
Incurable Pain IP Chapter 78

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IP Chapter 78

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 78

In late August, Linlan’s Third Middle High held a celebration for its 50th anniversary.

Third Middle High was an old inst.i.tution, and fifty years was not just a simple number but almost a milestone marking half a century of education.

Responding to the invitation from their former high school homeroom teacher, Yu Shen, most of the students from that year who were still in Linlan attended the event.

Bai Xunyin and Yu Luoyin naturally wanted to show their face at their alma mater.

For every couple who met and formed a relationship at Third Middle High, it was not just an ordinary high school; it was also a “matchmaking temple.”

The day of the celebration happened to be on a weekend. Early in the morning, Ah Mo called Bai Xunyin urging her to hurry to the school so everyone could gather.

Still groggy from sleep, she was just about to respond when an involuntary “Mm” slipped out of her throat.

The usually cold and aloof voice sounded tender, tinged with a hint of affection.

Bai Xunyin suddenly woke up, quickly covering her mouth. Her amber eyes, filled with moisture, glared at Yu Luoyin, who had just “teased” her.

With her knees pinning his unruly hand, her lips moved silently, forming the words “go die.”

Yu Luoyin, having succeeded in his mischief, remained satisfied, laughing unabashedly as he got up to freshen up.

This left Bai Xunyin alone with the phone, finally giving her a chance to speak.

“Hey, Xinyin, why aren’t you saying anything?” 

Probably due to the noise on the other end, Ah Mo didn’t hear Bai Xunyin’s awkward “Mm” just now. 

Instead, she raised her voice, incessantly asking, “Are you still asleep? h.e.l.lo? h.e.l.lo?”

“I’m not sleeping anymore.” 

Bai Xunyin quickly responded, moving her phone away to protect her eardrums. 

She resigned herself, saying, “I just woke up, I’ll get ready now.”

After hanging up on Ah Mo, she tiredly put down her phone and leaned against the headboard.

Lately, she had been feeling a bit lazy, not because she had fallen into decadence but because someone, after a certain initiation, became too vigorous—resulting in Bai Xunyin contemplating living apart from Yu Luoyin.

He’s really… 

He had no concept of restraint.

Thinking somewhat indignantly, the instigator emerged from the bathroom. His ink-black hair was damp, and his eyes, still gleaming, looked at Bai Xunyin sitting on the bed.

She paused for a moment, then wrapped herself tightly in the bedsheet.

Bai Xunyin said sternly, “Stay away from me.”

She looked wary, afraid that Yu Luoyin might once again “lose control.”

In Yu Luoyin’s mind, he couldn’t help but gloss over the words “adorable.” 

He didn’t say it out loud, just smiled without speaking, and went to his suitcase—he had been living in Bai Xunyin’s house for a while now, but her wardrobe wasn’t big enough, so most of his clothes were still in his suitcase.

As for why he didn’t go buy a bigger wardrobe…

For Bai Xunyin, it was laziness, but for Yu Luoyin, it was his desire to move to a bigger house with the girl once they had a proper “status.”

He bent down slightly, his slim waist forming a graceful curve as he took out a blue and white garment.

Bai Xunyin’s gaze shifted from him to the clothing, and upon seeing it clearly, she was taken aback.

The garment in Yu Luoyin’s hand was none other than their high school uniform.

Where did he find it? 

Thinking of the “collection” in her closet, Bai Xunyin couldn’t help but feel a toe-curling sense of embarra.s.sment.


 Yu Luoyin’s deep voice contained a hint of teasing as he approached Bai Xunyin and kissed her on the cheek. 

“Let’s go to the school celebration in our uniforms.”

There couldn’t be a more symbolic attire, and wearing it made them appear youthful.

Bai Xunyin felt a bit embarra.s.sed under his gaze but forced herself to ask, “Did you… steal it from my closet?”

She should have thought of it earlier. After living together for so long, Yu Luoyin should have noticed the high school uniform belonging to him in her closet.

“Silly girl.” 

Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but laugh, holding the uniform up to her. 

“Take a closer look. Is this a male uniform or a female one?”

Following his words, Bai Xunyin looked closely and realized that the uniform Yu Luoyin held wasn’t the one she had hidden, but rather… her own high school uniform, with traces of her own sewing on the cuffs.

Bai Xunyin blinked her eyes in astonishment, her long lashes fanning out like a fan.

She murmured, “Where did you find it?”

It wasn’t difficult at all; he just made a quick trip back to the ancient town overnight and asked Ji Huiying for it.

