
Munro Family: The Deception Part 31

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"No! Yes. I don't know." Savannah shook her head in confusion. "I didn't know what, if any, part he played in the whole thing. I thought he might have been there buying drugs...or something. Please, Will," she said, begging him to understand. "He was my brother. He's all I had."

Her voice cracked with emotion. Tears burned her eyes. The stress of the past few weeks caught up with her again. Leaning forward, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

Will sighed heavily. He walked the few steps to the couch and sat beside her. He drew her in close against his side and pressed his lips to her hair.

"Shh, sweetheart. It's okay. Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry."

Savannah drew in a deep breath and made an effort to stem the flow of her tears. Will handed her his handkerchief and she accepted it with a grateful smile. They sat in silence for a few moments. When he spoke again, his voice shook with emotion.

"When I saw you with Maranoa, I couldn't breathe. Until that moment when you were with Dylan in the warehouse, I don't think I'd ever been so terrified in all of my life. I wanted to run over there and drag you away from him. When he put his hands all over you, I had to force myself not to leap over the tables and throw my fist in his face." He shook his head, his expression fierce.

"I couldn't do any of those things. That was the problem: I couldn't do anything. I had to stand there and watch while one of the city's most notorious criminals manhandled the woman I loved!" He stared unseeingly at the wall of gla.s.s that framed the perfect harbor backdrop.

"The worst part of it was that the woman I loved had invited the attention! You stood there, dressed like a prost.i.tute, playing the part like you'd been born doing it and I had to stand back and watch, all the while praying like h.e.l.l Maranoa wouldn't see through your act."

He drew in a deep breath and blew the air out on another heavy sigh. His gaze burned with a fierce protectiveness. "You didn't know who you were dealing with, Savannah. You thought he was just a guy who made a few wrong decisions and ended up in jail. You now have some idea about the evil Maranoa was capable of. He turned your brother into a killer. Some people are born without a soul, without a conscience. He's one of them. You can't imagine my terror when I saw you there with him, or how helpless I felt not able to do a d.a.m.ned thing about it."

She leaned over and squeezed his hand. Her voice was just above a whisper.

"I'm sorry. I really am." She cleared her throat. "I didn't think he was a good guy, but I admit I didn't know what you did about him. The worst thing is, I don't even think if I had known, it would've made any difference. All I wanted to do was to find out about my brother. Will," she pleaded, "tell me you understand? All I wanted to do was find out about my brother." Her voice was raspy with emotion. "I didn't mean to make you feel so scared."

With a groan of capitulation, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight. As he drew in a deep breath and inhaled the scent of her freshly washed hair the tension eased out of him.

He pulled slightly away, but kept his arms around her. "I'm sorry for telling you what to do. I should have given you a chance to explain. I would still have told you to stay home, but at least you would've known why I didn't want you to go instead of a.s.suming I'd decided I could order you around because we'd slept together. It wasn't meant to come out like that. I guess I reacted instinctively, knowing what I did about Maranoa." When she turned her face up to his, he looked steadily into her eyes.

"I love you, Savannah O'Neill, more than I've loved anyone in my life. I hope you understand that's the only reason I ordered you to stay away from the place. I wanted to protect you, to keep you safe. Do you have any inkling what I'm talking about?"

She reached up and kissed him softly on the lips. "Yes, and I'm sorry for the grief I put you through." She smiled. "Next time, I'll ask a few more questions when you order me to do something."

Will returned her smile. "Next time, I'll explain myself a little bit better rather than coming across all macho and autocratic."

"Deal." She threw him a cheeky look and tugged his T-shirt out of his shorts. His eyes darkened with emotion. She slid her hands under the shirt and worked her fingers up over the smooth expanse of taut muscle. Careful to avoid his bruised chest, her nails sc.r.a.ped across his nipples. He drew in a sharp breath and tensed.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Red."

She glanced up at him. "Oh, I have every intention of finishing." Her tongue replaced her fingernails and flicked across the hard nubs.

He moaned and leaned back into the couch until he lay flat with his back against the leather cushions. She followed him down and continued her sensual attack, pressing herself against the length of him while her tongue worked its magic over his skin.

Awareness surged through her. Within moments, his erection pushed insistently against the softness of her belly. She moved her body higher until his hardness pressed against her c.l.i.t. Grinding her hips against him, she couldn't contain her moan of pleasure.

She pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his shorts and tossed it to the floor before tugging at his waistband. Freeing his c.o.c.k from the constraints of his underwear, she took him in her mouth. Sucking and licking, she stroked her hand along his shaft, feeling him grow even harder under her ministrations.

Her own need grew. She was hot and wet and pulsed with excitement.

"You make me so hard."

She barely heard him over her pounding heart. He ma.s.saged her scalp with his fingers, holding her head while she continued to suck his c.o.c.k.

"I like making you hard." She swirled her tongue around the tip before dipping into his slit. She tasted pre-come on her lips. She pulled away and slid her shorts down her hips. Lifting her arms high, she tugged her T-shirt over her head, leaving on her black lace panties and matching bra.

