
Messages to America Part 13

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1944, a year memorable for the sharp contrast between the rising tide of spiritual victories culminating in the Centenary celebrations of a world-embracing Faith and the swiftly ebbing fortunes of a war-ravaged, disillusioned and bankrupt society, is drawing to a close. In every continent of the globe; in the Holy Land, the Heart and Center of our Faith and Pivot of its inst.i.tutions; in the land of its birth; in the adjoining territory of 'Iraq; throughout the Western Hemisphere; in the British Isles, so severely subjected to the violence of a world tempest; throughout the length and breadth of India; in far-off Australasia and in the Nile Valley-all with the sole exception of the distant Republics of the West subjected in varying degrees to the imminent danger of becoming the theatre of war-the communities laboring for the promotion of the Faith of Baha'u'llah have, throughout five tumultuous years, been providentially spared to hold aloft its banner, to preserve its integrity, to maintain the continuity of its inst.i.tutions, to enrich its annals, to consolidate its structure, to further disseminate its literature and to befittingly celebrate its Centenary. Preponderant indeed has been the share of that privileged community, which has been invested by the Pen of the Center of the Covenant with a world-wide mission, in the prosecution of a task which, ever since the onset of this world upheaval and despite its mounting horrors, the builders of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Baha'u'llah have so unflaggingly pursued. Neither the partic.i.p.ation of the Great Republic of the West in this fierce contest, nor the sorrows, burdens and restrictions which such direct a.s.sociation with the agonies of a travailing age has entailed, have thus far been capable of dimming the splendor of the exploits that have immortalized the record of the services of this community since the ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha. Indeed, coincident with the period of America's direct partic.i.p.ation in this world struggle and in direct proportion to the turmoil and the tribulations which such a partic.i.p.ation has engendered, the members of this community have evinced a heroism and proved themselves capable of a concerted effort that have eclipsed the notable achievements that have heralded the establishment of the Administrative Order of the Faith as well as the first stage in the development of the Seven Year Plan.

What the year 1945, on whose threshhold we now stand, has in store for the members of this determined, this valiant, this watchful, this exemplary community only the future can reveal. That the trials and afflictions suffered by their country and its people must wax as this world upheaval moves towards a climax no one can any longer doubt. The challenge that will face this stalwart community will no doubt be severe. To allow the prizes so n.o.bly won, over so vast a field, at so great a cost, at so critical an hour, to fall into jeopardy would be unworthy of a career so auspiciously initiated, so completely dedicated to the Cause of G.o.d, so rich in promise and so brilliant in almost every phase of its evolution.

Every local a.s.sembly, the ordained pivot of a divinely-ordained System, which has been established in the States and Provinces of the North American continent, as well as in the Republics of Latin America, must, through a supreme effort on the part of pioneers, visiting teachers and Regional Committees, be steadfastly maintained. Simultaneously a no less determined effort should be exerted to enable the admittedly large number of groups scattered throughout the Americas to attain a.s.sembly status. No less urgent is the obligation to proclaim the verities enshrined in the Faith of Baha'u'llah by every means which individuals, a.s.semblies and committees can devise, through the press and radio, through an unprecedented dissemination of literature, through its systematic translation into Spanish and Portuguese and above all through active a.s.sociation with leaders of public thought as well as direct contact with the ma.s.ses of the people. Through such means as these, and through such means only can the members of the American Baha'i Community, who have so audaciously and successfully launched the first stage of the Divine Plan, be enabled to pave the way and usher in, soon after the cessation of hostilities, the succeeding stage in the evolution of their world mission.

My prayers and loving thoughts surround them continually in their devoted labors.

December 24, 1944


I desire to reiterate the warning that no Persian, student or otherwise, must be admitted into the community under any circ.u.mstances unless provided with full credentials. Exception and compromise would be detrimental to the vital interests of the Faith at the present juncture.

The utmost caution and vigilance is imperative.

January 20, 1945


Deeply grieve pa.s.sing of indefatigable, staunch pioneer (i.e., Miss Mary Lesch) of the Faith in the Day of the Covenant. The record of her services imperishable, her reward great in the Abha Kingdom.

