
Heroes of Marvel Chapter 187-190

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 187-190

In Washington, after dealing with a large number of investigations about Hydra at S.H.I.E.L.D., Director Nick Fury drove home as usual. However, the red light that Nick encountered on the road today seems to be a little more. He should have arrived home by now, but he is still stuck on the road.

Nick sitting in the car looked at the red light above the intersection and then glanced at a display next to the steering wheel, showing traffic in three blocks centered around Nick. After Nick looked at it for a while, the traffic near this neighborhood suddenly became very spa.r.s.e and it looks like the other cars took the initiative to avoid it. It seems that Hydra couldn’t help it because of Nick’s recent moves.

“It seems that they are going to attack me!” Nick sees the situation on the display and his eye flashes. “But, if I wait for you to deal with me, then I wouldn’t be the Director of an organization like SHIELD.”


Nick’s one eye closed deeply and then popped open. The next moment, Nick’s foot on the accelerator came down with a jerk, and the car, which was waiting for a red light to drop, shot out. After discovering that something was wrong, Nick decided not to go along with the crowd.


However, just after Director pressed the accelerator to the bottom and sped out within 20 meters, a dozen police cars rushed out of the intersection he had just rushed out from and some other cars came towards his car from both sides, roaring and chasing Nick ahead. At this time, Nick’s car just rushed out of that intersection and he doesn’t know why but there’s no interception in front of Nick.

Da da da!

After the police cars came out, they rushed to the front and stuck out a few machine guns, aiming at Nick’s car in front of them and the open fired without hesitation.

Da da da! Dangdang!

In an instant, hundreds of bullets. .h.i.t Nick’s car. However, how can the car of the S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Director be unable to stop these bullets? Numerous bullets were directly bounced off after a spark on the body, and there was no big effect. Even the four tires on the bottom of the car are specially made. After being hit, the bullet holes will be repaired automatically, which will not affect Nick’s driving speed.

“Hum! In order to deal with me, so many potential personnel have been mobilized. They really think quite highly of me! ” Glancing down the rearview mirror, Nick said to himself indifferently when he saw a dozen police cars in the back approaching quickly with their machine guns.

The monitor in the car didn’t follow the warning of the police car at all. It was obviously blocked. Well, Nick can’t break through the original route at this time. His eyes receded from the rearview mirror, and Nick’s hand, holding the steering wheel, gave it a sharp right turn.


The specially modified car tires created a white smog on the ground. Nick drove his car to a 90-degree drift and directly rushed into a narrow road on the right. The police cars behind him also followed Nick’s sharp turn, but because they had a lot of cars, they didn’t look so fierce after turning.

“Emma! Can we break the communication barrier?” Nick shouted as he stormed down the narrow road. Just now, he has asked Emma, the intelligent system in the car, to contact the agents he fully trusts inside SHIELD, but it shows that the communication has been blocked. Nick has been asking Emma to find a way to break through the blockade.

“Sir, the shielding signal is very powerful and can’t be broken.” Soon, Emma’s mechanical voice without feelings answered Nick’s question.

What makes Nick a little helpless is that he can’t break through the communication shield with Emma’s ability. However, this is normal. Since Hydra decided to kill Nick, they obviously have everything ready, and it is impossible for Nick to have a chance to escape.

“Then don’t worry about communication, re-plan the route, let’s get rid of these guys behind us!” No longer expecting Emma to break through the signal barrier and asking for help, Nick continued.

“Yes, sir, the route is re-planning… turn left two hundred meters ahead.” Soon, Emma’s powerful computing power re-planned an escape route for Nick and opened voice navigation.

“Got it!” At Emma’s words, Nick tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He glanced in the rearview mirror again at the pursuing police cars and muttered something.


In this way, on the empty street, a black car was being followed by more than a dozen police cars. However, this scene has not been seen by many people. In order to deal with Nick, Hydra has cleared the traffic in several neighborhoods nearby, and this area doesn’t even have any pedestrian.

Da da da!

The bullets from the rear have never stopped, but Nick will not worry about the bullets that can’t even penetrate the first layer of defense at this time. He won’t let other things hinder him from escaping from the pursuit. Soon, 200 meters away, there was a crossroads ahead.

Chi Chi!!

