
Hardness of Heart Part 2

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The Bell Tolls for Us

This is where the church is today. Certain segments of the church are living in rebellion and sin, but the vast majority isn't. Most of you love G.o.d, but if you're honest about it, you'd say you're not confident in your ability to overcome Satan in the area of sickness and disease. You don't have a confidence, you don't have a boldness, you don't know that you're a world-overcomer. If someone near you was dying right now, you might call me or your pastor or some other "man of faith" to pray for him, but if you were asked to pray for him, that's different. You aren't confident in your own ability. It's not because you've been living in rebellion and sin; it's because you've neglected the things of G.o.d.

We've not not considered considered the things of G.o.d. This subject is so important we're going to devote an entire chapter to it. the things of G.o.d. This subject is so important we're going to devote an entire chapter to it.


What You Consider is What You Get.

The word "consider" means, "to take into account, to ponder, to study, to examine, to deliberate upon" (NAHD). To sum it up: to meditate. As I said before, what you spend your time considering is what will dominate you. Nothing can happen to you unless you conceive it in your thought life; you can't sin unless you think sin!

In this chapter, we'll look at several examples, both in and outside of the Bible, that ill.u.s.trate this truth.

First, look at James 1:14-15. It says, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own l.u.s.t, and enticed. Then when l.u.s.t hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own l.u.s.t, and enticed. Then when l.u.s.t hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."

Notice, it says you have to be drawn away by your own l.u.s.t-n.o.body just breaks away from G.o.d. After that, l.u.s.t has to conceive. That is exactly like a baby being conceived. Sin is the same: it has to be conceived. How is it conceived? it's through your l.u.s.t, what you think upon. For example, if you went to a primitive country and started showing the people all of our fancy western gadgets, they might eventually become necessities to them; they might even get to the point that they'd kill for them! But before that point, when they didn't have them, they couldn't be tempted with them. That principle is present throughout the Bible, right from the beginning.

The Fall-Hearing was Involved

In Genesis, chapter 3, we read the story of the fall. Notice in reading it that Satan was not able to come and just make Eve sin. He had to tempt her, and he did so by talking to her. In other words, she had to hear something. What you hear is going to affect you. Jesus said, "Take heed what ye hear. . . "Take heed what ye hear. . . " (Mk. 4:24). In I Corinthians 15:33 Paul says, " (Mk. 4:24). In I Corinthians 15:33 Paul says, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. " "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. "

Satan was talking to Eve about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:6 says, "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. " "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. " It says, It says, "And when the woman saw. "And when the woman saw. ..." ..." The scripture implies that the woman did not focus her attention on this tree until Satan pointed it out. She never considered it, so she was never tempted by it. The scripture implies that the woman did not focus her attention on this tree until Satan pointed it out. She never considered it, so she was never tempted by it.

We could not be tempted with disbelieving G.o.d if we did not consider something other than G.o.d's Word. The Bible says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of G.o.d" "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of G.o.d" (Rom. 10:17). If all you do is meditate on the Word of G.o.d, then all you can do is believe G.o.d. It's that simple. If you've been tempted with doubt and unbelief, it is because you've been thinking about something other than the Word of G.o.d. (Rom. 10:17). If all you do is meditate on the Word of G.o.d, then all you can do is believe G.o.d. It's that simple. If you've been tempted with doubt and unbelief, it is because you've been thinking about something other than the Word of G.o.d.

Abraham-Man of Little Unbelief

Let's look at the life of Abraham. In Hebrews, chapter 11, it says that Abraham was a great man of faith, but Abraham really didn't have as much faith as you and I have. Abraham actually had less than you and I have-less doubt and unbelief! Abraham was a great man because of what he did not consider, what he did not focus his attention on. Verse 15 says of Abraham and his family, look at the life of Abraham. In Hebrews, chapter 11, it says that Abraham was a great man of faith, but Abraham really didn't have as much faith as you and I have. Abraham actually had less than you and I have-less doubt and unbelief! Abraham was a great man because of what he did not consider, what he did not focus his attention on. Verse 15 says of Abraham and his family, "And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. " "And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. " In other words, the chance to return to Ur of the Chaldees would have been linked directly to what they thought. Or, you could turn it around to say: if they weren't mindful of the country they left, they couldn't have been tempted to return. In other words, the chance to return to Ur of the Chaldees would have been linked directly to what they thought. Or, you could turn it around to say: if they weren't mindful of the country they left, they couldn't have been tempted to return.

