
Musical Myths and Facts Volume II Part 23

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Kant, philosopher | | (1724-1804). | | | | Death of Nelson | | (1805). | | | | Death of Pitt | | Righini (Vincenzo), born 1756 at (1806). | | Bologna, died 1812. Composer of 20 | | Operas, several Ma.s.ses and other Wieland (1733-1813). | | sacred music.

| | Napoleon arrives | | at Elba | | CHERUBINI (LUIGI), born 1760 at (1814). | | Florence, died 1842. Composer of | | 29 Operas, some ballets, 4 great Napoleon defeated | | Ma.s.ses, 2 Requiems, many other sacred at Waterloo | | pieces, violin quartetts and other (1815). | | instrumental music. Author of a | | Treatise on Musical Composition.

The "Holy Alliance" | | concluded | | at Paris | | (1815). | | | | The Jesuits expelled | | Gervasoni (Carlo), born 1762 at from | | Milan, died 1819. Instruction books Russia (1816). | | and historical Treatises on Music.

| | The foreign | | troops evacuate | | Mayer (Simon), born 1763 in Bavaria, France | | died 1845. From his early youth lived (1818). | | in Italy. Composer of 77 Operas, many | | Oratorios, Ma.s.ses, psalms, and other Death of Marshal | | sacred music.

Blucher, | | aged 77 (1819). | | | | Captain Ross | | MEHUL (ETIENNE HENRI), born 1763 makes a voyage | | at Givet, died 1817. Composed 42 of Discovery | | Operas, many hymns, cantatas, etc.

in the | | Polar Sea | | Lesueur (Jean Francois), born 1764 (1818). | | at Abbeville, died 1837. Composed 10 | | Operas, 33 Oratorios, several Ma.s.ses Klopstock (1724-1803). | | and motetts.

| | Herder (1744-1803). | | Rouget de Lille (Claude Joseph), | | born 1760 at Lons-le-Saulnier, died Winsor, a German, | | 1836. Composer of romances, and of obtains in | | the Ma.r.s.eillaise.

England a patent | | as the inventor | | of gas | | Attwood (Thomas), born 1767 in for the purpose | | England. Many Operas and sacred of illumination. | | compositions.

He makes his | | first experiment | | Winter (Peter von), born 1755 at at the Lyceum | | Mannheim in Germany, died 1825.

in the | | Above 30 Operas, many Ballets, Strand (1804). | | Oratorios, Ma.s.ses, motetts, hymns, | | cantatas, etc.

Schiller (1759-1805). | | | | Schiller's 'The | | Pleyel (Jgnaz), born 1757 near Robbers' appeared | | Vienna, died 1831. Composed 29 in 1781; | | symphonies, many violin-quartetts, Don Carlos, | | pianoforte-sonatas, etc.

about 1785; | | Wallenstein, | | Preindl (Joseph), born 1758 in 1799; Maria | | Austria, died 1823. Many Ma.s.ses, a Stuart, 1800; | | Requiem, and other church music.

William Tell, | | Instruction books for thorough-ba.s.s, 1804. | | for singing, etc.

| | Painters:--David, | | Fuseli, G. F. | | Zelter (Carl Friedrich), born 1758 Morland, Stothard, | | in Berlin, died 1832. Many vocal Benjamin | | compositions, and some literary West, Northcote, | | productions. Zelter founded, in 1808, etc. | | the first German Liedertafel, or | | society of male singers. Similar Actors:--J. P. | | societies have subsequently become Kemble, Mrs. | | popular in Germany and other Siddons, Talma. | | countries.

| | First meeting of | | the Imperial | | Parliament of | | Zumsteeg (Johann Rudolph), born Great Britain | | 1760 at Sachsenflur, in Germany, died and Ireland | | 1802. Composed 8 Operas, many (1801). | | ballads, and other vocal music.

| | Jefferson, President | | of the | | Dussek (Johann Ludwig), born 1761 United States | | in Bohemia, died 1812. Pianist and (1801). | | composer for his instrument. Wrote Inst.i.tution of the | | 13 concertos, 53 sonatas, several Legion of | | piano-forte-quartetts, etc. Also an Honour in | | Opera.

