
My Brother Is The Hero Of Earth 37 Chapter 37 - A Simple Gesture

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When we walked into the sparring field, Terri was standing outside one of the sparring rings with its barriers up, looking in, but I doubted she could see anything as a thick, gray fog filled the inside ring. No one seemed surprised, so I could only stifle my curiosity for now. Unlike the rest of them, I still hadn't seen Gustavo's transformation, but I could feel it.

Before, in the house, his presence had felt like a roaring fire, but now, I could a wildly raging inferno. Although there was still a trace of contempt coming from my bloodline, I could also feel the desire to fight start stirring. His bloodline was slightly weaker than my own, but in his berserk state, I could sense a hint of danger coming from him that strangely made me want to beat it out of him.

As we closed in, I saw the inside barrier ripple once then twice until it was constantly quivering. Terri jumped back in alarm and I could finally see a trace of Gustavo, a set of aqugreen, scaled fists beating on the shimmering wall. She looked over her shoulder and gave a grateful expression when she saw us.

"I don't know what's going on. He's never started attacking the barrier directly before," Terri said.

While the other girls gathered up in a small group, I continued pa.s.sed them and stood just outside the outermost barrier wall. Blood was starting to pound in my ears as I watched the ghostly fists smash against the wall before disappearing within the fog again. Separated by no more than four feet and three energy barriers, I could hardly resist the urge to test myself again him.

"I can guess the problem," Yue said.

"Becca?" Katye called.

Only when I heard Katye's voice did I finally snap out of the dazed state I was in and pulled my eyes away from the ring. I couldn't feel it, but everyone's expression told me that my eyes had changed without me trying, showing my instability.

"You okay?" Terri asked.

"Yeah, I just want to fight him," I laughed.

"You've lost your mind, right? You didn't see what he did to that last Piasa Bird," Terri warned, completely dumbfounded by my statement.

I chuckled darkly as I raised a hand and placed it on the barrier. Suddenly, my scales covered my hand and I flexed my fingers against it, testing its strength. The whole barrier dimmed as a small ripple rolled away from my hand and I turned back in time to see Yue's eyes grow wide since she was the only person who truly understood just how strong these barriers were.

"Do you think you could let me inside? I feel like it could help both of us," I asked, still looking at Yue.

"Becca, I don't think that's a good idea," Yue replied.

"Let the dragons sort out their own messes. I'll handle them both if it becomes a problem," Katye said, but there was a strange overlay with her voice.

"Zlo, this isn't something you should meddle in," Yue snapped.

Katye gave an unnatural chuckle that could chill a person to the bone as she glared at Yue then retorted, "Yet you constantly call me out to deal with the Fledgling that can hardly control his power. If she can beat him in proper combat, even if he does go berserk again, his bloodline will completely be subdued by hers and therefore, she can solve the problem without straining my host."

"And if they both lose control?"

"I'll put them both to sleep."

"How is that not straining Katye's body too much?" Yue nearly yelled.

"I have ways of mitigating the burden or did your group push the memory out of your heads?" Katye asked as she laughed devilishly.

The other three paled while I could only look on with confusion since I didn't know what was going on with Katye, only that it wasn't 'Katye' who was talking. To my surprise, Yue pulled out a control talisman and the barrier next to me dissolved, but I didn't move as my eyes remained locked on Katye.

"Go on, shoo… I'll play with you when Katye gives me the chance," Katye said, making a shooing gesture with her hands.

The others made a complicated expression, but no one said a word. After a minute, I simply shrugged and stepped past the first wall. It crackled back into place before the second fell and I took another step forward. The whole time our conversation went on, Gustavo's fists had never stopped pelting the inside barrier, so I knew I couldn't take him lightly.

I shifted into my first 'dragonized' form with a burst of crimson light and a crack of thunder as I channeled my Chaos Lightning into my body since I wasn't going to take any chances. Despite not using my new power, it still influenced the appearance of my 'dragonized' form, making the scales on my chest and arms seem more like armor over each of my major muscles. This was my first chance at seeing just how far I had truly come after spending three months locked within my mental plane with Koken beating me constantly. I wasn't worried like the others, in fact, I was extremely excited and could feel my blood surging, bringing power to every inch of my body.

When the final barrier separating us fell, the dark gray fog rushed forward, but the aqugreen fist heading for my chest was even faster. I used my Flash Step and appeared within the center of the ring, deep within the fog.

"I'm in! Bring it back up!" I yelled.

