
The Great Genetic Era Chapter 1849: Shang Long's Private Laboratory and Assistance (4)

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Chapter 1849: Shang Long’s Private Laboratory and a.s.sistance (4)


Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The Spiritual Race in the Fire Origin Palace was extremely powerful. There were hundreds of Planetary realm experts. If he did not deal with them, this would be a sharp sword that was clearly at the vital point of the Blue Star’s abdomen.

They could deal a heavy blow to the Blue Star at any time. So he had to solve it.

“Execute the order. We have to break through the Fire Origin Palace. I will think of all ways to break through, ” Xu Tui said.

“Understood.” Wei Bin was a soldier. It was his duty to obey orders. At this moment, Xu Tui’s orders were completely carried out.

At this moment, Cai Shaochu’s a.s.sistant, Fang You, arrived. “Greetings, Commander!” Fang You, who had come over, gave a military salute. Currently, all the extra-terrestrial forces are under military management.

Fang You, Cai Shaochu’s a.s.sistant, had originally advanced slowly in his cultivation. In the past few years, thanks to the eruption of energy and the fact that he was in the Water Origin Palace every day, his cultivation had improved.

Now, he was already at the peak of the One Satellites Planetary realm. He was not far from breaking through to the Two Satellites.

“Does Mr. Shang have any special instructions?” Xu Tui asked.

“Mr. Shang?” Fang You shook his head. There was really no such thing.

“Then does Mr. Fang have any places that you are not allowed to enter or places

that you have to maintain daily?” Xu Tui asked.

“There is.” Fang You nodded. “Mr. Shang built a private laboratory in the quiet room of the Wood Origin Palace. There’s a treatment nutrition chamber inside.

I need to change the nutrient fluid once a month. At the same time, I need to check if the equipment is operating normally.”

“Let’s go. Bring me there.” Erera wanted to follow him, but Xu Tui stopped her. ‘Miss Erera, this might involve Mr. Shang’s privacy. He might not be willing to let you see it. You shouldn’t come over,” Xu Tui said.

Erera was very anxious and curious. However, in the end, she chose to respect

Shang Long. Xu Tui was afraid that if he opened the nutrition chamber and let Miss Erera see Shang Long’s naked body, Mr. Shang would chop him into eight pieces when he woke up.

On the other hand, Xu Tui let Wei Bin follow. There were some secrets that could not be hidden from Lieutenant Wei. Wei Bin was currently a true frontline combatant in the extra-terrestrial war. It was better to let him know some things. Soon, after verifying the ancient mechanical pa.s.sword, Fang You finally entered Shang Long’s private laboratory and opened the door.

There were no anti-shielded materials outside the laboratory.

“Alright, you can guard outside.” Xu Tui got Fang You to retreat. Fang You, who had a curious expression, had a depressed expression. However, he could only follow the orders.

“This is?” Wei Bin was a little surprised when he entered Shang Long’s private laboratory and saw the rows of precision instruments and the huge mechanical nutrition chamber in the middle.

This nutrition chamber was a little outdated.

Xu Tui understood the reason. Ceres Star did not need technological equipment that could be electronic. They could only use this mechanical nutrition chamber.

Xu Tui was clear about this. He pressed the b.u.t.ton and opened the door of the nutrition chamber. The nutrient fluid receded like a tidal wave, revealing a figure identical to Shang Long.

“This is… Mr. Shang’s clone?” Wei Bin was shocked. He had a bad feeling.

Xu Tui looked at Shang Long’s clone and frowned. He had not woken up yet? He couldn’t have failed to use the Resurrection Seal at the first try, right? If that was the case…

Xu Tui broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of this. His mind power immediately probed into Shang Long’s clone body. He was also shocked. However, just as his mind power was about to enter Shang Long’s clone body, an extremely sharp sword intent instantly surged out of Shang Long’s body and cut off Xu Tui’s mental perception.

“Mr. Shang!” Xu Tui exclaimed in surprise. “Did it succeed?”

“Yes, it’s done! It’s just that the process is a little… painful.” Shang Long sighed. Death was a true death.

“That’s good!” Xu Tui heaved a sigh of relief. “How long will it take you to recover?”

“This secret technique allows me to recover extremely quickly. However, I have expended a lot of mind power previously, so my mental body is also a little damaged. It will take at least two to three days of sleep before I can re-enter the world,” Shang Long said.

“Alright, then continue to rest. Lieutenant Wei, let’s go,” Xu Tui said.

After leaving the laboratory, Wei Bin asked curiously, “What is Mr. Shang doing? Also, what are you going to do now?”

“I’ll tell you about Mr. Shang when I’m done. Now, I’m going to search for the power that can help me break through the Fire Origin Palace within three

days,” Xu Tui said..

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The Great Genetic Era Chapter 1849: Shang Long's Private Laboratory and Assistance (4) summary

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