
Messages to America Part 3

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The Seven Year Plan, with which the immediate fortunes of the American Baha'i community are so closely interwoven, demands, at this critical stage in its development, serious and prayerful consideration of certain vital requirements, without which such a stupendous task can never be brought to a successful completion. The evolution of the Plan imposes a three-fold obligation, which all individual believers, all local a.s.semblies, as well as the National a.s.sembly itself, must respectively recognize and conscientiously fulfil. Each and every believer, undaunted by the uncertainties, the perils and the financial stringency afflicting the nation, must arise and insure, to the full measure of his or her capacity, that continuous and abundant flow of funds into the national Treasury, on which the successful prosecution of the Plan must chiefly depend. Upon the local a.s.semblies, whose special function and high privilege is to facilitate the admission of new believers into the community, and thereby stimulate the infusion of fresh blood into its organic inst.i.tutions, a duty no less binding in character devolves. To them I wish particularly to appeal, at this present hour, when the call of G.o.d is being raised throughout the length and breadth of both continents in the New World, to desist from insisting too rigidly on the minor observances and beliefs, which might prove a stumbling block in the way of any sincere applicant, whose eager desire is to enlist under the banner of Baha'u'llah. While conscientiously adhering to the fundamental qualifications already laid down, the members of each and every a.s.sembly should endeavor, by their patience, their love, their tact and wisdom to nurse, subsequent to his admission, the new-comer into Baha'i maturity, and win him over gradually to the unreserved acceptance of whatever has been ordained in the teachings. As to the National a.s.sembly, whose inescapable responsibility is to guard the integrity, coordinate the activities, and stimulate the life, of the entire community, its chief concern at the present moment should be to anxiously deliberate on how best to enable both individual believers and local a.s.semblies to fulfil their respective tasks. Through their repeated appeals, through their readiness to dispel all misunderstandings and remove all obstacles, through the example of their lives, and their unrelaxing vigilance, their high sense of justice, their humility, consecration and courage, they must demonstrate to those whom they represent their capacity to play their part in the progress of the Plan in which they, no less than the rest of the community, are involved. May the all-conquering Spirit of Baha'u'llah be so infused into each component part of this harmoniously functioning System as to enable it to contribute its proper share to the consummation of the plan.

January 30, 1938


A year has almost elapsed since the Seven Year Plan has been launched with characteristic vigor and n.o.ble enthusiasm by the American Baha'i Community. For no less than six consecutive years this two-fold and stupendous enterprise, which has been set in operation, must, if the American believers are to prove themselves worthy of their high calling, be wisely conducted, continually reinforced and energetically prosecuted to its very end. Severe and unprecedented as may be the internal tests and ordeals which the members of this Community may yet experience, however tragic and momentous the external happenings which might well disrupt the fabric of the society in which they live, they must not throughout these six remaining years, allow themselves to be deflected from the course they are now steadily pursuing. Nay, rather, as the impelling forces which have set in motion this mighty undertaking acquire added momentum and its potentialities are more fully manifested, they who are responsible for its success must as time goes on evince a more burning enthusiasm, demonstrate a higher sense of solidarity, reveal greater depths of consecration to their task, and display a more unyielding determination to achieve its purpose. Then, and only then, will the pleas, the hopes and wishes of 'Abdu'l-Baha, eternally enshrined in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, be worthily acknowledged and fulfilled. "Let your exertions, henceforth, increase a thousandfold" is the earnest appeal voiced by Him in those Tablets. "Summon the people," He exhorts them, "in these countries, capitals, islands, a.s.semblies and churches, to enter the Abha Kingdom. The scope of your exertions must needs be extended. The wider its range the more striking will be the evidences of Divine a.s.sistance." "The moment,"

He solemnly affirms, "this Divine Message is carried forward by the American believers from the sh.o.r.es of America and is propagated through the continents of Europe, of Asia, of Africa and of Australia ... this community will find itself securely established upon the throne of an everlasting dominion.... Then will the whole earth resound with the praises of its majesty and greatness." The Seven Year Plan, to which every American believer is fully and irrevocably pledged, during the closing years of the First Century of the Baha'i Era, is in itself but an initial stage in the unfoldment of 'Abdu'l-Baha's vision of America's spiritual destiny-a destiny which only those who will have successfully accomplished this preliminary task can enable the rising generation who will labor after them to fulfil in the course of the succeeding century.

