
Monsieur Maurice Part 8

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Monsieur Maurice then crossed the courtyard with his guards, and entered the Chateau by the door leading to the state apartments. My father, after standing for a moment as if lost in thought, turned away and went over to the guard-house.

The soldiers then dispersed, or gathered into little knots of twos and threes, and talked in low voices of the events of the night.

"Accomplices!" said one, just close against the window where Bertha and I still lingered. "Liebe Mutter! I'll take my oath he had one! Why, it was I who first caught sight of the prisoner gliding through the trees--I saw him as plainly as I see you now--I covered him with my musket--I wouldn't have given a copper pfennig for his life, when paff! at the very moment I pulled the trigger, out steps a fellow from behind my shoulder, knocks up my musket, and disappears like a flash of lightning--Heaven only knows where, for I never laid eyes on him again!"

"What was he like?" asks another soldier, incredulously.

"Like? How should I know? It was as dark as pitch. I just caught a glimpse of him in the flash of the powder--an ugly, brown-looking devil he seemed!

but he was gone in a breath, and I had no time to look for him."

The soldiers round about burst out laughing.

"Hold, Karl!" says one, slapping him boisterously on the shoulder. "You are a good shot, but you missed aim for once. No need to conjure up a brown devil to account for that, old comrade!"

Karl, finding his story discredited, retorted angrily; and a quarrel was fast brewing, when the sergeant on guard came up and ordered the men to their several quarters.

"Holy Saint Bridget!" said Bertha, shivering, "how cold it is! and there, I declare, is the Convent clock striking half after one! Liebe Gretchen, you really must go to bed--what would your father say?"

So we both crept back to bed. Bertha was asleep again almost before she had laid her head upon her pillow; but I lay awake till dawn of day.


It was in my father's disposition to be both strict and indulgent--that is to say, as a father he was all tenderness, and as a soldier all discipline.

His men both loved and feared him; but I, who never had cause to fear him in my life, loved him with all my heart, and never thought of him except as the fondest of parents. Chiefly, perhaps, for my sake, he had up to this time been extremely indulgent in all that regarded Monsieur Maurice. Now, however, he conceived that it was his duty to be indulgent no longer. He was responsible for the person of Monsieur Maurice, and Monsieur Maurice had attempted to escape; from this moment, therefore, Monsieur Maurice must be guarded, hedged in, isolated, like any other prisoner under similar circ.u.mstances--at all events until further instructions should arrive from Berlin. So my father, as it was his duty to do, wrote straightway to the Minister of War, doubled all previous precautions, and forbade me to go near the prisoner's rooms on any pretext whatever.

I neither coaxed nor pleaded. I had an instinctive feeling that the thing was inevitable, and that I had nothing to do but to suffer and obey. And I did suffer bitterly. Day after day, I hung about the terraces under his windows, watching for the glimpse that hardly ever came. Night after night I sobbed till I was tired, and fell asleep with his name upon my lips. It was a childish grief; but not therefore the less poignant. It was a childish love, too; necessarily transient and irrational, as such childish pa.s.sions are; but not therefore the less real. The dull web of my later life has not been without its one golden thread of romance (alas! how long since tarnished!), but not even that dream has left a deeper scar upon my memory than did the hero-worship of my first youth. It was something more than love; it was adoration. To be with him was measureless content--to be banished from him was something akin to despair.

So Monsieur Maurice and his little Gretchen were parted. No more happy French lessons--no more walks--no more stories told by the firelight in the gloaming! All was over; all was blank. But for how long? Surely not for ever!

"Perhaps the king will think fit to hand him over to some other gaoler,"

said my father one day; "and, by Heaven! I'd thank him more heartily for that boon than for the order of the Red Eagle!"

My heart sank at the thought. Many and many a time had I pictured to myself what it would be if he were set at liberty, and with what mingled joy and grief I should bid him good-bye; but it had never occurred to me as a possibility that he might be transferred to another prison-house.

Thus a week--ten days--a fortnight went by, and still there came nothing from Berlin. I began to hope at last that nothing would come, and that matters would settle down in time, and be as they were before. But of such vain hopes I was speedily and roughly disabused; and in this wise.