France (1802). | | | | Kunzen (Friedrich), born 1761 at Men of Science | | Lubeck, died 1817. Composed 9 Operas born about this | | (8 of which are with Danish words, and time:-- | | one is with German words), 3 | | Oratorios, several cantatas, and other Sir D. Brewster, | | sacred music.

philosopher, | | born 1781. | | Gyrowetz (Adalbert), born 1763 in | | Bohemia, died 1850. Above 30 Operas, G. B. Airy, astronomer,| | many Ballets and Entr'actes, sacred born | | vocal music, many symphonies, 1801. | | quartetts, pianoforte compositions, | | songs, etc.

Baron Liebig, | | chemist, born | | Steibelt (Daniel), born about 1764 1803. | | at Berlin, died 1823. Pianist.

| | Composed 6 pianoforte concertos, 46 R. Owen, comparative | | solo sonatas and many other anatomist, | | compositions for the pianoforte, born 1804. | | studies for the pianoforte, and an | | instruction book for that instrument; Bra.s.sey, engineer, | | also 4 Operas.

born 1805. | | | | Lesseps, French | | engineer, born | | 1806. | | | | J. Stuart Mill, | | philosopher, | | born 1807. | | | | Longfellow, | | American poet, | | born 1807. | | | | Lyon Playfair, | 1810 | Paer (Ferdinando), born 1771 at chemist, born | | Parma, died 1839. Composer of 51 1819. | | Operas, 11 cantatas, and other vocal | | music.

J. Tyndal, chemist, | | born 1820. | | Berton (Henri Montan), born 1767 | | in Paris, died 1844. About 50 Operas, Death of Sheridan | | several Oratorios, cantatas, and (1816). | | Treatises on the Theory of Music.

| | | | Baillot (Pierre), born 1771 at Iffland, German | | Pa.s.sy, died 1842. Violinist. Concertos actor and dramatic | | and other compositions for the violin, writer | | an instruction book for the violin, (1759-1814). | | etc.

| | | | Choron (Alexandre Etienne), born Thorwaldsen, | | 1772 at Caen, died 1834. Many Danish sculptor | | theoretical works. A Musical (1770-1844). | | Dictionary.

| | | | Catel (Charles Simon), born 1773 at Beranger, French | | L'Aigle, died 1830. Composed 10 poet (1780-1857). | | Operas, many instrumental and vocal | | pieces. Author of a Treatise on Arago, French | | Harmony, etc.

Savant (1786-1835). | | | | Rode (Pierre), born 1774 at C. Babbage, | | Bordeaux, died 1830. Violinist. Many philosophical | | concertos, quartetts, and other mechanist | | compositions.

(1792-1871). | | | | Cramer (John Baptiste), born 1771 at Sir Charles Lyell, | | Mannheim, in Germany, but living from geologist | | early childhood in England, died 1858.

(1797-1875). | | Pianist. Pianoforte studies, 105 solo | | sonatas, and 7 concertos for the Statesmen born | | pianoforte. Also a pianoforte school, about this time: | | etc.

Gladstone born | | 1809. | | Weigl (Joseph), born 1766 at | | Eisenstadt, in Hungary, died 1846.

| | About 30 Operas, 14 ballets, 21 Baron Beust, | | Oratorios and cantatas, 10 Ma.s.ses, and born 1809. | | other sacred music.

| | Bismarck-Schonhausen, | | Weber (Bernhard Anselm), born 1766 born 1813. | | at Mannheim, died 1821. Several | | Operas, melodramas, and Entr'actes.

