
I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 510 – Temporary Girlfriend

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Chapter 510 – Temporary Girlfriend

There happened to be a physical education cla.s.s the next day. When Xiao Qin once again said she didn’t want to partic.i.p.ate because she was frail, the cla.s.s leader, who knew the truth, stood right next to her and simply listened as Xiong YaoYue’s agreed to Xiao Qin’s request.

“Did you say anything to the cla.s.s leader?” I asked Xiao Qin, who was fiddling with cross-st.i.tching.

“Nothing much.” Xiao Qin shrugged as she compared her cross st.i.tch to the example ill.u.s.tration, “I told the cla.s.s leader I have a severe case of androphobia. If I get threatened by boys, I won’t be able to stop myself from going crazy and beating them up, and that’s why I don’t attend gym cla.s.s with boys. Otherwise, what would happen if I black out and go berserk when I’m hit by basketball they threw. It would be embarra.s.sing for me and it would be awful for cla.s.s spirit.”

There were truths mixed with her lies, so there was no reason for the cla.s.s leader to not believe her. But actually Xiao Qin’s androphobia isn’t that severe and there’s no way she would go crazy from only being hit by a ball. Just yesterday, didn’t she stuff an Ultraman model into Zhao GuangTou’s pocket?

Although Xiao Qin once again enjoyed some beneficial treatments, but after knowing the truth, the cla.s.s leader no longer treated her as a spoiled younger sister.

On rare occasions, the cla.s.s leader would ask Xiao Qin to go with her to the offices to grab tools. When she was too busy, she would also ask Xiao Qin to run some errands, kind of treating Xiao Qin as the second Xiong YaoYue.

“Cla.s.s leader, I can go and buy ice cream for the entire cla.s.s, there’s no need to let Xiao Qin go.”

Loud Mouth objected to the cla.s.s leader’s order, while Xiao Qin hid behind Loud Mouth.

The cla.s.s leader smiled and said, “You walk slow, if I left it to you, the ice cream will melt halfway, plus you have a habit of eating while you walk…”

“But Xiao Qin is frail and sickly.” Loud Mouth insisted.

The cla.s.s leader glanced at Xiao Qin as if she was asking with her eyes “is that so?”. Xiao Qin, who felt guilty, could only go and run the errand.

“After the supporting character caught onto my weakness, she’s ordering me around every day.” Xiao Qin complained to me after she bought the ice cream, “She’s awful.”

Although that’s what she said, it doesn’t seem like she’s harboring any resentment towards the cla.s.s leader. It could be because the cla.s.s leader chose to save Xiao Qin rather than protect herself, so now Xiao Qin feels like she owes the cla.s.s leader.

But in fact, it was Xiao Qin who protected the cla.s.s leader from those four hooligans, but Xiao Qin didn’t have any intention of taking the credit. Perhaps it came naturally to her and Xiao Qin never even thought of leaving the cla.s.s leader behind.

It seems Xiao Qin’s bad intentions are only up to the level of “mischievous pranks”. At least for those who we study and interact with every day, she won’t abandon them when they are in danger.

I felt gratified since I was used to always seeing people fight. A pure friendship is a better way to heal people’s hearts.

The cla.s.s leader had put a lot of thought into it, and the other reason she asked Xiao Qin to run errands was the same as why she made Gong CaiCai to be a cla.s.s committee member.

It’s a rare opportunity for a transfer student to gain popularity by buying ice cream for the cla.s.s on a hot day. The cla.s.s leader wanted Xiao Qin to slowly integrate into the cla.s.s and eventually she wouldn’t be afraid of boys anymore.

It’s just that Xiao Qin won’t understand the cla.s.s leader’s painstaking efforts.

The fact that Xiao Qin knew martial arts was a secret between the three of us. As for when the cla.s.s leader and Xiao Qin would communicate with each other with their eyes at certain times, everyone had their own interpretations.

Some people said Xiao Qin stole the cla.s.s leader’s limelight in the volleyball match, so the cla.s.s leader was getting revenge, but these people clearly don’t really understand the cla.s.s leader.

Some people said that Xiao Qin’s body wasn’t weak, but in order to continue to skip physical education cla.s.ses, she made a deal to always listen to the cla.s.s leader’s orders. This statement was closer to the truth.

The most outrageous explanation, surprisingly, was uttered by the timid Gong CaiCai.

Once, when we were cleaning the cla.s.s, I was a.s.signed task of fetching the water for the girls to clean the windows. While I was carrying a bucket of water back, Gong CaiCai carefully asked:

“Ye, Ye Lin cla.s.smate, did… did the cla.s.s leader give you up to Xiao Qin?”

I was shocked, looked around to see if anyone was around me and asked in a hurry, “Why would you say that?”

