
Memorials of the Faithful Part 12

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May G.o.d lift him up to the highest Heaven, to the fellowship of glory.(81) May G.o.d bring him into the land of lights, the mysterious Kingdom, the a.s.semblage of the splendors of the mighty, all powerful Lord. Upon him be the glory of the All-Glorious.


Sulayman _Kh_an was the emigrant and settler who was given the t.i.tle of Jamali'd-Din. He was born in Tunukaban, into an old family of that region.

He was cradled in wealth, bred to ease, reared in the comfortable ways of luxury. From his early childhood he had high ambitions and n.o.ble aims, and he was honor and aspiration personified. At first he planned to outdistance all his fellows and achieve some lofty rank. For this reason he left his birthplace and went to the capital, ?ihran, where he hoped to become a leader, surpa.s.sing the rest of his generation.

In ?ihran, however, the fragrance of G.o.d was borne his way, and he listened to the summons of the Well-Beloved. He was saved from the perturbations of high rank; from all the din and clatter, the glory, the pomps and palaces, of this heap of dust, the world. He threw off his chains, and by G.o.d's grace, discovered peace. To him, the seat of honor was now no different from the place where people removed their slippers at the door, and high office was a thing soon gone and forgotten. He was cleansed from the stain of living, his heart was eased, for he had burst the shackles that held him to this present life.

Putting on the garments of a pilgrim, he set out to find his loving Friend, and came to the Most Great Prison. Here for a time he rested, under the protection of the Ancient Beauty; here he gained the honor of entering the presence of Baha'u'llah, and listened to momentous teachings from His holy lips. When he had breathed the scented air, when his eyes were illumined and his ears attuned to the words of the Lord, he was permitted to make a journey to India, and bidden to teach the true seekers after truth.

Resting his heart on G.o.d, in love with the sweet savors of G.o.d, on fire with the love of G.o.d, he left for India. There he wandered, and whenever he came to a city he raised the call of the Great Kingdom and delivered the good news that the Speaker of the Mount had come. He became one of G.o.d's farmers, scattering the holy seed of the Teachings. This sowing was fruitful. Through him a considerable number found their way into the Ark of Salvation. The light of Divine guidance was shed upon those souls, and their eyes were brightened with beholding the mighty signs of G.o.d. He became the focal point of every gathering, the honored guest. To this day, in India, the results of his auspicious presence are clear to see, and those whom he taught are now, in their turn, guiding others to the Faith.

Following his Indian journey, Sulayman _Kh_an came back to Baha'u'llah, but when he arrived, the ascension had taken place. Continuously, he shed his tears, and his heart was a thurible for sorrow. But he remained loyal to the Covenant, well rooted in Heaven.

Not long before His pa.s.sing, Baha'u'llah had said: "Should someone go to Persia, and manage to convey it, this message must be delivered to Aminu's-Sultan:(82) 'You took steps to help the prisoners; you freely rendered them a befitting service; this service will not be forgotten.

Rest a.s.sured that it will bring you honor and call down a blessing upon all your affairs. O Aminu's-Sultan! Every house that is raised up will one day fall to ruin, except the house of G.o.d; that will grow more ma.s.sive and be better guarded day by day. Then serve the Court of G.o.d with all your might, that you may discover the way to a home in Heaven, and found an edifice that will endure forever.'" After the departure of Baha'u'llah, this message was conveyed to Aminu's-Sultan.

In a_dh_irbayjan the Turkish clerics had brought down aqa Siyyid Asadu'llah, hunted him down in Ardabil and plotted to shed his blood; but the Governor, by a ruse, managed to save him from being physically beaten and then murdered: he sent the victim to Tabriz in chains, and from there had him conducted to ?ihran. Aminu's-Sultan came to the prisoner's a.s.sistance and, in his own office, provided Asadu'llah with a sanctuary.

One day when the Prime Minister was ill, Na?iri'd-Din _Sh_ah arrived to visit him. The Minister then explained the situation, and lavished praise upon his captive; so much so that the _Sh_ah, as he left, showed great kindness to Asadu'llah, and spoke words of consolation. This, when at an earlier time, the captive would have been strung up at once to adorn some gallows-tree, and shot down with a gun.

