
Musical Myths and Facts Volume II Part 20

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| | | 886 | Friar John of St. David's, the first | | Professor of Music at the University | | of Oxford, appointed by Alfred the | | Great.

| | Foundation of the | 900 | HUCBALD, Monk of St. Amand, in University of | | Flanders, born about 840, died 932.

Oxford by | | First attempt to accompany an air Alfred the | | with several voices in harmony.

Great (900). | | Notation, consisting of the syllables | | of the words placed in different Foundation of | | positions between lines. The signs the Kingdom | | used for the words placed in different of Hungary by | | positions between lines. The signs the Magyars | | used for the purpose during the (about 900). | | three preceding centuries were University of | | called Numae.

Cambridge | | restored (915). | | Inst.i.tution of | | Free-Masons | | in England | | (924). | | | | The Russians, | 950 | St. Dunstan, Archbishop of under Wladimir | | Canterbury, introduces organs into the Great, | | English churches.

embrace Christianity | | (988). | | Poland becomes | 1030 | GUIDO OF AREZZO, a Benedictine a Kingdom | | Monk at Pomposa, born about 990 in (1000). | | Arezzo, died 1050. Improves the method | | of singing in use at his time, and the William of Normandy | | notation of Hucbald; designates the invades | | tones by the letters of the alphabet.

England (1066). | | He is supposed to be the inventor of | | the Solmisation of the Hexachord, or The Moors in | | scale of six sounds, etc.

Spain (1091). | | Peter the Hermit. | | The first | | Crusade (1095). | 1100 | NOTATION.--During the | | twelfth century originated our musical War between | | notation, the inventor of which is England and | | unknown. The first attempts in France (1113). | | Counterpoint led to the employment | | of notes of different value Frederick I., | | (Mensural and Figural Notes).

called Barbarossa, | | However, these innovations did not in Germany | | come into general practical use until (1152). | | about the year 1200.

The Sultan Saladin | | conquers | | Egypt (1187). | | Magna Charta, | 1200 | The most popular instruments of or the Charter | | the Middle Ages were the Psalterium, of English | | Harp, Rotta, Viol, Lute, Organistrum, Liberty (1215). | | Regals, Recorder, Sackbut, Shalm, etc.

| | Distinguished | 1207 | Contest of the Minnesanger at the Troubadours and | | Wartburg, in Saxony.

Minnesanger during | | the twelfth and | | The Minnesanger, who flourished in thirteenth | | Germany, especially during the twelfth centuries:-- | | and thirteenth centuries, were | | identical with the Troubadours, or Guillaume IX., Count | | singers of secular, amorous, and of Poitou; Blondel, | | martial ditties, which they with Richard Coeur | | accompanied with the harp, cither, de Lion; Sordello | | guitar, or some other instrument.

of Mantua, Peyrols, | | The original home of the Troubadours Bertrand de Lorm, | | was Provence, in the South of France, Arnold of Maraviglia, | | where they originated about the Heinrich von Veldeck, | | beginning of the eighth century.

Wather von der | | Subsequently, at the time of the Vogelweide, Reimar | | German Minnesanger, there were also der Aeltere, Reimar | | Troubadours in Italy, Spain and der Zweter, Ulrich | | England. Among them were many von Lichtenstein, | | n.o.blemen, and even princes.

Heinrich von | | Morungen, Wolfram von | | Eschenbach, Hartmann | | von der Aue, | | Gottfried von | | Stra.s.sburg, Conrad | | von Wurzburg, | | Johann Hadlaub. | | | | The Kingdom | 1220 | FRANCO OF COLOGNE, the first of Granada | | known musical author who treats founded by the | | circ.u.mstantially on the new theory of Moors in Spain | | Harmony, and who, by expounding it (1238). | | systematically, greatly contributes to | | its diffusion. (Forkel, Fetis, and Foundation of | | some other musical historians, the University | | maintain that Franco of Cologne lived of Vienna | | during the second half of the eleventh (1237). | | century.) | | Cimabue, Giotto, | 1240 | Odington (Walter), an English monk, Italian painters | | writes on music in a manner similar to (1240). | | that of Franco of Cologne, in Germany.

Termination of | | the Crusades | | (1248). | | Parliament of | 1260 | Hieronymus von Maehren, in France, Great Britain. | | writes on the theory of music.

First a.s.sembly | | of the Commons | 1280 | ADAM DE LA HALE, of Arras, in as a confirmed | | France, writes compositions in representation | | four-part harmony, dramatic pieces, (1265). | | with songs, etc. He lived in Provence.