Without answering, Yu Luoyin just smiled and said, “I feel like I should also have one of yours in my collection.”

Bai Xunyin didn’t say anything, just silently wrapped her arms around his neck and gently kissed him on the cheek.

She wasn’t very good at acting cute, unable to match Yu Luoyin’s mastery, but she was obedient and gentle like a cat.

But Yu Luoyin was already very satisfied.

After breakfast, they changed into their familiar school uniforms. Looking at their reflections in the mirror, their figures, one large and one small, seemed to return to their youthful seventeen or eighteen.

—But there were traces of time after all.

Not on their faces.

But in the maturity that could be discerned even when they were wearing high school uniforms.

Bai Xunyin was relatively better off; her work didn’t involve stepping into the cutthroat social scene, her demeanor still innocent and pure. With her hair tied in a ponytail, she could still blend in with high school students.

She was just a bit too beautiful.

But Yu Luoyin was different. He still exuded a refined and scholarly aura, strikingly handsome.

It was just that Bai Xunyin remembered his true rebellious nature in high school, which had now been tempered and restrained.


Yu Luoyin looked at himself in the mirror, resting his chin on Bai Xunyin’s shoulder and sighed, “I suddenly feel like an old cuc.u.mber painted green.”

Indeed, pretending to be young.

When they were about to leave, Yu Luoyin’s work was suddenly interrupted by an urgent call. 

He couldn’t let any appointments interfere with his duties as a doctor—he hadn’t even driven halfway when the hotline for emergencies at the hospital on his phone started ringing incessantly.

Furrowing his brow, Yu Luoyin directly connected the Bluetooth in the car, and a hurried male voice echoed through the compartment, “Luoyin, come quickly, several emergency cases have been brought in from Dongqiao.”

Hearing this, his expression turned serious. He immediately found a spot to park the car by the roadside.

“Babe, you drive to the school.”

After getting out of the car, Yu Luoyin walked around to the pa.s.senger side and kissed Bai Xunyin on the cheek, his voice urgent, “I’ll take a taxi to the hospital. Hmm, if things wrap up early, I’ll come over.”

His voice contained a hint of helplessness, but there was no other choice. This was the choice that came with being a doctor.

Bai Xunyin watched Yu Luoyin leave before retracting her gaze and getting into the driver’s seat. She then drove to Third Middle High.

Yu Luoyin’s car was quite stylish, and when she parked it at the gate of Linlan, it attracted the attention of many students and “former students.” A few boys wearing school uniforms nearby stole glances at it, chattering excitedly.

Bai Xunyin smiled and locked the car before following the crowd into the school.

In August, she hadn’t set foot in Third Middle High for seven years, but every corner of the school was vividly etched in her mind.

The teaching building, the playground, the sports field, the cafeteria that wasn’t very popular among students, and the abandoned stairs behind the teaching building where she and Yu Luoyin used to frequent…

With every step Bai Xunyin took, she felt an endless wave of memories.

It wasn’t until she reached the teaching building, which had been renovated in recent years and looked even more magnificent, that Bai Xunyin saw her old cla.s.smates.

Ah Mo, Sheng Wen, Zhou Xinshui, Lu Ye, Li Yuan, Liu Yufu, and others… They were all there.

Like a series of old-time portraits presented before her eyes.

“Wow, Xinyin, where did you find the school uniform?” 

Ah Mo’s eyes lit up when he saw her, bustling around her. 

“So youthful, you can easily pa.s.s as a student. If I had known, I would have worn my uniform too.”

Sheng Wen draped his arm over her shoulder, silently sticking close.


They had started calling her that without reservation now. When Bai Xunyin came over alone, some of them were puzzled. 

“Where’s Brother Yu?”

Bai Xunyin had gotten used to this somewhat childish nickname, smiling as she replied, “He got an emergency call from the hospital.”

Surrounding people understood in their hearts, but couldn’t help feeling regretful.

“It’s the 50th anniversary celebration, and I heard there’s going to be a fireworks display tonight?” 

Lu Ye looked up at the sky. 

“The leaders have really put in some effort this time. Will Brother Yu be able to make it?”

“He said he’ll come if he finishes his work,” Bai Xunyin replied.

They were still wearing couple outfits—Bai Xunyin wondered what the hospital staff would think if they saw Yu Luoyin rushing over in a school uniform.

In fact, the school anniversary was just a “cla.s.s reunion” where you could visit old teachers and reminisce over a meal in the unappetizing cafeteria.

Before they knew it, it was already afternoon.