That was my one moment of peace as a scaled fist came flying at me in the next. This time I didn't dodge and met the punch with one of my own. The force of the impact created a burst of air, pushing away the fog and revealing Gustavo's 'dragonized' form. It was much like my original form, thousands of small, inch-sized scales, but they were all the aqugreen color of his fists instead of black like mine. His white-blonde hair had lengthened to reach his mid-back while his silver horn curved up proudly, extended nearly a foot in length, and his talons were the same silver as his horns. His golden eyes seemed larger than normal and madness was contained within.

He attacked like a beast, only using his fists, claws, and feet, which was unlike him, but suited me just fine. I was stronger than him, but also faster. He threw a punch which I caught by his wrist then flipped him over my shoulder, throwing him straight into the barrier which stopped him forcefully. Before he even had the chance to fall to the ground, I was on him again, sending him flying again to the side with a whip kick. He skidded across the ground a few times before the barrier stopped him once again.

As he pushed himself up, his body gave off a reddish glow as his eyes also took on a red color. This time, his speed had multiplied as he threw himself forward. I only had time to raise my forearms to block and sent me backwards a number of steps, telling me his strength had increased as well, but that just excited me. With a yell, I met his fist with my own and we clashed in the middle of the ring. The ground below us crack and sunk under the force of the impact. We were both forced to retreat a few steps, but it was even, so it only served to make me more excited. I laughed as started trading punch for punch and knee for knee.

His fist shot for my face and I met it with a headb.u.t.t as I sent a fist of my own into his gut. The impact of my punch lessened his, but it still dazed me slightly. I brought an elbow across his jaw as I stumbled back, shaking my head. We separated a few steps, but nearly instantly threw ourselves at each other.

Things started getting more serious when the talons came out. Normally, our scales would be almost impenetrable, but our talons proved to be even stronger. He gave me a number of cuts on my arms and a few punctures in my legs, but I returned the favor two-fold. Crimson blood contrasted against his aqugreen scales and dripped down, not only his arms and legs, but also from four deep gashes across his chest.

I sent him rolling, end over end, with a strong kick to his chest then appeared in front of him when he stopped with a Flash Step. He pushed himself up, but I unleashed a Lightning Barrage onto his chest and pounded him back down. Each time he tried to stand, I would beat him back down, ignoring the blood that was sent flying then, finally, I felt something change.

The red mist around his body faded and the red light in his eyes disappeared. I could feel the inferno that represented him began to ease and the clarity began to return to his eyes. With his berserk state disappearing, he could finally feel his pain and he collapsed onto his back, panting with a grimace. I simply smiled over him.

"How do you like being beaten by a girl?" I chuckled.

"b.u.t.thole… What happened?" he asked.

"Other than kicking your a.s.s? You lost control."

"But I'm still in the sparring ring," he said confused.

"Yeah, I beat it out of you," I laughed. "Come on, let's get you up and looked over by Melissa."

I offered him a hand which he took, and I helped him to his feet. His wounds were already starting to close, and the bleeding had stopped everywhere, but a thin oozing from his chest. Although he winced, he stood firmly on his feet and we turned to the small crowd that had gathered. Everyone in the house had gathered outside the ring and looking at us with various expressions of horror, shock, or surprise.

"Want to let us out?" I asked when we reached the edge of the barrier that was still up.

Alice was the quickest to recover and the barriers fell with a wave of her hand. I walked over to them with Gustavo at my side, but a step behind me. I could feel his submission and, although it was an uncomfortable since he was my brother, I knew it was a good thing. Instinctually, I knew that if he went berserk again, not only would I sense it, I could force him to calm down without another fight, but only if I remained stronger than him.

"You're okay now?" Terri asked.

"Yeah, I'm under control," Gustavo replied.

"It's like Katye said, I should be able to handle him the next time he loses control without another fight," I added.

Those who weren't here before gave Katye a look and she sighed, answering their question, "It was Zlo, not me."

The others nodded with understanding. Melissa held off as long as she could stand it, but in the end, she crossed over to us and started examining Gustavo's wounds. Since I had retracted my mana and aura when I attacked, his wounds were healing quickly with his dragonize regeneration. I stepped back and kicked up a sandstorm cover while I shifted back to my 'human' form.

I had a number of cuts and bruises all over my body. There was dried blood splattered all over clothes and my face, so clearly, I was a hot mess, but while Melissa healed Gustavo's wounds, Katye slipped over to me as a violet glow covered her hands. She gave me a bashful smile as she picked up my hand and started healing me. It may have been a simple gesture, but it was something I had longed for these past three years. A warmth spread my heart unlike the one in my cuts and in that moment, I promised to always stand at her side, no matter what came at us.

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My Brother Is The Hero Of Earth 37 Chapter 37 - A Simple Gesture summary

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