
Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 148

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=vistan,= _pr. subj. of_ =vestir=.

=vistase,= _pr. subj. of_ =vestirse=.

=visto,= _p. p. of_ =ver=; =por lo --,= evidently; =-- y no--,= visible and yet incredible.

=vistoso,= beautiful.

=vitalidad,= _f._, vitality.


=viuda,= widow; =quedar --,= to be left a widow.

=vivamente,= quickly, eagerly.

=viveres,= _m. pl._, provisions.

=vivienda,= dwelling-place, home, house.

=viviente,= _m._, living being; =--s,= people.

=vivir,= to live; =viva!= long live! hurrah (for)! hail (to)!

=vivo,= lively, animated, alive, living, vivid; =tan al -- hecho,= made so natural.

=vizcaino,= from Biscay.

=Vizcaya,= Biscay (_a region in Northern Spain_).

=vocear,= to shout, cry, cry out.

=voceria,= clamor, voices.

=volante,= flying.

=volar (ue),= to fly, vanish.

=volcan,= _m._, volcano.

=volubilidad,= _f._, volubility.

=voluntad,= _f._, will, good-will, kindness; =todas las --es,= everyone's good-will.

=voluptuosidad,= _f._, voluptuousness; =con --,= thoroughly (_in Los Puritanos_).

=volver (ue),= to turn, return; =--se,= to turn back _or_ into, change, become; =-- a hacer alguna cosa,= to do something again; =--se atras,= to back out; =--pies atras,= to retrace one's steps; =-- en si,= to recover one's senses; =vuelto de espaldas,= with one's back turned.

=vomitar,= to vomit; give forth (_something one has refused_).

=vos,= ye, you.

=vosotros,= ye, you.

=votar,= to vow; =voto a ...,= by...; =voto a brios!= (_an oath expressing vengeance_), by Heaven!

=voto,= vow.

=voy, vas, va,= _etc._, _pr. ind. of_ =ir=.

=voz,= _f._, voice, word, outcry, rumor; =a toda --, a grandes voces,= with a loud voice, loudly, at the top of one's voice; =dar voces,= to make an outcry; =a voces,= aloud.

=vuelo,= flight, wings;= bajar en un --,= to fly down.

=vuelta,= turn, return; =--s,= facing, cuffs and lappels; =a (de) -- de,= on returning from; =dar la --,= to turn back; take a turn; =dar la -- al mundo,= to make a trip around the world; =ir de --,= to return.

=vuelto,= _p. p. of_ =volver=.

=vuestro, -a,= your, yours.

=vulgar,= common, ordinary.

=vulgarmente,= commonly.

=vulgo,= ma.s.ses, crowd, mob.


=ya,= now, then, already; in due time; =-- no,= no longer; =ya... ya= (_with subj._)=,= whether... or; =-- que,= since.

=yacer,= to lie.

=yegua,= mare.

=yendo,= _pr. p. of_ =ir=.

=yerba= = =hierba=.

=yerno,= son-in-law.

=yerto,= rigid, stiff.

=yugo,= yoke.


=zahareno,= wild, shy, stubborn.

=zalameria,= flattery.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 148 summary

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