Venice and Genoa | | are powerful. | | Invention of Gunpowder | 1290 | aegidius, of Zamora, a Spanish monk, (1292). | | writes on the invention of musical Italian poets and | | instruments.

authors: Dante | | Alighieri (1265-1321);| | Petrarca | | (1304-1374); | | Boccaccio | | (1313-1375). | | Disunion in the | 1300 | Gradual diffusion of the theory of Church. Popes | | Harmony, especially through Marchetto in Avignon | | di Padua, about 1310, in Italy;--and (1378). | | through Jean de Muris, about 1325, in | | France.

| | The Turks victorious | 1390 | Gerson (Johannes), a French monk, in Hungary | | born 1363, died 1429. Musical author.

(1396). | | | | Commencement of the period in which | | appeared numerous sacred vocal | | compositions, viz: Ma.s.ses, Motetts | | (English Anthems), Offertories, Hymns, | | Psalms, Madrigals, etc. The Madrigals | | were in the form of the Motett, | | but often had secular words.

| | Instrumental music was still | | insignificant.

| | Masaccio, Fiesole, | 1400 | DUFAY (GUILLAUME), born about Italian | | 1350 at Chimay, in Belgium, died 1432.

painters (1400). | | The first Contrapuntist, properly Conquest of | | speaking. Purer harmony than France by | | previously. Application in the Henry V., King | | notation of the White notes, which had of England | | been already invented before his time.

(1420). | | Many Church compositions.

Charles VII., of | | France (1422-1461). | | | | Jeanne d'Arc | | Binchois (Egide), born in Picardy, burnt (1430). | | contributes to the improvement of England loses all | | harmony and of musical notation.

her possessions | | Composes much vocal music.

in France, except | | Calais | | (about 1440). | | Invention of | | Printing (1440). | | | | Constantinople | 1450 | Dunstable (John), born about 1400 taken by the | | in Scotland, died 1458. Improves the Turks (1453). | | harmony and the musical notation.

| | Watches invented | 1470 | OCKEGHEM, or OCKENHEIM (Johann), at Nurnberg | | born about 1430 in Hainault, Belgium; (1477). | | died 1513. Founder of the newer Inquisition in | | Netherlandish School, improver of Spain (1480). | | harmony, and composer of Church music.

| | Burgundy and | | Obrecht, or Hobrecht (Jacob), born Provence incorporated | | about 1430 in Holland. Many with France (1481). | | compositions for the Church.

| | | | Bernhard, a German residing in The Medici govern | | Venice, is said to have invented the in Florence; | | organ pedal.

flourishing | | growth of the | | arts & sciences | | (1402-1537). | | America discovered | 1490 | DePReS (Josquin des Pres), born by Columbus | | about 1450 in France, died about 1521.

(1492). | | Pupil of Ockeghem. Many Ma.s.ses and Macchiavelli, | | other compositions for the Church.

historian (1469-1527).| | | | Tinctor (Jean), born about 1450 at Ludovico Ariosto, | | Nivelles, died about 1520. Founder of poet (1474-1533). | | a School in Italy. Many Church | | compositions.

Leonardo da | | Vinci, painter | | Gafforio (Franchino), born 1451 at (1444-1519). | | Lodi, died 1522. Writer on the theory Tiziano Vecelli, | | of music, and promoter of new rules painter (1477-1576). | | of harmony.

| | Rafael Sanzio, | | Adam von Fulda, born about 1450 in painter (1483-1520). | | Germany. Writes a treatise on the Correggio (1494-1534). | | newly-established theory of music, and Albrecht Durer | | composes music for the Church.

(1471-1528). | | | | Towards the end of the fifteenth | | century Chairs of Professorship for Newfoundland, | | music were inst.i.tuted in different the first British | | towns of Italy, especially in Milan Colony in America, | | and Naples.

discovered | | by Cabot | | (1497). | | Copernicus, astronomer | | In the beginning of the sixteenth (1473-1543). | | century the Netherlandish music Zwingli in Switzerland | 1500 | attains its highest reputation in (1519). | | Italy (at the time of the Popes Julius Gustav Wasa, | | II. and Leo X.), in Spain, France, and King of Sweden | | Germany.

