
Men, Women, and God Part 10

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Of all the vital forces with which living things are endowed, the two most potent are the instinct for self-preservation and the instinct for race-preservation. This latter gives rise to the reproductive urge. So deep-seated is this instinctive force, that in many instances in the vegetable world, the threat of individual death results in a special effort of reproduction and the individual dies to live in the next generation. A force which is thus so insistent in the whole animal and vegetable world is naturally not absent in the human being, and it is well we should definitely recognize the fundamental power of this, in every normal man and woman. Not seldom the reproductive instinct is spoken of as a thing which can be put on one side and ignored. All experience and history prove that this is impossible, and that the attempt to do so ends in failure and disaster. But in civilized communities it is equally impossible to allow such a force to range unrestrained, hence the laws and customs of modern peoples. But mere a.s.sent to external authority can never achieve more than partial success. What is needed is whole-hearted agreement with an ideal which can only be attained by education of every individual in a real understanding of themselves and their responsibilities in s.e.x matters.

It is due to the fault of parents and teachers, rather than their own, that many men and women are to-day paying the penalty of having misused or abused this divinely implanted instinct.

_The Law of Bi-s.e.xual Reproduction_

It is one of Nature's plans that in the genesis of a new individual two individuals should take a share. This holds good throughout the whole range of living things except the lower forms of plant and animal life, such as fungi and animalcule. But, with one or two individual exceptions, as plants and animals evolve, the union of two elements, male and female, is needed to start the amazingly complex process of building a new individual. Thus in flowers the stamens, the pollen bearers, provide the male element which, through the intermediary of the pistils, fertilizes the egg in the vesicle. In the higher animals the egg or ovum is produced by the female, and is fertilized by the sperm-cell produced by the male. The necessary union between these two essential elements is attained in various ways. Thus the female salmon deposits her eggs on a convenient spot in the bed of a stream and the attendant male salmon then projects over them the spermatozoa. In the higher animals there is a further development, and special organs are evolved to ensure the conjunction of the two elements. I have not s.p.a.ce to describe in detail the effect of this union of the two cells, generally spoken of as fertilization. It may be found fully recorded step by step in any biological manual. Very briefly, the sperm-cells, which are active, freely moving units, swarm round the egg-cell and one of them eventually enters it. The essential part of the cells, namely the nuclei, coalesce into one nucleus, and an active process of cell division and multiplication is at once started. The single cell divides into two daughter cells, then again into four, and so on. Very early in development, the cells, which at first appear similar, become differentiated into different types, but the whole ordered sequence of the development of an embryo is achieved by this cell division and multiplication. Each original cell contains a substance which, on account of its being easily colorable with artificial stains, is called chromatin, and this chromatin is believed to be the bearer of the hereditary qualities. The cell division is so arranged that each new cell receives an equal share of the male and female chromatin, and this process is continued in every case of cell division, so that eventually, in every part of our bodies, the dual inheritance remains complete.

But though both parents have thus an equal share in the cellular elements of the new life, it is the female whose reproductive organs provide for its nourishment and protection until birth takes place.

_The Human s.e.x Organs_

In the female these consist of the womb or uterus, the ovaries, and a ca.n.a.l called the v.a.g.i.n.a which leads from the lower end of the uterus to an external opening, the v.u.l.v.a. The ovaries, two in number, are situated one on each side of the uterus. The uterus, which is pear-shaped, with the apex downwards, has three openings, one at the apex and one at each side at the upper part. These two upper openings are provided with a tubule extension, the Fallopian tubes, whose outer ends are fringed and lie in close relation to the ovaries. The ova or egg-cells are developed in the ovaries, and through a complex and elaborate process a single cell comes to maturity from time to time. It is then discharged into the open end of the Fallopian tube, reaches thereby the uterus, and if not fertilized is discharged through the lower opening of the uterus into the v.a.g.i.n.a. It is not known exactly when this discharge of ova takes place, but it is believed to coincide more or less with the monthly period. If, however, fertilization of the ovum takes place, it is not discharged, but remains in the uterus. The lining membrane of the uterus grows round and envelops it, and the wonderful process of cell division and multiplication proceeds which results in the growth and development of a child.

These various organs are situated in the lower part of the abdomen, within the protection of the bony pelvis or basin. This pelvis is, compared with the male pelvis, broad and shallow, to provide for the pa.s.sage of the fully developed child at birth. The v.a.g.i.n.a is the pa.s.sage by which, during the birth process, the child reaches the outer world, and it is also the s.e.x organ by which, in the female, the union of the male and female elements, of which we have spoken, takes place in the s.e.x act.

