
The Scary Yakuza Is My Husband 6 Chapter 6 : You Leave Me No Choice

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It is really satisfying to see a different expression from Touma. Kahina really enjoys herself at the moment. She is not in a hurry to react neither to respond. She calmly observes Touma and she knows Touma will not easily give in to her demand. He will try to find a way out. Kahina really wants to know Touma's next move.

Touma calculates any possible way out he could ever think but he couldn't find any solution without invoking both families. He glances at the basket of chocolate beside him. I really need that chocolate to think. That is normally his habit when he needs to figure out something. Sweet food always calms him down.

Kahina saw leering look Touma has towards the basket. She smiles wickedly inside then walk to the basket and picks one of the candies. She then opens the wrap and gives it to Touma.

"Have some. This is one of my favourites. I hope you like it. I really don't know either to buy you flowers or candy. I figure you might want some sweet to cheer up. I know the feeling when you stuck in the hospital." Kahina tries to warm the atmosphere.

"Thank you" he immediately grabs the candy and put in his mouth. He looks like a little boy being coaxed. He is so adorable. Then she continues.

"Mr Anzo, I am really serious. I want you to be mine."

The candy is so sweet and delicious. He can't help feeling happy and satisfied. "We didn't know each other. It is really impossible." Then he tries to reason with Kahina. He never experiences things like this.

"Let's make it possible. I guess we need to start over. h.e.l.lo Mr Anzo. My name is Kahina Hinode. Let's be a friend." She reaches out her hand for Touma. He is stupefied with Kahina's action. He is really couldn't understand the women in front of him right now. She is so direct and honest.

"Are you really wanted to let me hanging like this Mr Anzo?" She looks at Touma with a sneer.

After a few moments, Touma responds "You are really weird. I don't understand and I didn't do business with random people." How can he be friends with Kahina? They are a nemesis. No one will approve this friendship let alone in love with her. His father is going to have another heart attack when he found out about this. He might need to succeed the family earlier that he expected.

"Give me a chance to make you understand me. Plus, I'm not random. I save you, remember?." She still waits for him to accept her hands. 'Be patience Kahina! Patience!'.

Touma really impressed how smooth Kahina replies in everything he said. She did not accept any excuse.

"I'm really grateful for that but you should understand our circ.u.mstances." Ignores Kahina's hand. Kahina slowly retracts her hands knowing he will not receive it. She disappointed but Kahina accepts it as a challenge. Her future husband plays hard to get. Interesting.

"I understand. I guess I only can redeem the compensate you offer. "

"That would be wise Miss Hinode. Please do tell your request."

"I want one hour of yours every day for 30 days and I didn't take no for this."

Once again Touma feels shocked. This woman is really weird. Why doesn't she ask for money like normal people? One hour for my time every day? What she could achieve from that? Now, Touma feels really helpless and blank. If he asks her to consider about this again, it might show the weak and incompetence of him. She just needs one hour. What harm could it be?

"Well, you leave me with no choice. I agree." This time he extends his hand. He finally gives in and hoping 30 days will past in the blink.


Touma stares at the computer long after Kahina is gone. He still couldn't believe what was happening today. Candies wrap are all over his bed. Kahina really piques his interest with her weird request. Honestly Touma really interested to be friend with Kahina. He seldom finds anyone interesting enough to make him have a different kind of emotion at a time. He knows people always scare of him, they must to. It is the essence of being a yakuza. He can't be soft-hearted and stupid. Any lack of judgement will cause him a lot of lives. The Anzo Family is his priority even though he is unwillingly to succeed it but what choice does he have.

Kahina, the first women bold enough to demand his time. The boldness of her really attracts Touma. He smiles unconsciously remembering the way Kahina talk and act. She is so confident with every word she said made him want to explore the brains of hers. He couldn't get enough with the beauty as he wonders the truth behind Kahina's claim to be unscathed of romance before. He finds it impossible for Kahina to alone all this time.

He continues clicking the keyboard looking for Kahina's information. Information provided by Ando did not satisfy him at all. He starts hacking the government database and any possible ways to get more information. Upon his discoveries, Kahina is not an ordinary lady. She is extremely intelligent, especially in business. Hotta Inc increases its revenue by 46% after she holds the position of Chief Of Marketing for a year. It is quite impressive and he couldn't help to notice Kahina is actually holding back with their strategies. 'Is she tries to avoid being noticed?' he wondered. It is more shocking after he figures out 10% of Megamind Corp is own by her. The ownership of the shares is shadowed by one of the investors from China. Of course, it's not her name on the paper but China's company is own by her. This is actually normal for them in Yakuza community to own something without being noticed. Legally there is no connection between them and company but Yakuza always have their ways for operates things like this.

He leans back with a sigh. Shaking his head slowly. 'What a mess' he thought. He couldn't believe what he is got into this time. He needs to treat this matter carefully to avoid any problem and to make sure whatever Kahina tries to gain didn't bring harm to his company and family. He let another heavy sigh again.

'Women! What are you thinking?' he opens another candy and throws it into his mouth. '~~~this candy is so delicious, I wonder where did she get it.'

Everyone witnessing their young master gloomy face didn't dare to make any sound. They are worries even a single wrong words will cause severe punishment. Their young master seldom punishing them but if they were punished normally it would be the punishment that tortures them to the point they hope to die. Ando remembers one of Shatei* feed Touma's dogs with his leftover lunch for a week. Later the dogs start to refuse to eat its food instead of them asking for Touma's food. Touma was really angry as he punished him to eat dog food for a month. He finally hospitalized for food poisoning a week later. Even after dismissing from the hospital, he only allows eating normal food after a month period is finish.

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The Scary Yakuza Is My Husband 6 Chapter 6 : You Leave Me No Choice summary

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