(1523). | | | | Petrucci (Ottaviano), of Fos...o...b..one Henry VIII., King | 1502 | in Italy, invents the printing of (1509-1547). | | musical notation with movable types.

| | The highest degree | 1520 | WILLAERT (HADRIAN), born about of perfection | | 1490, in Flanders, died 1563. Lived of the | | in Rome and Venice. Founder of the art of painting | | Venetian School. Composer of the first in Italy. | | Ma.s.ses for six and seven different | | voices, of Ma.s.ses for two and three | | choruses, etc.

| | The Netherlandish | 1530 | Aaron (Pietro), born about 1480 in School of | | Florence. Contrapuntist, writer on the Painting, | | theory of music, and composer of founded by | | Church music.

Johann van | | Eyk, about | | Luther (Martin), born 1483 at 1350:--Floris, | | Eisleben, in Germany, died 1546.

Stradan, De | | Composes Chorales, and promotes Vos, Spranger, | | congregational singing.

Peter & Franz | | Porbus, Steenvyk, | | Alterations in the old Church-songs Vanbort, | | for the Reformed Church. Introduction P. & J. Breughel, | | in German Churches of Chorales in the Rubens | | German language.

(1577-1640). | | Snyders, Momper, | | Walther (Johann), born about 1490 David | | in Saxony, died about 1555. German Teniers, De | | Ma.s.s, many Chorales, etc.

Crayer, Gerhard | | & Daniel | | Senfl (Ludwig), born about 1490, at Segers, Jordans, | | Basle in Switzerland, died about 1560.

Rombouts, | | Ma.s.ses, Motetts, Chorales, etc.

Anton | | van Dyk (1598-1641). | | Agricola (Martin), born 1486 in | | Silesia, died 1556. Many vocal | | compositions, and a treatise on | | musical instruments.

| | The Dutch School | | Luscinius (Ottomar), properly of Painting, | | Nachtigall, born 1487 at Stra.s.sburg, founded by Lucas | | died about 1540. Treatises on music of Leyden, | | and on the musical instruments of his born 1494:--Van | | time.

Veen, | | Bloemart, Poelenburg, | | Glarean (Heinrich Lorit), born 1488 Wynants, | | in Switzerland, died 1563. Many Vertange, | | essays on the History and Theory of Hanesberge, | | Music.

etc. | | | | Festa (Costanzo), born about 1490 | | at Rome. Many Motetts and other Roman School | | Church music. Regarded as the of Painting; | | precursor of Palestrina.

pupils of Rafael:-- | | Giulio Romano, | 1540 | Berchem (Jacob), called Giachetto di Penni il Fattore, | | Mantua, born 1499 at Antwerp, died Bagnacavallo, Del | | about 1580. Many Ma.s.ses, Motetts, Vaga, Caravaggio, | | etc.

Gemigniani, | | Garofalo, | | Gombert (Nicolas), born about 1500 etc. | | in the Netherlands, died about 1570.

| | Many Ma.s.ses, Motetts, and other sacred Venetian School | | and secular compositions for four, of Painting; | | five, and six different voices.

pupils of | | t.i.tian:--Del | | Arcadelt (Jacques), born about 1500 Piombo, Palma | | in the Netherlands, died about 1570.

Vecchio, Lotto, | | Teacher in Rome. Many Ma.s.ses, Bordone, Pordenone, | | Motetts, Madrigals, etc.

Schiavone, | | Ba.s.sano, | | Clement (Jacques), called Clemens Tintoretto, | | non Papa, born about 1500 in Flanders, Poalo Veronese. | | died 1566. Ma.s.ses and other sacred | | compositions.

Florentine School | | of Painting; | 1550 | Goudimel (Claude), born 1510 in pupils of Da | | Flanders, died about 1572. Many Vinci:--Luini, | | Psalms, Motetts, and other sacred Salaino, Melzo, | | compositions, and Fra Bartolomeo, | | also secular music. Much Del Sarto, | | progress in Harmony. Founder of a Peruzzi, Razzi, | | Music School in Rome.

Michel-Angelo. | | | | The Order of | | Jesuits founded | | by Ignaz Loyola | | Morales (Christoforo), born about (1540). | | 1510 at Seville in Spain, lived in | | Rome. Many Ma.s.ses, etc.

The Turks conquer | | Tripoli | | (1551). | | Est (Michael), born about 1510 in | | England. Many Psalms and Madrigals.

Death of Rabelais | | (1553). | | | | Tallis (Thomas), born 1520 in Philip II., King of | | England, died about 1585. Many sacred Spain (1556). | | compositions.

| | Foundation of the | | Lossius (Lucas), born 1508 in University of | | Germany, died 1582. Many Chorales, a Jena (1558). | | treatise on music, etc.

| | Holbein, painter | | (1494-1554). | | | | Calais is lost to | | England in the | | reign of Mary | | (1558). | | | | Queen Elizabeth | 1560 | Rore (Cyprian), called Vanrore, born (1558-1603). | | 1516 at Malines, died 1565. Pupil of | | Willaert, in Venice. Many sacred and English authors: | | secular vocal compositions.

