes preputialis. Secondly, it is sometimes observed as a symptom of calculus descending the ureter. And, thirdly, I have seen it several times undoubtedly produced by excessive self abuse.

The occurrence of testicular neuralgia, in one case of epilepsy, as to the cause of which I had been previously much puzzled, led to the discovery of the real origin of the fits. I should observe here that I do not believe that self-abuse is ever more than an immediately exciting cause of epilepsy, a predisposition to the disease having previously existed in all cases. In the patient just referred to, there was a family history of epilepsy, but it was difficult to explain the exciting cause until this was suggested by the occurrence of neuralgic pain in the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e. The patient relinquished his habit, and both the pain and the epilepsy ceased, and, for some twelve months during which I had him under observation, had not recurred at all. A medical friend has informed me of an instance in which the same habit had produced a neuralgia of the testis so severe as to strongly tempt the patient to castrate himself, and he would probably have done so but that he was too much of a coward with regard to physical pain. The attacks of pain were so severe as frequently to produce vomiting and the greatest prostration.

_Hepatic Neuralgia._--It must be allowed that the evidence even for the existence of neuralgia of the liver is at present in an unsatisfactory state. At the same time, there are carefully-recorded cases, by Trousseau and other[7] writers of unquestionable authority, which leave no doubt in my mind, corroborated as they are by a certain amount of experience of my own, that such a form of neuralgia really exists. I must, of course, be understood to refer to something altogether different from the spasmodic pain which is produced by the difficult pa.s.sage of a gall-stone toward the bowel. I have now seen several cases in which, as it appeared to me, there was sufficient evidence of neuralgic pain seated in the liver itself, and not dependent either on gall-stone or any so-called organic diseases of the viscus.

The subjects of hepatalgia are probably never troubled only by pain in the liver; they are persons of a nervous temperament, in whom a slight shock to, or fatigue of, the nervous system, habitually provokes neuralgic attacks; the pain localizing itself sometimes in the branches of the trigeminal, sometimes in those of the sciatic, sometimes in the intercostal nerves, etc. In one instance which has been under my observation, the attacks of hepatalgia alternated with cardiac neuralgia a.s.suming the type of a rather severe angina pectoris. In another case the patient, a man aged sixty-seven, was very liable to attacks of intermittent abdominal agony, in which one could hardly doubt that the pain was located in the colon, and was attended with paralytic distention of the bowel; the peculiar feature of the case being the sudden way in which the symptoms would appear and depart, independently of any recognizable provocation or the use of any remedies. On two separate occasions this patient was attacked with pain of a precisely similar kind, but limited to the right hypochondrium, attended with great depression of spirits, and followed by a well-p.r.o.nounced jaundice.

So remarkable was the conjunction of symptoms in these two attacks that a strong suspicion of biliary calculus was raised, but not the slightest confirmation of this idea could be obtained; and indeed one symptom--vomiting--which nearly always attends the painful pa.s.sage of a biliary calculus, was altogether absent.

Putting aside a considerable number of cases in which "pain in the liver" was vaguely complained of by patients who were plainly hypochondriacal, and whose account of their own sufferings could not be relied on, I have altogether seen five instances of what I regard as genuine hepatalgia. The first of these was very remarkable in its history and in all its features. The patient was a respectable girl of eighteen, subject to migraine, who had reason to fear that she had become pregnant, though this proved, ultimately, not to be the case.

Under these circ.u.mstances she was attacked with intermittent pains, in the right hypochondrium, of intolerable severity; resembling, in fact, the pain of biliary calculus, but without the sense of abdominal constriction, and without any vomiting. These recurred daily at about the same hour in the morning, for about ten days; when rather suddenly, a jaundiced tint appeared upon the face, and very shortly the whole skin was colored bright yellow; there was intense mental apathy; the urine was loaded with bile-pigment, and the faeces clay-colored. This state of things lasted only about a week and then very rapidly disappeared; but as the jaundice subsided there was a partial recurrence of the neuralgic pains, which, for a day or two, were as severe as they had ever been; The other four cases of hepatalgia which I have seen, including that of the man above mentioned, have all been in persons in advanced life; but, except the latter, neither of them displayed any symptoms of disordered biliary secretion; and the diagnosis (as to situation, for the character of the attacks was manifestly neuralgic) rested mainly on the fact that the pain radiated to the shoulder.

There remains to be noticed one clinical feature of the disease, which, I believe, is characteristic; namely, the peculiar mental depression which attended all the cases I have seen, but was most marked in the two in which jaundice occurred. In the girl above referred to, the apathy, during the period when there was jaundice but no pain, was even alarming; it reminded one of the mental state in commencing catalepsy; during the painful stages it was more like the gloom of suicidal melancholia. Of course, the acute mental anxiety which this patient had suffered would account for a good deal of this; but the symptom was as distinct, though less severe, in the case of an elderly lady, whom I have attended on another occasion for migraine; here there was no recognizable source of anxiety; and, on the other hand, there was no reason to suspect the retention of bile-elements in the blood. It seems, therefore, as if an essentially depressing influence on the mind was excited by hepatic neuralgia; or else, that emotional causes are the chief source of the malady.

_Neuralgia of the Heart._--If there be any hesitation in treating this disease as exactly conterminous with angina pectoris, it can, I think, be only reasonably justified on two grounds: In the first place, it may be urged that acute pain of the neuralgic type is not always present in angina pectoris; and, secondly, it may be urged that many cases of painful neurosis of the heart have been observed, in which the recurrence of pain with some amount of cardiac embarra.s.sment has gone on for years, whereas the popular conception of true angina almost necessarily involves rapid fatality.

There is doubtless some force in these objections, especially in the second, for it does seem rather inconvenient to call by the same name so deadly a disorder as the worst form of angina, and so comparatively harmless a malady as some of those instances of chronic tendency to spasmodic pain of the heart which are not very uncommon, and in which the patient survives, perhaps, to an old age. Yet, after all, there is the greatest difficulty in drawing any rational line of distinction; for the basis of the affection seems the same in every case, whether pain or spasm be the predominant feature, and whether the course of the disease be long or short. All that appears to be necessary for its production is a certain originally neurotic temperament (with possibly some congenital weakness or some post-natal disease of that part of the spinal-cord centres which Von Bezold has described as furnishing three-fourths of the propulsive power of the heart) and the presence of almost any kind of difficulty or embarra.s.sment of the action of the heart. The most common source of this embarra.s.sment is perhaps failure of nutrition in the muscular walls of the heart, from disease of the coronary arteries.

Indeed, it is not known that any organic change of the heart or great vessels, even of the slightest kind, is necessary to the production of angina; on the contrary, there is every reason to think that mere fatigue and depression may bring on the attacks in persons of a strongly nervous temperament. For my own part, I am inclined to believe, however that there really always is disease somewhere in the cardiac centre of the spinal cord, though that disease may consist in no more than a disposition to minute interst.i.tial atrophy. But we shall say more about this presently.

It is at any rate certain that cardiac neuralgia is always a most grave complaint, from the almost total uncertainty whether succeeding attacks will not involve a fatal amount of spasm. As for the expression angina pectoris, it is just one of those mischievous terms which, arising out of the mystified ignorance in which the elder physicians found themselves as to the pathology of internal diseases, have since been attached in turn to various definite organic changes, with none of which they had any essential connection; and it is therefore much to be wished that it could be altogether done away with. At the same time, there is so much that is peculiar in the case of cardiac neuralgia, owing to the importance of the organ affected, that it will be necessary here to treat not merely its symptoms, but also its diagnosis, prognosis, etiology, pathology, and treatment, in a separate and continuous manner.

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