Count Cavour, | | born 1810. | | Romberg (Andreas), born 1767 in | | Vechte, near Munster, in Germany, died Cobden, born 1804. | | 1821. Composed 7 Operas, a Te Deum, | | psalms and other sacred compositions, John Bright, born | | many symphonies and other instrumental 1811. | | music, secular songs, etc.

| | | | Romberg (Bernhard), brother of Sculptors born | | Andreas Romberg, born 1770 near about this time:-- | | Munster in Germany, died 1841.

| | Violoncellist. Composed 3 Operas, many Marochetti, born | | concertos and other pieces for the 1805. | | violoncello, quartetts, etc.

| | | | Muller (Wenzel), born 1767 in Kiss, born 1802. | | Moravia, died 1835. Above 200 Operas | | of a light popular character, Powers, born 1805. | | pantomimes, etc.

| | | | Nageli (Johann Georg), born 1773 The Jesuits are | | near Zurich, in Switzerland, died expelled from | | 1836. Promoter of popular singing Prussia (1817). | | societies, composer of vocal music, | | and author of instruction books on The Mahratta | | singing, etc.

war in Hindustan. | | | | Steam applied to | | printing in the | | _Times_ office | | (1814). | | | | The Marquess of | | Hastings renders | | British | | influence universal | | in India (1817). | | | | The Island of | | Singapore is formed | | into a British | | BEETHOVEN (LUDWIG VAN), born settlement by Sir | | 1770 at Bonn, died 1827. An Opera, Stamford Raffles | | 2 dramas with music, a melodrama, (1818). | | several single dramatic choruses and Reunion of the | | songs, an Oratorio, 2 Ma.s.ses, 9 Lutheran and | | symphonies, 11 overtures, a septett, 7 other reformed | | concertos for pianoforte, a violin forms of worship | | concerto, 2 violin quintetts, 17 in several | | violin quartetts, 5 violin trios, 35 parts of Germany | | solo sonatas for the pianoforte, 10 (1818). | | sonatas for pianoforte and violin, 6 | | sonatas for pianoforte and Voyage to the | | violoncello, 7 trios for pianoforte, Polar Sea by | | violin, and violoncello, a pianoforte Parry (1819). | | quintett, a great many other | | pianoforte compositions, cantatas, Parry undertakes | | songs with pianoforte accompaniment, another voyage | | etc.

to reach | | the North Pole | | In 1793 Beethoven came to Vienna as (1820). | | Virtuoso on the pianoforte, and | | distinguished himself by his | | improvisations; in 1795 he published George IV., King | | his first important work, the three of Great | | pianoforte trios, Op. 1; in 1799 Britain, son of | | appeared his first symphony; in 1804 George III. | | his Opera 'Leonore' (Fidelio); in 1809 (1820). | | his symphony in C Minor and his | | pastoral symphony; in 1814 his A Major Guizot, French | | symphony; in 1818 his ninth symphony.

statesman and | | historian | | Reicha (Anton), born 1770 at Prague, (1787-1874). | | died 1836. Four Operas, symphonies, | | quartetts, sonatas, etc., and several Revolution in | | Treatises on Harmony and Composition.

Spain; King | | Ferdinand VII. | | Tomaschek (Johann Wenzel), born swears to the | | 1774 in Bohemia, died 1850. An Opera, const.i.tution of | | several cantatas, a Requiem, a Te the Cortes (1820). | | Deum, Ma.s.ses, and other sacred | | compositions, secular songs, Mexico separates | | symphonies, quartetts, pianoforte from Spain | | pieces.

(1820). | | | | Kiesewetter (Raphael Georg), born | | 1773 in Moravia, died 1850. Many Insurrection in | | dissertations relating to the history Portugal (1820). | | of music.

| | | | Weyse (Christoph Ernst Friedrich), Revolution in | | born 1774 at Altona, in Germany, died the Brazils; | | 1842. Several Operas with Danish King John VI. | | words, symphonies, sonatas and other returns to Portugal, | | instrumental pieces. He lived in and his | | Copenhagen.

son, Dom Pedro, | | is made | | Regent of the | | Brazils (1820). | | | | Peru declares herself | | independent (1820). | | | | | 1820 | Baini (Giuseppe), Abbate, born 1775 Napoleon dies at | | at Rome, died 1844. Many sacred St. Helena | | compositions and historical Treatises (1821). | | on Music. Author of the 'Life of | | Palestrina.'

