
Lawless Gangster c33

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Chapter 30hirty2wo

“Go give Susu a call.” Xiao Li easily let Qi Xiu Yuan down. Then, he took out his cellphone, hand it over to him and pointed to a spot a bit further away, “Go over there and make the call.”

QI Xiu Yuan knew all too well that he wanted to speak with Xiao Yang so he obligingly steadied his footing and walked to the side. But, once he took a quick glimpse at Xiao Li’s appearance, he still couldn’t feel any relief. He hesitated for second and decided to not walk off too far.

Xiao Yang stood up, leaned against the car and watched as Xiao Li slowly walked over. He angrily straightened his chest, yet the expression in his eyes did not seem frightful; there were only a sense of hesitation dwelling in them.

Xiao Li stood in front of him and raised his hand up.

Subconsciously, Xiao Yang wanted to hide from it, however, Xiao Li only lightly gripped his left hand. Xiao Yang was unexpectedly riddled with a sense of shock once he saw him looking at his hand with such a complicated expression. In one second, it was as if he was finally able to feel a sense of relieve, then in the next, it looked as though he was utterly disappointed.

Finally, Xiao Li let out a long sigh. He released his hand, took a step back and lifted his eyes to look squarely at him.

“Where is Han Jia?”

Xiao Yang turned his face to the side, “How would I know? I only spoke to him on the phone. I never met up with him.”

“What did you say when you spoke to him?” Xiao Li’s brow knitted together with a questioning look.

“I only told him to head to the entrance of Feng Mao mansion and someone will be there to get him,” said Xiao Yang quickly.

“Why did he listen to you?”

“I knew that he has a lover. So, I told him that if he doesn’t come and switch with me, I’ll tell Luo Dong who his lover is so that he will be switched with me instead.”

“He has a lover?” Hearing that, Xiao Li was stumped for words, then he asked again, “How do you know that he has a lover?”

“I saw them!” Xiao Yang buried his face in his hands and tried to get a grip of his own mood. “Can you not interrogate me as if I’m a criminal? I knew you would be like this. Let Qi dage come over here, I’ll tell him everything. I don’t want to see you!”

Xiao Li grabbed his hand, pulling it away from his face, before restraining himself.

“That’s not what I meant. Did you tell Luo Dong who his lover is?”


“You really didn’t? Luo Dong didn’t ask you this question?” The lines between Xiao Li’s brows knitted even tighter.

“I already said I didn’t so I didn’t!” Xiao Yang sulkily yelled, “That man Luo Dong, specifically told me not to tell him. He also said that once he captured Han Jia, he’ll slowly ask him himself. Then he said…he said, he said, it would definitely be amusing when he slowly draws the answer out of him!”

Xiao Li’s complexion ashen as the strength of the grip he had on Xiao Yang’s hand increased. Feeling the pain worsen, Xiao Yang shouted.

“Let go! Let go!” He broke Xiao Li’s hand away, “This is not my fault. Could it be, you rather see my hand get cut off? Or could it be, you want me to die? Would you feel better if I were to die? Using me in exchange for that f.u.c.k boy of yours would make you feel better, right?”

“You!” Just hearing him talk about his hand being cut off, Xiao Li’s expression immediately became unsightly, but hearing him said that last sentence made him even more angry. He raised his hand with the intent to hit him however he halted midair.

“Go on, hit me!” Xiao Yang angrily raise his face up, “The person that captured me had also hit many times already. What’s more hits from you will do!? Do you hate it that much when I cursed him? You didn’t even know that he got a lover behind your back and hid it from you! You want to hit me for someone like that? You really have no sense of shame!”

“We don’t have that kind of relationship!” Xiao Li retorted, “It doesn’t matter what he did to offend you before. You’re the coward that betrayed him, so at the least, you should have some respect for him.”

“Coward?” Xiao Yang laughed grimly. “Is that how you see me? Why should I act like a hero in this dog-eat-dog criminal world that you’re messed with? What good has Han Jia done for me that would cause me to protect him? Xiao Li, I could’ve called you and make you come in exchange for my freedom. Have you ever thought about why I called him? Now you even want to hit me!” He lost control of his emotion, “Why have you never look your own problems? If you weren’t mixed in with these people, with the underworld, would I have been captured? If you weren’t mixed in with the underworld, would these despicable things happen?! I’ve told you early on not to mix with them, have you ever heard any of it?!”


Xiao Yang shockingly covered his face. Xiao Li was also startled as he looked at the person that struck his fist out.

Qi Xiu Yuan clutched Xiao Yang’s collar tightly and pulled him close to him.

“Xiao Yang, the entire world can curse Xiao Li for being a violent, merciless gang member and say that he deserves what’s coming to him, but you CAN’T.”

“Who are you to —-”After being shock, Xiao Yang flew into a fit of anger from the shame.

“I’m also someone’s brother.” Qi Xiu Yuan looked him straight in the eyes, “You’re using your brother’s kindness toward you as tool. From the start, you’ve been blinded to all the sacrifices that he’d made for you. Even more so, you’ve never willingly done anything for him while your own ego and selfishness increase. You’ve been heartless, disrespectful, extremely immature and hurtful. I have a lot of experience with adolescence like you that are rebellious and ignorant. Go back and study well on how the world works, then go spend at least two day with people that are at a disadvantage in this broken economic system; see what kind of concern and protection they might have towards you. The most important thing is, you must understand that the world does not revolve around you. Your brother let his world revolve around you only because he doesn’t understand the rules of education.” [1]

He patted Xiao Yang’s face, “If you are immature again, don’t blame me for taking Susu away. No brother would be at ease giving their sister away to someone like you.”

Xiao Yang’s anger and anxiousness was written all over face as it flushed with a distinct redness. Whatever he wanted to say, Qi Xiu Yuan stopped him with a sudden laughter.

