
Life and Literature Part 37

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Whosoever contents himself with doing the little duties of the day, great things will, by-and-by, present themselves to him for their fulfilment also.

--_Howard Pyle._


We make time for duties we love.




One should choose a wife with the ears, rather than with the eyes.



What is told in the ear, is often heard a hundred miles off.



'Tis easy for any man who has his foot unentangled by sufferings, both to exhort and to admonish him that is in difficulties.



If you take things easy when you ought to be doing your best work, you will probably have to keep hard at work when you might be taking it easy.


Nothing is easy to the unwilling.

--_From the German._


He that eats longest lives longest.


Half of what we eat is sufficient to enable us to live, and the other half that we eat enables the doctors to live.

--_Dr. Osler._


Economy is the easy chair of old age.


He that will not economize may some day have to agonize.



Economy is no disgrace; it is better living on a little, than living beyond your means.


In abundance prepare for scarcity.



Lay up something for a rainy day; it may be needed some day.


Economy is something like a savings-bank, into which we drop pennies and get dollars in return.

--_H. W. Shaw._

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