Union of the | | Greeks in one | | Generali (Pietro), born 1783 in confederate | | Piedmont, died 1832. About 50 Operas.

state (1822). | | | | Paganini (Nicolo), born 1784 at Dr. T. Young, | | Genoa, died 1840. Violinist. Concertos natural | | and other compositions for his philosopher, and | | instrument.

discoverer of | | the hieroglyphic | | Spontini (Gasparo), born 1784 at alphabet. | | Rome, died 1851. Composer of about | | 26 Operas.

| | Sir Humphry | | Isouard (Nicolo), born 1775 in Davy, chemist, | | Malta, died 1818. Composed 42 Operas, inventor of the | | several Ma.s.ses, cantatas, etc.

safety-lamp, | | etc. | | Boieldieu (Francois Adrien), born | | 1775 at Rouen, died 1834. Composed Macadam, improver | | 23 Operas.

of | | roads. | | Lafont (Charles Philippe), born 1781 | | in Paris, died 1839. Violinist. Many Francis Douce, | | compositions for the violin, and many antiquarian. | | romances.

| | Cuvier, naturalist. | | Onslow (Georges), born 1784 at | | Clermont, in France, died 1852.

Channing | | Composed 3 Operas, several symphonies, (Unitarian | | many violin quintetts, quartetts, Preacher), Sir | | trios, 2 pianoforte s.e.xtetts, and R. Phillips, W. | | other pianoforte music.

Hazlitt, | | Charles | | Auber (Daniel Francois Esprit), born Lamb, miscellaneous | | 1782 at Caen, in France, died 1871.

writers. | | Above 30 Operas.

| | P. B. Sh.e.l.ley, | | Fetis (Francois Joseph), born 1784 James Hogg | | at Mons, in Belgium, died 1872.

(the "Ettrick | | Dictionary of Musicians, historical Shepherd"), | | Treatises on Music, etc.

Reginald | | Heber, Robert | | Castil-Blaze (Francois Henri Southey, Sir | | Joseph), born 1784 at Cavaillon, in Walter Scott, | | France, died 1857. Several Treatises poets. | | on Music, a Musical Dictionary, etc.

| | Charles X., King | | Bishop (Henry Rowley), born 1782 of France | | in London, died 1855. Composed 63 (1824). | | Operas and other dramatic pieces, | | songs, etc.

| | Burmese war. | | Field (John), born 1782 at Dublin, Capture of | | died 1837 at Moscow. Pianist. Pupil Rangoon by | | of Clementi. Pianoforte concertos, the British | | notturnos, etc.

(1824). | | | | Hummel (Johann Nepomuk), born Denham and | | 1778 at Pressburg, died 1837. Pianist.

Clapperton's | | Composed 5 Operas, several ballets, 2 exploring | | cantatas, many pianoforte concertos, expedition to | | trios, sonatas, 2 pianoforte septetts, Central Africa | | etc. Also a pianoforte school.

(1824). | | | | Neukomm (Sigismund), born 1778 at Bowdich, on an | | Salzburg, died 1858. Pupil of J.

expedition to | | Haydn. Composed 10 Operas, many explore the | | cantatas, 7 Oratorios, 15 Ma.s.ses, many interior of Africa, | | psalms, symphonies, quartetts, died at | | sonatas, etc.

the mouth of | | the Gambia | | Logier (Johann Bernhard), born 1777 (1824). | | at Kaiserslautern, in Germany, died | | 1846. A new method of teaching the | | pianoforte and the Theory of Music.

Death of Lord | | Byron (1824). | | Diabelli (Anton), born 1781, near | | Salzburg, died 1858. Many Ma.s.ses Nicholas I., Emperor | | and other Church music, pianoforte of Russia | | compositions and songs.

(1825). | | | | Kreutzer (Conradin), born 1782 at Death of John | | Moskirch, in Germany, died 1849.