Cablegram, March 27, 1945


The Divine Plan conceived by 'Abdu'l-Baha for the American Baha'i community, in the midst of one of the darkest periods in human history and with which the destinies of the followers of Baha'u'llah in the North American continent must for generations to come remain inextricably interwoven, has, during the concluding years of the first Baha'i Century, triumphantly emerged from the first stage of its evolution. Its initiation, officially and on a vast scale, had, for well nigh twenty years, been held in abeyance, while the processes of a slowly emerging administrative Order, were, under the unerring guidance of Providence, creating and perfecting the agencies for its efficient and systematic prosecution. The next stage in the evolution of the Plan cannot, however, be embarked upon, until the external causes, hampering its further unfoldment in other continents of the globe, are removed through the cessation of hostilities and the signal victories already won through its initial development are sufficiently consolidated throughout the Western Hemisphere. The tasks confronting those who have so valiantly and brilliantly inaugurated the first stage in the execution of the Great Design unfolded by 'Abdu'l-Baha for the promulgation of the Faith of His Father, during this transitional period, are manifold, exacting, urgent, and sacred. The local administrative units, so laboriously const.i.tuted throughout the Americas, must needs, as already pointed out and repeatedly stressed, be maintained, reinforced, closely integrated and their number steadily multiplied. The spirit that has inflamed the pioneers who have set the seal of triumph on the Seven Year Plan, must under the vigilant care of the National representatives of the American Baha'i community be constantly watched, kept alive and nourished. The literature of the Faith, particularly in Spanish and Portuguese, must be widely disseminated in both Central and South America, as a necessary adjunct to the systematic consolidation of the work that has been undertaken. Above all, the healing Message of Baha'u'llah must during the opening years of the second Baha'i Century, and through the instrumentality of an already properly functioning Administrative Order, whose ramifications have been extended to the four corners of the Western Hemisphere, be vividly, systematically brought to the attention of the ma.s.ses, in their hour of grief, misery and confusion. A more audacious a.s.sertion of the challenging verities of the Faith; a more convincing presentation of its distinguishing truths; a fuller exposition of the character, the aims and the achievements of its rising Administrative system as the nucleus and pattern of its future world-embracing order; a more direct and intimate contact and a.s.sociation with the leaders of public thought, whose activities and aims are akin to the teachings of Baha'u'llah, for the purpose of demonstrating the universality, the comprehensiveness, the liberality and the dynamic power of His Divine Message; a closer scrutiny of the ways and means whereby its claims can be vindicated, its defamers and detractors silenced, and its inst.i.tutions safeguarded; a more determined effort to exploit, to the fullest extent possible, the talents and abilities of the rank and file of the believers for the purpose of achieving these ends-these stand out as the paramount tasks summoning to a challenge, during these years of transition and turmoil, the entire body of the American believers. The facilities which the radio and press furnish must be utilized to a degree unprecedented in American Baha'i history. The combined resources of the much-envied exemplary American Baha'i community must be harnessed for the effectual promotion of these meritorious purposes. Blessings undreamt of in their scope and plenteousness, are bound to be vouchsafed to those who will, in these dark yet pregnant times, arise to further these n.o.ble ends and to hasten through their acts the hour at which a still more momentous stage in the evolution of a Divine and worldwide Plan can be launched.

There is no time to lose. The hour is ripe for the proclamation, without fear, without reserve, and without hesitation, and on a scale never as yet undertaken, of the One Message that can alone extricate humanity from the mora.s.s into which it is steadily sinking, and from which they who claim to be the followers of the Most Great Name can and will eventually rescue it.

The sooner they who labor for the recognition and triumph of His Faith in the new world arise to carry out these inescapable duties, the sooner will the hopes, the aims and objectives of 'Abdu'l-Baha as enshrined in His own Plan, be translated from the realm of vision to the plane of actuality and manifest the full force of the potentialities with which they have been endued.

March 29, 1945


My heavy ladened heart, already oppressed by repeated defections of the unworthy kindred of the beloved Master, is relieved by latest signal evidence of the indomitable spirit of the members of divinely chosen American Baha'i community now unfurling the banner of the Faith and establishing the structural basis of its administrative order in the world's southernmost city. I hail the staunchness and fidelity distinguishing the winners of such superb victories. I acclaim them true brothers and sisters worthy of the name 'Abdu'l-Baha. I urge the Inter-America Committee to devote special attention and undertake prompt measures designed to increase the number of believers, establish local administrative headquarters, and multiply the subsidiary agencies indispensable to the maintenance of a flourishing community in the southern extremity of the western hemisphere. Praying ever increasing successes.

