
Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 142

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=tomate,= _m._, tomato.

=tonante,= thundering.

=tono,= tone; =(de) buen --,= refined, well-bred.

=tonsurado,= tonsured, ordained. (_In the Roman Catholic Church, when a priest receives the first clerical degree, his hair is cut off from a circular s.p.a.ce at the back of his head; this ceremony is called the tonsure._)

=tonteria,= folly, nonsense, foolishness.


=tonto, -a,= foolish; _noun_, foolish child.

=tontona= (_aug._)=,= big stupid.

=topinera,= mole-hole.

=topo,= mole.

=toque,= _m._, signal, ringing (_of bells_); =el ultimo -- de clarines,= the last bugle notes of tattoo.

=torcer (ue),= to twist, turn, distort, double up, go crooked; =dar en --se,= to leave the path of virtue.

=torcido,= winding, twisted, crooked.

=torero,= bull-fighter.

=tormenta,= tempest, storm.

=tormento,= pain, torture; =dar --,= to torture, plague.

=tornar,= to return, restore.

=tornera,= doorkeeper (_of a nunnery_).

=torniscon,= _m._, blow in the face (_with the back of the hand_).

=torno; en -- de= _or_ =a,= around.

=toro,= bull.

=torpe,= dull, stupid, rude.

=torpeza,= stupidity, rudeness, awkwardness.

=torre,= _f._, tower.

=Torresalinas,= _prop. noun_ (_a village of fishermen on the south-east coast of Spain_).

=torso,= torso, trunk _or_ body (_of a statue_).

=torta,= cake (_usually a round loaf made of flour, oil, etc., with or without sugar_).

=torvo,= stern, grim.

=tosco,= rough, coa.r.s.e.

=toser,= to cough.

=tostado,= (sun) burnt, toasted.

=totalmente,= entirely.

=totora,= arrow-head (_an aquatic plant, named from the shape of the leaves_).

=Tozar,= _prop. noun_.

=trabajador, -a,= workman, working-woman.

=trabajo,= work, trouble, toil.

=trabajosamente,= hard, laboriously.

=trabuco,= blunderbuss.

=tradicion,= _f._, tradition.

=traducir,= to translate; betray.

=traer,= to bring, carry, keep; make (_a journey_); =-- prisa,= to be in a hurry.

=tragar,= to swallow, believe implicitly; =--se,= to restrain (_as tears_).

=tragicamente,= tragically.

=trago,= drink, draught; =beber un --,= to take a drink.

=traicion,= _f._; =a --,= treacherously.

=traidor, -a,= traitor, traitoress.

=traigo,= _pr. ind. of_ =traer=.

=traje,= _m._, dress, robe, garb; =--de soldado,= soldier's uniform.

=traje, -iste, -o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =traer=.

=trampa=, trap.

=trance=, _m._, critical moment.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 142 summary

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