What really made Abraham strong was not his great faith, but his discipline over his own thoughts. You and I could be great men and women of faith if we were not tempted to disbelieve G.o.d, or if we weren't so well trained in doubt and unbelief.

Romans 4:18-19 says of Abraham, "Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall they seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, nor yet the deadness of Sarah's womb.... " "Considered not" "Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall they seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, nor yet the deadness of Sarah's womb.... " "Considered not"-this is the same language used in Mark, chapter 6, speaking of the disciples. Since Abraham didn't consider it, he could not be tempted with disbelieving G.o.d.

When the angel finally appeared to Abraham and told him that in the next year his wife would bear a child, it was not the first time he heard it. The key to his believing lay 26 years before, before, when G.o.d first gave him the promise. For all those 26 years, all Abraham thought was, when G.o.d first gave him the promise. For all those 26 years, all Abraham thought was, "According to the stars in the sky and the sand on the seash.o.r.e, so shall my seed be. " "According to the stars in the sky and the sand on the seash.o.r.e, so shall my seed be. " So So when the promise came, Abraham was well-disciplined-that's why he saw the miracle. Most of us are not like that. We are not well-disciplined. when the promise came, Abraham was well-disciplined-that's why he saw the miracle. Most of us are not like that. We are not well-disciplined.

Isaac-Son of Promise

Look at Abraham's son, Isaac. I used to ask myself: How could Abraham possibly offer up Isaac for a sacrifice? I once saw a movie, in which Abraham was called by G.o.d to offer his son. The movie shows Abraham ramming his fist into a wall and screaming, "Oh, no, G.o.d, not Isaac!" Then after agonizing and arguing with G.o.d all night, Abraham finally summons up all the courage within him and goes up to offer Isaac.

The Bible doesn't show us that picture. It never implies that Abraham dragged his feet, complained, or said a single negative thing. He simply rose up early in the morning, went to Mt. Moriah, about a three-day's journey away, and started up the mountain. Isaac, who was about 17, asked, "Father, here's the wood and here's the fire, but where's the offering?" Abraham did not answer, "Son, you're the offering." He said, "My son, G.o.d will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering..." (Gen. 22:8). Notice that he didn't say, "G.o.d himself shall provide," but said, "G.o.d shall provide himself himself(Mt. Moriah, by the way, is the location where G.o.d later built the temple. Some experts believe that the Holy of Holies stood on the exact spot where Abraham offered the sacrifice, so this event has tremendous significance.) Hebrews 11:17-18 says, "By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called.... "By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called.... " Then, verse 19 gives us an insight into what Abraham was thinking: " Then, verse 19 gives us an insight into what Abraham was thinking: "Accounting that G.o.d [was] able to raise [him] up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure. " "Accounting that G.o.d [was] able to raise [him] up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure. " Abraham did not think, Abraham did not think, G.o.d, how could I stand to see the blood run out of Isaac and know that I am responsible? G.o.d, how could I stand to see the blood run out of Isaac and know that I am responsible? Abraham didn't picture what it would be like without Isaac. Abraham didn't picture what it would be like without Isaac. He didn't see him dead. He didn't see him dead. He wasn't tempted by all the things that accompany those thoughts. He wasn't tempted by all the things that accompany those thoughts.

A Better Covenant

In Matthew, chapter 11, and 2 Corinthians, chapter 3, the Bible says that Abraham's covenant is inferior to what you and I have. We have much more of the power and grace of G.o.d than Abraham did, yet he did something that most of us wouldn't even consider doing. Why? Because Abraham did not consider consider (there is that word again) his son dead. He considered that G.o.d would raise him from the dead if necessary, so Abraham wasn't even tempted not to offer him. (there is that word again) his son dead. He considered that G.o.d would raise him from the dead if necessary, so Abraham wasn't even tempted not to offer him.

Abraham was a great man of G.o.d because of what he considered-or didn't didn't consider. We can be the same way. consider. We can be the same way.

New York, New York, What a Sinful City

Let me ill.u.s.trate this point in my own life. As 1 said earlier, the Lord preserved me from much of the sin that others, maybe you, got into. Because of that, I was hardened toward sin. I just grew up that way.