Turning the steering wheel sharply to the left again. The black car turns 90 degrees flexibly and rushes onto the main road. Emma’s redesigned route for Nick will enable him to rush out of the three blocks blocked by Hydra as soon as possible. As long as Nick rushes straight out along this avenue, he can escape from the siege of Hydra. However, this time Hydra’s fight against Nick fury will not be so simple.

“That’s!…” After rushing to the road, Nick had no time to relax and cried out in surprise. He seemed to see something that surprised him.

It turned out that there was a man standing in the middle of the road more than 100 meters ahead on Nick’s escape path. The man was dressed in black, fully armed, and wearing a mask to block half of his face. his left arm which was shining silver in the lights was a mechanical arm. At this time, the man was standing in the direction of Nick, with a strange weapon on his arm, aiming at Nick’s car.


Just when Nick noticed the man, the weapon in his hand had already burst into flames. Then a disk was launched, spinning at high speed during the flight.

Scree! Puff!

Because the distance was too close, Nick had no time to escape, and could only watch the disc fly to the bottom of his car. Under the display of the Emma scan, Nick saw that the black disc was suddenly attached to the body plate of the car.

“Not good! Emma, ​​start the third form!” Nick’s face changed and he shouted at the moment when he saw the disk adsorbed on the bottom of the car.


Just as Nick just shouted the sentence, the black disc that was attached to the cha.s.sis of the car suddenly exploded. Although the huge power of the explosion didn’t break through the body of Nick’s car, the whole car was jacked up. The tail of the car flew high into the air, and the whole car was about to turn over directly. In this way, even if Nick’s car is strong enough, he can only fall to the ground and become a turtle sh.e.l.l. Hydra will have some ways to break through it.

However, when Nick’s car turned over in the middle of the air, two bright blue light flames suddenly erupted from the inside of the front tire under the car. After those two lights appeared, the same light appeared on the inside of the rear wheel. Nick’s car has a jet propulsion system that Tony uses on his Iron Man Armors!


With the help of four successive ejectors, the car that had already turned over half a head adjusted again in midair and stabilized again.

“Emma, ​​it’s time for the counter-attack!” A cold light flashed through Nick’s eye, who was suspended in the air, and then he shouted in a low voice.

“Yes, Director.”



Da da da!

It’s like a scene from a science fiction movie on the empty road. The bottom of a black car sprays blue flame and is suspended in the air. Several powerful machine guns in the rear continuously spray bullets at it while a dozen of other police cars that are approaching the ground area got covered by those bullets in an instant.

Just after Nick asked Emma to start the third form of the car, not only the ejectors came out from the inside of the four wheels, but also several powerful machine guns came out from the trunk, directly shooting at a dozen police cars in the back.

Puff puff!

Under the sudden attack of a row of machine guns in the middle of the sky, a dozen police cars that had been chasing Nick all the way to the road were instantly smashed into a pit and many bullets directly penetrated the car body and killed the people inside. After all, their car is not as strong as Nick’s car.

Boom! Bang bang! ~

Soon, a dozen police cars in pursuit of him exploded under Nick’s attack, overturned and stopped and they would not pose much threat to him anymore.

“Danger! Sir! ” But just as Nick was a little relieved, Emma’s alarm came.

! Boom!

Just as Nick turned his head and looked ahead, he saw only one single missile coming towards his car at a high speed. Emma only had time to control the injector at the bottom to move a little, and then the missile hit the front right wheel of Nick’s car.


In a flash of fire, Nick’s car was swallowed by fire. However, if someone can see the situation in the fire, he will see that the car hit by the missile did not explode as expected, but the position of the right front wheel was blown up by a large piece, and there were many cracks on the car body, but there was no more damage, which shows that Nike’s driving car defense is beyond strong.

“D-d-d!! Alert! Alert! Thruster failure! ” However, although the missile attack did not completely break the defense of Nick’s car, it also damaged the propeller at the right front wheel position. At this time, the blue flame that had been continuously spraying began to become unstable and gradually became intermittent.

“Adjust the compensation power, let’s go down!” Being hit by the shock of the explosion and after getting over it, Nick grabbed the steering wheel and fixed himself on the seat and shouted at Emma.


Soon, Emma calculated the compensation power to adjust the other three positions of the injector to make the body as stable as possible, while landing quickly.

