
Lawless Gangster Chapter 19

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Chapter 19ineteen

“Xiao Li, quick come to Jin Gu Yuan [1] now.” From the other side of the phone came the sound of Feng Qiang’s voice, “A guy with the surname Sun just asked for you. He said he wants to know more about you, so Qing Ye told me to give you a call.”

Xiao Li’s brows wrinkled together into a frown as he pushed the woman that was lying on his body off and sat up: “What does he need to know me for?”

“The five leaders of each city districts are here. Since you’re the only one missing, that Sun guy is a bit unhappy.” Feng Qiang lowered his voice, “Come quick and be a bit clever when you speak. From the way I see it, that Sun guy doesn’t seem to respect Qing Ye.”

Xiao Li got up and made his way toward the bathroom: “What does that mean?”

“Listening to his words, I can clearly hear that he’s implying something else. He seems to be unsatisfied with the fact that we are the ruling group here. He thinks that there’s nothing wrong with Luo Dong being back here. Even more so, he suspects that we’ll give him trouble. From my point of view, I think that Luo Dong definitely found some big shot to f.u.c.king support him. So even this f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d Sun doesn’t even have the guts to ensure that he would help us, otherwise he wouldn’t say all this bulls.h.i.t.”

“Then why are we still talking about this nonsense with him?”

“These are only my guesses; the situation hasn’t been determined yet. So we still have to hold on to him. Besides, Qing Ye had a huge business transaction that he’s holding tightly onto. Even if he can’t help us, we still can’t let him find any fault with us that he could later use against us.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

Xiao Li took a quick bath and drove his car straight to the southern side of the city. Just as he was about to enter Jin Gu Yuan, he received another phone call from Feng Qiang.

“Where are you now?”


“I have something to tell you,” Feng Qiang’s quickly told him, “Just a moment ago, Liu Zi Cheng spoke on your behalf and said that you’re injured so you can’t drink. Just now, he used tea as a replacement for alcohol to ask that Sun guy not place blame on anyone. But that Sun guy merely looked at Qing Ye and laughed. Then he said, ‘How is it that your subordinate is more important than your reputation?’”

“……what did Qing Ye say?”

“Qing Ye didn’t say anything, but his complexion was unsightly.”

Xiao Li’s silence took over.

“Xiao Li, can you drink or not right now?”

“I have to get on the elevator now, I’ll hang up. You can go back first.”

Xiao Li closed his phone and entered the elevator. Once he arrived at the fifteen floor, he immediately walked toward Jin Gu Yuan’s most luxurious private room.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open and entered.

“Premier Sun, Qing Ye. I’m sorry for arriving so late. Let me drink three cups first as punishment.”

After they finished eating, there were still another affair to attend to.

Jin Gu Yuan’s brothel keeper’s is a woman known as Mali Lian. Her way of doing things are completely different from Han Jia. When she smiles, there was an honesty and respectable feeling to it and when she doesn’t smile, she is overflowing with charm.

With elegance, she led everyone that was presence toward the bathing location, which was in a very splendid and magnificent house. In the center of the hot spring was a fountain in the shape of a naked woman. There were also men and women with their body partially exposed, offering ma.s.sage services. This was indeed the finest example of the word. ‘debauchery,’

In this moment, beside Wu Qing Hua who was still happily immersing in the warm water, everyone else took advantage of the various jets that ma.s.saged them; soon, one after another, they went to catch a woman.

Xiao Li gritted his teeth and walked out. Mali Lian walked over and tried to greet him but once she saw his unsightly complexion, fear crawled under her skin forcing her to take a step back.

His stomach turned upside down with excruciating pain. And before he could even feel the substances inside welling up, he staggered toward the bathroom, kneeled at the side of a toilet bowl and puked.

In the end, even when there was nothing left to puke out, the uneasy feeling did not alleviate even the slightest. But instead, a burst of sharp pain struck his stomach instead.

Xiao Li strenuously let out a dry cough. Just as he felt the insufferable pain surging throughout his body, he suddenly felt a hand moving powerfully up and down his back, ma.s.saging it.

“It’s been hard on you.” A warm voice sounded off.

Xiao Li shook his head. He wanted to thank Qing Ye for his concern and tell him that ‘I’m fine.’ But, before he could utter anything, his stomach spasm; he leaned forward and vomit again.

Li Shi Qing let out a sigh and left. Then he returned with a gla.s.s of water and pa.s.sed it over to Xiao Li.

As he watched Xiao Li rinsed his mouth, he softly said: “You’ve been really good this time. Even Sun Ze Yu couldn’t dig up anything to strike us with.”

Xiao Li tried his best to smile. Although his stomach’s spasm had been alleviated, his head was scourged with pain instead. A second later, there was a ringing sound in his ears. Unable to endure it, he gripped his head and sat down on the floor.

Then he heard Li Shi Qing say: “Head over to my place and rest there. I’ll give my family’s doctor a quick phone call.”

Xiao Li lowered his arms, opened his eyes and looked at Li Shi Qing. He saw him wearing a bathrobe with the front wide open. It was obvious that he was intoxicated with a woman before he came over.

He shut his eyes and shook his head: “There’s still someone waiting for me.”

What he was implying to was that woman on the bed earlier.

“It doesn’t matter,” Li Shi Qing leaned over close to him and whispered in his ear, “Who do you want? I’ll let someone bring them over to my place for you.”

Xiao Li frowned and pushed Li Shi Qing away, before pouncing toward the toilet bowl and puking again.

With great difficulty that nauseate feeling stopped. He swayed as he got up and walked toward the vanity unit to wash his face. After he finished washing his face, he searched around for a towel.

Li Shi Qing had already taken hold of it earlier; he moved closer and gently wiped his face for him.

Xiao Li remained quiet, not saying anything as he waited for him to finish wiping before he slightly bows.

“Qing Ye, I’ll be leaving now.”

Not waiting for Li Shi Qing to speak, Xiao Li turned and walked toward the door. Just walking that short distance toward the doorway nearly exhausted all of his strength. But he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t stop.

He staggered toward the direction of the elevator.

Upon seeing him like this, the waiter near the elevator door immediately became frightened.

Although he had never seen this silent and vicious man before, he was still able to tell that he was a person from another district. The waiter step forward and lend him an arm for support: “Sir, are you feeling uncomfortable? Are you sick? Do you want to find a room in Jin Gu Yu for a rest?”

Xiao Li merely walked by him and pressed the elevator b.u.t.ton down.

“Sir, do you want to take the elevator? What floor would you like to go? Please wait a moment, the elevator should be up soon ——“

“Be quiet!” Xiao Li lashed out in a low voice.

The waiter was so scared he immediately shut his mouth and only stretched his hand out to support him while. Then they waited for the elevator in silent.

A moment later, the elevator approached. The waiter kindly helped him in.

Xiao Li leaned against the elevator wall and quickly glanced at the corridor.

Li Shi Qing had been standing at the doorway of the bathroom watching him all along.

Once the elevator arrived at the first floor, the waiter helped him out. All he thought was that, the more this person leaned against him, the heavier he became; and his complexion became even worse than before.

“Sir, sir, are you okay?”

Xiao Li ignored him. With an exhausted expression, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

“Qi Xiu Yuan……come and get me……I’m at……”

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Lawless Gangster Chapter 19 summary

You're reading Lawless Gangster. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Bai Shan Hei Shui,白山黑水. Already has 1284 views.

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