
Mary Lee the Red Cross Girl Part 8

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The war came somewhat close to Mary Lee when Dr. Payson told her that he intended to answer the first call for physicians.

"Would you like to come along?" he asked her jestingly.

The girl took his question seriously and for a moment was not sure.

She pictured the wounded and dying with her ready imagination and felt as if she would not be equal to it.

Then a new and clearer thought came.

"If I'm to be a nurse," she said determinedly to herself, "I mustn't think of such things. I mustn't think of myself at all."

But Dr. Payson, who had watched the serious minded girl with considerable amus.e.m.e.nt, added:

"There isn't any need for sudden decision on your part. I'm afraid you couldn't come even if you would. You are somewhat young, for one thing, and I hope there won't ever come a time when they will need anybody so young," he concluded as a serious look came into his eyes.

Then he changed the subject and went into a detailed explanation of what was to be done with a case that was to come in a little later that day, and how he would expect Mary Lee to a.s.sist him. She listened carefully as she was anxious to get practical experience.

"I wish I could have you here all the time," Dr. Payson remarked a little later. "You are such a help. I tell you this because I feel sure it won't turn your head."

The girl flushed with gratification and vowed to herself that she would give her very best to her work always. And although Dr. Payson did not add it, he had noticed with considerable satisfaction how neat the girl was and how strong a point she made of keeping things in order.

In the midst of a number of questions one afternoon, a sudden thought struck her and she stopped short.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Payson, I should not be bothering you with my many questions," she remarked contritely. "I didn't realize before, how many I ask."

"You are not bothering me," he answered with decision. "I want you to ask questions; in that way I shall be able to get your best help, so be sure you always do."

After that Mary Lee, taking him at his word, never hesitated. In this way she was learning much and daily growing more efficient.

Letty, for one, was keenly interested in Mary Lee's position and at such time when she was free she begged to be allowed to go with her to Dr. Payson's office. But excepting Sat.u.r.day mornings when Dr. Payson did not come to the office, Mary Lee, much as she would have liked to have Letty with her, had to reluctantly refuse permission. She felt that the situation was not play and even on the Sat.u.r.day mornings that Letty did come she made her help in getting things in order.

School events were now in full swing. Mary Lee became a member of the Basket Ball Team because of her quickness and strength. At the same time Letty was made a subst.i.tute.

At one of the Campfire meetings Mary Lee suggested to the other girls that they start a large Junior Red Cross Group at High School.

The idea took like wildfire at school and over forty girls made application at the first meeting.

The idea had the enthusiastic backing of Miss James who was a teacher in English at the school and who had been made the director of the group by the faculty.

"Suppose," said Miss James, "we form a Committee on Plans. There will be so much to do and so many in the school who will be anxious to join that we should have plans formed."

The girls all agreed. Besides Miss James seven girls were appointed, and Mary Lee, Letty and Ruth were three of them.

As if to help the Committee on Plans the answer from the Red Cross Committee came to Ruth the next morning.

Ruth read the letter through breathlessly, and then hurried over to meet Letty and Mary Lee before their departure for school.

The two girls were just leaving the house as Ruth turned the corner.

"Mary Lee, Letty!" she called to them excitedly and waved the letter.

Pa.s.sers-by stopped and smiled at the girl and her excitement but she was heedless of the stir she was causing.

Mary Lee and Letty turned at the call and hurried to meet her.

"I've got the letter! I've got the letter!" she exclaimed.

"Will they let us do anything? What do they say? Let's sit down and read it," Letty responded with great eagerness.

Mary Lee, not a bit less excited, turned to see where they could sit down.

"Let's sit down here," she directed and the three girls seated themselves on the steps of Letty's house. Mary Lee then immediately turned to the letter.

It was of considerable length. It told the girls that the help they could give at the time was threefold. While some of it might not at first thought be the Red Cross work, as they probably had a.s.sociated their idea of it, it was, as they would realize after a little thought, the best kind of Red Cross help. The letter closed very nicely, after outlining the things they could do, with an appreciation of their offer which was so opportune and the a.s.surance that their help was greatly needed.

"My," said Mary Lee, "it's like ready made plans for our committee.

Let's hurry and show it to Miss James. We'll be late if we stop and talk it over, there is so much to consider."

So the girls hurried to school with a consciousness that the opportunity for service was straight ahead of them and in definite, concrete form.

After the first period, the three girls were free and they immediately hastened to see Miss James.

"It is perfectly splendid, isn't it?" was her comment after reading the letter through. "I wonder how many of the rest of the committee can be excused so that we can go over this letter at once."

Two of the other girls could come and they did. Miss James then read the letter aloud.

"You see, girls, they want us to plan along three different lines.

First, and this is the plan that we all had--we should turn to making useful things which would be used by our soldiers and our allies. You see, they want us to be very practical about this.

"Second, they want every member of this group to help in the planting of some vegetable garden. That is a splendid practical idea, not hard to follow and it should prove of great benefit inasmuch as the food supply of the country would be materially increased.

"Third, they want us to form a division whose work will be to call attention of households to the great need of eliminating luxuries, and being economical and frugal. That, too, is possible for us to do.

"Of course, young ladies, we by ourselves can do our share. But it helps to know that there are to be other groups like our own formed throughout the country--for that means we shall be a part of a very big thing."

"Isn't it fine?" Mary Lee added with great enthusiasm. "President Wilson said the other day that help, such as this, is just as necessary and useful as the service the soldier gives."

"We'll call a meeting of the group tomorrow afternoon, shall we?"

asked Miss James. "This afternoon we can get a report into definite shape."

"But, Miss James," interrupted Letty. "If we have our meeting this afternoon, Mary Lee cannot be present. She is at Dr. Payson's; nor can she come tomorrow afternoon, or any afternoon."

Miss James turned to Mary Lee who nodded her head in confirmation.

"You see," she remarked apologetically, "I work afternoons and Sat.u.r.day mornings at Dr. Payson's office. But please," the girl added, "you have your meeting and I'll help as I can."

"Well, there's one thing we know--we want Mary Lee with us, don't we girls?" asked Miss James.

The girls agreed with decisive unanimity.

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Mary Lee the Red Cross Girl Part 8 summary

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