
Major General Spoils His Soul-guiding Wife Chapter 2.2

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Published at 17th of May 2019 10:55:07 AM Chapter 2.2

Chapter 2 . 2 An Awkward Situation

When the square shaped robot started spewing words in the human tongue, Xi Zhaoyue was again startled . She used the small amounts of divine sense she had left to thoroughly examine the robot inside out . Her typically expressionless face which showed only the epitome of calmness, was a direct contrast to that of her heart which wanted to shout in frustration . "This thing which they call a robot has no spiritual stone . Instead, it has something called an energy board to provide power for the robot . What are the principles behind this energy board? Can I replace spiritual stones with these energy boards when I am refining my puppets?"

Xi Zhaoyue decided that once she has adapted to this world, she will gather a few energy boards to conduct some experiments .

After touring the entire villa, Xi Zhaoyue came to a conclusion that made her extremely satisfied . There was only one person inside the villa . Her .

Over the past few hundred years, as a refining maniac, she has literally only interacted with her ores and equipment everyday . She rarely had any contact with outsiders . Her preference for seclusion was a well known fact within the cultivation world . It was also because she rarely had any contact with outsiders that she favoured her childhood friends a lot more . Who would ever have imagined that . . . . . .

Xi Zhaoyue shook her head . What happened in the past should stay in the past . Always thinking about it would cause the formation of heart demons which is bad for cultivation . It was better to focus on the present .

Speaking of cultivation, Xi Zhaoyue couldn't help but frown . From her journey from the hospital to the villa , she did not sense any traces spiritual qi anywhere . It was very likely that there was no spiritual qi in this world .

If there really wasn't any spiritual qi, then there would only be one way left for her to cultivate . She had to cultivate using people's souls . What she was worried about now was that in this world, after one died, there wouldn't be a soul remnant left behind .

This was something easy to test as long as someone dies . It is of course best that they have not died for more than one hours time as the soul would begin to dissipate after leaving the body .

Well, should she go out to kill a few people to test this theory?

Xi Zhaoyue immediately forsook this idea . She could not go out to personally kill people . Firstly, her cultivation was gone . Secondly, this body was weak beyond belief . Thirdly, there was this Imperial Interstellar law here which stated that intentional homicide would be punished severely .

Growl . . . . . .

Just as Xi Zhaoyue was thinking about her options, a long forgotten sound emerged from her stomach . She couldn't help but be surprised .

How many years has it been since she ever felt the pangs of hunger?

In the cultivation world, this was a small problem that could easily be solved by a fasting pill . Here on the other hand . . . . . .

Xi Zhaoyue's eyes swept across the area before her line of sight landed on the robot . She tried to ask it, "Robot, I am hungry . Can you prepare some food for me?"

"Madam . people have something called names . " The robot replied in an unpleasant tone .

Xi Zhaoyue's lips pursed for a moments . "Then may I know what is your name?"

"People call me February . " February's face was square shaped, without any expressions . But Xi Zhaoyue could see something called "arrogance" spilling out of the robot . What Xi Zhaoyue didn't know was that a typical robot would not have a name . They would only be a.s.signed numbers . That was why as a robot with a name, February was proud of it's uniqueness .

"Alright, February, can you prepare for me some food to eat?"

"Of course . Please wait for a while madam . "

Xi Zhaoyue sat on the table and looked at the thing called a test tube on the plate, confused . From the original's memories, she found out that this was something called a nutrient solution . Just a single dose would be able to provide it's consumer a day's worth of energy . Although it was not as convenient as fasting pills, it was much more convenient than cooking .

However, the taste of this thing thing was bizarre . Under most circ.u.mstances, only the lower castes and some special people such as soldiers and mercenaries would eat it . People like those form the upper cla.s.s typically would not use it as a staple food .

February preparing this nutrient solution for her . Was it due to the orders of its master Ka Moqi?

It seems like that Ka Moqi was really as dissatisfied with her as rumoured!

She doesn't have a mountain to rely on . Yet she still had to deal with a bunch of tigers eyeing her and her Sentinel companion . What a worrying situation!

