
Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness Chapter 731: Level 10 Heavenly Fiend

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Chapter 731: Level 10 Heavenly Fiend


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

He did not expect Yu Su to cripple his martial arts in the end.

The others who wanted to take advantage of the chaos also suffered a loss. At that time, Yu Su’s name was completely resounding in the cultivation world.

And now, he had actually encountered the legendary Yu Su.

Yu Su’s gaze stopped on the boy and she asked slowly, “How did you know that I’m Yu Su?”

The boy kept his mouth shut.

After a while, he said, “The people from Tianxu Sect kidnapped me and want to use the Spiritual Stone Detector in my hand to find the Spiritual Stone Mine. As long as you save me, I can help you find the Spiritual Stone Mine.”

There was a hint of hope in his eyes.

If Yu Su could not save him, he would have to die today.

Yu Su did not say anything. Instead, she looked at the people from the two factions. “This is the Hu family’s territory. I’ll give you half an hour to leave. Otherwise, you’ll have to bear the consequences.”

After saying that, she walked towards the hole in the middle of the flat ground.

Looking towards the entrance of the cave, she could see something shining in the cave. There was also a very powerful spiritual energy fluctuation.

This was the spirit stone pit.

Hong Xuan clenched his fists and stared fixedly at Yu Su, feeling extremely indignant.

He was clearly the one who found it first. It was fine if the G.o.dly Thief Sect wanted to come over and take a share, but Yu Su came over and wanted to take over the spirit stone mine. That was too unkind.

In his opinion, what Yu Su said about handing it over to the country was completely an excuse.

Hong Xuan said angrily, “I told you, I found this spirit stone mine first. If you want it, fight me!”

He held the whip and walked towards Yu Su.

This whip was wrapped in a baleful aura. As long as a metaphysical master was. .h.i.t, the baleful aura would enter their body.

Yu Su was expressionless and her eyes were cold.

Hong Xuan raised his whip and lashed it at Yu Su. Under everyone’s shocked gazes, Yu Su used her magic power to condense a sword.

She reached out and wrapped the whip with her sword.

Another tug!

The whip in Hong Xuan’s hand was pulled over by Yu Su.

He shouted, “My whip!”

This whip was a weapon that he had spent a lot of effort to find. How could it be taken away so easily by Yu Su?

Yu Su took the whip and removed the sword in her hand.

She raised her whip and swung it at Hong Xuan.


With a crisp sound, the whip hit Hong Xuan’s arm firmly. His face was also slapped and instantly turned red.

Hong Xuan did not have time to draw his weapon. He shouted angrily at the people behind him, “What are you waiting for? Kill her quickly! I want her to die without a burial place!”

He had never been slapped in the face before.

This was a humiliation to him.

The other ten people of Tianxu Sect also took out spiritual artifacts with murderous aura and drew out the murderous aura inside to attack Yu Su.

The murderous aura of these ten people formed a Heavenly Fiend.

The Heavenly Fiend had the effect of strengthening one’s attack. Even level five metaphysical masters would have to avoid it.

However, Yu Su was at the perfected realm, so she was naturally not afraid.

She used her magic power to condense a sword and waved it at the Heavenly Fiend. The Heavenly Fiend broke apart like water and did not have any attack power left.

“How is that possible!”


“Why would a Heavenly Fiend dissipate? This is a level ten Heavenly Fiend. That’s impossible.”

Those people looked at Yu Su in shock.

Yu Su waved her sword and used it to draw out the surrounding baleful aura, forming an extremely powerful baleful aura wave.

“Go!” Yu Su said softly.

The wave of murderous aura seemed to have eyes as it headed in the direction of the ten people.


The few of them fled into the distance to avoid this murderous aura wave.

Murderous aura waves were even more terrifying than Heavenly Fiends. It could be said that the murderous aura waves were formed by dozens of Heavenly Fiends.

If one was attacked by the baleful energy wave, his cultivation would be crippled.

The ten of them ran quickly. After running out of the flat ground, they ran up the mountain.

Unfortunately, the baleful energy wave was very strong. It caught up to this group of people and swept them into the baleful energy wave, throwing them into the sky.

The murderous aura entered the ten people’s bodies.

Then, the ten of them quickly fell from the sky and were thrown heavily to the ground.


“How is this possible? I’m filled with murderous aura!”

“All my cultivation has been crippled…”


The ten of them collapsed to the ground, their eyes filled with shock.

They had been corroded by the baleful aura, and their luck would become worse and worse, making it impossible for them to continue cultivating.

Yu Su glanced coldly at the ten of them. “You don’t know your place..”

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Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness Chapter 731: Level 10 Heavenly Fiend summary

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