
I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 271 – Constable Ma

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When I recovered form the shock, I was already sitting in an interrogation room being interrogated in a stern voice by the police officer in front of me.

This office is actually an old acquaintance. I have to explain.

First of all, everyone should know I have a malicious gaze. My most brag-worthy accomplishment was when I attracted a police officer.

That time, there was a recently hired police officer who thought I was definitely not normal and must have been connected to a crime, thus he began to follow me. He followed me all the way to my house and let an actual fugitive get away, and it took him an extra three days to catch him.

Although the fugitive didn’t commit a crime within those three days, the officer was still disciplined and denied his year-end bonus.

In the end, that officer did not accept their judgment easily. He complained to his captain and said anyone who saw me would mistake me as a fugitive or at least an accomplice.

His colleagues were all intrigued by his words and the whole squad came to spectate me from the entrance of 28 Middle. At the time, I could often hear officers point at me while whispering among each other.

Because of their actions, all my cla.s.smates all unanimously believed I was the one who murdered the headless girl under the bridge. They were confused about why the police didn’t arrest me.

Some people said I was a skilled cleaner who left no evidence at the scene of the crime.

Some people said I have someone with influence protecting me, and the captain leading the investigation was removed.

The most far fetched were the people who said my ancestors made great contributions to the country, so I’m allowed to murder a max of 12 people.

The school had to step in and deny the rumors when it got out of hand, but it did nothing to help my reputation.

The captain was an honest person. He thought he caused a lot of trouble for me, so he brought the original police officer who followed me and apologized to me. (TN: Let’s call him lowly police officer)

Even though the lowly police officer was unwilling, he could only lower his head and apologize in front of his boss and say “I’m sorry”.

I waved my hands to show I was already used to it.

I don’t know, perhaps it was my carefree att.i.tude that made him unhappy. He felt offended since I was just a middle school student that was trying to act like a sage in front of an adult, so he held bias against me.

I heard he even made a bet with the captain that I would commit a crime that would shock the nation before I turn 20.

It seems his surname is Ma and likes it when people call him Constable Ma.

From then on, I heard the officer worked endlessly until he was promoted to the captain of the second division. Other than cracking down on illegal activities, he’s looking forward to the day where he can bring me to justice.

When there’s a police officer constantly thinking about me, I made sure to be careful during fights. But, of course, I forgot everything when I went into Berserker mode, but luckily I haven’t caused any trouble.

Or maybe I might not even have any time to cause trouble now. In China, even if you don’t deal drugs, merely being in possession of drugs is a serious crime. If I remember correctly, a show once said you can be sentenced to 3 – 7 years in prison for possession of only 50g or less of marijuana. That full bag definitely looks more than 50g. It seems I can’t lessen my sentence even if I’m a minor.

The country has a firm stance against drugs. Rather than saying family planning is a national policy, it’s safer to say drug prohibition is the national policy. Zhang YiMou was only fined for having seven kids, but if he had sold drugs to seven different people, he would have definitely been imprisoned.

Back to the present, Constable Ma had his arms crossed in front of his chest and looked down on me. It looks like he was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with the threat of the law.

He could not suppress his excitement. I bet he wasn’t even laughing this happily at his wedding.

“Ye Lin, it’s been a while. Did you miss me?”

He made a bad joke.

I slammed both my hands down on the table like a character from a TV show.

“I’m innocent. This was a plot, there’s someone who’s trying to frame me.”

Images of Kyle’s faint smile flashed through my mind. He was the one who wanted to share his weed with me this morning, but he had resent towards me because I wouldn’t help him get Ai Mi.

It was he who framed me. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I thought he was only an ignorant idiot, I never thought he would be so ruthless… Just you wait, even if I got locked up in prison for couple of years, I’ll get my revenge when I get released. I’ll stick a fire hydrant up your a.s.s.

Constable Ma snorted disdainfully at my explanation. It was like he was looking at a habitual criminal.

“Hmph, how the tides fall, you’ve finally fallen into my hands… I recommend you to not hold any unrealistic views, hurry up and admit your crimes.”