When Nick’s black car rushed out of the explosion range and quickly landed on the ground, there was a little fluctuation in the eyes of the soldier who had only been indifferent, but it was soon covered by apathy again. At this time, he was not alone in the middle of the road. There was a full armed team beside him. They were Hydra’s a.s.sa.s.sin’s against Nick. In the center, the masked warrior should be the so-called Winter Soldier. Looking at his left metal arm, it’s probably Captain Rogers’s best friend: Bucky Barnes.


Before Nick’s car landed on the ground, the men had raised their weapons. Look at the patterns of these weapons. They should all be new and powerful weapons. Otherwise, they would not be used to deal with such an amazing defensive car.


Before Nick fell to the ground, the team in front of him had attacked again. A small armor-piercing bullet hit Nick’s windshield in an instant. Although it didn’t break through the special gla.s.s, it was inlaid on it. Then, the armor-piercing warhead attached to the windshield flashed twice and suddenly exploded.


Although the power of the explosion is not very great, it sends out a kind of shock attack. After the explosion of the armor-piercing bullet, Nick’s front windshield had a big circle of tiny cracks in the center of the bullet’s position, and the car’s defense finally had a flaw.

“d.a.m.n It! Emma! Don’t worry about stability! Land fast! ” Through the cracked windshield, Nick saw the weapons in the hands of the team in front of him. Nick shouted at Emma with an ugly face, and then the whole man went down to hide.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just as Nick lowered his head, three of the same armor-piercing projectiles were fired and attached to the already broken windshield again. Puff! Puff! Then, the cracked windshield couldn’t hold on any longer. Under the explosive power of three rounds of armor-piercing bullets, it broke into a small particle and scattered in the car.


When Nick’s windshield finally broke, the propeller at the bottom of the car also went out at the same time. The car fell directly to the ground from about half a meter high. I don’t know when the tires collected reappear. The car body just bounced on the ground a few times and then stabilized.

However, Nick is now in a very dangerous situation. The team in front of him has already made a big stride. If Nick doesn’t have any other backers, he can’t deal with this special team alone.

“No way! It’s good that Emma has chosen the landing position for a long time. ” Nick, leaning over, noticed the situation on the screen of Emma and said to himself with an ugly face. Then Nick reached out and pressed under the driver’s seat.


With Nick’s movement, the entire driver’s seat moved quickly backward, revealing the underbody below. Hoo! Later, Nick takes out a small laser gun from somewhere and fired it at the bottom of the car.

Zi zi zi ~ ~

Shortly after Director Nick’s car landed, the team led by the masked warrior had rushed over.! Without any hesitation, the Hydra advanced fighter tore the door of Nick’s car directly with his left arm. However, there was no Nick in the car at this time.

In the empty car, a big hole just enough for one person to enter appears at the bottom of the car, and the edge of the big hole is still smoking. This big hole not only cuts the bottom of the car but also directly cuts a big hole on the ground, which leads to the underground pa.s.sage. It’s obvious that Nick just cut it with his laser gun.

Call ~

Simply looking at the hole, the soldier who had dismantled the door pulled out a grenade from behind his waist and then threw it straight in. Boom! Rumble~

After the sound of the explosion came out, and after the dust below had dispersed a little, the advanced soldier had jumped into the hole. As for the team with him, after glancing at the loss of the “police” team behind them, they collected the equipment and quickly left the battlefield,

Shortly after these people left, the troops of S.H.I.E.L.D. had rushed over and completely blocked the block. Of course, it is not known how many of these people are Hydra’s latent teams.

After Director Nick was attacked and disappeared, S.H.I.E.L.D. had no Director for a while, and Alexander Pierce, a member of the World Security Council, took over everything in S.H.I.E.L.D. The first thing he did after he took power was to speed up Project Insight and other more insidious experiments, and secondly to find the missing Nick Fury. If they don’t find the missing S.H.I.E.L.D.Director, Alexander will not really feel relieved.

Just as Nick Fury was attacked and was presumed missing, Lin Rui, who was at home in New York, about three hours away from Washington, had a systematic voice in his head as he meditated on an E Grade training card.

“Triggered the main quest ahead of time, Quest Content: Eliminate Hydra organization on the earth. There is no time limit for this quest. The completion degree of the quest: 0/100.”

At the same time when Lin Rui heard the system voice in his mind, he woke up from his meditation. His conscious body looked up at the golden words above his sea of consciousness, “Finally, as I thought, eliminating Hydra is indeed a Mainline Quest. But what does this early trigger mean? These two extra words should mean something.”