Spenser, poet | | (1553-1598). | | Waelrant (Hubert), born 1517 in the | | Netherlands, died 1595. Many Church Francis Bacon | | compositions. Improvement in the (1561-1626). | | Solmisation.

| | Shakespeare | | La.s.sUS (ORLANDUS), properly Roland (1564-1616). | | de Latre, born 1520 at Mons, in | | Hainault, died 1594. A great number Marlow, Green, | | of Church compositions of every kind, Beaumont, Fletcher, | | of which 1572 are known.

Ma.s.singer:-- | | Dramatic poets | | Kerle (Jacob), born about 1520 in and contemporaries | | Flanders. Many Ma.s.ses, etc.

of Shakespeare. | | | | Zarlino (Giuseppe), born 1519 at | | Venice, died about 1590. Many Church | | compositions. Great progress in Calvin in Geneva | | Harmony. Several treatises on the (1565). | | Theory of Music.

| | Hans Sachs, | | PALESTRINA (GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DI), Meistersanger | | born 1524 in Palestrina, died 1594.

(1494-1576). | | Reform of the Italian Church music by | | means of purer harmony. Enn.o.bling of Tycho Brahe, | | the rude Netherlandish style. Many Astronomer | | Ma.s.ses, Hymns, Motetts, Litanies, (1546-1601). | | Offertories, etc.--Palestrina's | | celebrated Ma.s.s, known as Missa Papae The Counts Egmont | | Marcelli, which was performed in Rome & Horn | | in the year 1565, had the effect of beheaded at | | altering the opinion of many of the Brussels (1568). | | ecclesiastics who at the Council of | | Trent, in 1562, advocated the | | banishment of all Figural music from | | the Church.

| | The first Puritans | 1570 | Faber (Heinrich), born 1525 at and Presbyterians | | Brunswick, in Germany, died 1598.

(1571). | | Church compositions, and a treatise on | | music.

| | Ma.s.sacre of St. | | Lejeune (Claude), born about 1540 Bartholomew | | in the Netherlands, died about 1600.

(1572). | | Ma.s.ses, Psalms, etc.

| | | | Nanini (Giovanni Maria), born about First circ.u.mnavigation | | 1540 at Vallerano, in Italy, died of the | | 1607. Teacher of Counterpoint; many world, by Drake | | Motetts for eight different voices, (1577). | | and other Church compositions.

| | North-America | 1580 | Morley (Thomas), born about 1540 English. | | in England, died 1604. Madrigals and | | other vocal compositions. Instruction Walter Raleigh | | book on music.

(1584). | | | | OPERA.--About the year 1580, a Portugal is conquered | | number of professional musicians and by the | | amateurs a.s.sociated in the house of Spaniards in | | Giovanni Bardi, Count of Vernio, at 1581, and remains | | Florence, with the object of reviving a Spanish | | in the drama the musical declamation Province until | | of the ancient Greeks. To this 1640. | | a.s.sociation belonged the composers | | Emilio del Cavalieri, Giacomo Peri, The Netherlands | | Giulio Caccini, and the poet Ottavio become independent | | Rinuccini. Their exertions resulted in (1581). | | the production of the first Lyric | | Opera, called 'Dafne,' the poetry of The Gregorian | | which was by Rinuccini, and which was Calendar introduced | | performed at Florence in the year into all | | 1594. Soon followed the first the Roman | | Tragic Opera, 'Euridice,' the poetry Catholic States | | of which being by Rinuccini, and of Europe | | the music by Peri and Caccini. The (1582). | | next Operas were 'Il Satiro' and 'La | | Disperazione di Filano,' both with Elizabeth, Queen | | music by Cavalieri. Meanwhile, Orazio of England, | | Vecchi attempted to compose a kind of causes Mary, | | Comic Opera, ent.i.tled 'L'Anfiparna.s.so, Queen of Scots, | | Commedia Armonica,' which was to be beheaded | | performed at Modena in the year 1594.

at Fotheringay | | The songs of these operas partook of Castle (1587). | | the character of the recitative, and | | they were accompanied by a few Defeat of the | | instruments.

