
Incurable Pain IP Chapter 63

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IP Chapter 63

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Incurable Pain | Chapter 63

The next morning when Yu Luoyin went to work at the hospital, he received many “congratulations” throughout the day.

With his good social skills, almost everyone in the department had his WeChat, so naturally, they all saw the long-awaited official announcement.

From last night until now, his phone had been exploding with messages. Of course, most of them were from Lu Ye,  Lu Yuan, and Zhou Xinsui in their four-person group chat. They didn’t usually talk much, but these past two days had been quite lively.

Feeling overwhelmed, Yu Luoyin simply muted the group chat messages.

However, when he arrived at the hospital, he couldn’t avoid the greetings from various leaders and colleagues.

The head nurse, who had previously wanted to introduce him to someone, saw Yu Luoyin and, shaking his hand with great regret, sighed, “Xiao Yu, Sister wanted to introduce her own daughter to you. They say you shouldn’t let the good stuff go to outsiders’ fields. How come you’re in a relationship now? I didn’t hear about this before?”

This kind of “enthusiasm” couldn’t be brushed off casually. Even though Yu Luoyin was eloquent, he could only smile awkwardly at the moment.

Fortunately, the head nurse wasn’t too insistent. After expressing her regret, she immediately said, “But your partner is really good-looking. How old is she?”

Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but show a bit more genuine emotion in his smile and subtly boasted, “She’s a year younger than me, and we’re cla.s.smates.”

“Cla.s.smates?” The head nurse was surprised. 

“College cla.s.smates? Is the young lady also studying medicine?”

“No, we’re high school cla.s.smates.”

“High school? That’s been a long time?” 

The head nurse’s eyes flashed with a hint of playfulness, her tone eager. 

“Have you two been together all these years?”

After a moment of silence, Yu Luoyin gently nodded.

For so many years, Bai Xunyin had always been in his heart, and one could say they had always been together.

Today wasn’t his shift, and it was rare to encounter a situation where there were no emergencies and no overtime. Yu Luoyin didn’t hesitate to go pick up his girlfriend after work.

However, while sitting in the car waiting by the side of the road near the research inst.i.tute, he unfortunately saw Bai Xunyin walking out with another man.

The man, in his late twenties, was walking beside Bai Xunyin, smiling like a blooming flower.

Yu Luoyin narrowed his eyes, decisively got out of the car, and slammed the door shut with a loud bang, instantly attracting the attention of many colleagues leaving the research inst.i.tute — including Bai Xunyin.

Yu Luoyin clearly saw a hint of surprise in the woman’s tea-colored eyes.

He walked over with a polite smile on his face, “Off work?”

Before Bai Xunyin could respond, the man beside her was startled and interjected, “Xiao Bai, who’s this?”

Xiao Bai? 

This t.i.tle ignited an unnamed anger in Yu Luoyin’s heart. He smiled without speaking, simply reached out his long arm and embraced Bai Xunyin’s slender shoulders.

One action said it all.

Bai Xunyin looked a bit embarra.s.sed as she watched the man in front of her with a suddenly disappointed expression. 

She coughed lightly and said, “Li Gong*, this is my boyfriend.”

*T/N: Formal address for someone, like “Mr. or Ms.”


The man called Li Gong was suddenly at a loss, murmuring, “You’re in a relationship?”


Bai Xunyin nodded, ignoring the man’s crestfallen expression and coldly dealt with the situation, “Li Gong, could you please summarize and send the conclusion report of today’s experiment to my email? Thanks.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but want to laugh.

—So the girl came out with this “colleague” because of work, but while she was thinking about work, the man was probably thinking about something else entirely.


After getting back in the car, Yu Luoyin watched Li Gong’s retreating figure and asked with a smile, “Is he pursuing you?”

“Don’t speculate Li Gong.” 

Bai Xunyin thought about Li Gong’s various actions at work before and felt that it was probably the case, but she denied it, “No.”

“I think he quite likes you.” 

Yu Luoyin said jokingly, but because Bai Xunyin’s appearance just now seemed unfazed, he teased with a different question, tapping his slender fingers on the steering wheel.

 “In your workplace, do you all call each other ‘Gong’?”

