
Monsieur Maurice Part 11

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"For thy father, little one," he said. "Give it to no one but himself, and give it to him the first moment thou seest him. There's matter of life and death in it."


How the King supped, how the King slept, and what he thought of his Chateau of Augustenburg which he now saw for the first time, are matters respecting which I have no information. I only know that I had fallen asleep on Monsieur Maurice's sofa when Bertha came at ten o'clock that night to fetch me home; that I was very drowsy and unwilling to be moved; and that I woke in the morning dreaming of a brown man with bright eyes, and calling upon Monsieur Maurice to make haste and come before he should again have time to vanish away.

It was a lovely morning; bright and fresh, and sunshiny after the night's storm. My first thought was of Monsieur Maurice, and the card he had entrusted to my keeping. I had it still. My father was not at home when I came back last night. He was in attendance on the King, and did not return till long after I was asleep in my own little bed. This morning, early as I awoke, he was gone again, on the same duty.

I jumped up. I bade Bertha dress me quickly. "I must go to papa," I said.

"I have a card for him from Monsieur Maurice."

"Nay, liebe Gretchen," said Bertha, "he is with the King."

But I told myself that I would find him, and see him, and give the card into his own hands, though a dozen kings were in the way. I could not read what was written on the card. I could read print easily and rapidly, but handwriting not at all. I knew, however, that it was urgent. Had he not said that it was matter of life or death?

I hurried to dress; I hurried to get out. I could not rest, I could not eat till I had given up the card. As good fortune would have it, the first person I met was Corporal Fritz. I asked him where I could find my father.

"Dear little Fraulein," said Corporal Fritz, "you cannot see him just yet.

He is with the King."

"But I must see him," I said. "I must--indeed, I must. Go to him for me--please go to him, dear, good Corporal Fritz, and tell him his little Gretchen must speak to him, if only for one moment!"

"But dear little Fraulein"....

"Is the King at breakfast?" I interrupted.

"At breakfast! Eh, then, our gallant King hath a soldier's habits. His Majesty breakfasted at six this morning, and is gone out betimes to visit his hunting-lodge at Falkenl.u.s.t."

"And my father?"

"His Excellency the Governor is in attendance upon the King."

"Then I will go to Falkenl.u.s.t."

Corporal Fritz shook his head; shrugged his shoulders; took a pinch of snuff.

"'Tis a long road to Falkenl.u.s.t, dear little Fraulein," said he; "and His Excellency, methinks, would be better pleased"....

I stayed to hear no more, but ran off at full speed down the terraces, straight to the Round Point and the fountain, and along the great avenue that led to Falkenl.u.s.t. I ran till I was out of breath--then rested--then ran again, on, and on, and on, till the road lengthened and narrowed behind me, and the Chateau of Augustenburg looked almost as small in the distance at one end as the Falkenl.u.s.t Lodge at the other.

Then all at once, far, far away, I saw a moving group of figures. They grew larger and more distinct--they were coming towards me! I had run till I could run no farther. Panting and breathless, I leaned against a tree, and waited.

And now, as they drew nearer, I saw that the group consisted of some eight or ten officers, two of whom were walking somewhat in advance of the rest.

One of the two wore a plain c.o.c.ked hat and an undress military frock; the other was in full uniform, and wore two or three glittering medals on his breast. This other was my father. I scarcely looked at the first. I never even asked myself whether he was, or was not the King. I had no eyes, no thought for any but my father.

So I stood, eager and breathless, on the verge of the gravel. So they every moment drew nearer the spot where I was standing. As they came close, my father's eyes met mine. He shook his head, and frowned. He thought I had come there to stare at the King.

Nothing daunted, I took two steps forward. I had Monsieur Maurice's card in my hand. I held it out to him.

"Read it," I said. "It is from Monsieur Maurice."

But he crushed it in his hand without looking at it, and waved me back authoritatively.

"At once!" I cried; "at once!"

The gentleman in the blue frock stopped and smiled.

"Is this your little girl, Colonel Bernhard?" he asked.

My father replied by a low bow.

The strange gentleman beckoned me to draw nearer.

"A golden-haired little Madchen!" said he. "Come hither, pretty one, and tell me your name."

I knew then that he was the King. I trembled and blushed.

"My name is Gretchen," I said.

"And you have brought a letter for your father?"

"It is not a letter," I said. "It is a card. It is from Monsieur Maurice."

"And who is Monsieur Maurice?" asked the King.

"So please your Majesty," said my father, answering the question for me, "Monsieur Maurice is the prisoner I hold in charge."

The smile went out of the King's face.

"The prisoner!" he repeated, inquiringly. "What prisoner?"

"The state-prisoner whom I received, according to your Majesty's command, eight months ago--Monsieur Maurice."

"Monsieur Maurice!" echoed the King.

"I know the gentleman by no other name, please your Majesty," said my father.

The King looked grave.

"I never heard of Monsieur Maurice," he said, "I know of no state-prisoner here."

"The prisoner was consigned to my keeping by your Majesty's Minister of War," said my father.

"By von Bulow?"

My father bowed.

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Monsieur Maurice Part 11 summary

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