
Higher Lessons in English Part 79

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The p.r.o.noun _you_, even when singular, requires a plural verb.

+Direction+.--_Justify the use of the following italicized verbs and p.r.o.nouns_:--

1. _Books is_ a noun.

2. The good _are_ great.

3. The committee _were_ unable to agree, and _they_ asked to be discharged.

4. The House _has_ decided not to allow _its_ members the privilege.

5. Three times four _is_ twelve. [Footnote: "Three times four _is_ twelve"

and "Three times four _are_ twelve" are both used, and both are defended. The question is (see Caution for collective nouns), Is the number four thought of as a whole, or are the individual units composing it thought of? The expression = Four taken three times is twelve.

_Times_ is a noun used adverbially.]

6. Five dollars _is_ not too much.

7. Twice as much _is_ too much.

8. Two hours _is_ a long time to wait.

9. To relieve the wretched _was_ his pride.

10. To profess and to possess _are_ two different things.

11. Talking and eloquence _are_ not the same.

12. The tongs _are_ not in _their_ place.

13. Every one _is_ accountable for _his_ own acts.

14. Every book and every paper _was_ found in _its_ place.

15. Not a loud voice, but strong proofs _bring_ conviction.

16. This orator and statesman _has_ gone to _his_ rest.

17. Young's "Night Thoughts" _is his_ most celebrated poetical work.

18. Flesh and blood _hath_ not revealed it.

19. The hue and cry of the country _pursues_ him.

20. The second and the third Epistle of John _contain_ each a single chapter.

21. _Man is_ masculine because _it_ denotes a male.

22. Therein _consists_ the force and use and nature of language.

23. Neither wealth nor wisdom _is_ the chief thing.

24. Either you or I _am_ right.

25. Neither you nor he _is_ to blame.

26. John, and his sister also, _is_ going.

27. The lowest mechanic, as well as the richest citizen, _is_ here protected in _his_ right.

28. There _are_ one or two reasons. [Footnote: When two adjectives differing in number are connected without a repet.i.tion of the noun, the tendency is to make the verb agree with the noun expressed.]

29. Nine o'clock and forty-five minutes _is_ fifteen minutes of ten.

30. Mexican figures, or picture-writing, _represent_ things, not words.

[Footnote: The verb here agrees with _figures_, as _picture-writing_ is logically explanatory of _figures_.]

31. Many a kind word and many a kind act _has_ been put to his credit.

+Direction+.--_Correct the following errors, and give your reasons_:--

1. _Victuals_ are always plural.

2. Plutarch's "Parallel Lives" are his great work.

3. What sounds have each of the vowels?

4. "No, no," says I.

5. "We agree," says they.

6. Where was you?

7. Every one of these are good in their place.

8. Neither of them have recited their lesson.

9. There comes the boys.

10. Each of these expressions denote action.

11. One of you are mistaken.

12. There is several reasons for this.

13. The a.s.sembly was divided in its opinion.

14. The public is invited to attend.

15. The committee were full when this point was decided.

16. The nation are prosperous.

17. Money, as well as men, were needed.

18. Now, boys, I want every one of you to decide for themselves.

19. Neither the intellect nor the heart are capable of being driven.

20. She fell to laughing like one out of their right mind.

21. Five years' interest are due.

22. Three quarters of the men was discharged.

23. Nine-tenths of every man's happiness depend upon this.

24. No time, no money, no labor, were spared.

25. One or the other have erred in their statement.

26. Why are dust and ashes proud?

27. Either the master or his servants is to blame.

28. Neither the servants nor their master are to blame.

29. Our welfare and security consists in unity.

30. The mind, and not the body, sin.

31. He don't like it.

32. Many a heart and home have been desolated by drink.


TO THE TEACHER.--See suggestions to the teacher, page 255*.

+Scheme for the Verb.+

(_The numbers refer to Lessons_.)



To a.s.sert action, being, or state.--Predicate (4, 11) To a.s.sume action, being, or state.

Participles (37) Infinitives (40) Cla.s.ses.


Regular (92).

Irregular (92, 132, 133).

(Redundant and Defective) Meaning.

Transitive (92).

Intransitive (92).



Active (129, 130).

Pa.s.sive (129, 130).


Indicative (131, 134-137).

Potential (131, 134-137).

Subjunctive (131, 134-137, 140).

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Higher Lessons in English Part 79 summary

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