Gong CaiCai lowered her head and stammered:

“Because… Winnie told me you went to the zoo with Xiao Qin on the weekend, and Xiao Qin has always been ordered around by the cla.s.s leader recently… so I could only guess if the two of them reached an agreement in private…”

They did have an agreement, but it had nothing to do with me! I think you watched way too many Korean dramas, all you saw was me kissing the cla.s.s leader, then kissing Xiao Qin. You don’t have to keep adding on different layers with your imagination, Loud Mouth and Little Smart must be a bad influence on you, that’s why you’re so nosy now.

Friday came in a flash. Xiao Ding called and nervously asked if I was able to find a temporary girlfriend for him.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already made arrangements.”

I responded with a very “dependable” voice.

“Ah, then I’m very thankful.” Xiao Ding expressed his thanks. He was never that polite before, but I guess the fight between LOL and dota was that important to him.

“But there’s something I must tell you in advance. The girls in our cla.s.s are all a bit shy and none of them is willing to pretend to be your girlfriend. But it wasn’t really a huge problem, I made a snap decision and found you a man…”

Xiao Ding immediately choked on his words.

“Wha-, what did you say? I trusted you and you found me a man? The LOL faction already ridiculed us dota faction members for having no girlfriends, only gay friends. Wouldn’t this only validate their words?”

“Calm down for a bit.” I let Xiao Ding calm down, “I might have found you a man, but he’s not a man like you and me. He’s a cross dresser, you’ve probably heard of them before. As long as they look good and can bring you into the spotlight, who cares if they are a man or a woman.”

Xiao Ding said skeptically, “You better not be making it sound good, but actually deliver a trash product. If it was someone like Ru Hua, I might as well bring a real man. You better not con me, if the cross dresser isn’t up to par, I.. I might as well bring you with me…”

“Don’t worry, he’s definitely up to par.” I lowered my voice, “You’ve met our cla.s.s leader, Shu Sha, before right?”

“I know her.” Xiao Ding was overjoyed, “Did you convince Shu Sha to be my temporary girlfriend?”

Then he said, “But I don’t really have the guts to talk to Shu Sha, so wouldn’t it get exposed?”

“It’s not Shu Sha.” I gasped, “I just not told you, it’s a cross dresser, which means a man. The cla.s.s leader isn’t a man, but I’m letting you borrow her brother.”

“Her brother.” Xiao Ding hesitantly said, “I think I met him once. He’s a boy who doesn’t really like animals…”

“Yeah, he doesn’t like animals, but he likes money. Recently, he’s getting more and more into cross dressing… as long as you pay him, he will gladly go with you to the offline meetup.”

“Wait, Shu Sha’s brother actually has that kind of hobby?” Xiao Ding’s reaction was as I expected.

“Who cares about other people’s hobbies? If you guys are allowed to like dota or LOL, then why can’t others like women’s clothing? Anyway, it was the only temporary girlfriend I could find and I guarantee it won’t get exposed.He looks very similar to his sister and can even pa.s.s off as her twin sister. “

Perhaps my last sentence struck a chord with Xiao Ding, he hesitantly said, “Then bring him over Sat.u.r.day afternoon and let me take a look, then I will decide whether to take him or not…”

“Then it’s settled.” I said, “But you have to remember, whether you agree to take him or not, you can’t say a word about it to Shu Sha. If his sister found out, we will all be in trouble.”

Xiao Ding laughed bitterly: “Of course, it’s already humiliating enough to need a temporary girlfriend. If people found out it was a cross dresser, then I wouldn’t even be able to leave my house anymore. Besides, I couldn’t really talk to Shu Sha in the first place…

On Sat.u.r.day afternoon, Shu Zhe lied to his sister. He came to my house under the pretext of using my home gym equipment.

After he freeloaded a takeout meal at my place, he ran proudly to the large bedroom to change. He even warned me not to peek. Who would even want to see your naked body, maybe I would if it was your sister.

After nearly an hour of dressing up, I almost didn’t recognize Shu Zhe when he came out of the room.

The “girl” standing in front of me was wearing a denim skirt with a small denim jacket. The jacket was open and revealed a white shirt adorned with silver flowers. There were also suspicious bulges under the shirt (should be breast pads).

Below the denim skirt and on top of the black stockings was a snow white absolute territory which can definitely become the focus of attention of pa.s.sing men.

He had a pair of white canvas shoes, the kind with leather ta.s.sels with a cute style. I felt pain thinking about the fact that I would have to bear the cost of these shoes.

As for his appearance, he really does look like the cla.s.s leader’s twin sister. Although he used bangs and medium length hair, he also doesn’t have the cla.s.s leader’s domineering aura, but if he was seen by acquaintances they will still suspect he was related to the cla.s.s leader.

To further increase the difference, I asked Shu Zhe to wear the colored contacts he used before when he took those rope model pictures, which made him seem more multiracial.

“Hey, I’m only doing it for money. Can you stop staring at me, it’s embarra.s.sing.”

He may have said that but he already admired himself multiple times in the mirror. And every time he turned around, he would subconsciously twirl his skirt.

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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 510 – Temporary Girlfriend summary

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