
King of the Jews Part 10

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"Lo," said Peter, "now thou speakest plainly and no more in parables."

Then said James the Greater, "Now we see that thou knowest all things, and hast no need that one should ask thee anything."

And Thomas added, "Therefore we believe that thou comest forth from G.o.d."

Jesus answered them saying, "Do ye now believe? Behold the hour cometh, yea, is already come, when ye shall be scattered every man to his own and leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. Yes, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son that thy Son also may glorify thee. I have finished the work which thou hast given me to do. I have manifested thy name to those thou gavest me out of the world. Holy Father, keep them in thy name; sanctify them in the truth.

Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also who shall believe on me through their word; that they may all be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee. Father, I will pray that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me, for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world." Then turning to the disciples who were following him into the garden he said in a voice which was broken with sorrow: "Children, sit down here while I go and pray yonder. Pray that ye enter not into temptation; but you, Peter, James and John follow me." Eight of the disciples then sat down on the ground under the trees, while Jesus went forward with the three.

Bartholomew said, "Never have I seen him so sad;" and James the Less replied, "My heart is also laden down with sadness;" while Matthew cried, "Ah, that this night were pa.s.sed with its weary hours." And another apostle exclaimed, "Not in vain has our master prepared us for this."

Philip said, "Dear brothers, we will sit down here and rest until he comes back."

"Yes," said Thomas, "that we will, for I am utterly worn out and weary."

Then Jesus, who had come forward with Peter, James and John, said unto them, "Ah, beloved children, my soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death. Tarry ye here and watch with me." Then after a pause he added, "I will go a little further apart in order to strengthen myself by communion with the Father."

As Jesus with slow and staggering steps went toward the grotto, Peter cried, looking after him, "Ah, dear good master," and John exclaimed, "My soul is suffering with our teacher."

As they sat down Peter said, "I am very anxious."

James said, "Why does our dear master thus separate us from one another?"

John replied, "Alas, we are to be witnesses," and Peter continued, "Ye know, brethren, we were the witnesses of his transfiguration on the mountain, but now, what is it that we have to see?"

Slowly Peter, James and John, who were sitting apart, fell asleep.

Jesus having reached the grotto, said, "This hour must come upon me--the hour of darkness. For this it was that I came into the world."

Then falling upon his knees he clasped his hands, and looking up to heaven cried, with a great and pitiful voice, "Father, my Father! If it be possible, and with thee all things are possible, let this cup pa.s.s from me!" Then Jesus fell upon his face on the ground and remained silent for a while. Then again he rose upon his knees and cried, "Yes, Father, not as I will, but as thou wilt!" Then standing up, he looked toward heaven and slowly returned to the three disciples.

And lo, when he approached he found them asleep. "Simon," he said.

Simon Peter, as in a dream, rubbed his head and said, "Alas, my master."

Jesus said, "Simon, dost thou sleep?"

Peter, rousing himself, said, "Master, here I am."

Jesus said, "Could you not watch with me one hour?"

Peter cried, "O, Master, forgive."

The apostles said, "Rabbi, sleep has overpowered us."

Then said Jesus, "Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation."

The apostles answered, "Yes, Lord, we will watch and pray."

Then said Jesus unto them; "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." So saying he turned from them, and again slowly walked toward the grotto.

Praying he said, "My Father, thy demand is just, thy decrees are holy, thou claimest this sacrifice." Then falling upon his knees, he prayed, saying, "Father, the strife is hot." Falling upon his face he remained silent for a time, then raising himself again he cried, "Yes, Father, if this cup may not pa.s.s from me unless I drink it, Father thy will be done." Then standing up he said, "Holy One, it will be completed by me in righteousness."

Then once more he came back to his sleeping disciples; this time he did not rouse them.

"Are also your eyes so heavy that you could not watch?" he said. "Ah, my most trusted ones, even among you I find no consolation."

Then returning over the rocky road which led to the grotto he paused for a moment in sorrow, while a great sorrow overwhelmed him. "Oh, how dark it grows around me; the anguish of death encompa.s.ses me! The burden of G.o.d's judgment lies upon me! Oh, the sins! Oh, the sins of mankind! They weigh me down. Oh, the fearful burden; oh, the bitterness of this cup!" Then coming to the grotto again, he cried, "My Father!" and falling down he prayed, "If it is not possible that this hour pa.s.s away from me, thy will be done! Thy holiest will!

Father! Thy son! Hear him!"

Then from out of the darkness a bright and shining angel in white apparel and with radiant wings descended upon him. And out of the silence were heard these words, "O, Son of Man, sanctify the Father's will! Look upon the blessedness which will proceed from thy struggles.

The Father has laid it upon thee to become the sacrifice for sinful man. Carry it through to the end. The Father will glorify thee!"

Then said Jesus, "Yes, most Holy Father, I adore thy Providence; I will complete the work--to reconcile--to save, to bless!" Then standing up he cried in a more joyous tone, "Strengthened by thy word, O Father! I go joyfully to meet that to which thou hast called me, as the subst.i.tute for sinful man."

With lighter step he returned to the place where the three disciples lay slumbering peacefully. He looked upon them and said, "Sleep now and take your rest."

Peter, hearing his voice, said, "What is it, master?"

Then all three answered, "Behold, we are ready."

Then said Jesus, "The hour is come; the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going."

Even as he spoke these words the tramp of armed men was heard in the immediate neighborhood of the garden mingled with loud cries of denunciation and vengeance.

"What is that uproar?" said the apostles.

"Come," said Philip, who hurried from behind with the rest of the eight, "Come, let us gather around the master." At that word the disciples hastened forward.

"Behold," said Jesus, "he who betrayeth me is at hand." The disciples looked in the direction which Jesus indicated, and there by the flaring light of the braziers carried by the Temple Watch, they saw Judas advancing at the head of his band.

"What does this mult.i.tude want?" said Andrew.

For an answer all the disciples cried as with one voice, "Alas! we are undone!"

"And see," cried John, "Judas is at their head."

Even as he said this, Judas, with long and stealthy steps, sprang forward, looking from side to side as he came, until he stopped immediately behind Jesus; then standing on tiptoe he reached over the shoulder of Jesus and kissed him, saying, "Hail, Master."

[Ill.u.s.tration: "He reached over and kissed him."]

Jesus answered, "Friend, wherefore art thou come? Betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss?" Then stepping forward to meet the armed band, he faced them fearlessly and said, "Whom seek ye?"

A loud and angry shout went up from the soldiers: "Jesus of Nazareth!"

Jesus said, "I am he."

As he uttered these word the soldiers fell backward to the ground, crying, "Woe unto us! What is this?"

The disciples exultantly cried, "One single word from him casts them to the ground."

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King of the Jews Part 10 summary

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