VI., King of | | Composed 24 Operas, an Oratorio, Portugal (1826). | | several Ma.s.ses and other Church | | music, many instrumental pieces and Don Pedro I., | | songs.

Emperor of | | Brazil, son of | | Spohr (Louis), born 1784 at John VI., | | Brunswick, in Germany, died 1859.

renounces the | | Violinist. Composed 8 Operas, several Portuguese | | Oratorios, psalms, and other sacred crown in favour | | music, symphonies, many violin of his daughter, | | quartetts, quintetts, concertos, Maria da Gloria, | | and other compositions for the violin, aged seven | | etc. Also a violin school.

years. The Infanta | | Isabella | | Ries (Ferdinand), born 1784 at governs as Regent | | Bonn, died 1838. Pupil of Beethoven.

till the | | Pianist. Composed 2 Operas, some year 1828 | | sacred and secular vocal music, (1826). | | pianoforte concertos, quartetts, | | trios, sonatas, etc.

Canova, Sculptor | | ( 1757-1822). | | | | Charles X. expelled | | from | | France, retires | | to England in | | the year 1830. | | | | Jean Paul, Friedrich | | Kalkbrenner (Friedrich), born 1784 Richter | | at Ca.s.sel, in Germany, died 1849.

(1763-1825). | | Pianist. Many pianoforte compositions, | | and a pianoforte school.

| | First Steam Voyage | | Kuhlau (Friedrich), born 1786 at to India, | | Uelzen, in Germany, died 1832, in by Captain | | Denmark. Composed 5 Operas with Johnston in the | | Danish words, and many compositions 'Enterprise' | | for the flute, the pianoforte, and for (1825). | | other instruments.

| | Athens, besieged | | WEBER (CARL MARIA VON), born by the Turks, | | 1786 at Eutin, in Germany, died 1826, is forced to | | in London. Composed 8 Operas, several surrender (1826). | | dramatic scenes, Ma.s.ses, hymns, | | overtures, pianoforte concertos, Russia at war | | clarionet concertos, pianoforte with Persia | | sonatas, songs, etc.

(1827). | | | | In 1821, first performance of 'Der Russia makes | | Freischutz' at Berlin; in 1823, peace with | | 'Euryanthe' at Vienna; in 1826, Persia and | | 'Oberon' in London.

increases her | | possessions in | | Fesca (Friedrich Ernst), born 1789 the south | | at Magdeburg, died 1826. Some Operas, (1828). | | many psalms and other sacred music, | | symphonies, quintetts, many quartetts, Russia at war | | etc.

with Turkey | | (1828). | | Schneider (Johann Christian | | Friedrich), born 1786 in Saxony, died The Turks are | | 1858. About 9 Oratorios, several conquered by | | Ma.s.ses, hymns, cantatas, instrumental the Russian | | compositions, songs, etc.

General Dieb.i.t.c.h | | (1829). | | SCHUBERT (FRANZ), born 1797 in | | Vienna, died 1828. Several Operas, Turkey acknowledges | | Ma.s.ses and other Church music, the independence | | symphonies, quartetts, trios, and of | | other instrumental pieces, sonatas, Greece (1829). | | fantasias, etc. for the pianoforte, a | | great many songs with pianoforte | | accompaniment.

| | Charles X., King | 1830 | Carafa (Michele), born 1785 at of France, deposed | | Naples, died 1872. About 30 Operas.

(1830). | | | | Gothe (1749-1832). | | ROSSINI (GIOACHINO ANTONIO), born | | 1792 at Pesaro, died 1868. About 40 William IV., King | | Operas, a Stabat Mater, some other of Great Britain, | | sacred vocal music, several secular brother of | | cantatas, orchestral pieces, etc.

George IV. | | (1830). | | Bellini (Vincenzo), born 1802 at | | Catania, in Sicily, died 1835.

Louis-Phillipe, | | Composed 10 Operas, some sacred music, King of France | | symphonies, overtures, etc.

