
Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 124

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=pureza,= purity.

=purificar,= to purify, clarify.

=purisimo= (_from_ =puro=)=,= very pure, chaste; =Purisima Concepcion,= Immaculate Conception.

=Puritanos; Los --,= The Puritans (_the t.i.tle of an opera by Bellini_).

=puse, -iste, -o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =poner=.



=que= (_p.r.o.n._), who, whom, which, that; =el que, la que,= _etc._, who, _or_ he who, she who, _etc._, the one that, _etc._; =lo que,= what; =por lo que,= wherefore, therefore; =lo que es a (de),= as for; =a lo --,= according to what.

=que= (_adv. and conj._)=,= how, as; that, for, because, when; than; =a --,= that, in order that; =lo ... --,= how; =-- si,= as if.

=que?= what?; =--!= how!; =en --?= how?

=quebrantar,= to break.

=quebrar (ie),= to break.

=queda,= curfew.

=quedar,= to become, remain, stay, be; =--se,= to remain; =--se con,= to keep; =-- en lo dicho,= to agree.

=quedito,= quietly; =muy de --,= very quietly.

=quedo,= soft, noiseless.

=quehacer,= _m._, duty, work; =asuntos y --es,= business affairs and other duties.

=queja,= complaint.

=quejar(se),= to complain, moan.

=quejido,= groan, moan.

=quejoso,= complainant; _adj._, complaining, querulous.

=quemar,= to burn.

=querer (ie),= to wish, be willing, like, be fond of, expect; =--decir,= to mean; =como quiera que,= although; =si se quiere,= rather, if you like.

=querido,= dear, beloved; _noun_, sweetheart; =querida mia,= my dear.

=querra,= _fut. of_ =querer=.

=querrian,= _cond. of_ =querer=.

=queso,= cheese.

=quien,= (_pl._) =quienes,= who, whom, he who, (some)one who; _interr.

and excl._, =quien, quienes; quien va?= who is (_or_ goes) there?; =por -- soy!= upon my word!

=quietecito= (_dim._)=,= very quiet, still.

=quietud,= _f._, quiet.

=quimerico,= chimerical, fantastic.

=quince,= fifteen; =-- dias,= fortnight.

=quinque,= _m._, lamp (_fastened to a tin plate, for hanging against the wall. It derives its name from its inventor, Quinquet, a Frenchman_).

=quinta,= act of drawing lots for men to serve in the army; =libre de --s,= exempt from military service.

=quinto,= fifth; =la quinta parte,= a (one) fifth (part).

=quisco,= cereus peruvia.n.u.s (_a giant cactus_).

=quise, -iste, -o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =querer=.

=quisiera,= _imp. subj. of_ =querer=.

=quitar (a),= to take away (off, from); deprive (of), free (from), destroy (_as hopes_); =--el hambre a alguien,= to appease someone's hunger, keep someone from starvation.

=quiza= _or_ =quizas,= perhaps.


=raba,= bait.

=rabano,= radish.

=rabia,= rage; =dar --,= to enrage.

=raciocinio,= reasoning.

=raf.a.ga,= flash.

=rama,= branch.

=ramita,= small branch.

=ramo,= branch, bouquet; =-- de dulce,= wreath of candy.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories Part 124 summary

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