
Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 87

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=fumar,= to smoke.

=funcionar,= to act, work.

=fundado,= (well) founded, justified.

=fundar,= to found, base, establish; =--se en,= to take as a principle.

=fundo,= estate.


=funerario,= funeral.

=funesto,= sad, lamentable, fatal.

=furia,= fury.

=furibundo,= wild, furious.

=furioso,= furious, angry.

=furor,= _m._, fury, rage.

=furtivo,= furtive.

=fusil,= _m._, rifle.

=futuro,= betrothed.


=gaban,= _m._, great-coat, overcoat.

=gabinete,= _m._, dressing-room, boudoir; small sitting-room.

=gacetilla= (_dim. of_ =gaceta=)=,= (local) news columns (_of a newspaper_).

=gaje,= _m._, pay; =algunos --s,= a small compensation.

=gala, -s,= finery, wedding-dress(es).

=galan,= _m._, gallant, wooer.

=galante,= gallant.

=galardon,= _m._, reward.

=Galatea,= _prop. noun_. (_Ovid tells a pretty legend of Pygmalion, a sculptor of Cyprus, who fell in love with a beautiful ivory statue of his own carving. In answer to his ardent prayer, Venus gave life to the statue which became his wife. Her name was Galatea._)

=galeno,= physician (_from_ =Galeno,= Galen, _celebrated physician of ancient Greece_).

=galeria,= gallery.

=galon,= _m._, galloon, braid.

=galope,= _m._, gallop.

=gallardamente,= gracefully.

=gallardia,= gracefulness, beauty.

=gallardo,= gallant, handsome, graceful.

=Gallego (Juan Nicasio),= _prop. noun_ (_b. 1777, d. 1853; a forceful writer of polished verse; best known for the verses in which he urged Spain to resist the invasion of the French under Napoleon_).

=Gallegos (Jose Rafael de)=, _prop. noun_ (_b. 1785, d. 1851; a statesman of Costa Rica, and president of that republic from 1845 to 1846_).

=gallina,= hen, chicken.

=gallinero,= chicken-coop, hen-house.

=gallo,= c.o.c.k.

=gana= _or_ =--s,= desire, mind; =lo que le de la --,= whatever you please; =con tanta --,= so heartily; =de mala --,= unwillingly.

=ganado,= live-stock, cattle.

=ganancia,= reward, profit, gain.

=ganar,= to gain, earn, win; =--se el pan,= to earn one's living.

=ganso,= goose.

=ganan,[ganan]= _m._, laborer, boor.

=garbanzo,= chick-pea (_an indispensible dish in Spain_).

=garbo,= grace, refined manners.

=garganta,= throat. =gasa,= gauze.

=gastar,= to spend, expend, wear; =-- un sentio= (= =sentido=)=, --un costao= (= =costado=)=,= to spend a fortune.

=gato,= cat; sly person; =-- de Madrid,= tricky Madrilenian.

=gavia,= main-topsail; yard-arm.

=gazmono,= hypocritical, dissembling.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 87 summary

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