
Death… And Me Chapter 647 - I'm Not Roan

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Chapter 647 - I'm Not Roan

"Ahem... How can you be so... direct?"

Qia smiled as she said.

"Calina's just doing the same thing."

Agis and Frandin couldn't help but say.

"Hey, the two lovebirds over there. Can we start working already? I know you're married, but you don't need to throw it in our singles' faces."

Malaka laughed after hearing that.

"Hahaha! It's fine. Having some warm air around isn't that much of a bad thing."

Agis glanced at her before asking.

"You say that, but how about you? Aren't you single, just like us? Doesn't it bother you even a bit?"

Malaka shrugged her shoulders as she said.

"Well, I would need to find someone who would love how I am."

Frandin, Qia, Rean, and Agis shook their heads immediately.

"Forget it. A single's life isn't bad either."

Malaka's mouth twitched as she responded.

"You didn't need to be that sincere, you know?"

They all laughed, which just made Malaka even more helpless.

"Hm-Hmph! You'll see! There's bound to be someone out there just like me."

"That would be terrifying, but we'll see."

Rean then looked at Qia before saying.

"Still, are you sure you can simply ignore what happened in Sunkan Planet? I mean, I'm not sure if I would."

Qia shook her head as she replied.

"I'm not going to ignore that. Instead, I'll train hard to get my revenge against whoever did that. For them to not consider an entire planet's worth of lives, they're definitely the worst type you could ever hope to find. Still, you'll help me, right?"

Rean looked at her and then at Malaka and Agis, who nodded at him soon after.

"Sigh... fine. I'll also do my best to find just who did that. It'll definitely take a long time, but we'll get there, eventually... if we don't die on the way, that is."

Qia and the others nodded, except for Frandin, who didn't have much to do with their planet's situation. Well, he didn't mind helping, though.

Rean then looked at Qia with a smile again.

"Now, then. I'm not Roan, you know?"

That comment puzzled Qia.

"What do you mean?"

Rean then grabbed her waist and pulled the girl close before kissing her in front of everyone. They had kissed many times before to keep up the appearances. However, it was the first time Rean kissed her solely because he wanted to.

Well, Malaka, Agis, and Frandin didn't find it strange since they were married. They simply thought that Rean and Qia didn't have these moments before because of what happened in Sunkan. Little did they know that today was completely different. Rean was truly doing it out of his own volition, which made her heart melt.

Rean then approached her ear and whispered as well.

"You brought it to yourself, mother of my children."

Qia's expression went bright red as Rean let her go.

"Alright, everyone. The couple's show is over. Let's start working on the weapons for sale in the auction next month."

Agis, Frandin, and Malaka nodded as they simultaneously answered.


As for Qia, she didn't hear anything as the previous scene played in her mind. Sure enough, Rean wasn't Roan. Since she knew the truth and didn't blame him, Rean had no reason to hold himself back anymore.

'Just what did I get myself into?'

Suddenly, the door of their room opened as Calina came inside. She looked amazing after Malaka and Qia worked on her with their new clothes and make-up. However, it looked like she didn't even notice them since her own expression was as bright red as Qia's. Also, she seemed somewhat disheveled and... limp?

Malaka, obviously, immediately came forward to ask.

"Hey, hey, hey. Why are you ignoring me and just pa.s.sing by? Is that how friends treat each other?"


Calina was taken aback for a moment, and only then did she notice that everyone was there already.

"Oh! You're back already. Well, then. Don't mind me. See you later."

Before anyone could say anything, Calina rushed into her room, leaving everyone eating her dust.


Rean was the one that found it the weirdest.

"That doesn't make sense. Roan would never care about how beautiful Calina looks since he doesn't care about such things. Though, how come it seems like something really happened between them?"

Qia, Malaka, and Agis nodded in response. They knew Roan enough to tell that Rean was right.

"It was probably something Calina did to herself. If I'm not wrong, Roan didn't notice anything amiss."

"Well, that's true. It must be her own thoughts."

"Wait! Aren't you at least curious? Who knows. Roan might have really done something to her."

It was then that everyone laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! There's no way that would happen."

Out of nowhere, the door of the room opened again, and Roan came inside as well. Sure enough, he had the same ice-cold face as always. Seeing that was enough for everyone to understand that Calina was definitely overthinking something again. As for how she looked, maybe she tripped somewhere?

Rean then took the chance to ask something else.

"Hey, Roan. Did you figure out how our new routines will work? We might head out of the city for a few days to visit the nearby Demon Beast territory to try it out."

Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing that. After all, they all wanted to test their Soul Powers already.

However... Roan pa.s.sed by them and walked into another room. From start to finish, it was as if he couldn't even see them.


"Just what was that about?"

"Could it be that... Roan really took action?"

"That can't be, right?"

Malaka and Qia looked at each other and nodded.

"This requires scrutinous investigation."

Rean didn't even have the chance to say anything before Qia and Malaka rushed into Calina's room, closing the door behind. In the end, only the three men... and a snoring bird were left in the workshop.

"Should we go ask Roan as well?"

They narrowed their eyes after that question.

"Do you think Roan would say something?"

Indeed. It was easier to die being hit by a meteor than make Roan open his mouth at the moment.

However, Rean's eyes suddenly lit up as he said.

"No, I think it's worth a shot. Let's go!"

Although they didn't know what was going on in Rean's head, Agis and Frandin nodded as the three entered Roan's room, leaving only Kentucky there sleeping.

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Death… And Me Chapter 647 - I'm Not Roan summary

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