April 14, 1938


Message to 1938 Convention

On this auspicious occasion when number elected representatives American Baha'i Community is well-nigh doubly reinforced moved convey on eve Thirtieth Convention to all delegates friends expression most loving welcome. Gathered within House of Worship which enterprise persevering loyalty self-abnegation American believers reared and adorned summoning their aid vitalizing influence prayers meditations which Author their Faith Himself revealed let them delegates visitors alike draw nigh unto Baha'u'llah that He may draw nigh unto them. Community American believers whose hearts have been stirred by tragic tale events immortalizing early history their Faith whose minds have been enriched by further measure fundamental Baha'i Teachings whose hands have been fortified by fashioning instruments wherein embryonic World Order can mature must at so critical stage in fortunes declining civilization seek purge galvanize their souls through daily prayer meditation that can best sustain them in discharge task still initial stage development. As token my grat.i.tude to such community entrusted beloved co-worker Mrs. Collins locks Baha'u'llah's most precious hair arranged preserved by loving hands Greatest Holy Leaf to rest beneath dome of Temple n.o.bly raised by dearly beloved believers in American continent.

Cablegram April 27, 1938


Pregnant indeed are the years looming ahead of us all. The twin processes of internal disintegration and external chaos are being accelerated and every day are inexorably moving towards a climax. The rumblings that must precede the eruption of those forces that must cause "the limbs of humanity to quake" can already be heard. "The time of the end," "the latter years," as foretold in the Scriptures, are at long last upon us.

The Pen of Baha'u'llah, the voice of 'Abdu'l-Baha, have time and again, insistently and in terms unmistakable, warned an unheeding humanity of impending disaster. The Community of the Most Great Name, the leaven that must leaven the lump, the chosen remnant that must survive the rolling up of the old, discredited, tottering order, and a.s.sist in the unfoldment of a new one in its stead, is standing ready, alert, clear-visioned, and resolute. The American believers, standard-bearers of this world-wide community and torch-bearers of an as yet unborn civilization, have girt up their loins, unfurled their banners and stepped into the arena of service.

Their Plan has been formulated. Their forces are mobilized. They are steadfastly marching towards their goal. The hosts of the Abha Kingdom are rushing forth, as promised, to direct their steps and reinforce their power. Through their initial victories they have provided the impulse that must now surge and, with relentless force sweep over their sister-communities and eventually overpower the entire human race. The generality of mankind, blind and enslaved, is wholly unaware of the healing power with which this community has been endowed, nor can it as yet suspect the role which this same community is destined to play in its redemption. Fierce and manifold will be the a.s.saults with which governments, races, cla.s.ses and religions, jealous of its rising prestige and fearful of its consolidating strength, will seek to silence its voice and sap its foundations. Unmoved by the relative obscurity that surrounds it at the present time, and undaunted by the forces that will be arrayed against it in the future, this community, I cannot but feel confident, will, no matter how afflictive the agonies of a travailing age, pursue its destiny, undeflected in its course, undimmed in its serenity, unyielding in its resolve, unshaken in its convictions.

July 5, 1938


I feel truly exhilarated as I witness the ever-recurrent manifestations of unbroken solidarity and unquenchable enthusiasm that distinguish every stage in the progressive development of the nation-wide enterprise which is being so unflinchingly pursued by the whole American Baha'i community.

The marked deterioration in world affairs, the steadily deepening gloom that envelops the storm-tossed peoples and nations of the Old World, invest the Seven Year Plan, now operating in both the northern and southern American continents, with a significance and urgency that cannot be overestimated. Conceived as the supreme agency for the establishment, in the opening century of the Baha'i Era, of what is but the initial stage in the progressive realization of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Plan for the American believers, this enterprise, as it extends its ramifications throughout the entire New World, is demonstrating its power to command all the resources and utilize all the facilities which the machinery of a laboriously evolved Administrative Order can place at its disposal. However we view its aspects, it offers in its functioning a sharp contrast to the workings of the moribund and obsolescent inst.i.tutions to which a perverse generation is desperately clinging. Tempestuous are the winds that buffet and will, as the days go by, fiercely a.s.sail the very structure of the Order through the agency of which this twofold task is being performed.

The potentialities with which an almighty Providence has endowed it will no doubt enable its promoters to achieve their purpose. Much, however, will depend upon the spirit and manner in which that task will be conducted. Through the clearness and steadiness of their vision, through the unvitiated vitality of their belief, through the incorruptibility of their character, through the adamantine force of their resolve, the matchless superiority of their aims and purpose, and the unsurpa.s.sed range of their accomplishments, they who labor for the glory of the Most Great Name throughout both Americas can best demonstrate to the visionless, faithless and restless society to which they belong their power to proffer a haven of refuge to its members in the hour of their realized doom. Then and only then will this tender sapling, embedded in the fertile soil of a Divinely appointed Administrative Order, and energized by the dynamic processes of its inst.i.tutions, yield its richest and destined fruit. That the community of the American believers, to whose keeping so vast, so delicate and precious a trust has been committed will, severally and collectively prove themselves worthy of their high calling, I for one, who in my a.s.sociation with them have been privileged to observe more closely than perhaps any one else the nature of their reactions to the momentous issues that have confronted them in the past, will refuse to doubt.

