
Days Of Future's Past 5 Who's The Real Monster Around Here?

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As Primo unsheathe his sword he began to gather mana at his legs and leapt through the air towards the Evolved Monster.


The Evolved roared as he saw Primo dashing towards him with credible speed.


The monster received Primo's sword with his claws.






While Primo and the Evolved Monster keep exchanging attacks, the troops gawed in amazement.

Even Adele a [Rank 2 - Knight] and ability [Beast Blessing] which is also known for her close combat was amazed at Primo's every move.

If normal Knights were watching these simple exchange, they would a.s.sume that the Evolved

Monster has the upper hand but Primo's audience wasn't any ordinary Knights, these Knights are the cream of the crop of Adele's platoon.

Everybody here knows that not anyone can keep dodging those kind of attacks and keep that large Monster at bay and and to mention thats a Evovled Monster that came from a Pseudo Red Gate.

Adele and the troops knew that the Evolved Monster was fast, but that masked man keeps on dodging and blocking those attacks.

They already a.s.sumed that the masked man would be atleast be a high tier Knight or a General tier. Based by the reaction time of dodging those attacks and the strength of not being blown

away in blocking some of the attacks shows that he is not a low tier Knight.


As the monster got frustrated at Primo who keeps on dodging and blocking his attack, he winded up his claws and made a big swing.


Primo made a front flip to dodge the attack, now above the Evolved Monster head using his balance to hover through the air.

["Looks like my body is already accustomed to combat now, I should leave after clearing all these monsters and let them close the Gate."]

The monster looked above, then jumped trying to reach Primo.



Gliding in the air, Primo Dodged the attack then kicked the Monster upwards using him as colliding force to reach the ground and made the monster more higher in the air.

Winding up his force in the ground with his legs Primo jumped with his two hands in his sword.


With no way to dodge, the monster was ready to block Primo's attack with his hands but was to no use as his two palms was peirced and also peirced the monster chest towards its heart.


The Evolve Monster roared its last dying roar.

The monster is now dead.

Primo reached the ground gracefully and the dead body of the Evolved Monster crashed in the ground making a small crater.

Adele and her troops was shocked and is now deathly silent. The Evolved Monster who just easily killed their running members like killing a chicken is there lying cold dead on the ground.




As one of the troop shouted like a war cry for victory the other followed until all of them was shouting.

They didn't thought they would win like this, they already embed in their minds that their retreat will cause some sacrifice and in worse case they can even die all together.

Even though there were still monsters left, the monsters scattered as soon as the Evolved Monster died. They already knew they won this battle, some even cried joyously.


Adele didn't let go of the opportunity as the Knights were now all full of vigor and courage after watching the one sided fight ended, she included.







While Adele and his troops was clearing out the left monster Primo was busy grinding his sword with his whetstone.

["D*mn, my sword is so ruined. I didn't expect to fight a Evolved monster here. I was lucky that i could win against that."]

Primo wasn't faster than the Evolved Monster nor was stronger. But since he has his experience of fighting those kind of Monsters and even stronger ones, his instinct and experience let him easily dodged those attack and deflecting them easily winning and killing the Evolved Monster.

["F*ck i can't fix this. I should just grab one of the swords of the dead Knight and run."]

Trying to fix his dulled sword he thought of a solution.

Just as Primo was about to pick up the sword of the dead Knight, a female Knight approached him from behind.

"Sir General, thank you very much for saving us!"

Calling him General as she was sure that he should now be at least a low tier General, Adele bowed and thanked him.

"It's fine, it happens to be that i was training near here and sense a fluctuation of aura of a Gate opening."

Primo answered, showing no concern of the confusion of t.i.tle.

["I thought he was a back up. Luckily for us, he was training near us."]

"But still thank you very much sir. If there is anything we can do to repay you, please ask away."

Adele replied.

Primo thought of an idea to his jagged sword problem.

"I still don't want to return to the city and my sword is now jagged, so can I take this sword of this dead Knight soldier?"

"Sorry sir but we would like to return their bodies to their family along with their belongings."

Even tho they ran when the Evolved monster appeared, they were still comrades at arms. And their family deserves to have their belongings.

"Well can i get an extra equipment from you guys and in exchange you could keep the Evovled Monster body."

Primo asked.

"But sir that is a Evolved Monster's body."

Adele shockingly replied as if she is refusing.

"I'm almost into at bottle neck in practicing my moves, so i still don't want to return to a city. I would just take the Evolve Monsters core and the body is yours."

Primo explained.

"Okay sir please wait."

Adele knew how a bottle neck for expert like Primo is so important and the Evolve Monster's body is just trivial.


Adele shouted for one of the Knights to come here.

"Yes big sis?"

A Knight that has sword strapped in his waist rushingly came.

"Give him your sword. Sir general here jagged his sword and now of no use. I'll replace you with a better one after we returned to the city"

Adele commanded.

Since the masked man saved his life and Adele said that she would replace it with a better one he willingly took of the strap of the scabbard of the sword and gave it to Primo.

"Thank you."

Primo said.

"No sir, thank you. It would be an honor for my sword to be used by you."

Even tho he gave his sword after hearing the word "I'll give you a better one" he was still thankful to the masked man and wishes for his sword to be used by him. But was still joyous because he will get a better one.

"Then I'll be on my way now."

Primo said while strapping the sword in his waist.

"Please take care sir General. Until we meet again."

Adele bowed while saying her farewell.

Primo nodded and dashed out.



~Outside the forest~

Primo let the sword he just obtained from one of Adele's Knights out if it's scabbard and examined it.

"Its seems like I got a pretty good loot in exchange for killing that Evolved Monster. And it has frost enchantments too."

While holding the sword the putted a little bit of his mana in his sword, then the sword released some cold aura.

looking back even tho the body of the Evolved Monster was much more important than the sword he is holding right now he has now way of selling it, especially he still haven't got his

Knight license. Also to add he got the most important thing in the Evolved Monster's body, and that is its core.

The core looks like a clear tiny marble which emits almost the same aura the Evolved Monster that he killed but only weaker. By absorbing the essence of the core one can strengthened his ability.





After trying out the sword, Primo sheated the sword back to the scabbard and jumped in the nearby tree branch.

Primo ingested the the Monster's core in his mouth and began a.s.similating with it.

Normally you can only ingest Monster cores that is equal to your level, because if you a.s.similate with higher level cores that exceeds your requirement your body might explode.

But because Primo is a healer he can heal his body when it is about to explode, therefore negating the explosion. Tho if normal healer do this they will still explode, as they wont be able to take the excruciating pain.


Primo groaned a little, even tho Primo's mind is already used to the pain his body is still not used to this kind of level of pain.

After absorbing all of the essence of the core he stood up.

Taking a look at his body he noticed a red mark in his hand.

"It looks like I absorb some of the Evolved Monster abilities."

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Days Of Future's Past 5 Who's The Real Monster Around Here? summary

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