
I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 416 – Goodbye, UFO

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Chapter 416 – Goodbye, UFO

If you lose to other groups, you would at worst get a few injuries and have to stay in the hospital for a bit. But if you would lose to Ye Lin Gang, you be reverse raped by the Rose Three!

Strictly speaking, Eunuch Cao and Shu Zhe would also be considered as my subordinates. They would be my left and right advisors, respectively. They both don’t have any morals and can strategically plan out inhuman schemes.

The event about the cla.s.s leader being hara.s.sed by the female delinquents quickly spread through the cla.s.s.

“No way, does the cla.s.s leader even need to steal a boyfriend if she wanted one?” Loud Mouth proclaimed, she may have heard more details from Little Smart on the way to the infirmary, “If the cla.s.s leader just waves her hand, probably half of the d.a.m.n men in our cla.s.s would stick out their tongues and crawl to her!”

The boys who always flaunted themselves as the cla.s.s leader’s loyal dogs quickly nodded, but they shrunk back when they saw the cla.s.s leader was in a bad mood.

Niu ShiLi clenched his fists.

“Cla.s.s leader, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, I’ll protect you before and after school and teach those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds from Thousand Crane a lesson.”

“That’s not needed.” The cla.s.s leader muttered, “I ride a bike to and from school and we don’t live in the same direction.”

“Then I’ll go to Thousand Crane school to look for them.” Niu ShiLi was still angry.

As expected of the cla.s.s leader’s chief loyal dog who would invade enemy territory to get revenge! But even though Niu ShiLi is st.u.r.dy, he lacks fighting experience. It’s likely he would fall for some cheap tricks, get knocked unconscious, then dragged into the girls school! As they say, the rarer something is, the greater its value. For example, look at Uncle He’s daughter, He Ling. She never sees men at school, so she goes to a dojo to attract the attention of men. I can’t even imagine what Niu ShiLi will experience at an all-girls school.

As I was thinking about negotiating with Xiao Qin for her to get in touch with her old subordinate to go lenient on Niu ShiLi, I found Xiao Qin cowering behind the cla.s.s leader because of her androphobia.

“Niu ShiLi, as the cla.s.s leader, I won’t permit you to start fights at another school.” The cla.s.s leader said seriously, “And it’s an all-girls school, do you think it’s good for a guy to stir up trouble?”

I thought Niu ShiLi would be speechless after listening to the cla.s.s leader’s logic, but he was especially stubborn today. He struck his desk in anger and spoke with a grimace:

“It’s not like there are no guys at Thousand Crane.”

Huh, it sounds like Niu ShiLi has some insider knowledge. Or would he be referring to male teachers? Are male teachers allowed at an all-girls school? I’m not really informed on this matter.

“Why would you say that?” The cla.s.s leader asked.

“Hmph, the leader of the ‘Rose Group’ from that school is a man.”

Hey, Red Rose might look like a Tauren, but she would still be a female Tauren! Or are you talking about the obese Yellow Rose. She definitely has a ring of facial hair around her mouth, so it’s understandable to mistake her as a man…

“Niu ShiLi.” Loud Mouth came over, “I heard you live near Thousand Crane.” Loud Mouth was always interested in gossip about everybody, unlike Little Smart who only cares about BL.

Niu ShiLi ignored Loud Mouth, he became angrier as he continued to speak:

“Anyway, their school is shameless since they seduce boys from other schools to support them and even chose a guy to be their leader…”

“Hey, do you have any evidence?” I interrupted him. After all, Xiao Qin went to that school, so he was also insulting her.

After he heard my question, he took off his gla.s.ses and pointed to he scar on the bridge of his nose.

He put on his gla.s.ses again after showing us the evidence.

“That scar was caused by one of the boyfriend’s of the girl from Thousand Crane.”

So, it’s an old grudge? No wonder he exploded when he heard the cla.s.s leader was harra.s.sed by girls from Thousand Crane.

I wanted to ask Xiao Qin if she anything about Niu ShiLi, but I saw Xiao Qin trembling and trying to completely hide her body behind the cla.s.s leader.