“You can’t beat your brother and you can’t out talk me. So, can you be a bit more self-aware, go sit and wait in the car and let me say a few words to your brother?”

Xiao Yang let out a few angry puffs, spat on the ground, and stretched his hand out toward Xiao Li.


Xiao Li couldn’t help but to involuntarily give Qi Xiu Yuan a quick glance before handing the key over to Xiao Yang. Once Xiao Yang entered the car, Xiao Li suddenly pulled open the front pa.s.senger door and took out the black case.

Xiao Yang spoke in a low m.u.f.fled voice, “There’s no need to be so alert. I have no interested in the underworld’s secret!” He then slammed the door shut.

Qi Xiu Yuan let out a deep sigh as he faced Xiao Li, “Only after going through these two days of hardship did I know that I’ve actually lost a few pounds. Maybe letting him go to another province isn’t such a bad idea after all. What do you say?”

A cloud of smiles fell on Xiao Li, “You’re actually an expert at this.”

The moment Qi Xiu Yuan saw Xiao Li’s smiles, he himself also became excited as if his spirit has risen high into the heaven.

“If you have any educational questions, you can ask for my guidance ah.”

Xiao Li lowered his head and thought for a moment, then he smiled again and softly said, “Then, in the future, I’ll have to trouble you with Xiao Yang.”

It was only after 15 hours later did Qi Xiu Yuan realized what kind of feeling Xiao Li used when he said that sentence to him.

When Xiao Li brought Qi Xiu Yuan and Xiao Yang back home, just after Qi Xiu Yuan got out of the car, Xiao Li finally forced Xiao Yang to talk about the matter regarding Han Jia’s lover.

“That day, Susu and I were heading to the theme park……” Xiao Yang finally felt a bit of guilt toward Han Jia as he leaned his head against the car window and looked outside. “He was dressed so casual; it was a shock that I’d even recognize him. At that time, he was lining up at a pirate ship ride with a boy who looked like a girl. Afterwards, I saw them two more times. The first when they were coming down from a fake mountain; looking at their clothes all messed up, it was obvious they’d done something bad. That boy was panting with rage and Han Jia’s face looked as though it had been slapped. But later, at the entrance, I saw that boy openly hug Han Jia before giving him a kiss. It seemed like they’ve reconciled.”

“……then, how did you know who that person is?”

“Afterwards, I saw him again.” Xiao Yang suddenly sneered, “I never expected that it was really him.”

After sending Xiao Yang off, Xiao Li hurriedly returned to Jin Ting to arrange some things. When Han Jia was here, Xiao Li always thought that he was handling things half-a.s.sed. But now that he was properly doing it, he felt that it wasn’t easy to handle at all.

The person that Li Shi Qing appointed to temporarily stand in for Han Jia was one of his footman call Zhang Xue Ming. Normally, he was always dressed in black and followed behind Han Jia. Today, for the first time, he was wearing a sparkling gold shirt. Seeing that smug expression wrapping around his face, Xiao Li had the urge to punch him, but he had no choice but to call him to the side to ask him something.

“Normally when you’re with Han Jia, you would follow him pretty close. Do you think he has a lover or anything?”

Zhang Xue Ming sorted through his thoughts for a while then said, “Nothing special really. Han Jia has lovers everywhere. I don’t follow him 24 hours a day, so if he were to secretly keep a lover, I definitely wouldn’t know about it.”

In just one night, ‘Han ban’ has become ‘Han Jia’. At first, Xiao Li wanted to kick Zhang Xue Ming, but now he felt that there was no need to. If a person doesn’t know modesty or how to respect their senior, even if they are considered a gangster or a b.a.s.t.a.r.d, they both no good. In the future, there will be plenty of opportunities for him to get beaten.

Seeing that even Han Jia’s closest footman was clueless about this matter, Xiao Li was slightly at ease.

His cell phone chose this exact moment to ring. It was Li Shi Qing.

Xiao Li answered the call, “Qing Ye.”

Li Shi Qing’s voice sounded rather beaten, “Zi Cheng told you about it, right?”


“This time Luo Dong became impatient first and captured Han Jia. Xiao Li, don’t have any ideas. There was nothing Zi Cheng and I could’ve done about this.”

“Qing Ye, I understand.”

Li Shi Qing went quiet for a few seconds before he asked, “I heard you found Da Gui yesterday?”

“Yes. At that time, Xiao Yang had already escaped by himself.”

“……then, that’s good. You must’ve not sleep yet for an entire night. Do you want to go rest at my place for a while? I can’t go back, but I can notify the housekeeper —“

“There’s no need to Qing Ye. There are still some things to deal with at Jin Ting.” Xiao Li pondered for a second, “Qing Ye, it’s also been hard on you.”

Li Shi Qing sighed faintly, “Xiao Li, your brother escaped himself. What you’ve promised me, were you thinking of letting it pa.s.s like this?”

“Qing Ye —“

“Don’t be in such a rush to answer.” His voice softened, “Zi Cheng and I still have some more things to deal with today. Tomorrow, I’ll be on a plane back. We can chat face to face then, okay?”

“………okay, Qing Ye.”

Xiao Li hung up, then called Lin Zi over. He told him that he wasn’t feeling well and needed to return home to rest, so for the time being, he will have to watch over Jin Ting.

Once he arrived home, he quickly dealt with some matters, ate, showered, and went to sleep. This way, he could recharge and preserve his strength so that he would be in the best mental state to face the things that he must face.

Qi Xiu Yuannnnnnnnn, yes!!

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Lawless Gangster c33 summary

You're reading Lawless Gangster. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Bai Shan Hei Shui,白山黑水. Already has 1102 views.

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