Looking at the row of golden characters in his sea of consciousness disappearing slowly, Lin Rui thought quietly, he had expected the possible quests that might be released later in the system. After all, it’s a matter of his own initiative.


However, in the next moment when the line of golden characters disappeared over the sea of consciousness, another line appeared in his sea of consciousness, but it was silver.

“Triggering a hidden quest, save Nick Fury. Quest Content: Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, because of the discovery of Hydra lurking inside SHIELD, he was secretly attacked by Hydra, at this time Nick Fury is in danger and there is a danger to his life. Quest Goal, protect Nick Fury from getting killed by Hydra. Quest time limit: One week.” Soon, the system’s voice in the row of silver characters appeared in Lin Rui’s mind. This time, Lin Rui, who was originally calm, can no longer remain calm.

“Hidden Quest? Save Nick Fury! Even if Hydra’s plot was triggered in advance, Nick should not be in such a dangerous situation as I had already reminded him! ” Looking at the silver characters on the top of his head, Lin Rui frowns tightly and whispers.

The main quest to eliminate Hydra before was completely expected by Lin Rui, but the hidden quest to save Nick Fury was completely beyond his expectations. After all, even in the original plot, Nick just faked his death and he only received some serious injuries.

According to Lin Rui’s idea, It should be quite easy for Fury to deal with Hydra than in the original plot under his own reminder. Maybe he doesn’t need to do more to find out all the Hydra lurkers in SHIELD. However, since the system has released such a quest, it shows that Nick fury’s life is indeed in danger. As for what happened, Lin Rui doesn’t know. Now he either takes the hidden quest or doesn’t take care of it to see if Nick can survive. But Lin Rui doesn’t want to take that kind of risk. Although his friendship with Nick fury was not deep, he didn’t want to see Nick die. Moreover, the Hidden Quest rewards will not be too low. Lin Rui will not give up such an opportunity to earn the reward points now.

“I should take this hidden quest! After all, generally speaking, the reward point gained from any Hidden Quest will not be small. ” Just thinking about it, Lin Rui is going to take over this sudden hidden quest.

“Confirm accepting the hidden quest!”

Call ~

Just after Lin Rui said that, the row of silver characters floating over his sea of consciousness slowly disappeared. Lin Rui also has an extra quest in his mind to save Nick Fury. At the same time, there is a countdown, a week’s countdown.

“Seven days of Hidden Quest time, so Nick Fury is at risk for seven days. Does that mean that Hydra lurking inside SHIELD will be completely eliminated after seven days?” Glancing at the countdown in his mind, Lin Rui thought silently. Of course, Just because Hydra in SHIELD has been wiped out doesn’t mean that it’s gone.

“In that case, I should be in Washington for at least a week! Maybe I can stop by to see Thor, who is at Jane Foster’s house. I wonder how he is now living on the earth?” Now that the Hidden Quest to save Nick Fury has been accepted, Lin Rui doesn’t want to waste his time. He has started to plan to go to Washington.

Call ~

Thinking about going to Washington to find Nick Fury, Lin Rui has finished his meditation and jumped off the bed. Fortunately, it would a while before school starts, otherwise, Lin Rui will have to find a way to take a week off. However, Lin Rui feels that he may have to ask for leave frequently in the future. After all, when he meets these emergencies, it would not always be at night. Maybe, he can take Tony’s advice and go directly to Stark Industries to help Tony. Anyway, the high school curriculum now doesn’t matter to Lin Rui.

“Well, I’ll think about it later. Now I’d better talk to my father. Fortunately, my uncle’s house is in Washington. And I also need to talk to Tony. He had already reserved all the time before I started school. ” Thinking about everything, Lin Rui has gone down the stairs.


Just as Lin Rui triggered the mainline quest in advance and accepted a hidden quest, Nick Fury, who was attacked by Hydra, was now hiding in the alley behind a residential building.

After being attacked not long ago and then escaping from the sewer, Nick thought he was already safe. However, just after a few steps in the sewer, there was a sudden explosion behind Nick. The shock wave of the explosion directly shocked him and he hit the wall which almost broke his ribs.