Cablegram April 21, 1945


a.s.sure newly-elected members of my fervent prayers for divine guidance and strength to accomplish the tasks confronting the American Baha'i community in the second year of the second Baha'i century. I appeal to National Teaching, Regional and Inter-America Committees to intensify efforts for multiplication of groups and a.s.semblies the length and breadth of the western hemisphere. An ever-increasing flow of pioneers is indispensable to meet the urgent requirements of the present hour. Renewed, determined, continued exertions by individuals aimed at an unprecedented increase in the number of enrolled believers is vital to the consolidation of activities undertaken by pioneers. Systematic, well-conceived, carefully coordinated plans, nationwide and intercontinental, devised by elected national representatives of the community, are likewise a necessary preliminary to a seed-sowing unexampled both in range and effectiveness in American Baha'i history. The attainment of this threefold objective in North, Central and South America will signalize the initiation, in other continents, of the world mission const.i.tuting the sacred birthright of the American followers of the Faith of Baha'u'llah.

Cablegram May 8, 1945


The followers of Baha'u'llah throughout five continents unanimously rejoice in the partial emergence of a war-torn humanity from the t.i.tanic upheaval unerringly predicted seventy years ago by the Pen of the Author of their Faith. The cessation of hostilities in the European continent signalizes yet another chapter in the tragic tale of fiery trials providentially decreed by inscrutable wisdom designed ultimately to weld the mutually antagonistic elements of human society into a single, organically-united, unshatterable world commonwealth. They gratefully acclaim the signal evidence of the interposition of divine Providence which during such perilous years enabled the World Center of our Faith to escape what posterity will recognize as one of the gravest dangers which ever confronted the nerve center of its inst.i.tutions. They are profoundly aware of the bountiful grace vouchsafed by that same Providence insuring, unlike the previous world conflict, uninterrupted intercourse between the spiritual Center and the vast majority of the communities functioning within the orbit of a far-flung Faith. They are immeasurably thankful for the miraculous preservation of the Indian, Persian, Egyptian, British and Iraqi communities, long threatened by dire perils owing to their proximity to the theatre of military operations. They are deeply conscious that the progress achieved, despite six tempestuous years, in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, through the collective enterprises launched by these communities, outshines the sum total of the accomplishments since the inception of the Formative Age of the Faith.

The Seven Year Plan inaugurated by the American Baha'i community under the lowering clouds of the approaching conflict victoriously completed the exterior ornamentation of the Mother Temple of the West, established the structural basis of the Faith in every State and Province of the North American continent, and hoisted its banner in every Republic of Latin America. The Indian believers' Six Year Plan, launched on the eve of hostilities, more than quadrupled the centers functioning within the pale of the Administrative Order. The edifices consecrated to the administrative affairs of an ever-advancing Cause, involving the expenditure of over a hundred thousand dollars, were erected, purchased or completed in the Capital Cities of India, 'Iraq and Egypt as well as Sydney, Australia. The acquisition of numerous properties in Baha'u'llah's native land, on Mount Carmel and in the Jordan Valley, as well as the purchase of several important historic sites a.s.sociated with the Lives of both the Herald and the Author of the Faith, swelled to an unprecedented degree our Baha'i endowments.

Preliminary steps for the completion of the Bab's Sepulchre and the establishment of the World Administrative Center through the removal of the Remains of the Brother and Mother of 'Abdu'l-Baha were undertaken. The termination of the First Century of the Baha'i Era, synchronizing with the climax of the raging storm, was publicly and befittingly celebrated, despite the multiplication of restrictions. Above all, the unity and integrity of an incorruptible world community was consistently safeguarded in face of the insidious opposition of avowed enemies without and the Covenant-breakers within.

Such splendid victories, over so vast a field, amidst such tribulations during so prolonged an ordeal, augur well for the colossal tasks destined to be accomplished during the course of the peaceful years ahead by the builders of the embryonic World Order of Baha'u'llah amidst the wreckage of a disrupted, disillusioned society.

Cablegram May 12, 1945


The cessation of hostilities on the continent of Europe, the prospect of an early termination of the b.l.o.o.d.y conflict raging in the Far East, invest the members of the world Baha'i community, and particularly its standard-bearers in the great Republic of the West, with a great, a unique, and inescapable responsibility. The first stage of the mission laid upon them by 'Abdu'l-Baha, the inauguration of which has been so long r.e.t.a.r.ded while the processes of a slowly emerging administrative order were being set in motion, and which coincided with one of the darkest and most tragic periods in human history, has been brought to a triumphant conclusion, and added a golden page to the annals of the closing years of the first Baha'i century.

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