Chapter 2 . 2 An Awkward Situation.

When the square shaped robot started spewing words in the human tongue, Xi Zhaoyue was again startled . She used the small amounts of divine sense she had left to thoroughly examine the robot inside out . Her typically expressionless face which showed only the epitome of calmness, was a direct contrast to that of her heart which wanted to shout in frustration . "This thing which they call a robot has no spiritual stone . Instead, it has something called an energy board to provide power for the robot . What are the principles behind this energy board? Can I replace spiritual stones with these energy boards when I am refining my puppets?".

Xi Zhaoyue decided that once she has adapted to this world, she will gather a few energy boards to conduct some experiments

After touring the entire villa, Xi Zhaoyue came to a conclusion that made her extremely satisfied . There was only one person inside the villa . Her

Over the past few hundred years, as a refining maniac, she has literally only interacted with her ores and equipment everyday . She rarely had any contact with outsiders . Her preference for seclusion was a well known fact within the cultivation world . It was also because she rarely had any contact with outsiders that she favoured her childhood friends a lot more . Who would ever have imagined that .

Xi Zhaoyue shook her head . What happened in the past should stay in the past . Always thinking about it would cause the formation of heart demons which is bad for cultivation . It was better to focus on the present

Speaking of cultivation, Xi Zhaoyue couldn't help but frown . From her journey from the hospital to the villa , she did not sense any traces spiritual qi anywhere . It was very likely that there was no spiritual qi in this world

If there really wasn't any spiritual qi, then there would only be one way left for her to cultivate . She had to cultivate using people's souls . What she was worried about now was that in this world, after one died, there wouldn't be a soul remnant left behind

This was something easy to test as long as someone dies . It is of course best that they have not died for more than one hours time as the soul would begin to dissipate after leaving the body

Well, should she go out to kill a few people to test this theory?.

Xi Zhaoyue immediately forsook this idea . She could not go out to personally kill people . Firstly, her cultivation was gone . Secondly, this body was weak beyond belief . Thirdly, there was this Imperial Interstellar law here which stated that intentional homicide would be punished severely

Growl .

Just as Xi Zhaoyue was thinking about her options, a long forgotten sound emerged from her stomach . She couldn't help but be surprised

How many years has it been since she ever felt the pangs of hunger?.

In the cultivation world, this was a small problem that could easily be solved by a fasting pill . Here on the other hand .

Xi Zhaoyue's eyes swept across the area before her line of sight landed on the robot . She tried to ask it, "Robot, I am hungry . Can you prepare some food for me?".

"Madam . people have something called names . " The robot replied in an unpleasant tone

Xi Zhaoyue's lips pursed for a moments . "Then may I know what is your name?".

"People call me February . " February's face was square shaped, without any expressions . But Xi Zhaoyue could see something called "arrogance" spilling out of the robot . What Xi Zhaoyue didn't know was that a typical robot would not have a name . They would only be a.s.signed numbers . That was why as a robot with a name, February was proud of it's uniqueness

"Alright, February, can you prepare for me some food to eat?".

"Of course . Please wait for a while madam . ".

Xi Zhaoyue sat on the table and looked at the thing called a test tube on the plate, confused . From the original's memories, she found out that this was something called a nutrient solution . Just a single dose would be able to provide it's consumer a day's worth of energy . Although it was not as convenient as fasting pills, it was much more convenient than cooking

However, the taste of this thing thing was bizarre . Under most circ.u.mstances, only the lower castes and some special people such as soldiers and mercenaries would eat it . People like those form the upper cla.s.s typically would not use it as a staple food

February preparing this nutrient solution for her . Was it due to the orders of its master Ka Moqi?.

It seems like that Ka Moqi was really as dissatisfied with her as rumoured!.

She doesn't have a mountain to rely on . Yet she still had to deal with a bunch of tigers eyeing her and her Sentinel companion . What a worrying situation!.

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Major General Spoils His Soul-guiding Wife Chapter 2.2 summary

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