However, this is not the worst. Nick even vaguely saw a person chasing him down from the end after the explosion. Therefore, Nick had to flee with his injured body quickly, Winter Soldier chasing him down is coming after him to kill him. In this way, Nick used up the high-tech equipment he studied with several SHIELD researchers before he got rid of the chase and climbed out of the sewer to hide in this place that is not easy to find. However, at this time Nick’s state is already very bad.

“Cough and cough!” Sitting in the corner, Nick coughed a few times. His pants on his left calf have been stained dark with blood. Obviously, his escape along the way was not safe.

Then he took a small box out of his pocket. With a slight click, the box opened and there is an injection with a light green potion in it. However, looking at the structure in the box. There should have been three of them. It seems that Director Nick has injected them twice before.

Without much hesitation, Nick had taken out the injection, and then inserted it directly into his thigh, injecting the unknown green serum.

“Er… “Ah!” After a while, although Nick tried to suppress it, he could not help shouting. At the same time, blue tendons were exposed all over his body, and his dark skin had been dyed with a layer of dark red. The whole man was tense, and his hands were grasping the guardrail.


This state lasted for more than 30 seconds. Finally, Nick sat on the ground, his face recovered to the pure black at the beginning. After sitting on the ground for more than ten minutes, Nick opened his eyes again. After a vigilant scanning around his area, he suddenly jumped up from the ground and left the alley quickly. It seems that all the injuries have been recovered. I don’t know what the serum is but the effect is so powerful.

In a middle-cla.s.s community in downtown Washington, the occupancy rate of tenants here is not very high, and most of them are office workers, while Captain Rogers’s home is in this community at this time. Although Captain Roger hasn’t exposed his “Resurrection” in front of the American people, he doesn’t want to stay at SHIELD headquarters with agents who idolize him every day. So, under the secret arrangement of SHIELD, Captain Rogers moved here as he liked this relatively quiet neighborhood.

Today, Captain Rogers, who just came back from SHIELD doesn’t look very good. He ran into some trouble when he went out to execute a mission a few days ago, but it was solved successfully. However, Black Widow Natasha who came with him on the mission seemed to be hiding something from him, which makes him feel that something is wrong. Moreover, after Rogers returned from the mission, he found that Director Fury was attacked by some unknown a.s.sailants and his whereabouts were unknown.

Thinking about his mission and Nick’s disappearance, Rogers has slowly walked to the door of his apartment. Ka ~ Just when Rogers took out the key to his apartment and was planning to open the door, his neighbor came out of her apartment and said h.e.l.lo with a smile when she saw Captain Rogers.

Roger also responded with a smile, then he opened the door and walked into the apartment. In fact, Rogers knows that the beauty who lives next door is a secret agent of SHIELD. He is just is too lazy to tell that to her. The door of the apartment slowly closed behind Rogers but it also isolated the look of the beautiful woman outside the door.

The apartment without lights is a little dim, and the light coming in from the window can only vaguely let Rogers see some of the furnishings in the living room. However, just after Rogers stepped into the living room for two steps, his steps suddenly stopped, his eyes in the dark suddenly became serious, and his body muscles gradually tightened, as if he was encountering some enemies.

Da ~

As if Captain Rogers had met an enemy, he walked forward slowly and tensely. Suddenly, a light sound came from a corner of the dark living room, and a warm light was lit. Then a quiet voice reached Rogers captain.

“h.e.l.lo, Captain Steve Rogers. Don’t be so nervous, I am Mirage Knight.”



Steve Rogers, who was feeling nervous around him, looked at the light when he heard the sound. When the light came on, he saw the scene in front of him. A guy wearing a full-body costume that covered half of his face and he was sitting leisurely on his sofa. When Rogers looked at this man, the man also looked back. The dark black eyes exuded a certain amount of pressure that made Captain Roger a little cautious.

“Mirage Knight?” Hearing the self-introduction of the uninvited guest, Steve Rogers repeated his name with some doubts, he seemed to have heard the name.

Although Captain Rogers is already trying to adapt to modern life, he still doesn’t know much about Vigilantes who are actively fighting on the streets of New York like Mirage Knight. After all, Steve usually picks up some special missions in SHIELD and doesn’t have much time to pay attention to other things. If it wasn’t for SHIELD’s internal investigation of Mirage Knight and there being a special record of it, Captain Rogers might not even have heard the name of Mirage Knight.