After a time Aminu's-Sultan lost the Sovereign's favor. Hated, in disgrace, he was banished to the city of Qum. Thereupon this servant dispatched Sulayman _Kh_an to Persia, carrying a prayer and a missive written by me. The prayer besought G.o.d's aid and bounty and succor for the fallen Minister, so that he might, from that corner of oblivion, be recalled to favor. In the letter we clearly stated: "Prepare to return to ?ihran. Soon will G.o.d's help arrive; the light of grace will shine on you again; with full authority again, you will find yourself free, and Prime Minister. This is your reward for the efforts you exerted on behalf of a man who was oppressed." That letter and that prayer are today in the possession of the family of Aminu's-Sultan.

From ?ihran, Sulayman _Kh_an journeyed to Qum, and according to his instructions went to live in a cell in the shrine of the Immaculate.(83) The relatives of Aminu's-Sultan came to visit there; Sulayman _Kh_an inquired after the fallen Minister and expressed the wish to meet him.

When the Minister learned of this, he sent for Sulayman _Kh_an. Placing all his trust in G.o.d, Sulayman _Kh_an hastened to the Minister's house and, meeting him in private, presented the letter from 'Abdu'l-Baha. The Minister rose, and received the letter with extreme respect. Then addressing the _Kh_an he said: "I had given up hope. If this longing is fulfilled, I will arise to serve; I will preserve and uphold the friends of G.o.d." Then he expressed his grat.i.tude, indebtedness and joy, and added, "Praise be to G.o.d, I hope again; I feel that by His aid, my dream will come true."

In brief, the Minister pledged himself to serve the friends, and Sulayman _Kh_an took his leave. The Minister then desired to give him a sum of money to defray the expenses of his journey, but Sulayman _Kh_an refused, and despite the Minister's insistence, would accept nothing. The _Kh_an had not yet reached the Holy Land on his return journey when Aminu's-Sultan was recalled from exile and immediately summoned to the Premiership again. He a.s.sumed the position and functioned with full authority; and at first he did indeed support the believers, but toward the end, in the case of the Yazd martyrdoms, he was neglectful. He neither helped nor protected the sufferers in any way, nor would he listen to their repeated pleas, until all of them were put to death. Accordingly he too was dismissed, a ruined man; that flag which had flown so proudly was reversed, and that hoping heart despaired.

Sulayman _Kh_an lived on in the Holy Land, near the Shrine which the Exalted a.s.sembly circle about. He kept company with the believers until the day of inescapable death, when he set out for the mansions of Him Who liveth, and dieth not. He turned his back on this heap of dust, the world, and hurried away to the country of light. He broke out of this cage of contingent being and soared into the endless, placeless Realm. May G.o.d enfold him in the waters of His mercy, cause His forgiveness to rain down upon him, and bestow on him the wonders of abounding grace. Salutations be unto him, and praise.


This was a patient and long-enduring man, a native of Ka_sh_an. He was one of the very earliest believers. The down was not yet upon his cheek when he drank of the love of G.o.d, saw with his own eyes the heavenly table spread out before him, and received his faith and his portion of abounding grace.

In a little while he left his home and set out for the rose garden that was Ba_gh_dad, where he achieved the honor of entering the presence of Baha'u'llah. He spent some time in 'Iraq, and won a crown of endless favor: he would enter the presence of Baha'u'llah and many a time would accompany Him on foot to the Shrine of the Two Kazims; this was his great delight.

'Abdu'r-Rahman was among the prisoners exiled to Mosul, and later he fairly dragged himself to the fortress at Akka. Here he lived, blessed by Baha'u'llah. He carried on a small business, trifling, but he was content with it, happy and at peace. Thus, walking the path of righteousness, he lived to be eighty years old, at which time, serenely patient, he soared away to the Threshold of G.o.d. May the Lord enfold him there with His bounty and compa.s.sion, and clothe him in the garment of forgiveness. His luminous grave is in Akka.


This man, n.o.ble and high-minded, was the son of the respected 'Abdu'l-Fa??a? who was in the Akka prison. Learning that his father was a captive there, he came with all speed to the fortress so that he too might have a share of those dire afflictions. He was a man wise, understanding, in a tumult from drinking the wine of the love of G.o.d, but with a wonderful, basic serenity and calm.

He had inherited the nature of his father, and he exemplified the saying that the child is the secret essence of its sire. For this reason, over a long period, he found delight in the neighborhood of the Divine Presence, enjoying utter peace. Daytimes, he would carry on his trade, and at night he would come in all haste to the door of the house, to be with the friends. He was close to all those who were staunch and true; he was full of courage; he was grateful to G.o.d, abstemious and chaste, expectant of and relying on the bounty and grace of the Lord. He made his father's lamp to shine, brightened the household of 'Abdu'l-Fa??a?, and left descendants to remain behind him in this swiftly pa.s.sing world.

