
Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 93

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=hurtadillas; a --,= by stealth.

=hurto,= theft.

=husar,= _m._, hussar.

=huyeron,= _pret. of_ =huir=.

=huyo, huyes, huye,= _etc._, _pr. ind. of_ =huir=.



=iba,= _imp. ind. of_ =ir=.

=icen= = =dicen=.

=idas; -- y venidas,= going and coming.

=idea,= idea, thought.

=idear,= to form _or_ conceive an idea, imagine.

=identico,= identical.

=identificado,= identified.

=idioma,= _m._, language.

=iglesia,= church.

=ignorar,= not to know, be ignorant of; =se ignora,= (it) is not known.

=igual,= equal, uniform, unvaried, the same.

=igualmente,= likewise.

=ijar,= _m._, flank; =apreta.r.s.e los --es,= to hold one's sides.

=Ildefonso,= Alphonsus; =San --,= Saint Alphonsus Liguari (_b. at Marianelli, near Naples, in the year 1696, d. in 1787. He became famous through his marvelous religious activity, and the great number of dogmatic works he had written_).

=iluminar(se),= to light up.

=ilusion,= _f._, illusion.

=imagen,= _f._, image, figure, statue.

=imitar,= to imitate.

=impaciente,= impatient.

=impasible,= insensible to pain, impa.s.sible.

=impavido,= undaunted.

=impedir (i),= to impede, keep from, prevent.

=imperio,= empire, dominion.

=imperioso,= imperious.

=impermeable,= water-proof; _--de lona,_ water-proof coat (_of canvas_).

=imperterrito,= undaunted, intrepid.

=impertinencia,= impertinence, folly, nonsense; _plur._, impertinent _or_ superfluous things.

=impetu,= _m._, impetus; =se abrio toda con --,= was suddenly flung wide open.

=impetuoso,= impetuous.

=impiedad,= _f._, impiety.

=implorar,= to implore.

=imponente,= imposing.

=imponer,= to impose; =--se,= to take upon oneself.

=importancia,= importance, significance.

=importar,= to be of importance, matter; =no importa,= it does not matter, he does not mind it; =lo que no le importa,= what does not concern him.

=impregnado,= imbued, impregnate, pervaded, filled.

=impreso= (_p. p. of_ =imprimir=)=,= imprinted.

=improperio,= reproach, invective, contemptuous remark.

=impropio (de),= unfit, unsuitable (to).

=improvisado,= improvised.

_improvisar,_ to extemporize.

=improviso; de --,= suddenly, unexpectedly.

=imprudentemente,= imprudently.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 93 summary

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