
Monster Factory Chapter 754: The enemy behind.

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Chapter 754: The enemy behind.

At the beginning of September, the HSD [Hybrid Synergy Drive] was still very hot, the sun was high in the sky and the paved road of Const.i.tution Avenue was smoking with traces of heat. Const.i.tution Avenue; is the center of power in the United States. On the left side of Const.i.tution Avenue, there are many similar-looking gray and white marble buildings. These buildings are the headquarters buildings of important government agencies. The Bureau of Energy, which is responsible for the management of the energy industry, research and development of energy-related technologies, weapons development, etc., is also located there.

Throughout the gray-white building, the air conditioning was very strong, but the Director of the Department of Energy, Aklan, sitting in the cool office, seemed a little uncomfortable and a little hot. Across from his desk sat Tesla CEO Martin and Raytheon Technology President Bertram. The two of them also unb.u.t.toned their costume tops, sweating lightly on their foreheads.

Since the advent of the plasma battery, the three have had several video conferences and met twice. They already know each other, so there's no need to pay too much attention to etiquette right now. The reason for their nervousness was the twenty photos from top to bottom.

As soon as Tesla transported a Shi Lei car to the United States through special channels for research of dismantling in the country, the Ministry of Energy has paid great attention to the core technology of plasma batteries.

Not to mention the network society of the 21st century, even before the birth of the Internet and semiconductor technology was still in the age of electronic tubes, the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the United States were still terribly powerful.

The Department of Energy's collection of Plasma Battery information went smoothly, and it didn't even require hiring anyone to invade Huge Industrial Monster's industrial building. From the external information, the main components of the plasma battery raw material can be sorted out, and Tesla was able to thoroughly a.n.a.lyze the plasma battery, it also calculated part of the plasma battery production process.


Of course, knowing how to do it and being able to do it are two different things.


Ye Qing bluntly told Martin that their American supporting industrial technology could not meet the plasma battery production requirements. It is also true that even with the complete production process, plasma cells still cannot appear in American factories.

Americans are proud to be proud, but not arrogant enough to think they are technologically advanced and can lead the world in everything. Just as RB industrial robot technology is world-famous, China Heavy Industry has come from behind, Germany's five-axis machining center is well-known, and Swiss precision instruments are of exceptional quality, which proves that in many areas of technology the United States is not ahead.

The strength of the United States lies in its mastery of the most advanced basic industrial technologies. For examples, the most advanced microchip technology, energy technology, aeros.p.a.ce technology, nuclear industry technology, and military industry technology. To master them is to master the world.

But now there is the plasma battery. It belongs to one of the basic energy technologies, far surpa.s.sing the technologies currently mastered by the United States. More importantly, the Huge Industrial Monster does not want to share it with the United States, and this has undermined the fundamental interests of United States companies.

Therefore, the Energy Bureau, which should win the plasma battery, decided to change the way after many unsuccessful negotiations with the Huge Industrial Monster.

By collecting information, they discovered the production of plasma batteries required a very critical rare metallic Dysprosium. It can be said that more or less Dysprosium metal determines plasma batteries more or less. Now, the global Dysprosium Metal market price has increased by 30%, which is directly related to the Huge Industrial Monster.

After private negotiations between Martin and Ye Qing failed, the Ministry of Energy decided to replace Plan A with Plan B, Metallic Dysprosium in exchange for luring the Huge Industrial Monster to build factories in the United States. United, and it shows the status of the Huge Industrial Monster in the minds of Americans.

So what…

A series of large-scale overseas investments and construction plans by Huge Industrial Monster caused the Ministry of Energy to look to Nigeria. This distracted Americans and Energy Agency Director Aklan was nearly scared to death. In just one month, the Huge Industrial Monster has purchased heavy transport planes, dispatched giant ships, dispatched employees, and invested tens of billions of Yuan in building factories in the hinterland of Nigeria.

Two fieldworkers snuck into Anut's district, and the fired news sent Aklan's mood down.

The Huge Industrial Monster is stationed in the Anut area on a large scale for the sake of a mine. Then the two fieldworkers took advantage of the darkness to collect minerals around the Sotu rainforest, and after inspection, they also confirmed the guess of Aklan the Director of the Energy Bureau.

It was a mine of rare earth metals with very large reserves, among which there is metallic Dysprosium.

"Do you two have any suggestions?" Aklan put the stack of photos in his hand and frowned, "In just one month, the Huge Industrial Monster has built a prototype factory in the rainforest of Sotu. The mini-factory is already in operation. The report of "Arrival of cargo from the transport aircraft at Dubai Airport also confirms the transport aircraft is carrying radioactive industrial materials."

