
Nisha Of The Red 3 Gutless

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An audible sigh escaped from Nisha's lips as she rubbed her temples in annoyance. She wondered how she ended up here after she self-destructed in a flash of light. Even at her peak condition she wouldn't be able to put herself together again, but somehow she ended up in a mortal's body. Was she truly doomed to walk the earth forever? She shook her head after she rejected her half-baked thought process. The reason was simple, by processing the body the blood within it was able to tell her a lot of things but was still vague on certain memories. For example, the body also had the name of Nisha, and she was no longer on earth; she was in a world called the Nordhid. Not only that, even the biological structure of a human's body was vastly different than what she only knows.

Since she awakened in this dying body in a extremely weaken state, she was lucky to hear the commotion outside. It gave her hope to find out what was happening and make sense of the situation she was in. So she used the little bit of vampire powers she could muster up to lure a maid here.

"Interesting…" she said to herself as she flexed her flawless hand. "Gutless, that shall be your name. Aren't you pleased?"

The maid trembled once again in excitement as she looked up to her mistress in grat.i.tude. Tears of old blood ran down her eyes, dying her ap.r.o.n a murky red. "Thank you mistress to name this lowly one!" Gutless cried in joy.

Nisha looked down at the newborn monster she created. Gutless wasn't a vampire, but was now a creature of the undead. She wasn't sure what to turn Gutless into yet since her body was too foreign to know of the outcome. On the safe side she wanted to experiment and see the limitations of the newborn in front of her.

"Gutless, clean yourself up before you scare my little sister."

"Yes, mistress." The undead maid replied respectfully. She then turned into a black fog filled with blood mist and burst through the window in great speed into an unknown direction. Nisha's eye twitched from the absentmindedness of Gutless. Its been so long since she made a newborn monster, she forgotten how dumb they are at the beginning.

"Big sister!" Ana called out in alarm from the sudden noise of something being broken. Nisha closed her bright red eyes shut to the world to a.s.sume the ident.i.ty of the fifth blind miss of the Westhaven family. Even though her eyes were closed she could still see her surroundings as clear as day. Nisha even saw the door k.n.o.b rattle in desperation. She could tell the original owner's sister cared deeply for her. Too bad she died a week ago, and the barely living body was the only thing that was left. Nisha waved her hand that emitted a transparent shapeless force to unlock the door for the little one that was about to have a panic attack.

Ana fell into the room as she caught herself from falling face first onto the floor. She ran and half stumbled towards her older sister that was calmly sitting on the bed. But before she could run into her sister's arms she stared at the G.o.ddess like woman that was impossible to be real, wear her sister's old dirty clothes and sat on her tattered stained bed. If one was to only pay attention to the surrounding objects disgust to the point to make someone's stomach turn, but with the overwhelming beauty of the person before her, it felt like she stepped into heaven.

Nisha looked at Ana in amus.e.m.e.nt as the little one looked at her with her mouth hanging open and eyes big as saucers.

"Come Ana, won't you give your sister a hug? It's been so long since you last visited me." Nisha said gently breaking Ana from her trance.

"Yo—you're my big sister?" She stuttered in amazement. Nisha nodded her elegantly and smiled towards the little one. Ana was still hesitate to approach her, but Nisha didn't mind she became instantly fond of the little Ana the moment she appeared in her vampiric version. She also found it odd since this was her first meeting Ana to develop feelings of sisterly love. Maybe it was due to the body that she owns now was affecting her to a mental level. It made her somewhat wary in the future if her new body will have a negative influence on her. Nisha decided to push her thoughts aside for now and waited patiently for Ana to come forward.

Instead of willingly throwing herself into her arms, Ana dug out a fragrant pouch the size of her palm and held it in front of her. "If you are my big sister, t-then what it this?!" Ana meekly said even though she wanted to sound threatening. Nisha smile grew wide at the brave Ana to showcase such courage in front of a true born vampire. Too bad Ana didn't know it herself, if she did, her little heart wouldn't take the shock.

"Ana, why did you bring that here? Didn't I tell you to only use it when your life's in danger. That's the only thing that mother left—" Before Nisha could even finish her words due to the body's memory Ana hugged her sister tightly as she cried. Nisha stayed silent while she used her slender fingers to comb out the knots in her little sister's hair.

"I'm sorry big sister! I didn't mean to." The little one cried. "I wanted to save you. Everybody said that you died, so I wanted to use the pouch that mother left behind to save you."

Nisha's heart warmed from Ana's cuteness even though it was meant for the previous owner of her body.

"I'm also sorry for not believing you were my older sister! You were always sick and dried up, that I didn't know it was you."

Nisha almost wanted to laugh out loud from Ana use of being 'dried up'. Wasn't it her way of saying how ugly she was. Even though Nisha a.s.sumed the appearance of her body back on earth, it would shock anybody that known the former 'Nisha' to see her now. If others were to question her in the future she could just use the excuse of recovering from her life time illness which restored her looks. The former 'Nisha' was always sickly and looked like a dried spoiled meat since she was a child which left a permanent stain in everybody's mind of her twisted looks.

"I'm all better now Ana."

"But your eyes…"

"That's something that would take longer than a week to heal."

"Will you be able to see again?"

"I'm not sure either."

Ana nodded her cute head sadly due to her eyes not being able to cured like the rest of her body.

"Mistress sorry to keep you waiting." A unknown voice apologized.

Ana looked to her left in fright while so shifted her small body in front of Nisha in a protective manner. She saw the same evil maid that bought her dressed in her work outfit, but her appearance was slightly different from what she remember though. The maid was slightly above average looks and plain everywhere else. But now, she stood up straighter, her hair seemed to be healthier due to its shine and her skin is now flawless. The way she held her face was also different, it was neutral and elegant instead of the pompous look that was engraved into her very bones.

"I won't let you hurt my sister!" Ana yelled like a lion cub trying to protect its mother. Nisha patted Ana's hair lovingly as she tried to soothe her new younger sister.

"All is well little one." She smiled. Despite Nisha saying so, Ana still stood protectively in front of her older sister. "Gutless, help me up." Nisha demanded.

"Yes mistress!" Gutless finally said in joy as she attended to Nisha's command.

Ana looked at her sister in awe. When did the wicked maids in the manor ever heed their calls? All they did was make their lives a living h.e.l.l. Why did she call her 'mistress'? This one was even smiling as if she took great joy in helping her big sister up. So many questions was appearing in her little head to the point Ana couldn't handle it. But the only thing she was able to ask at the moment due to her shock was, "Why is she named 'Gutless'?"

"The mistress bestowed upon me my honorary name." Gutless beamed in delight.

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Nisha Of The Red 3 Gutless summary

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