“Are you the Vigilante in New York? I’ve seen your record in SHIELD. It’s not at a low level. So, Mr. Vigilante, Mirage Knight of New York, what are you doing here today? ” After a little thought, Steve Rogers remembered who he was, and then asked seriously. Captain Rogers also didn’t ask how this vigilante knew about his resurrection and living here. According to the internal information of SHIELD, the mysterious Mirage Knight seems to have a very powerful intelligence system.

When he heard Captain Rogers, Lin Rui was not surprised. The information of Mirage Knight must be at a very high clearance level inside SHIELD, but it can be seen by Steve Rogers. So, after finishing and organizing his thoughts, Lin Rui spoke again.

“I am here to find Director Nick Fury. I heard that he was attacked today and because there is some friendship between me and the Director, I will not let him remain in a dangerous position and I thought that I would be able to find him here.”

Lin Rui now has a hidden quest to protect Nick Fury for a week, but he did not know that Nick had been attacked by Hydra today, and he only knew about it after he asked Daredevil later. At this time, Daredevil is already a secret agent inside SHIELD. The attack on Director Nick is something that he had heard about.


When he heard Lin Rui say that he was looking to Nick Fury, Rogers’ eyes became somewhat sharper as he apparently suspects Lin Rui as one of the attackers who attacked Nick Fury. However, when he heard the whole sentence, he dismissed the speculation.

Obviously, although Mirage Knight is looking for Nick, he should not be against him. At the same time, Captain Roger knows that although Mirage Knight has always refused Nick’s invitation to join shield, there is no animosity between them.

“Oh? Although I am a little curious about how you know that Director Nick was attacked and missing, but I care more about why you want to find him now.” Steve Rogers asked Lin Rui. At this time, he had already sat down in the chair in front of Lin Rui, and he was not as nervous as he was at the beginning.

Seeing Rogers sitting down in front of him and completely ignoring the momentum he had build till now, Lin Rui’s mouth curled up at its corner but it was blocked by the mask as it only slightly c.o.c.ked up. Hearing Rogers’ words, Lin Rui put his legs down and said, “Although I don’t know if Director Nick has mentioned it to you before but I want to find Director Nick just to protect him. Because it’s related to whether we can completely eliminate Hydra.”

In fact, Lin Rui has probably guessed after seeing Roger’s surprise expressions at the beginning and some questions later. Nick Fury must not have told Captain America about the fact that Hydra was lurking inside SHIELD. Although Lin Rui doesn’t know why Nick did it, Lin Rui doesn’t need to keep it back for Nick now that the situation has reached to this point.


Just as the word Hydra was spoken from Lin Rui’s mouth, Rogers’s body that had just relaxed slightly tightened again. His hand on the handle of the seat was pinched in an instant, and the wooden seat handle made a crisp sound as it was directly cracked by Steve’s hand.

“What do you say?! Hydra!?” Releasing the broken seat handles, Rogers tried to suppress his emotions and asked Mirage Knight again.

“Yes, Hydra. In fact, although Hydra has been almost annihilated by your efforts at the beginning, they call it Hydra for a reason and it is not so simple to completely eradicate them. Some of the remaining people have lurked down and infiltrated SHIELD quietly when it was being established. Now, the whole SHIELD is probably under the control of Hydra. ” Now that it has come to this, Lin Rui has no reservations and told Steve everything.

“Before that, Director Fury had noticed the hidden Hydra agents in SHIELD and he was also secretly investigating to kill them all. However, now it seems that he had made a mistake and was attacked because of it and in nine out of ten it was Hydra who did it. ” Looking at Rogers’s face carefully, Lin Rui said the news calmly.


Just after Lin Rui finished, the rest of the handle of Steve’s seat broke apart with a crash. Obviously, Rogers was shocked by Lin Rui’s news. Lin Rui was silent after he said that. He knew that Roger needed some time to digest the situation.

In this way, after Lin Rui and Rogers were silent for a few minutes, Rogers finally recovered his previous calm. So, he continued, “Even if what you said is true, then how do you know Nick will come to me? You know, I only found out about this now.”

“This is…”


Just as Lin Rui was about to explain something, a slight noise came from the bedroom in Rogers apartment. Although the voice is slight, Lin Rui and Rogers captain are not ordinary people. After hearing the movement, they looked at each other, and then they got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Chapter 190 Mirage Knight and Captain America

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 187-190 summary

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