September 10, 1938


Loyalty to world order of Baha'u'llah, security of its basic inst.i.tutions, both imperatively demand all its avowed supporters, particularly its champion builders of the American continent, in these days when sinister, uncontrollable forces are deepening the cleavage sundering peoples, nations, creeds, and cla.s.ses, resolve despite pressure of fast crystallizing public opinion, abstain individually, collectively in word, action, informally as well as in all official utterances and publications from a.s.signing blame, taking sides, however indirectly, in recurring political crises now agitating, ultimately engulfing human society. Grave apprehension lest c.u.mulative effect of such compromises disintegrate fabric, clog channel of grace that sustains system of G.o.d's essentially supra-national, supernatural order so laboriously evolved, so recently established.

Cablegram September 24, 1938


Recent swift progress of Temple ornamentation prompts me entreat American Community to focus immediate attention and center energies upon corresponding acceleration in the Teaching enterprise formulated in Seven Year Plan. Final phase in construction of Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar already entered. Initial stage in the inaugurated Teaching Campaign still untraversed. End of First Century rapidly approaching. Alaska, Delaware, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Manitoba and Nova Scotia still unsettled. Universal, prolonged intensification in pioneer activity is the crying need of this fateful hour. The establishment of one resident believer in each virgin territory is the precondition to the full launching of the subsequent, eagerly-antic.i.p.ated stage aiming at the spiritual conquest of the Southern Half of the Western Hemisphere. The Concourse on high expectantly await, ready to a.s.sist and acclaim the nine holy souls who, independently or as deputies, will promptly, fearlessly volunteer to forsake their homes, cast away their attachments and definitely settle in these territories to lay firm anchorage of the Administrative Order of this undefeatable Faith. I am irresistibly urged and proud of the privilege to pledge nine hundred pounds to facilitate the permanent settlement of pioneers in these States and Provinces whose acts and heroic self-abnegation will mark the conclusion of this shining Epoch in American Baha'i history.

Cablegram January 26, 1939


Very soon we shall be entering the second half of the last decade of this, the first century of the Baha'i Era. The five remaining years should essentially be consecrated to the imperative, the spiritual needs of the remaining Republics of both Central and South America, for whose entry into the fellowship of Baha'u'llah the Plan was primarily formulated. The prime requisite for the definite opening of what may come to be regarded as one of the most brilliant chapters in American Baha'i history, is the completion of the initial task which American Baha'i pioneers must perform in the nine remaining States and Provinces as yet una.s.sociated with the organic structure of the Faith.

The period ahead is short, strenuous, fraught with mortal perils for human society, yet pregnant with possibilities of unsurpa.s.sed triumphs for the power of Baha'u'llah's redemptive Cause. The occasion is propitious for a display, by the American Baha'i Community, in its corporate capacity, of an effort which in its magnitude, character, and purpose must outshine its past endeavors. Failure to exploit these present, these golden opportunities would blast the hopes which the prosecution of the Plan has thus far aroused, and would signify the loss of the rarest privilege ever conferred by Providence upon the American Baha'i Community. It is in view of the criticalness of the situation that I was led to place at the disposal of any pioneer willing to dedicate himself to the task of the present hour such modest resources as would facilitate the discharge of so enviable a duty.

The Baha'i World, increasingly subjected to the rigors of suppression, in both the East and the West, watches with unconcealed astonishment, and derives hope and comfort from the rapid unfoldment of the successive stages of G.o.d's Plan for so blest a community. Its eyes are fixed upon this community, eager to behold the manner in which its gallant members will break down, one after another, the barriers that obstruct their progress towards a divinely-appointed goal. On every daring adventurer in the service of the Cause of Baha'u'llah the Concourse on high shall descend, "each bearing aloft a chalice of pure light." Every one of these adventurers G.o.d Himself will sustain and inspire, and will "cause the pure waters of wisdom and utterance to gush out and flow copiously from his heart." "The Kingdom of G.o.d," writes 'Abdu'l-Baha, "is possessed of limitless potency. Audacious must be the army of life if the confirming aid of that Kingdom is to be repeatedly vouchsafed unto it.... Vast is the arena, and the time ripe to spur on the charger within it. Now is the time to reveal the force of one's strength, the stoutness of one's heart and the might of one's soul."

Dearly-beloved friends! What better field than the vast virgin territories, so near at hand, and waiting to receive, at this very hour, their full share of the onrushing tide of Baha'u'llah's redeeming grace?

What theatre more befitting than these long-neglected nine remaining states and provinces in which the true heroism of the intrepid pioneers of His World Order can be displayed? There is no time to lose. There is no room left for vacillation. Mult.i.tudes hunger for the Bread of Life. The stage is set. The firm and irrevocable Promise is given. G.o.d's own Plan has been set in motion. It is gathering momentum with every pa.s.sing day.

The powers of heaven and earth mysteriously a.s.sist in its execution. Such an opportunity is irreplaceable. Let the doubter arise and himself verify the truth of such a.s.sertions. To try, to persevere, is to insure ultimate and complete victory.

January 28, 1939

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