
Magi Craft Meister Chapter 682

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Chapter 682 – Information Organization

“By the way.”

Before rebooting Akitsu, Jin asked a question to Lao-kun.

“What about the knowledge and information Akitsu has?”

“Yes, Master My Lord. Unfortunately, I have some bad news…”


“Akitsu’s knowledge is very limited.”

“What do you mean?”

In response to Jin’s question, Lao-kun began to explain with an apologetic tone.

“I see, Akitsu’s knowledge is mainly about governing a country, and it’s about democratic politics, right?”

“Yes. Other than that, there are a few things about culture. Most of it is stuff that you, Master, My Lord, already know.”

Jin pondered. If knowledge had been transferred using ‘Knowledge Transfer’, it would be hard to believe that it would be so limited.

Lao-kun continued as if reading Jin’s thoughts.

“Most likely, Akitsu has not been endowed with knowledge through ‘Knowledge Transfer’.”


“Like an ordinary automaton, it was probably educated from scratch, as if imparting knowledge to a baby.”

For an ‘ordinary’ automaton, basic information for operation, akin to an OS in a computer, is given. But that only enables very basic functions.

Without imparting knowledge through ‘education’, it would not only be unusable but also unable to speak satisfactorily.

“But ‘Knowledge Transfer’ is an old technology, isn’t it? Right, Reiko?”

Reiko nodded slightly.

“Yes, Father. That’s what I heard from Mother…”

So, it means that the magic ‘Knowledge Transfer’ was developed after Akitsu but before Reiko.

Which means…

“Did the previous generation improve ‘Knowledge Transfer’?”

“That seems very likely.”

Lao-kun, who should have a.n.a.lyzed Akitsu’s knowledge, didn’t understand how she acquired her knowledge for a reason.

The ‘format’ of the control core, or so-called control nucleus, is slightly different.

While information as ‘knowledge’ was easy to read, ‘memory’ information of the events Akitsu experienced since her creation was interspersed with miscellaneous data, much like a personal diary. Picking out only the useful information from it is a time-consuming process.

Therefore, even Lao-kun couldn’t completely a.n.a.lyze it in this short period.

Now, they couldn’t afford to stay idle any longer. Jin was about to reboot the lying Akitsu but had a sudden thought.

“Let’s reboot Akitsu in that dome.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

So, Jin, along with Reiko holding Akitsu, transferred to the dome using the transporter. Elsa stayed behind, as they planned to return soon.

“Welcome back.”

John, who had been guarding the place, greeted them. Since John is ultimately controlled by Lao-kun, Jin felt a slight sense of incongruity being told ‘welcome back.’

Before restoring Akitsu, Jin checked the armchair he had been sitting on. The frame was made of bronze and had developed verdigris, so he cleaned it up.

“Alright, Reiko, please have Akitsu sit down.”


“John, did you notice anything while you were investigating the dome?”

John, who had been in the dome while Jin was repairing Akitsu, should have checked various things.

“Yes, there was nothing particularly noteworthy.”

“I see.”

Jin decided to proceed with rebooting Akitsu and recited the ‘Authentication Key Pa.s.sword’ and ‘Magi-Key Word.’

“Kougai-chou 64, Wake Up.”


Akitsu opened her eyes.

“Master Jin, thank you for fixing me. With this, I will be able to continue watching over the people in this land.”

It seemed she was fully aware of who had repaired her.

Lao-kun’s judgment that she would not be hostile was correct.

“Akitsu, keep it a secret that I did the repairs. Say that John did it.”

“Yes, understood.”

Akitsu would continue to provide knowledge and offer consultations to visitors—those recognized by the chieftain—until the day she was no longer needed.

Jin also thought he might visit occasionally.

Reiko, perhaps curious, glanced back at Akitsu once.

* * *

Jin and Reiko briefly stepped outside, boarded Pegasus 1, and returned to Mount Hourai via the Condor 3’s warp gate.

Condor 3 would fly back on its own.

“Welcome back, Jin-nii.”

Elsa greeted them in front of the laboratory.

And then Lao-kun spoke.

“Master My Lord, regarding Akitsu’s memory information…”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I managed to a.n.a.lyze it, but unfortunately, some parts were damaged.”

It was quite rare for Lao-kun to fail in a.n.a.lysis, indicating the task was very challenging.

The original copy, which was deteriorating and cracking, might have had unclear information to begin with. The original was now missing and no longer useful, and it felt somewhat inappropriate to go back and copy Akitsu’s control core again.

“Well, it can’t be helped. Just explain what you found out.”


Lao-kun concisely summarized and reported the information Jin was seeking.

  • Akitsu is an educational and consultation automaton, similar to the Führer created by Jin.
  • Akitsu was created about 1,100 years ago by a disciple of Sage Magus and was educated by Sage Magus.
  • The name of the Sage Magus was Shuki Ceci. He had black eyes and black hair and could not use magic.
  • Akitsu’s knowledge is limited to democracy and some cultural matters.
  • Comparing Akitsu’s knowledge with Jin’s, there was nothing particularly new.
  • Three hundred years ago, during the Ether Stampede caused by the magic surge, Akitsu became inoperable.
  • Consequently, the Mitsuho tribe attempted to advance towards the Shouro Empire in search of a Magi Engineer, but Akitsu herself did not order the invasion.
  • Even now, the Mitsuho tribe needs magic craftsmen to repair outdated tools and magical devices.
  • Akitsu’s appearance had black eyes and hair, with shallow features and skin similar to Jin’s. If this was as instructed by Shuki Ceci, it is likely that he came from the same or a similar world as Jin.

This is what was understood.

The following points are based on the supplemented data from the damaged information:

  • There are similar ‘consultant’ automatons other than Akitsu.
  • These automatons might possess knowledge that Akitsu lacks.
  • There seems to be some connection between the Sage Magus Shuki Ceci and the previous Magi Craft Master, Adrianna Balbora Ceci.

That’s the summary.

In addition, Jin was able to infer the role of magic craftsmen in Mitsuho, Akitsu’s role, and the relationship between the chieftain and Akitsu.

However, the true ident.i.ty of Shuki Ceci remains a mystery.

Lao-kun discussed this with Jin.

“The inhabitants of Mitsuho are likely the same ethnic group as the subservient race that lived with the demon race. Therefore, they cannot use magic.”

“That seems likely. And the Sage Magus and his disciples probably transmitted and guided various cultures and civilizations.”

Elsa was also partic.i.p.ating in the discussion.

“…Surely, as part of that, they created various tools and magical devices. When they broke down, it led to a need for repair personnel, hence the need for magic engineers.”

“Mother didn’t talk about anything like that…”

Reiko recalled the past and provided additional details.

“Yeah, I didn’t receive such information from the previous generation either. There must be some reason for it…”

“Let’s have John Dini continue gathering information. I believe we’ll learn more through that process. Judging with limited information is dangerous.”

Jin agreed with Lao-kun’s suggestion.

“That sounds good. I also want information from other ‘consultant’ automatons.”

Jin was indeed interested in information about the previous generation and possibly people from the same world as himself.

“Regarding that, I have a request for you, My Lord.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“Yes. I would like to improve my processing capabilities… Specifically, my ability to handle multiple terminals like John or Lao more efficiently.”

“I see.”

Jin was aware that he had been pa.s.sing off troublesome matters to Lao-kun.

“Understood. I’ll start working on it right away.”

“Thank you.”

Thus, further improvements to Lao-kun were set in motion.

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Magi Craft Meister Chapter 682 summary

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