It was a gloomy afternoon--one of those dun-coloured afternoons that seem all the more dismal for coming in the midst of Spring. I had been out of the way somewhere (wandering to and fro, I believe, like a dreary little ghost, among the grim galleries of the state apartments), and was going home at dusk to be in readiness for my father, who always came in after the afternoon parade. Coming up the pa.s.sage out of which our rooms opened, I heard voices--my father's and another. Concluding that he had Corporal Fritz with him, I went in unhesitatingly. To my surprise, I found the lamp lighted, and a strange officer sitting face to face with my father at the table.

The stranger was in the act of speaking; my father listening, with a grave, intent look upon his face.

..."and if he had been shot, Colonel Bernhard, the State would have been well rid of a troublesome burden."

My father saw me in the doorway, put up his hand with a warning gesture, and said hastily:--

"You here, Gretchen! Go into the dining-room, my child, till I send for you."

The dining-room, as I have said elsewhere, opened out of the sitting-room which also served for my father's bureau. I had therefore to cross the room, and so caught a full view of the stranger's face. He was a sallow, dark man, with iron grey hair cut close to his head, a hard mouth, a cold grey eye, and a deep furrow between his brows. He wore a blue military frock b.u.t.toned to the chin; and a plain c.o.c.ked hat lay beside his gloves upon the table.

I went into the dining-room and closed the door. It was half-door, half-window, the upper panels being made of ground gla.s.s, so as to let in a borrowed light; for the little room was at all times somewhat of the darkest. Such as it was, this borrowed light was now all I had; for the dining-room fire had gone out hours ago, and though there were candles on the chimney-piece, I had no means of lighting them. So I groped my way to the first chair I could find, and waited my father's summons.

"And if he had been shot, Colonel Bernhard, the State would have been well rid of a troublesome burden."

It was all I had heard; but it was enough to set me thinking. "If he had been shot".... If who had been shot? My fears answered that question but too readily. Who, then, was this new-comer? Was he from Berlin? And if from Berlin, what orders did he bring? A vague terror of coming evil fell upon me. I trembled--I held my breath. I tried to hear what was being said, but in vain. The voices in the next room went on in a low incessant murmur; but of that murmur I could not distinguish a word.

Then the sounds swelled a little, as if the speakers were becoming more earnest. And then, forgetting all I had ever heard or been taught about the heinousness of eavesdropping, I got up very softly and crept close against the door.

"That is to say, you dislike the responsibility, Colonel Bernhard."

These were the first words I heard.

"I dislike the office," said my father, bluntly. "I'd almost as soon be a hangman as a gaoler."

The stranger here said something that my ear failed to catch. Then my father spoke again.

"To tell you the truth, Herr Count, I only wish it would please His Excellency to transfer him elsewhere."

The stranger paused a moment, and then said in a low but very distinct voice:--

"Supposing, Colonel Bernhard, that you were yourself transferred--shall we say to Konigsberg? Would you prefer it to Bruhl?"

"Konigsberg!" exclaimed my father in a tone of profound amazement.

"The appointment, I believe, is worth six hundred thalers a year more than Bruhl," said the stranger.

"But it has never been offered to me," said my father, in his simple straightforward way. "Of course I should prefer it--but what of that? And what has Konigsberg to do with Monsieur Maurice?"

"Ah, true--Monsieur Maurice! Well, to return then to Monsieur Maurice--how would it be, do you think, somewhat to relax the present vigilance?"

"To relax it?"

"To leave a door or a window unguarded now and then, for instance. In short, to--to provide certain facilities ... you understand?"

"Facilities?" exclaimed my father, incredulously. "Facilities for escape?"

"Well--yes; if you think fit to put it so plainly," replied the other, with a short little cough, followed by a snap like the opening and shutting of a snuff-box.

"But--but in the name of the Eleven Thousand Virgins, why wait for the man to run away? Why not give him his liberty, and get rid of him pleasantly?"

"Because--ahem!--because, you see, Colonel Bernhard, it would not then be possible to pursue him," said the stranger, drily.

"To pursue him?"

"Just so--and to shoot him."

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Monsieur Maurice Part 8 summary

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