I calmed down and decided not to submit to force and vowed to not lower my head. Even if I die, I’ll die heroically, so I crossed my legs.

“I don’t want to talk to you, you have a bias against me. I want to speak to your Captain. I think his family name was Zhao, I want to speak to Captain Zhao.”

Constable Ma coughed and a hind of sadness flashed through his eyes, “Captain Zhao valiantly sacrificed his life in a previous drug battle.”

“Ah.” I paused and couldn’t help but sigh, “So it’s true good people don’t live long…”

After a momentary feeling of loss, Constable Ma’s eyes were once again filled with determination.

“That’s right, cracking down on crime is a harsh job. It’s normal to lose comrades when fighting against ferocious criminals, but don’t think for a second I will let any criminal go.”

I couldn’t help but respect his courage, but he followed up with:

“It rained heavily on Qing Ming Festival when I went to visit Captain Zhao. I never brought an umbrella and it felt good being showered in rain. I made a vow in front of his grave that no matter what… I will bring you to justice.”

“Hey hey isn’t something wrong with that vow. You destroyed the good vibe we had, and isn’t the captain’s wish to catch drug dealers, not me?”

“Hmph.” Constable Ma smiled coldly, “Aren’t you a drug dealer?”

Screw you. Even if Kyle framed me, I’m at most a drug mule. Now you’re slandering me by calling me a drug dealer.

Constable Ma paced back and forth inside the small interrogation room as if he had nowhere to release his joy.

“Haha, Ye Lin, you’re awesome. I thought you would at most only commit a few rapes or cut a few people and you would be still protected under minor laws… I never expected you to deal drugs.”

I could only smile bitterly to this police officer who had a bias against me.

“Ah… it feels as if I’m reborn…” Constable Ma enjoyed the taste of victory in the air, “Captain Zhao should be content now.”

“It’s actually pretty amusing. Addicts call marijuana ‘Ye Zi’… you call yourself Xiao Ye Zi and you’re selling Ye Zi, so you’re selling yourself.”

Constable Ma laughed carefreely.

Then, a familiar vibration occurred in the interrogation room. I recognized it as my cellphone, but it wasn’t in my hand. It was in Constable Ma’s pockets since he confiscated it.

Constable Ma ignored my personal privacy and took out my cellphone to read. Joy spread across his face as if he saw evidence to give me the death penalty.

He saw the confusion on my face, so he put the cellphone in front of my face so I could read it.

The Tao Bao app was still open and ‘Cilantro Buns’ sent a good review: “I received the goods, nice flavor.”

It was bad timing, but I still breathed a sigh of relief because our store didn’t get a bad review.

Constable Ma sneered: “Are you still not going to admit it.”

I was still at a loss, “How am I dealing drugs.”

Constable Ma pointed to my phone: “This ‘Cilantro Buns’ is a client, right?”

“That’s right.” I nodded with a blank stare.

“Then that settles it.” Constable Ma revealed a victorious smile, “He bought your marijuana, he even replied saying he got the goods and it has a nice flavor.”


“You’re making a huge misunderstanding.”

“What misunderstanding, I already got a tip someone was selling drugs on Taobao, 1g for ¥ 100, so it was you selling it.”

Constable Ma, you already set a new record for accusing the wrong person. Also, Cilantro Buns chose a terrible time to leave a review.

No, I have to solve the misunderstanding, or I’m going to prison.

“Hey, although our store does sell adult goods, it’s all legal. I never sold marijuana to my clients.”

Constable Ma had a solemn expression, “Don’t tell me it’s heroin, or meth.”

“It’s not drugs, it’s something common…”

“Common.” Constable Ma was in disbelief, “Then why don’t you tell me what ‘common’ object has a nice flavor.”

“Heh, what else could it be other than pant…”

Shoot, I couldn’t finish the rest of the sentence.

I sold panties that a trap wore for three days to my client… I don’t anyone finding out, definitely not Constable Ma.

I can’t even speak out my grievances.

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I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl Chapter 271 – Constable Ma summary

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