
I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 283 – Thong

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In accordance with my requests, the naked Shu Zhe was placed on top of the double bed in the large bedroom. It was as if the five tigers believed my goal was to take control of his chrysanthemum.

“b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, flip him over.” I said angrily, “I want him facing the ceiling.”

Tiger 2 followed my orders while muttering:

“He doesn’t seem much like a girl if he’s facing up since he doesn’t have b.r.e.a.s.t.s.”

After a series of adjustments, Shu Zhe was laid down like Sleeping Beauty. A red blush and happiness could be seen on his face.

Perhaps he thought he was in heaven after he died and was surrounded with fresh flowers and angels. Now he never has to worry about the Triads nor does he have to worry about buying gifts for his girlfriend.

Stop dreaming, based on the things you’ve done and your ungratefulness towards your sister, you’ll definitely be sent to h.e.l.l where demons will line up to burst your chrysanthemum.

I took out the camera I had prepared and took a bunch of pictures of Shu Zhe from various angles. Sometimes I asked the Five Tigers to help adjust his position (which is exactly what they were hoping for).

Not only did every single nude shot show his face, it also showed his d.i.c.k.

That’ll teach you to blackmail and rebel. Now let’s see whose photos are more embarra.s.sing.

I got too worked up and took over three hundred nude pictures of Shu Zhe. My memory was about to explode.

The Five Tigers stood beside the bed while they covered their mouths and laughed secretly.

One of them said: “So the cost of betraying bro Ye is nude shots, I guess I have to be careful.”

Another said: “Stop kidding around. Your chrysanthemum is as black as the bottom of a pot. No one would take it even if it’s given for free.”

“Huh, how do you know what color it is? When did you sneak a peek?”

At this time, Xing Xing’s stomach began to grumble.

I remembered they went to kidnap Shu Zhe right after school and haven’t had a chance to eat dinner yet.

Thus I said to them: “Good job on completing your orders. There’s nothing left for you guys to do, so you can go eat. If you guys don’t mind eating BBQ skewers, I’m pretty well acquainted with the owner of the BBQ store downstairs. I’ll give him a heads up and you guys can put the bill on my tab.”

Xing Xing nodded in a hurry, “We have to eat this meal, it’s a celebratory meal. After we eat, there will be a ton more errands for us in the future.”

The other four tigers agreed in unison.

“That’s right, we’re already used to eating at fancy restaurants. It’s a good change of pace.”

“BBQ and beer is perfect for summer.”

“Okay guys, let’s hurry up and head downstairs. We don’t want to get in bro Ye’s way.”

What do you mean get in my way? Do you think I would a.s.s rape Shu Zhe after you leave?

Don’t mess around, I have no interest in traps. I only want to cause him further embarra.s.sment so he doesn’t have the guts to use that video to blackmail me anymore.

I stopped Xing Xing who was about to leave and explained:

“Don’t misunderstand, the advisor made a mistake, so I have to give him a Spartan punishment. It’s not what you’re thinking of.”

Xing Xing smile became even more wretched.

“Bro Ye, I understand. I’ve watched the American TV series Spartacus, I understand how you’re supposed to punish people who don’t listen.”

Hey, the 300 Spartan warriors were from Greece. Spartacus was a Roman gladiator. Those two are not even close to identical. But I guess they are both muscly men, they’re all pretty Spartan.

I overheard Niu ShiLi speaking about ‘Spartacus: Blood and Sand’ before. It seems there’s a lot of violence and p.o.r.nography. It’s filled with topless females and people chopping off heads like they’re cutting watermelon.

After using Baidu (TN: Chinese google), I realize why Xing Xing was smiling.

In season 3 of Spartacus, the Roman Emperor Caesar was actually raped by Marcus Licinius Cra.s.sus’s son. That h.o.m.o got Caesar into the bedroom, pulled down the curtains while his underlings held him down, and he forcibly raped his a.s.s. The next day, Caesar couldn’t ride a horse and could only say: “I… I want to lead an infantry a.s.sault…”

Isn’t it only a bit of b.u.t.t pain, it’s the same reason why the cla.s.s leader can’t ride her bike.

f.u.c.k, even Caesar had his a.s.s raped. This is not the Spartans I know, it’s basically a gathering of h.o.m.os.e.xuals. I will never do that to Shu Zhe.

After the Tiger Five left, I took out the leopard cosplay suit and tore open the package. I took out the thong and helped Shu Zhe wear it with a grimace.

I felt like I was a pervert dressing a barbie doll. But it was all for the good of my business.

The sleeping Shu Zhe didn’t resist, rather, it seems he was actually cooperating with me like he wanted to wear the thong.

What a pervert. Completely different than me, who was a part of the boxers faction. A thong is really not much different than the briefs he usually wears.

It didn’t take much effort to raise the thong near the crotch. I tried my best to not look at the tiny thing, raised one of his legs, and slid it on perfectly.

Shu Zhe moaned lightly when the thong slid into his b.u.t.t, but he didn’t wake up.

Afterwards, I took out an old IBM notebook and exported all the nude photos from the memory card. Then, I went for round 2 and took another twenty or thirty shots of Shu Zhe.

Shu Zhe finally opened his hazy eyes after hearing the non-stop clicks of the camera.

When the first thing he saw was me with a sinister smile, he quivered and prostrated in front of me. His head was pressed against the bed and he begged:

“Brother Ye Lin, I was wrong. Please don’t let Uncle Ye kill me. I’ll do anything you want, even drug my sister.”

You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. The reason I’m punishing you is because you always sell out your sister at critical moments.

I flipped the notebook towards him and played a slideshow of the three hundred nude photos:

“Didn’t you have the video as leverage, didn’t you want to rebel? If you have the guts, then show your sister that video. I don’t think the cla.s.s leader can steel herself to actually kill me in one hit. If she trembles and misses, I’ll run back here and post your nude photos all over the internet. Everyone will see your small d.i.c.k. Not only will you lose your status in 28 Middle, but it might also even be hard for you to stay in this city.”

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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 283 – Thong summary

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