He always did what he could to provide for the happiness of the believers; he always saw to their well-being. He was sagacious, grave, and steadfast.

By G.o.d's grace, he stayed loyal to the end, and sound in faith. May G.o.d give him to drink from the cup of forgiveness; may he sip from the spring of G.o.d's bounty and good pleasure; may G.o.d raise him up to the heights of Divine bestowal. His sweet-scented tomb is in Akka.


In the flower of tender youth, Mu?ammad-'Ali, the illumined, heard the cry of G.o.d, and lost his heart to heavenly grace. He entered the service of the Afnan, offshoot of the Holy Tree, and lived happy and content. This was how he came to the city of Akka, and was for quite a time present at the Sacred Threshold, winning a crown of lasting glory. The eye of Baha'u'llah's grace and favor was upon him. He served with a loyal heart.

He had a happy nature, a comely face; he was a man believing, seeking, tested and tried.

During the days of Baha'u'llah, Mu?ammad-'Ali remained steadfast, and after the Supreme Affliction his heart did not fail him, for he had drunk the wine of the Covenant and his thoughts were fixed on the bounties of G.o.d. He moved to Haifa and lived, a firm believer, near the Haziratu'l-Quds by the Holy Shrine on Mount Carmel till his final breath, when death came and the carpet of his earthly life was rolled up and put away.

This man was a true servant of the Threshold, a good friend to the believers. All were pleased with him, finding him an excellent companion, gentle and mild. May G.o.d succor him in His exalted Kingdom, and give him a home in the Abha Realm, and send upon him abounding grace from the gardens of Heaven-the place of meeting, the place of the mystical contemplation of G.o.d. His amber-scented dust is in Haifa.

?aJi aQaY-I-TABRiZi

Early in his youth this spiritual man, who came from Tabriz, had sensed the mystic knowledge and drunk the heady wine of G.o.d, and he remained staunch as ever in the Faith during his years of helpless age.

He lived for a time in a_dh_irbayjan, enamored of the Lord. When he became widely known thereabouts as one bearing the name of G.o.d, the people ruined his life. His relatives and friends turned against him, finding a new excuse to hound him with every pa.s.sing day. Finally he broke up his home, took his family and fled to Adrianople. He reached there during the close of the Adrianople period and was taken prisoner by the oppressors.

Along with us homeless wanderers, and under the protection of the Ancient Beauty, he came to the Most Great Prison and was a confidant and companion, sharing with us the calamities and tribulations, humble and long-enduring. Afterward, when the restrictions were somewhat relaxed, he engaged in trade, and through the bounty of Baha'u'llah was comfortable and at peace. But his body had become enfeebled from the earlier hardships, and all the suffering, and his faculties had deteriorated; so that ultimately he fell ill, beyond hope of a remedy; and not far from Baha'u'llah, and shadowed by His protection, he hastened away from this least of worlds to the high Heavens, from this dark place to the land of lights. May G.o.d immerse him in the waters of forgiveness; may He bring him into the gardens of Paradise, and there keep him safe forevermore. His pure dust rests in Akka.


This man, a carpenter and a master craftsman, came from Ka_sh_an. For faith and cert.i.tude, he was like a sword drawn from the scabbard. He was well known in his own city as a man righteous, true and worthy of trust.

He was high-minded, abstemious and chaste. When he became a believer, his urgent longing to meet Baha'u'llah could not be stilled; full of joyous love, he went out of the Land of Kaf (Ka_sh_an) and traveled to 'Iraq, where he beheld the splendor of the rising Sun.

He was a mild man, patient, quiet, mostly keeping to himself. In Ba_gh_dad, he worked at his craft, was in touch with the friends, and sustained by the presence of Baha'u'llah. For some time he lived in utter happiness and peace. Then those who had been taken prisoner were sent away to Mosul, and he was among the victims and like them exposed to the wrath of the oppressors. He remained in captivity for quite a while and when freed came to Akka. Here too he was a friend to the prisoners and in the Fortress he continued to practice his skill. As usual he was inclined to solitude, apt to stay apart from friend and stranger alike, and much of the time lived by himself.

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Memorials of the Faithful Part 12 summary

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