“Yeah, because we’re all engineers.” 

Bai Xunyin paused and added, “But I just arrived at the company, I’m young, and not many people call me that.”

So everyone called her Xiao Bai. Bai Xunyin suspected that Yu Luoyin was going to cause trouble with this, so she explained first.

However, Yu Luoyin didn’t mention this issue at all. 

With a slight smile on his lips, he said meaningfully after a while, “Then what about if there’s someone surnamed ‘Lao’ in your workplace?”


Bai Xunyin furrowed her brows slightly, only then realizing Yu Luoyin’s meaning when he a.s.sociated this surname with ‘Gong.’

Lao Gong*, husband…

*T/N: Term for husband in Chinese

This joke made Bai Xunyin’s ears flush for a moment. She couldn’t help but stare at Yu Luoyin’s smiling profile, and said decisively, “There’s no one surnamed ‘Lao’ in our unit.”

It seems not easy to coax her into saying those two words, ‘husband.’

Yu Luoyin wasn’t discouraged by one failed attempt. 

Instead, he grinned and teased, “Anyway, even if there is, you can’t call him that.”

Utterly nonsensical.

Bai Xunyin felt a bit embarra.s.sed and turned her head away, but couldn’t help but raise the corners of her lips.

She changed the subject, “Why did you come to pick me up?”

“Because today’s off work early, of course, I came to pick up my girlfriend.” 

Yu Luoyin raised an eyebrow slightly, stating it as a matter of course. 

He steered the wheel with one hand and tapped it with his slender fingers, “Are we going on a date?”

Bai Xunyin blinked, “Where are we going?”

“I don’t know,” Yu Luoyin said deliberately, “I’ve never made a date before, no experience.”

But she had never been on a date either.

She had only once managed to call it a ‘date’ in her high school when they went to watch a movie together.

Bai Xunyin thought for a moment and asked him, “How come you’ve never been on a date?”

Yu Luoyin had been waiting for this question. He immediately put on an act of being sincere and said, “Well, it’s because I haven’t found anyone worth dating…”

“Doesn’t that include me, who you’ve dated before?” Bai Xunyin interrupted him, half-jokingly. 

“Or am I not worthy?”


Yu Luoyin was more interested in the fact that Bai Xunyin had voluntarily mentioned their high school days, six years ago. 

Did that mean… she was okay with it?

Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but smile, “Of course it counts. Should we revisit our old haunt?”

Bai Xunyin was puzzled, “Where?”

“The big tree in your hometown’s ancient town.” 

Yu Luoyin hadn’t forgotten that place and had been there several times over the years. But with different people by his side, he couldn’t appreciate the natural beauty alone.

Now that he finally had Bai Xunyin back, Yu Luoyin immediately wanted to take her there to “watch the stars.”

“Are you crazy?” Bai Xunyin chuckled, dismissing his whimsical idea. 

“It’s a five-hour drive to the ancient town, and we have to work tomorrow.”

Yu Luoyin also knew that this plan probably wouldn’t work out, but he couldn’t help but sigh, “How about this weekend?”

“Let’s see…”

Bai Xunyin prevaricated, but her mind was spinning.

After a while, she made up her mind and pursed her lips to ask Yu Luoyin, “You still like astronomy, don’t you?”

Otherwise, why would he want to go back and watch the stars?

“Yeah, I do.” Yu Luoyin was taken aback but didn’t hide it.

Bai Xunyin furrowed her brows and asked the question she had never been able to figure out, “Then why did you study medicine instead of pursuing astronomy?”

“You seem quite interested in my affairs.” 

Yu Luoyin chuckled happily, looking at Bai Xunyin with a knowing smile. 

“Go ahead, ask anything you want.”

Bai Xunyin looked at him and said softly, “I just want to ask this one question.”

“In fact, there’s no profound soul-searching behind it.” 

Yu Luoyin thought for a moment and, honestly expressing his true feelings, said, “It’s just that after a year at Lan University, I felt I wasn’t that interested in astronomy anymore, at least not as much as I was interested in medicine.”

Bai Xunyin was stunned, couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head, “You’re really decisive.”

