
Julia's Last Hope Part 13

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"Do you think we should wire for permission?" asked Julia.

"No time," replied Mrs. Greenwald. "They'd have to have a meeting to consider it and by then Christmas would be over."

"The building should belong to the town, anyway," argued Mrs. Clancy.

Julia conceded. After all, Mrs. Clancy's husband was town clerk. They should know who had rightful access to the town buildings.

So the residents of the small community met together on December 24 to celebrate Christmas. Reverend Wright offered the table grace and read the Christmas story. Though this was new to some, they didn't object. Then they shared their potluck dinner, sang a few carols, and visited until the large pot of coffee ran dry.

John and Julia walked the few blocks home through the falling snow. Behind them they could hear the laughter of Felicity and Jennifer with the younger children as they shuffled along.

"They must miss children their own age," Julia commented. Then she heard Felicity yell, "Tommy Shannon, I'll get you for that!" and squeals and laughter followed the threat.

"But they do seem to be having fun," John remarked. "Children always manage to have fun. It's too bad grownups have to take life so seriously."

There was a certain wistfulness in his voice, and Julia slipped her arm through his, hoping to drive away his sadness.

"John," she said, "we are doing all right, aren't we? I mean, we have enough to eat. We are together. We are making it through the first yeara"the worst year. Things will get better, won't they?"

John squeezed her hand, but he had no ready reply.

At the end of the year the Wrights packed their belongings, boarded the train, and left. Julia had been unable to save the church.

"I won't board up the building," Rev. Wright said firmly. "Even if there is no minister, the church must be open for the people."

Julia was thankful for that. At least she could still slip into the building for a few moments of prayer.

Julia felt heavy with sorrow as she watched the Wrights depart.

The townspeople needed the Gospel. How would they hear it now that their church had been taken from them?

"Honestly, Hettie," Julia admitted later that day, "sometimes I come desperately close to giving up."

The older woman patted Julia's hand and suggested tea. It was the only cure Hettie had to offer for the world's ills.

Winter dragged on with cold winds blowing off the mountain peaks, threatening to freeze everything in its path. Snow fell, burying their world in harsh whiteness. But on a few days the sun shone with such brilliance that the whole valley glistened like strung jewels, and there were days when the climbing temperature made folks think spring might be early.

In February, Mac and Matilda Pendleton announced that they could no longer endure the lonely settlement. They loaded their few possessions, padlocked the door of their cottage, and climbed aboard an outgoing train.

"We just keep dwindling and dwindling," Mrs. Greenwald commented. "Soon there won't be anybody left but us and Mr. Perry."

Mr. Greenwald was in charge of the local train station. He would be needed as long as the train stopped at the town. Julia still had nightmares of the train being withdrawn. She would awaken in a sweat of terror, repeating, "No. Please, no. That is all we have left!"

Julia was not the only one who had fears about the train. "If they ever take the train, that's it! The town won't survive overnight without that train," she had often heard people say.

"Well," Julia said to Mrs. Greenwald, "we still have the train. No one has threatened to take ita"yet."

"One can scarcely keep a family here with no doctor, no school, no neighborsa"nothing," Mrs. Greenwald replied.

Julia would have added church to the list, but the Greenwalds did not consider the church a real loss.

Julia and John felt the urgency to do something. They needed spiritual nurturing. Their children needed biblical training. Their neighbors all needed it too, though none seemed to realize it.

"We'll just have to start our own Bible study," John decided. "We'll gather those who are interested and have our own simple service."

"Where?" asked Julia, eager to get started.

John thought for a few minutes. "Not in the church. People have shied away from church in the past. Perhapsa"perhaps if we have it here, like you do the committee meetings, folks might get the notion to come."

Julia nodded, her eyes beginning to shine. "Do you really think it might work?"

"Might. We'll never know 'til we try."

The next morning after breakfast, Julia set to work writing invitations for a Bible study hour and sent Jennifer and Felicity to deliver them.

Only the Adams family and Hettie and Tom came to the first meeting. John read the Scriptures and discussed the lesson. Those who wished to pray did so, and the meeting ended.

