
Villain Retirement Chapter 457 - 457 Chapter 457: Leaving Earth

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Chapter 457 - 457 Chapter 457: Leaving Earth

457 Chapter 457: Leaving Earth

“6 times.”


“You have told me how unique I am for a total of 6 times now, Aerith.”

“...You keep track of that?”

“I always remember moments with you, Aerith.”

More than 6 years ago, Riley and Aerith were in the same spot— overlooking the lush forest, brutal mountains, and crystal river in front of them; and with time, this immaculate scenery remains completely unchanged, and perhaps will be for a very long time. What did change, however, were the two individuals they basked with their magnificence.

No— perhaps change was not the right word for the two; as the last time they met in the same place, they met as Darkday and Megawoman. But now, the two just looked at each other with eyes that were clear of any masks, and clouds that hid their silhouettes.

“You’ve grown, Riley. And yet you look exactly the same— minus the long hair.”

“I could say the same to you, Aerith.”


“I’m afraid it will be a very long time until I look old.”

“I would like to see that, Aerith.”

“...I thought you wanted me dead?”

“Of course not, Aerith.”


“I wanted you to torture you and let you suffer until you wish for death.”


“I know now that is impossible, however. But you do not have to worry, Aerith. I am more than filling my urge and desire to kill as we speak.”

“...I’m not really worried about— What? What do you mean you’re filling your urge?”

“Although I still do not see what my clone sees, I can now partially feel what he is feeling. As to how, even I am not entirely sure, Aerith.”

“...” Aerith did not really know what to say anymore. In Theran, someone of Riley’s age would still be in theoretical cla.s.ses and is considered just a babe, a child that has only lived a single breath; and yet, he was able to do the thing that only a handful of beings in the universe are capable of— make her speechless.

No, it wasn’t only her. Now that Riley will be visiting Theran, Aerith could really just imagine what sort of trouble he would do there. Was it... really the right decision to have him go there?

No, of course it wasn’t. But alas, try as she might, she would have to persuade Diana not to bring Riley along. And convincing Diana, is perhaps, the most difficult thing in the entire universe.

Still, her curiosity seems to have won as she turned to face Riley, who had his eyes closed as he seemed to breathe in the fresh and unpolluted air around them; his long white hair, he allowed to flail with the wind.

“...And what exactly is your clone feeling right now?” She asked.



“You are still unaware of it? I thought you would know with the kind of network you and mother have,” Riley then turned to look at Aerith, “Based on the feeling being transferred to me, he has and is ending lives. Billions and billions of—”

“Tell him to stop!”

And before Riley could finish his words, Aerith was now suddenly clasping his head; her face, only a foot away from Riley’s. And before anything else could happen, a loud thunder reverberated throughout the prairie. A clap exploded behind where Aerith was previously standing, letting out a violent ripple that split even the clouds above.

And yet, surprisingly, the nature around and beneath remained completely unscathed— even the gra.s.s and fauna they were standing on were untouched, completely unmoved.

“Be careful, Aerith. You don’t want to destroy this place, it is very memorable for the both of us.”

“Tell your clone to stop killing and I will let you go,” Aerith said as she leaned her head even closer to Riley’s face; the tip of their noses, only inches apart before touching one another.

“...” Riley just stared Aerith straight in the eyes, and Aerith did the same— after all, with their faces this close, that was the only thing they could really do,

“I can’t Aerith, I can’t control or stop them from this far.”


“He created his own clones.”

“You just said you don’t know what it’s doing!”

“...” Riley slightly looked to the side, “I don’t. The feeling I am getting from him is too much for just one clone, so I surmised that he might have created his own clone… and then sent them to other planets so he could save time and kill more people per second, Aerith.”

“You… Someone really needs to stop you, kid.”

“Is that not your role?”

“No, I have given up trying to stop you for quite a while now. You’re just… someone I have to exist with now.”

“If you’re not my nemesis, then perhaps we can now be lovers, Aerith?”


“I have always wondered what it would be like for us to mate— you can survive anything, and I could likewise do the same. How do two Therans copulate in the first place?”