Straddling his hips, she pressed her lace-covered wet center against his hard c.o.c.k, rubbing the moist tip over her aching c.l.i.t. The pressure was almost unbearable. Waves of pleasure built inside her.

Will reached up and squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading them through her bra. His thumbs flicked over her nipples, turning them into solid nubs of need. Unable to bear the torment a moment longer, Savannah reached down and pulled aside the lacy fabric of her panties just enough so that his c.o.c.k rested against her opening. Taking it in her hand, she rubbed it up and down her wet slit, moaning at the erotic sensations it created.

"I want you," she moaned.

Needing no further encouragement, Will reached down and fumbled for his wallet. Removing a condom, he rolled it swiftly over his c.o.c.k. He shifted his hips and thrust into her, sinking into her warmth. She cried out and moved her hips. Rising and falling, she lifted herself up and down his shaft. As she climbed ever closer to o.r.g.a.s.m, her rhythm picked up its pace.

Will tugged at her bra, freeing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s so that they bounced wildly above him as she continued to b.u.mp and grind on his c.o.c.k. Pulling at her nipples, he lifted his head and suckled one of them. Her moan of need drew a smile. Switching his attention to the other one, he continued the sweet torture with his mouth.

Savannah ground her pelvis against his. "I'm going to come. Will, I'm going to come." He nipped at her nipple. She gasped and fell over the edge. Waves of o.r.g.a.s.m pulsed inside her. She collapsed on top of him, panting.

Seconds later, he flipped her onto her back. He spread her legs wide, edged her panties to the side and plunged into her slickness. Thrusting hard, he pounded into her, pulling her legs around his waist and tightening his hold on her hips.

"Look at me." His voice was a soft command. "I want you to watch me when I come."

Opening her eyes, she held his gaze and tightened her legs around his waist.

Thrusting harder and faster, his body took over. With a yelp of exhilaration, he tensed and spent himself inside her. Gasping for breath, he fell on top of her.

After a few moments, she squirmed underneath him. Will shifted his weight off her and lay on his side, drawing her close.

Savannah chuckled. "If that was what they call make-up s.e.x, I'm all for a few disagreements now and then."

He gave her a light swat on her b.u.t.t which was still encased in the lacy underwear.

"Cheeky girl."

She sobered and stared up at him. "I can't believe how close I came to losing you."

His eyes darkened. "I'm not going anywhere." He kissed her hard on the mouth. "And neither are you."

Contentment and an overwhelming love rushed through her. He was hers and she was his. It was exactly how it was meant to be.

"What's the latest with Max and Maranoa?" she asked quietly a few moments later.

"The DPP told me Max was trying to do a deal: a reduced sentence in return for full and frank disclosure in the witness box. Max has a clean record. The judge will go easier on him. I can't say the same for Maranoa."

Anger and sadness warred inside Savannah. She compressed her lips against the surge of emotion. "Max's capitulation doesn't come as a surprise. I never saw him as a man with a lot of courage."

"Yeah, well, I'm glad he's decided to give evidence for the prosecution. He may be guilty of making less than ideal decisions, but Vince was the mastermind. We found proof amongst the papers in his office that his involvement in the illegal drug industry goes back decades. We also found traces of cocaine and heroin all over the floor of an old bunker built beneath the brothel. It was obviously his hidey-hole before the warehouse."

Savannah closed her eyes against the memories. She drew in a deep breath and let it out on a heartfelt sigh. "I'm so glad you walked out of there."

Will smiled and tightened his hold on her. "Well, not exactly walked, but I know what you mean."

"I love you so much. I don't ever want to have to imagine life without you."

His eyes darkened with emotion. He bent his head and pressed another kiss against her lips. "Just so you know, I intend to live a long, long time. You're not going to get rid of me that easily."


One month later.

The cool ocean breeze tasted of salt and sunshine. It swept over Will and Savannah where they stood on the rugged cliff-top that overlooked Bondi. They each held an urn in their hands.

The light wind ruffled Savannah's loose hair and tossed it into her eyes. She reached up and swept the errant strands behind her ears. Will held out his free hand and she took it in hers.

They stared out across the pristine blue of the Pacific Ocean. The sun glinted off the wide expanse of golden sand below.

"Dylan loved to come here when he was younger. We'd go swimming in the surf and exploring in the rock pools. Mom and Dad would buy us ice cream before we left. We had some good times."

Will tightened his hold on her hand. "Cole loved Bondi, too. Most weekends, he'd take his board out and ride the waves. He could spend hours out there."

Savannah filled her lungs with the salty air. Exhaling on a sigh, she braced herself for the final step. In mutual, unspoken agreement, they opened their urns.

The wind immediately teased at the ashes. Small wisps of dust swirled and caught in the air. Her throat tightened. Tears of sadness and regret burned behind her eyes.

She turned to Will. A myriad of emotions chased their way across his face. Sorrow. Regret. Acceptance. Peace. He lifted his urn and swung it in a wide arc. Ash flew across the cliff-top. It was picked up by the wind and scattered on the sand below.