(1830). | | | | Herold (Louis), born 1791 in Paris, Cholera Morbus, | | died 1833. Composed 16 Operas and its first appearance | | several ballets.

in England | | (1831). | | Lindpaintner (Peter Joseph), born | | 1791 at Coblenz, died 1856. About 25 Death of Sir | | Operas, 9 ballets, Oratorios, Ma.s.ses, Walter Scott (1832). | | motetts, symphonies, etc.

| | Slavery abolished | | Mayseder (Joseph), born 1789 in throughout the | | Vienna, died 1863. Many compositions British Colonies | | for violin, quintetts, quartetts, (1834). | | pianoforte trios, sonatas, etc.; also | | a Ma.s.s.

| | Wilhelm von | | Moscheles (Ignaz), born 1794 at Humboldt, philologist | | Prague, died 1870. Pianist. Many (1767-1835). | | pianoforte compositions; also some | | symphonies, etc.

Alexander von | | Humboldt, naturalist | | Klein (Bernhard), born 1794 at (1769-1859). | | Cologne, died 1832. About 3 Operas, | | 4 Oratorios, a Stabat Mater, and other Edmund Kean, | | sacred music.

English actor | | (1787-1833). | | | | Meyerbeer (Jacob), born 1794 in The first great | | Berlin, died 1864. Composed 16 Operas, English railway | | an Oratorio, a Stabat Mater, a Te by steam | | Deum, a Miserere, many psalms and engines is the | | other sacred music, secular songs, Liverpool and | | etc.

Manchester Railway, | | Czerny (Carl), born 1791 in Vienna, opened in 1830. | | died 1857. Many Pianoforte pieces; | | also Ma.s.ses, Te Deums, and other Queen Victoria born | | sacred music; theoretical works.

in 1819, ascends the | | throne (1837). | | | | Marriage of | 1840 | Hauptmann (Moritz), born 1794 at Queen Victoria | | Dresden, died 1868. Several sacred with Prince Albert | | compositions, quartetts, sonatas, of Saxe-Coburg | | secular songs, and theoretical works.

(1840). | | | | Pacini (Giovanni), born 1796 at | | Syracuse, died 1867. Composed 34 | | Operas.

| | Prince of Wales | | Donizetti (Gaetano), born 1797 at born (1841). | | Bergamo, died 1848. Above 70 Operas, | | a Miserere, and other sacred music, Frederick William | | many romances and other songs.

IV., King | | of Prussia | | (1840). | | | | Mercadante (Saverio), born 1797 at Pius IX., Pope | | Altamura, in Italy, died 1870. Above (1846). | | 30 Operas.

| | G. C. Prichard, | | Panseron (Auguste), born 1796 in English ethnologist | | Paris, died 1859. Some Operas, a (1786-1848). | | Requiem, 3 Ma.s.ses, other sacred music, | | many romances, an instruction book Revolution in | | on singing, etc.

France (1848). | | | | Halevy (Jacques), born 1799 in The Monarchy | | Paris, died 1862. Above 20 Operas.

abolished in | | France. | | Marschner (Heinrich), born 1795 at | | Zittau, in Saxony, died 1861. Many Louis-Phillipe, | | Operas, Ma.s.ses, secular songs, etc.

King of France, | | deposed (1848). | | Reissiger (Carl), born 1789 near He dies in | | Wittemberg, in Germany, died 1859.

exile, in England | | Ten Operas, many Ma.s.ses, symphonies, (1850). | | quartetts, pianoforte trios, songs, | | etc.

| | New Republic in | | Marx (Adolph Bernhard), born 1799 France. Louis | | at Halle, died 1866. Two Oratorios and Napoleon | | some other compositions; a work on Charles Buonaparte | | musical composition, and several other (son of | | treatises on music.

Louis Buonaparte, | | for a | | Lvoff (Alexis), born 1799 at Reval, short time King | | died 1870. Violinist. Composer of the of Holland, and | | Russian National Hymn, and of other nephew of Napoleon | | music.

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Musical Myths and Facts Volume II Part 23 summary

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