Spanish Armada | | in the | | English Channel | | (1588). | | | | Janson, of Middlebourg,| 1590 | Gabrieli (Giovanni), born about 1550 invents | | at Venice, died 1612. Many Church spectacles | | compositions.

and telescopes | | (1590). | | | | Marenzio (Luca), born about 1550 at | | Brescia, died 1594. Motetts, Torquato Ta.s.so | | Madrigals, etc.

(1544-1595). | | | | Bird (William), born 1546 in | | England, died 1623. Ma.s.ses, Graduales, | | Madrigals.

| | First Edition of | | Weelkes (Thomas), born about 1550 Bacon's 'Essays' | | in England. Madrigals and other vocal published | | compositions.

(1597). | | | | Eccard (Johann), born about 1545 in | | Thuringia, Germany. Pupil of Orlando | | di La.s.so. Many Church songs.

Edict of Nantes. | | Religious Liberty | | (1598). | | Gallus (Johann Peter), properly | | Handl, born about 1550 at Krain, in | | Austria, died 1591. Many sacred songs.

| | Incorporation by | 1600 | Vittoria (Tomaso Ludovico della), Royal Charter | | born about 1560 in Spain, died about of the English | | 1608. Many Church compositions.

East India | | Company | | Dowland (John), born 1562 in (1600). | | England, died 1615. Virtuoso on the | | lute. Many vocal compositions.

Lopez de Vega, | | dramatic poet, | | Bull (John), born 1563 in England, in Spain (1562-1635). | | died 1622. Organist. Vocal | | compositions and Organ pieces.

James VI. of | | Scotland, son | | Vulpius (Melchior), born about 1560 of Mary Stuart, | | in Germany, died 1616. Chorales and succeeds Queen | | other sacred songs.

Elizabeth of | | England as | | James I. (1603). | | Calvisius (Sethus), born 1556 in | | Thuringia, Germany, died 1615. Many First French | | Church compositions, and also Colony in | | theoretical works.

Canada (1604). | | | | Schultz (Hieronymus), called First permanent | | Praetorius, born 1560 at Hamburg, died British settlement | | 1629. Motetts, etc.

in North | | America, formed | | From about 1600 to 1725, the by "the | | celebrated Violin Makers of Cremona, London Company" | | in Italy:--Amati, Guarneri, under | | Stradivari, etc.

charter from | | James I. (1607). | | | | Bacon publishes | | The most popular instruments about his Advancement | | the year 1600 were: The lute, cither, of Learning | | spinet, virginal, clavichord, (1605). | | flte-a-bec, cornet, etc.

| | Guy Fawkes | 1605 | Viadana (Ludovico), born 1560 in Gunpowder | | Italy, died 1625. Many Church Plot (1605). | | compositions, and the first Church | | concertos and Solo songs for the Third recorded | | Church. Viadana is said to have appearance of | | invented, in the year 1605, the the comet afterwards | | thorough-ba.s.s, or indication of the known | | Harmony by marking the ba.s.s with as Halley's | | figures; but this invention is also Comet (1607). | | ascribed to Ottavio Catalano, born | | about 1595 in Sicily.

| | Thermometers | 1610 | MONTEVERDE (CLAUDIO), born 1565 are invented | | at Cremona, died 1649. Ma.s.ses, about this time | | Madrigals, and also secular songs. The by Drebbel, of | | most important steps towards the Alkmaer, Paulo | | development of the modern music by new Sarpi, and Sanctorio. | | licenses in the Harmony. Invention of | | the Tremolo of the violins, etc.

Cervantes, author | | of Don Quixote, | | etc. (1547-1616). | | Cerone (Dominico Pietro), born 1566 | | at Bergamo, died 1620. Many English poets:--Milton,| | theoretical treatises.

Dryden, | | Butler, | | Praetorius (Michael), born 1571 in Otway, Prior, | | Thuringia, Germany, died 1621. Many Cowley, Denham. | | Ma.s.ses, Psalms, Hymns, and a musical | | treatise.

| | The telescope is | | Walliser (Christoph Thomas), born first applied to | | about 1571 at Stra.s.sburg, died 1648.

astronomical | | Church compositions, and a treatise on purposes by | | Harmony and on the Fugue.

Galileo, at Padua. | | Discoveries | | of the satellites | 1620 | Frescobaldi (Gieronimo), born about of Jupiter, | | 1580 in Italy, died 1640. Organist.

and the spots | | Many Church compositions, Madrigals, in the sun (1610). | | Organ compositions, Fugues, Ricercari, | | etc.

| | Tea is brought | | Vieira (Antonio), born about 1580 in from India by | | Portugal, died in 1650. Many Church the Dutch; it | | compositions for eight different is introduced | | voices.

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