For someone who could quit a prestigious university and re-study to become a doctor because of a change of heart, there were probably few people like Yu Luoyin in the whole country. It was truly audacious.

“I thought you still wanted to go back there to see the stars,” Bai Xunyin said. 

“I thought that’s what you missed.”

“I did want to go back. I’ve been back twice before, but I haven’t been in the last few years.” 

After a pause, Yu Luoyin looked deeply into Bai Xunyin’s eyes and said, “I’m not looking for stars; I’m looking for someone to watch them with.”

He was eager to retrieve the lost six years, to find what he had missed.

But going alone as a young man, all he found was loneliness and desolation, making it seem uninteresting.

“I know you care about me,” Yu Luoyin chuckled, adding a hint of mischief to the somewhat dull atmosphere. He leaned closer to Bai Xunyin and hugged her. 

“I know it’s because I told you I like astronomy that you took me to see the stars.”

Why else would Bai Xunyin take him to that remote corner of the ancient town when it was so big?

It was because Bai Xunyin, besides being obedient, was considerate in every way without showing off. Even after he had said those hurtful words after receiving her admission letter, Yu Luoyin firmly believed that he wasn’t the only one waiting for her to come back.

Bai Xunyin fell silent, lowered her eyelids slightly, and didn’t deny Yu Luoyin’s words.

In fact, that place in the ancient town was indeed something she knew about. It was the best place to watch the stars. Initially, even if they were going to break up, she had to tell Yu Luoyin about this place.

But she hadn’t expected Yu Luoyin to understand her intentions.

Even more unexpected was that he didn’t go there at all, but waited for her instead.

As Yu Luoyin muttered, ‘I know you care about me,’ Bai Xunyin’s heart felt a little sour.

Because she herself didn’t think she really cared about Yu Luoyin. She had always been hurting him, hadn’t she… 

Bai Xunyin couldn’t help but reach out and lightly touch his prominent and superior brow bone.

Then she was captured by the man’s ‘rebellious’ hand and kissed on the lips.

Soft lips were bitten, Bai Xunyin’s eyes squinted slightly in confusion, looking at Yu Luoyin’s close-up nose, long eyelashes, and involuntarily parted lips.

The interior of the car gradually filled with a romantic and alluring atmosphere, quiet and seductive, with faint sounds of water.

Until the harsh ringing of the phone broke the ambiguous atmosphere.

“Pho… phone…” Bai Xunyin was somewhat breathless from the kiss, her fair earlobes turning slightly red.

 She couldn’t help but remind him in a m.u.f.fled voice, “Quickly answer.”

Yu Luoyin furrowed his brows slightly, feeling annoyed by the phone call at this moment.

Who could be so brainless to call at this time? 

He didn’t even bother to look and directly answered the call in annoyance. 

As a result, Yu s.h.i.tian’s loud voice sounded particularly clear in the silent car, “Brother, you’re such a jerk!! Why didn’t you tell me that your foxy ex-girlfriend is my sister Yinyin? Your past jerkiness turns out to be towards my sister Yinyin!!!”

The two’s lips involuntarily stiffened.

After a moment, Yu Luoyin couldn’t help but curse softly, sitting up straight from above Bai Xunyin and picking up his phone, he directly hung up on Yu s.h.i.tian’s loud voice.

He was obviously ‘frustrated,’ extremely irritated right now.

Bai Xunyin watched, unable to help but cover her lips and smile.

Yu Luoyin was speechless, shaking the phone at the woman, and said in a low voice, somewhat helplessly, “What’s going on?”

That little girl, Yu s.h.i.tian, must have known everything. 

It was probably all this woman’s ‘fault.’

Bai Xunyin didn’t hide it either, and truthfully said, “s.h.i.tian came to find me at noon.”

Yu Luoyin raised an eyebrow, “What did that brat say?”

“She said you had an unforgettable ex-girlfriend, who was your white moonlight, and warned me to be careful…” 

Bai Xunyin paused for a moment, her eyes, which were now slightly watery and gleaming, glanced meaningfully at Yu Luoyin, and she said with a meaningful smile—

“Be careful of you, being interested in me.”

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Incurable Pain IP Chapter 63 summary

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