Is her androphobia acting up again? But why are you that scared when he sits next to you every day.

“Then why did you get into a fight with them?” the cla.s.s leader asked.

“That’s the part that upsets me the most.” Niu ShiLi yelled, “I don’t even know what I did to upset them! I went to the cultural park on a rainy day in the sixth grade…”

Cultural park?! I quickly glanced at Xiao Qin and she shrunk her body back.

“How shameless.” Loud Mouth shouted, “So you went to hara.s.s those middle school girls when you were a sixth grader and got beat up by their boyfriends.”

“No. My uncle gave me an English-Chinese science fiction novel about aliens using ripples caused by rain to communicate with earthlings, so I brought a umbrella to compare the drawings on the book with the ground.”

“Ah, so you believe in aliens!” Loud Mouth covered her mouth and giggled.

Niu ShiLi’s face was red, “Young kids believe in a lot of things, anyway… right when I was about to decrypt an alien message, I saw a student running towards me…”

“Was it a boy or a girl?” Loud Mouth asked curiously, but I already knew the answer.

“It was raining heavily, so I couldn’t really tell.” Niu ShiLi admitted, “But I think it was a boy since a girl’s punches wouldn’t hurt as much.”

How can the Little Tyrant’s punches not hurt?

“The only reason I knew he was from the Thousand Crane group was because his friends were cheering him on from the pavilion. I didn’t even bother him, but he just suddenly smacked away my umbrella…”

“I was still sad about the book getting wet before he punched me on the nose out of nowhere. He kept hitting me while saying why I abandoned his girlfriend, or why didn’t you come… I had no idea what he was talking about. My body went numb and if his followers didn’t stop him, I might have died there.”

“Huh. I never expected for you to have been bullied with your st.u.r.dy body.”

“Well… I’ve never been bullied since I started school, but… that day I was completely beaten. I’ve never seen punches as fast and as ferocious as his. I had to stay at the hospital for half a month and I had nightmares every night.”

d.a.m.n, I can’t keep listening, his fate is even worse than mines! He met the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time! The Little Tyrant could have easily crippled any young child. If you weren’t gifted with a body full of muscles, you might have already been on your way to the next life!

But I still have to thank you. Since Xiao Qin will be my stepsister, I have to apologize on behalf of her. It’s a good think you didn’t die and Xiao Qin wasn’t sent to juvie.

“That’s incredible.” Loud Mouth interjected, “I don’t want to meet anyone that even you can’t beat.”

You’ve already met him! He goes to the washroom with you everyday and also gossips with you.

Everyone felt sympathy after hearing about Niu ShiLi’s unfortunate childhood story. Xiao Qin, who was hiding behind the cla.s.s leader, was especially sympathetic.

Why are you feeling sympathy! It’s your fault, so go and apologize!

“I’ve been searching for him, but never found him.” Niu ShiLi said with regret.

You already found him, he sits right next to you! But he is actually a girl who only knows to fool around. Unfortunately due to her androphobia, you might have to wait another thirty thousand years until she can apologize to you.

Xiao Qin smiled at me with a guilty conscience, “Ye cla.s.smate, what should we eat for lunch?”

“You’re already thinking about food after the first lesson?” I snorted, “Go and apologize to Niu ShiLi.”

Xiao Qin shook her body:

“It wasn’t on purpose~~~”

“Can you even say that after hospitalizing him for half a month?”

“Well, if the one who came was Ye Lin cla.s.smate, then he wouldn’t have been hit.”

Why are you pushing the blame onto me? Not only did you hit Niu ShiLi, you even prevented him from communicating with aliens. What if he actually discovered encoded messages? Hurry and apologize to all the UFO lovers in the world!

“I don’t care if you write him a note, but get it done.”

Xiao Qin covered her cheeks bashfully:

“It’s too embarra.s.sing. It’s enough for just Ye Lin cla.s.smate to know my embarra.s.sing past.”

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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 416 – Goodbye, UFO summary

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