"Good-bye, Cole. I hope you're in a better place."

A lump caught in her throat at the raw emotion in his voice. She took another deep breath and scattered Dylan's ashes. A seagull rose from the water below, its plaintive cry a fitting background.

She thought of Dylan and the choices he'd made-and the ones he hadn't. He was on his own now, just like he'd wanted.

Hot tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks, tasting even saltier than the air. She'd done all she could. Will had helped her understand and believe that.

His arm tightened around her shoulders and he pulled her in close against his side. Her arm came around his waist. She leaned into him and breathed in his solid strength.

"Pete called a little while ago," he said quietly. "Lucy gave birth a couple of hours ago. A healthy baby girl. They've named her after their respective mothers: Margaret Joan. They're calling her "Maggie" for short. Mother and baby are doing fine."

Happiness burst inside her at the news. She smiled. "How fantastic! I'm so glad everything is okay. Wow, a little girl! Lucy will be thrilled."

"I think Pete's every bit the proud daddy, too. I know I would be."

His gaze captured hers, dark with emotion. Love and hope and antic.i.p.ation surged through her. They'd laid their past to rest. It was now time to look toward the future.



I do hope you have enjoyed reading Will and Savannah's story. Please feel free to leave a review for The Deception. Every review is appreciated and really helps a new author like me.

Click here to sign up for my newsletter if you would like to receive news on upcoming Munro Family stories, release dates, book launches and other snippets. I love to receive feedback from my readers. Please feel free to contact me at Let me know who your favorite Munro family member is.

The Negotiator is Book Six of the Munro Family Series and is Andy and Cally's story. You met Andy in The Deception as Will's friend and fellow detective. Cally is also familiar to those of you who have read The Investigator. She appears briefly in that story as Kate Collins' high school friend. Both Andy and Cally have had difficult childhoods and I'm sure once you've read their story, you'll agree with me that both of them more than deserve their happy ending.

Here's a sneak peek:.

When ten-year-old Andy Warwick witnesses the murder/suicide of his sister and father, his world is torn apart. Twenty years later, despite his tragic childhood, Andy's a highly respected police negotiator based in North Sydney. He's living a comfortable life, but still suffers from guilt-ridden nightmares from his past and yearns for a family to replace the one he lost.

Sixteen, pregnant and abandoned by those she loved, Cally Savage learned early to fend for herself, but raising a son on her own hasn't come without a price. It's a decade after Jack's birth, but she's struggling to make ends meet, despite her part time job as a cleaner at the North Sydney Police Station. On top of her financial woes, her house has recently been burgled and she's terrified the perpetrator might return...

In desperation Cally turns to the hot looking detective at the station and seeks Andy's permission to place a "roommate wanted" advertis.e.m.e.nt on the noticeboard in the squad room. Attracted to Cally's innocent beauty and intrigued by the vulnerability in her eyes, Andy offers to move in with her. The more he gets to know her, the more he wants to be part of her life. But first, he has to break through the barriers she's erected around her heart...

Just when things appear to be on track, the man who believed for more than ten years that his child had been aborted, discovers Cally's deceit. Enraged, he vows not to give up until he's found his son and punished the woman who lied to him...

The Negotiator will be released on 3 November, 2014.


As usual, no book comes into being without a lot of help and support by my friends and family. A world of thanks must go to my friend and fellow author Angela Bissell, critique partner extraordinaire, and a girl who loves the Munro family as much as I do.

To Pat Thomas, the best editor in the world. To Alisha and Damon Za, thank you for yet another fantastic cover. To my sister, Nicole Guihot, thank you for your excellent editorial comments and suggestions. Nic, I hope you like the final result.

To Amy Atwell and her dedicated staff at Author EMS who are so much more than book formatters. Amy, once again, thank you for your magic.

To the fantastic writer organizations such as Romance Writers of Australia, Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of New Zealand for all the help, support and encouragement they offer new and aspiring writers, including me.

To my readers, thank you for your support and love for the Munro family. Your encouragement and enjoyment make this journey all worthwhile.

And lastly, to my friends and family, especially my husband and children. Thank you for putting up with late dinners and even later conversations as I've emerged day after day from the sometimes scary but always enthralling world I've created on my computer.


Chris Taylor grew up on a farm in north-west New South Wales, Australia. She always had a thirst for stories and recalls writing her first book at the ripe old age of eight. Always a lover of romance and happily-ever-afters, a career in criminal law sparked her interest in intrigue and suspense. For Chris to be able to combine romance with suspense in her books is a dream come true.

Chris is married to Linden and is the mother of five children. If not behind her computer, you can find her doing the school run, taxiing children to swimming lessons, football, ballet and cricket. In her spare time, Chris loves to read her favorite authors who include Richard North Patterson, Sandra Brown, Kathleen E Woodiwiss and Jude Devereaux.

You can find out more about Chris and sign up for her newsletter at her website:.


The Munro Family Series.


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Munro Family: The Deception Part 31 summary

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