“I am…not interested in that kind of thing— especially not to a being that can’t love,” Aerith could really only let out a sigh as she finally removed her hand from Riley’s head. But before she could start to lean away, however, Riley suddenly placed his lips onto hers.


And all of a sudden, Riley disappeared as Aerith punched him straight in the cheeks without any hesitation. The cliff beneath her feet, blasting in smithereens to the point they were disintegrated.

“...” Aerith just floated there as she touched her lips. She was going to wipe it clean, but paused for a couple of seconds as she looked at the horizon.



“So, what did it feel like?” And after a few breaths, Riley was already in front of her again; his head tilted as he continued his question,

“I want to know what you felt, Aerith.”

“I feel like I want to kill you again,” Aerith clicked her tongue, before shaking her head and flying away, “Let’s go. They’re probably waiting for us.”

“You know I will try again if you don’t tell me how it felt, Aerith,” Riley just nonchalantly flew beside her.

“Try it, I dare you.”


…I will.”


“...What’s up with you two?”

“I kissed Aerith.”


“Don’t worry, sister. This is not the first time— I kissed her in the house too when I was hiding her there when I thought she was dead.”


Back inside Diana’s ship, Aerith could be seen quickly walking away as soon as Riley’s words echoed through the air. Her eyes, however, could not help but twitch as she pa.s.sed by Diana, who intentionally covered her mouth and started a subtle, but obviously condescending chuckle.

“Kissing the man who was responsible for the father of your son’s death. As expected of the rebel princess,” Diana then subtly and quietly said in the span of a single second.

“You—” Aerith wanted to retaliate, but she chose not to and just walked away, “I’m going to check on my son.”

“Oh, that’s rare.”

“...” Aerith truly wanted to retaliate; but once again, she just chose to walk away.

“Are we all here, then?” Diana then once again let out a giggle before entering the large hall where everyone was loitering and idling about.

“I guess so,” Hannah approached her mother, still slightly shocked by Riley’s revelations but obviously already used to them, “But if Katherine wants to be left behind, I have no objections.”

“Too late for second thoughts,” Diana just shrugged as she immediately got in between the two before anything could happen, “We’re actually already in transit.”

“...Wait what!?” Hannah’s eyes opened wide before she immediately started running away, “Why didn’t you even say anything!? Paige, let’s check it out!”

“Wait for us!” And Paige, who was just sitting on one of the sofas that came from the Ross’ residence, also quickly left the large hall— not before, of course, pulling Tomoe, Karina…

…and Silvie with her.

“...Forever a child,” Diana could really only sigh before she turned her eyes toward the evaniel princess, who was just quietly sitting on the very corner of the hall,

“Princess Vera, are… you sure you’re not needed by your people?” She said as she approached Vera.

“...No,” Vera only rested her head on the wall as she heard Diana’s words.

“Your mother… how did she take the news of your brother’s death?”

“There’s a reason why I’m with you.”

“If it’s for revenge, forget it,” Diana sighed, “It will not end well. I would really, really hate for your mother to also receive the news of her daughter’s death— and I mean this sincerely. Riley is… someone that will devour everything in his path.”



“Finally, signs of people! Just how confusing is this ship?”

And before Vera could answer anything, a voice could be heard entering the hall— one of the members of the Hope Guild, Hera.

“Have any of you seen my stupid boyfriend? I’ve been trying to find him since earlier.”



“...How long are we going to be gone again?”


[To all Guardians within the Known Universe, you are hereby ordered to hunt for the individual known as Riley Ross. Riley Ross is considered to be a Galactic-level Threat, he is to be killed without...]


Somewhere in the expanse of the universe, a completely naked man could be seen standing on an asteroid… holding what seemed to be a bag of stones that eerily resembled that of a Guardian Force.

And with a small breath, he picked up one of the stones and put it inside his mouth, cracking and chewing it like candy.

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Villain Retirement Chapter 457 - 457 Chapter 457: Leaving Earth summary

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