Julia kept her initial disappointment to herself, but she didn't remain disappointed for long. As the remaining winter weeks pa.s.sed, a few others began to join them for worship. Mrs. Greenwald came first. Julia wondered if she came out of boredom or curiosity. Then Mrs. Shannon came, and soon she was bringing her children. Julia decided they needed a lesson for the children, so she started a children's cla.s.s. Soon the news got around and other children began coaxing their parents to allow them to attend. The cla.s.s grew, and Julia a.s.signed the younger ones to Jennifer and Felicity. Excited about being involved, the girls prepared lessons on Noah and Daniel with great care.

The group grew and interest deepened. There was actually partic.i.p.ationa"excitement. Julia and John began to pray more sincerely. Perhaps this was why G.o.d had kept them in towna"to win their neighbors.

But it was hard, slow work. They prayed daily for the wisdom, the strength, the commitment to keep going. They made it through the winter. Spring came, bringing warm breezes that melted the snow. Spirits lifted. Folks began to talk of gardens. Children played in the warm sunshine. They had survived the first winter with no disasters. No serious illnesses. Surely they could make it through spring and summer with ease.

Julia began her letter writing again, promising visitors a quiet and restful vacation in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The women laid aside their winter handwork to care for household ch.o.r.es. The children were given a week's break from their studies, more to give their mothers a rest than anything else. And then they settled in to prepare for another season, with renewed faith and courage.

Chapter 16.

Another Chance "We know better what to expect this year," Julia said at their first committee meeting of the tourist season.

Actually, no one had gotten much experience the year before. Each family had hosted only one vacationing family. Julia had cared for twoa"if she counted the little old man and woman trying to outwit the authorities.

"We will take turns as before," Julia continued. "I had the last ones, so we will move down the list. We have a number of items in our shops now. Many more than last year, so perhaps business will improve for those not taking guests."

As Julia spoke, she remembered that some of the ladies had used their merchandise to buy flour and sugar at the store. Still, there would be some revenue from the sale of goods.

"And we have the jams and jellies from last year's picking," Julia added.

"I used a few jars of mine," said Mrs. Clancy, and Mrs. Greenwald admitted that she too had dipped into her supplies.

"Fine," said Julia. "Our families come first. If we need our produce to feed them, then we must use it, that's all. We'll pray for a good berry crop this year. All our children are a year older. They will be better pickers this year than last."

Maude Shannon shifted uneasily. She was to have another child in a few months. She wouldn't be picking many berries for a while. But that wasn't what worried Julia as she looked at Maude. It was the lack of a doctor. She wondered if Maude planned to go away to have the baby. She wondered whether the Shannons had family she could stay with. And what about the five other Shannon children? The townsfolk might have to care for them for a few weeks.

Julia pushed the thoughts from her mind for the present and continued her meeting.

"We all need to plant good-sized gardens. That kept us going last winter. And it will help us feed our guests and see us through another winter as well. Is anyone short of garden s.p.a.ce? I'm sure we could find some way toa""

"We dug our neighbor's potatoes last year," interrupted Mrs. Greenwald. "They were gone. No use letting them go to waste."

"We used our neighbor's garden too," admitted Mrs. Adams, blushing.

Julia had not thought about the gardens of those who had moved away. It was only common sense that someone should benefit from the produce.

"Perhaps," she said, choosing her words carefully, "it would be wise to plant those gardens again." Julia paused, then went on. "It would keep them free of weeds, make the yards look more presentable for our summer guests, and give each of us additional garden s.p.a.ce."

As she spoke, she wondered if it was wrong to use the neighbors' yards without permission. Lord, show me if this is wrong. I don't want to encourage anything that displeases you, Julia prayed silently.

"We can't care for them all," stated Mrs. Clancy, "so I suggest we use the closest and the best."

"Jim is willing to use that old tractor left behind by the mill to work up the land," said Maude Shannon. "He's already been talking about it."

Julia tried to mask her surprise, then reasoned, This is a case of survival. Perhaps we should take advantage of everything at our disposal.If we save the town, if our venture is successful, then those who left will be able to return to their homes, their gardens.

"We must set some guidelines," Julia voiced tactfully. "I think we should call a meeting with our husbands to draw up some plans as to what is propera"and what isa"is stepping over boundaries."

"Like?" said Mrs. Clancy.