The male s.e.x organs consist of the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es, in which the sperm-cells or spermatozoa are evolved, of a coiled duct leading there from, and of the distinctive male s.e.x organ, the p.e.n.i.s. This last serves the double purpose of providing an exit for the contents of the bladder and for that emission of the spermatozoa which occurs in the s.e.x act. There are also certain glands situated in close relation to this duct which provide a fluid which is emitted at the same time as the spermatozoa, the whole being termed the seminal fluid. It is thus clear that in both s.e.xes there are essential reproductive organs, the ovaries in the one case, the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es in the other, providing respectively ova and sperm-cells, and there are also organs for the purpose of securing the union of these two elements, namely the v.a.g.i.n.a in the female and the p.e.n.i.s in the male. These two sets of organs form the primary s.e.x characteristics or actual s.e.x organs.

_The s.e.x Act_

The special process which secures this union of the male and female elements is termed copulation or coitus. It takes place in all warm-blooded animals, as well as many others, but in man, with his highly developed mental and psychical qualities, it is a truly complex experience in which body, mind and soul all take their part.

Physically its central fact is the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n of the seminal fluid by the male and its reception by the female, and this culmination with its psychical concomitants is spoken of as the o.r.g.a.s.m. Before coitus is feasible, the organs designed for the purpose have to be brought into an appropriate state for its consummation. The p.e.n.i.s and the v.u.l.v.a are alike furnished with erectile tissue. The p.e.n.i.s has to be erected in order to penetrate into the v.a.g.i.n.a, while the female organs add their share in facilitating the act both by the erection of the tissue round the v.u.l.v.a and by the outpouring of a lubricating secretion which bathes all the parts. The mechanism of this is a nervous one, and its originating cause while partly physical is chiefly mental, due to the emotions aroused by love and courtship, and thus in every act of coitus properly realized, an essential preliminary is an abbreviated courtship. This initial stage has been described as the stage of tumescence, and is succeeded by the introduction of the male organ into the v.a.g.i.n.a. A motor nerve discharge follows which produces e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n of the seminal fluid and is for the male the climax of the o.r.g.a.s.m. The female is, however, by no means pa.s.sive; motor nerve discharges take place leading to rhythmic contraction of the v.a.g.i.n.a, and she experiences, or should experience, a similar o.r.g.a.s.m to the male. The climax is followed in both by a feeling of satisfaction and repose which generally issues in refreshing sleep. It is to be noted, however, that in the female the whole process is apt to be slower than in the male. Her o.r.g.a.s.m frequently coincides with the male, but often it comes later. If this is not realized by her partner, and inconsiderate haste be practiced, then, in place of satisfaction, a state of nervous tension may remain, which is not only psychically deleterious, but, if repeated, may lead to actual illness.

I have spoken of the s.e.x act as it should be, a fine and lofty emotional experience of two people between whom is the bond of love. It is true that in the female an entirely pa.s.sive part is physiologically possible, and it is also true that in the male, who is biologically the hunting and pursuing animal, spontaneous desires arise from time to time which are too often accorded a bodily and disharmonious satisfaction. Disharmonious because it cannot be too strongly insisted upon that the completely satisfactory realization of the s.e.x act involves the partic.i.p.ation of every side of human nature, spiritual and physical, and is the outcome of an intense desire for perfect unity with the beloved. Hence mere bodily satisfaction of sensuous desire must have a disharmonious and deteriorating effect, because it ignores a basal fact of man, namely spirit, and leaves that side of him starved and unsatisfied. And the same is true of all s.e.xual aberrations and perversions. Though they may seem at the moment to be unimportant, the fact remains that they are sins against both the spirit and the flesh, and are followed inexorably by their own punishment.

It is argued by some that the s.e.xual act should be restricted to occasions, when there is a definite intention of begetting children.

This does not seem either reasonable or desirable. Nature's plans were certainly, in the case of human beings, not constructed on that basis.

It would introduce an element of calculation and deliberation into what is naturally a finely spontaneous thing, and it would put a quite unnecessary, and in some cases, at least, a harmful, strain upon two people. As Havelock Ellis has put it: "Even if s.e.xual relationships had no connection with procreation whatever, they would still be justifiable, and are, indeed, an indispensable aid to the best moral development of the individual; for it is only in so intimate a relationship as that of s.e.x that the finest graces and apt.i.tudes of life have full scope." This does not imply that married life does not call for the exercise of self-restraint and continence, in this as in other respects.

Those who regard marital relations as an opportunity for unbridled s.e.xual indulgence are not likely to win success in an adventure of considerable difficulty in which all that is fine in man or woman will find full scope for development. But it does mean that s.e.xual intimacy has a value in itself as an expression in the terms of the body of the love which unites husband and wife, and that, when duly controlled, it leads to health and general harmony.

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Men, Women, and God Part 10 summary

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