"This shows that the Huge Industrial Monster got the first batch of metallic Dysprosium raw materials."

"Our plan to use Metallic Dysprosium to conquer the Huge Industrial Monster failed before it even began."

"It is unimaginable that in a month, the Huge Industrial Monster can build a factory on the scale of 200,000 square meters. And the giant ship, I a.s.sert that with the level of heavy industry in the United States, it's impossible to build a factory in China and get it out of this huge ship," Martin was still flipping through the photos.

These photos come from a reconnaissance satellite deployed in orbit at high alt.i.tudes. The resolution of the photos is two meters and Director Aklan deliberately used Pentagon resources. When the reconnaissance satellite numbered 065 pa.s.sed over Nigeria, adjusted the angle of the optical reconnaissance equipment, aimed at the Sotu rainforest, and took these pictures.

"It's no surprise that the Huge Industrial Monster can build it," Bertram, president of Raytheon Technology, said with a wry smile, "The 21st century is the century of electronic technology. Our level of heavy industry has greatly decreased. The original Batumi embargo list clearly stated that hydraulic presses over 30,000 tons are strategic materials and prohibited from exporting to China. But last year our company wanted to buy a 50,000-ton hydraulic press, and we looked around and found China's products are cheaper and more efficient. At present, in the Batumi embargo list, the press regulations hydraulic presses over 30,000 tons are still maintained, and export to China is prohibited. But if we want to buy hydraulic presses over 30,000 tons, we have to go to China for buying them."

"Are you saying that's ridiculous?"

"The Huge Industrial Monster has low profits, isn't it because you businessmen don't want to build it?" Director Aklan waved his hand disapprovingly.

"It's not we can't build it, but after building it, we found it can't compete with China's product."

"One of you will be responsible for the production of plasma batteries in the future, and the other will be responsible for the weaponization of plasma batteries. Let's not talk about the decline of the heavy industry anymore, but let's solve the immediate problems."

"This ghost place in Nigeria is not the private property of the Huge Industrial Monster. I don't even know if the land is still in this country,"

Raytheon's Bertram pointed to a photo of a large number of dark-skinned workers and thought: "From these images of these wild beasts. If the Huge Industrial Monster could find a local puppet to cooperate with, we can also support another puppet.”

"The CIA is the best at it, giving resources in dollars and letting the warlords of Nigeria take over the Anut district. The Huge Industrial Monster's industrial technology is powerful, but in terms of equipment military, it's not even as good as a small African country, for example, Tunisia.

"As long as the district of Anut is captured, this mine will no longer belong to the Huge Industrial Monster."

"Isn't the military technology of the Huge Industrial Monster good?"

Martin sneered: “You must have forgotten the fear of being dominated by those robots, did you ever try to violently cut off the plasma battery.”

"Did you see the ten robot guards in the photos?"

"As long as the Huge Industrial Monster wants it, it can turn the surrounding rainforest of Sotu into a steel fortress in a very short time."

Bertram, who was a well-known defense contractor in the United States and mastered advanced missile technology, burst out laughing: “Mr. Martin, the gap between civilian technology and military technology cannot be compared by relying on these robots. The alert robot is very advanced, but a single anti-tank missile can absolutely destroy it completely."

“How about the Huge Industrial Monster, the leader in metal materials? They can only produce shields, but not spears. They can't cope with full-band electromagnetic suppression and GPS systems shut down in this cruel war situation. Also, I haven't seen a 'shield' that can't be penetrated by armor-piercing bullets."

"In this case, we will completely become mortal enemies with the Huge Industrial Monster. Remember the Huge Industrial Monster has its roots in China. We can move their factories overseas, but we can move factories from China "Will the government of China stands idly by?"

"We are businessmen, and win-win cooperation is the best way," Martin immediately retorted.

"So cut off their traffic."

Bertram was an arms dealer, and his style of doing things was completely different from a businessman like Martin, who is based on the civilian market. He has always believed the threat of force is the quickest and most effective way to deal with the enemy.

"Nigeria is tens of thousands of miles away, and ships and giant planes are their only channels of communication. As long as these two channels are cut, they will once again fall into the predicament of a lack of metallic Dysprosium."

This time, Martin remained silent.

Cooperation and business communication failed three times. Now that the Huge Industrial Monster has found a stable supply channel for the Metallic Dysprosium, it is indeed the only way to cut off the Huge Industrial Monster's supply line.

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Monster Factory Chapter 754: The enemy behind. summary

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