
The Great Genetic Era Chapter 1856: Improvement and New Power Star (1)

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Chapter 1856: Improvement and New Power Star (1)


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Ah Huang, how’s the control of the civilian network?” A thousand meters above the sky, Xu Tui looked at the defense base of Asteroid 707 that was fighting below. The battle was a little intense.

The commander of Planetary Defense Base 707 was a Six Satellites. His overall strength was much weaker than the members of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force. However, there were more Spiritual Race soldiers in the Planetary Defense Base. Furthermore, the cooperation of the base’s defense arms made the battle situation more complicated. It looked like the battle was not going smoothly.

“The civilian quantum network of Asteroid 707 has been invaded and controlled. It can cut off the signal at will. Give me another ten minutes and I can tamper with the civilian network information at will,” Ah Huang said.

Almost at the same time, Ullr, who was beside Xu Tui, spoke. “Commander Xu, the impetus advancement of the battle situation is not going smoothly. I’ll partic.i.p.ate in the battle too. Shall I go down and help them?”

Xu Tui glanced at Ullr and Ruan Tianzuo, who was beside him. He shook his head and said, “There’s no need. Their strength has increased too quickly in the past half a year. Although they have been through many battles, it’s not enough. I’ll grind them down in today’s battle.”

“I’m afraid there will be casualties,” Ullr said resentfully.

“As long as they did not die in battle on the spot, they are lucky to have casualties,” Xu Tui said.

“Indeed, such a training opportunity is rare! With the regiment commander watching, they won’t die even if they want to,” Ruan Tianzuo said from the side.

If Xu Tui, Ullr, and Ruan Tianzuo had partic.i.p.ated in the battle, there would have been no suspense in today’s battle. It would not be able to train the members of the expeditionary army. Xu Tui did not allow An Xiaoxue, Jin Ji, and Lavis to partic.i.p.ate in the battle. They only monitored one battlefield each to ensure their safety.

This time, he boldly split into four battlefields. There were four battlefields:

the Planetary Defense Base of Asteroid 707, the Number One and Number Two Quantum Teleportation Tunnel Defense Base, and the Planetary Chief’s Office.

Without the top main forces partic.i.p.ating in the battle, the battle would not go smoothly. According to the tactical and strategic needs, he had invested the most combat strength into the Defense Base of Quantum Teleportation Tunnel Number One and Number Two.

These two landlords had to be destroyed first.

Two minutes after the battle started, Xu Tui received a report from Qu Qingshan. “Commander, the second quantum teleportation base has been breached. The second quantum teleportation tunnel of Asteroid 707 has been destroyed. Commander, please give us your instructions.”

“Not even two minutes. You sure are fast,” Xu Tui said.

“Reporting to Commander, it is done according to your instructions, the sooner the better.”

“Ah Huang, can you get me a battle recording?” Xu Tui asked.


Thirty seconds later, Xu Tui saw the recording of Qu Qingshan leading his men to break through the quantum teleportation channel of Asteroid 707. He took a few glances and was a little speechless.

He had miscalculated. He did not consider that Qu Qingshan had already mastered the Fire Dragon Arrav with Yan Wuvu.

The current weakness was that the acc.u.mulation of power was a little long and he was not too familiar with it. However, after the acc.u.mulation was completed, the fire dragon array killed the Five Satellites commander in the target base with three other Planetary realm experts.

Qu Qingshan was at the Six Satellites Planetary realm, and he was also enhanced by the seal of the Huo Yao Star Official. The more he could unleash the combat strength of the Seven Satellites Planetary realm, the stronger he would be.

After learning the Fire Dragon Array from Yan Wuyu, his combat strength had greatly increased. With the combat strength of the Fire Dragon Array that he had just unleashed, even if it did not reach the level of Nine Satellites, it had the lethality of the late-stage or even the peak of the Eight Satellites.

He had used a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

“Completely destroy the second quantum Teleportation Tunnel Defense Base. Bring people to reinforce Asteroid 707’s Defense Base immediately after you collect important strategic resources,” Xu Tui ordered.

“Understood, Commander. I’ll leave a portion of people to collect strategic resources. I’ll bring another portion of people to support Yan Lie and the others.” Qu Qingshan’s voice was filled with excitement.

“Sure, but you can’t partic.i.p.ate in the battle again. Bring one or two people and collect strategic resources. Get the others to quickly support Yan Lie and the others,” Xu Tui ordered.

Qu Qingshan was stunned. “Commander, why? I’m the captain of this team.

Why didn’t you let me partic.i.p.ate in the battle?”

This was the first time the fire dragon array was used on the battlefield today. Its power surprised Qu Qingshan, and his hands itched. It was not in vain that he had spent a huge price to please Yan Wuyu.

He was naturally unhappy that he could not use it now.

“This is an order,” Xu Tui said calmly.

“Understood.” Qu Qingshan immediately carried out these words unconditionally. Since the Blue Star Expeditionary Force was a military, military orders came first.

“Ah Huang, it looks like Yan Wuyu was very enthusiastic to teach when I left previously. Qu Qingshan learned the Fire Dragon Array in such a short period of time. I thought it would take a few months. By the way, how are Miao Huanshan, Mu Xingluan, and Li Zheng doing?” Xu Tui asked.

“They are still bitterly cultivating the basic abilities of Perception Instantiation,” Ah Huang said.

“What about Miao Huanshan? Under my influence, Miao Huanshan began to cultivate the basic abilities of the School of General Senses a long time ago. He has already successfully cultivated them,” Xu Tui asked.

“Miao Huanshan is still very slow. It will probably take some time for him to learn the array formation,” Ah Huang said.

“What’s going on? Why did Qu Qingshan learn so quickly? The others?” Xu Tui frowned.

“Heh, you don’t know what a painful price Old Qu paid.” Ah Huang actually kept him in suspense. However, this was very normal. Ah Huang had long had one of the signs of intelligent creatures—emotion..

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The Great Genetic Era Chapter 1856: Improvement and New Power Star (1) summary

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