
I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced Chapter 571: Departure Home

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Chapter 571: Departure Home


Translator: _Min_ |

w.a.n.g Sui’s expression remained unchanged as she gazed blankly into the air, her voice soft as she inquired, “Could it really be as you’ve said, that he doesn’t love me at all?”

Gu Dai didn’t provide a straightforward answer but instead posed a question, “If he truly cared about you, how could he possibly leave you alone for such a long time?”

w.a.n.g Sui’s heart sank, and she lowered her head, murmuring, “Perhaps he really doesn’t love me at all.”

“Are you planning to look for him after you escape?” Gu Dai asked.

w.a.n.g Sui’s voice was m.u.f.fled as she replied, “Although I had a premonition, I couldn’t accept it. I wanted to confront him and ask for a proper explanation!”

Gu Dai nodded, “I can take you out, but you’ll have to follow my instructions then.”

w.a.n.g Sui looked intently at Gu Dai, “Are you planning to use me against him?”

Gu Dai didn’t respond, only staring back at w.a.n.g Sui.

w.a.n.g Sui diverted her gaze and lowered her head, “It doesn’t matter whether it’s to use me against him or not, as long as I can get out.”

She remembered how she had offended Aad and the royal family by stealing a project and could foresee how miserable her life would be if she didn’t leave.

After realizing this, w.a.n.g Sui quickly said to Gu Dai, “As long as you take me away, I’ll do as you say.”

Gu Dai nodded, “Alright.”

After agreeing, she left the dungeon to find Su Ting.

Su Ting’s eyes lit up upon seeing Gu Dai, and he approached her, saying, “Daidai, big brother’s mood has stabilized.”

Gu Dai nodded and then said, “w.a.n.g Sui has agreed to leave. We’ll return this afternoon.”

Su Ting had no objections to Gu Dai’s plan and nodded with a smile, “Okay.”

When Gu Dai and Su Ting entered the room, they found Su Ci staring blankly out of the window, his eyes somewhat lost.

Gu Dai sighed and softly said, “I’ll have someone bring you some calming medicine. You should rest more during this time and not overthink.”

Su Ci snapped back to reality, his smile bitter as he nodded, “Okay.”

Though he agreed verbally, he knew deep down that he couldn’t afford to dwell on it.

He could now disregard his father’s att.i.tude towards him and accept the harsh reality that his father truly wanted him dead. However, he couldn’t forget how much he had once longed for his father’s love or how often he had fantasized about his father’s appearance, only for the cruel truth to shatter all his dreams.

Seeing Su Ci like this, Gu Dai was uneasy about leaving him alone on the island, “We’re leaving this afternoon. You should come with us.”

Su Ci shook his head, “I want to stay here to follow up on the project. Besides, this island is beautiful, and it offers me a chance to clear my mind. Returning to the capital might only make me feel more suffocated.”

Considering that Father Su might be in the capital, Gu Dai hesitated but eventually softly agreed, “Okay.”

Before leaving, she checked Su Ci’s pulse and prescribed some mild medicine, then boarded the plane with a relieved heart.

Gu Dai laid back in her seat, her thoughts drifting back to the recent events.

The more she thought, the deeper her frown became. She couldn’t understand what “Uncle Su”, Su Ci’s father, was planning, why he harbored such intense hatred towards them, and how he came to possess the bombs she had made for the organization.

Su Ting smoothed out the furrow in Gu Dai’s brow, his voice gentle, “Daidai, have some desserts. It might lift your spirits.”

Hearing Su Ting’s voice, as soothing as a gentle stream, Gu Dai felt her mood lighten without even needing the desserts and sat up, replying softly, “Okay.”

Remembering Gu Dai’s frustrated frown, Su Ting asked softly, “Daidai, were you thinking about Organization X just now?”

Gu Dai was momentarily taken aback, then nodded gently, “Yes.”

Su Ting sounded dejected, “I’ve been investigating this organization lately, but due to limited technical skills, I’ve only managed to uncover some superficial information they’ve released, with no progress on deeper insights.”

Gu Dai softly said, “It’s not an issue with your skills. This organization is exceptionally secretive about its information. The fact that you’ve managed to uncover even superficial information is quite impressive.”

After saying this, her eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at Su Ting, “You’ve only been hacking for a short while, yet you’ve managed to unearth information on Organization X. That’s something even professional hackers struggle to achieve..”

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I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced Chapter 571: Departure Home summary

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