"Well, like, we can plant and care for garden plotsa"it will be better if the yards are cared for. But if we use a garden, we must also pull the weeds. And if the owners return, the garden spot, along with its produce, belongs to them. And we can use things that have been deliberately left behind, having no value to the owner, such as the old tractor. But we must be careful not to take possession of other people's property or gain from their losses."

Julia hoped she had made a point. She would suggest to John that he call a meeting of all town residents before they ran into a serious problem of "borrowing" items left behind by vacating neighbors.

The new Shannon baby arrived. Mrs. Greenwald helped with the delivery in the absence of a doctor, but it was Jim Shannon who kept calm and cared for the mother and child. The baby boy was fine, and the entire settlement breathed a sigh of relief. Many prayers went up, thanking G.o.d for the child's safe arrivala"even from lips that wouldn't normally have admitted to prayer. The neighborhood ladies organized help for the family for the first few weeks. Then life returned once again to its familiar routine.

The first paying guests arrived in July. The next came a week later. Both families spent a few dollars in the shops along Main Street.

The next guests didn't come until mid-August. Julia did not get her first turn until near the end of the month when a young couple came to take advantage of the quietness of the mountain village.

"We wanted a place where we could just be by ourselves," the young woman confided.

"We will see that you have all the time alone you desire," Julia promised her.

The Harrigans ate meals in the kitchen while the young couple was served in the dining room. Jennifer and Felicity took turns serving.

"It is so romantic," Felicity crooned the first night. "Just the two of them, with the candles and the silver. Mama, do you think they would like us to move in the Victrola so they can listen to soft music?"

Julia smiled at her romantic fourteen-year-old. "Perhaps," she said. "Why don't you ask them?"

The couple turned down Felicity's offer of dinner music. "We really don't care to linger," the young man explained.

The couple spent their first few days wandering town streets and mountain trails. Then he went for walks alone and she sat on the back porch swing, whiling away the hours with no handwork, no reading, nothing to keep herself entertained. To Julia she looked very bored, very listless, and very lonely.

"Would you like something to read?" Julia asked. "We have a number of good books on the library shelves and you are welcome to borrow them."

The young woman smiled and shook her head.

"Are you tired of walking?" Julia questioned.

"I've already seen everything there is to see."

Julia nodded. It didn't take long to see everything.

"Your husband likes to walk?"

The woman shrugged. "I guess so."

"Would you like to join us in the kitchen? We're making blueberry jam today. The girls have just returned with full pails of wild berries. Perhapsa""

"I don't think soa"thank you," the young woman responded.

Julia had run out of ideas, so she left the girl alone.

Jennifer served the table that evening. "I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Alberts are very happy," she said as she brought the empty soup dishes into the kitchen and prepared to serve the main course.

"Why do you say that?" asked Julia, turning to look at her.

"They haven't said a word to each other all evening," Jennifer explained. "They just glare at each other or look at their plates. They aren't even eating mucha"and he is usually ravenous."

The next day Julia sent Jennifer and Felicity off to the berry patch. The young woman was on the porch swing alone again, and Julia approached her, tea tray in hand.

"Anna, I thought you might like some tea," she ventured.

The young woman didn't answer.

"It is such a beautiful day," Julia continued. "I love it when the breeze is just strong enough to stir my hair and bring the scent of flowers."

Still no response.

Julia set down the tea things and poured a cup. "Have you been married long?"

"Almost a year."

"Well, you hardly get to know each other in a year. I remember when we had been married for just a year. I was wonderfully happy. I was deeply in love with John. Still, I wasn't sure if John really knew me. Really understood me," Julia sighed. "It's funny, I wasn't even sure at times if he really loved me.

"There is so much to learn about each other," Julia went on, pa.s.sing the sugar and cream. "It takes far more than a year to get in step with one's mate."

Julia offered the young woman a piece of shortcake.

"John is a good man. A wonderful man. But at firsta"well, I guess we didn't know how to express our love. Or else we just forgot to. I learned something then. I learned that it is basically up to the woman to set the tone for openness and closeness. We just understand a bit more about expressing love, I guess. Boys are taught not to show emotiona"to be masculine. I'm not saying that's righta"it's just how it is.

"Well, women don't have that problem. We are free to say how we feel. To show others we love thema"by doing little things, saying little things. Women can find lots of different ways to say *I love you.' "

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Julia's Last Hope Part 13 summary

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