Li Yuan, holding a key he’d somehow acquired, whispered excitedly to them, “Do you want to revisit our old cla.s.sroom? Cla.s.s 3, Grade 12, the top cla.s.s.”

Except for Lu Ye and himself, the others were a bit puzzled. They glanced at each other, feeling a bit restless—because except for the two of them, everyone else present had been in the top cla.s.s back then.

“Is that okay?” 

Liu Yufu, being meticulous, asked with some concern. 

“Can we just go into the cla.s.sroom?”

Li Yuan shrugged, unapologetic. 

“The students aren’t here, and school hasn’t officially started yet.”

Sheng Wen asked him, “Where did you get the key from?”

“Hehe, don’t worry about that,” Li Yuan said smugly. 

“I have my ways, bro.”

His oily demeanor, referring to himself as “brother,” made everyone present feel a bit nauseous.


Finally, Zhou Xinshui gave the final verdict. 

“Let’s go.”

Actually, they didn’t have any specific plans; they just wanted to take a look and reminisce about the past more thoroughly.

As the familiar wooden door of the cla.s.sroom creaked open, they walked in, and the s.p.a.cious cla.s.sroom suddenly felt crowded.

Bai Xunyin walked to her old corner seat and noticed that the desks and chairs had changed.

Compared to the wooden desks and chairs back then, the current ones were more comfortable, made of high-tech composite wood.

Now, sitting in the front and back rows with Yu Luoyin, he wouldn’t be able to quietly kick her chair and make it creak anymore.

Lost in her memories, Bai Xunyin didn’t notice her phone vibrating inside her uniform.

Having finished his work at the hospital and rushed to the school, Yu Luoyin couldn’t find Bai Xunyin and couldn’t reach her either. 

Puzzled, he glanced at his phone and then sent a message to Zhou Xinshui, asking where everyone was.

Fortunately, Zhou Xinshui was reliable and quickly replied with, “Your wife is in our original cla.s.sroom, and the rest of us are at the basketball court.”

Perhaps boys naturally had a penchant for sports, always liking to play basketball no matter when.

Just like the saying goes—returning, they are still young.

But Yu Luoyin, despite being good at it, had never really liked rough and sweaty sports since he was young.

Although not liking it didn’t mean he wasn’t good at it; he had only played basketball a few times in high school, one of them to attract Bai Xunyin’s attention.

Yu Luoyin smiled nonchalantly, putting his phone away and heading towards the teaching building.

Seven years had pa.s.sed, and the teaching building had been renovated, but the staircase remained the same distinctive hollow iron steps that made a “creak creak” sound when stepped on.

Walking to the corner of the second floor, he could see the basketball court below from above. Li Yuan and the others, far from being as agile as they were at seventeen or eighteen, were playing basketball with a ball in their hands.

Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but sneer lightly. 

Then, on a whim, he leaned against the railing and watched for a while. His slender fingers subconsciously pulled out a cigarette and bit it between his lips.

But one of the most frustrating situations in the world was probably having a cigarette but no lighter.

He could only bite it begrudgingly.

Yu Luoyin lowered his eyes, watching the awkward movements of those guys on the playground. Before he could indulge in the illusion of time pa.s.sing, he heard the sound of light footsteps.

Someone was coming down the stairs.

Bai Xunyin left the cla.s.sroom and went downstairs. In the corridor at the corner, she saw the “young man” leaning against the railing, smoking.

In an instant, it felt like time overlapped and intertwined.

Yu Luoyin still seemed to be the same boy she saw for the first time, daring to smoke in school while wearing a school uniform, audacious and unrestrained.

Bai Xunyin realized she was a real fan of good looks.

Because at first sight, she was firmly attracted to Yu Luoyin’s clear and handsome profile.

From then on, she couldn’t seem to move away, always unconsciously paying attention to him.

Now, thinking back carefully, it was probably because of liking him.

Love at first sight.

Yu Luoyin turned his head to see Bai Xunyin coming down. Under her tousled bangs, her lazy eyes smiled as she leaned her head. 

“Yu Luoyin, quit smoking.”

Every step I take towards you is a step towards the sunshine.

——————End of Main Text——————

Sleepyblue’s corner:

I’m here in the corner of my room ugly crying T____T

What a journey it has been, and I’m so thankful for all of you guys sticking through this story and witness the growth of these two precious babies with me T___T Still can’t believe we’re now finished with the main story after these few months… But don’t worry guys! We still have a lot of extra chapters to come, hope you all enjoy it as much as I did while translating. 

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Incurable Pain IP Chapter 78 summary

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