For example, when I was 18 years old, my mother took me on a trip across Europe. Before our tour group left, we spent the night in New York City. I had never never in my life, seen the kind of sin 1 saw on Broadway and 45th Street. I was literally amazed. 1 was walking down the street one night witnessing to gang members (I didn't know any better back then), when suddenly, a pimp came up to me and tried to sell me one of his girls. I didn't even know what he was talking about! in my life, seen the kind of sin 1 saw on Broadway and 45th Street. I was literally amazed. 1 was walking down the street one night witnessing to gang members (I didn't know any better back then), when suddenly, a pimp came up to me and tried to sell me one of his girls. I didn't even know what he was talking about!

When 1 got back to the motel room, I told the other guys in the group, "You'll never believe what this guy was telling me. It didn't make any sense at all." They all began to make fun of me, saying, "You dummy! Don't you know what he was trying to do?" I didn't, so I wasn't the least bit tempted; it would have been impossible for me to respond to it. I didn't know enough to respond.

What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You

1 once was counseling a man in Salt Lake City over the phone. He began confessing all of his s.e.xual sins, and said, "Well, you know how it is. You were single once." But I had to be honest and tell him, "Listen, fella, I was married, had two children, and pastored three churches before I learned about perversion; I learned it through counseling. I didn't know anybody had those thoughts." once was counseling a man in Salt Lake City over the phone. He began confessing all of his s.e.xual sins, and said, "Well, you know how it is. You were single once." But I had to be honest and tell him, "Listen, fella, I was married, had two children, and pastored three churches before I learned about perversion; I learned it through counseling. I didn't know anybody had those thoughts."

I didn't know that s.e.xual perversion was an option; therefore, I didn't have to fight a battle to overcome that temptation. That's a blessing.

In Romans 16:19, Paul says, would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. " It would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. " It seems that we've turned that around. We're wise about that which is evil (we know every negative thing), and simple about that which is good. seems that we've turned that around. We're wise about that which is evil (we know every negative thing), and simple about that which is good.

Just What the Doctor Ordered?

For example, when the doctor says, "You're going to die of cancer," most of us automatically respond, "Well, show me why. Give me a detailed medical picture." We talk to someone whose uncle died of cancer, we read about it in a magazine. We get all the details so we can consider it, think about it, and dwell upon it, then we wonder why "by His stripes ye were healed" "by His stripes ye were healed" doesn't doesn't work for us. We haven't given as much time to meditating on work for us. We haven't given as much time to meditating on "by His stripes " "by His stripes " as we have on cancer. We've had it instilled into us from childhood that you can't ignore these things- as we have on cancer. We've had it instilled into us from childhood that you can't ignore these things-the doctor says so.

It seems that medical people are the hardest people of all to see healed. That's because they were only told one side in medical school. For example, they were told that when you see a tumor that appears a certain way, the next step is death. They don't counter it with, "This is the way the natural natural says it is, but G.o.d can intervene and change all that." They weren't taught that. Their minds are so geared to the natural world that even now, after they're born again, they have a hard time receiving a miracle because they relate more easily to the natural than to the Word of G.o.d. says it is, but G.o.d can intervene and change all that." They weren't taught that. Their minds are so geared to the natural world that even now, after they're born again, they have a hard time receiving a miracle because they relate more easily to the natural than to the Word of G.o.d.

Smith Wigglesworth: A Separated Life

What we're taught, what the world instills in us, has a major effect on our faith, or lack of it. The reason it gets into us is because we don't separate ourselves from it.

Do you know what made Smith Wigglesworth and others like him such miracle workers? A separated separated life. Now people have misinterpreted that. They say it was their holiness-that if you have any sin in your life, G.o.d won't use you, and if you're totally pure, He will. That's foolish, because you can never be good enough. It was not their holiness that earned them anything from G.o.d. But their separation sensitized them to what they life. Now people have misinterpreted that. They say it was their holiness-that if you have any sin in your life, G.o.d won't use you, and if you're totally pure, He will. That's foolish, because you can never be good enough. It was not their holiness that earned them anything from G.o.d. But their separation sensitized them to what they already already had from G.o.d. They focused all of their attention on it. They didn't allow temptation to enter. had from G.o.d. They focused all of their attention on it. They didn't allow temptation to enter.

One of the criticisms spoken against Smith Wigglesworth was that he was cold, insensitive, unfeeling, and unyielding (that's the definition of hardened). He was cold, insensitive, unfeeling, and unyielding to anything but G.o.d! He did not pity people with disease and sickness. That sounds extreme, but never in over 40 years of ministry did he lay his hands on a person who wasn't healed.

A Tumor Vanishes

A woman in one of Smith's meetings had a huge tumor. In his meetings, Smith would often say, "The first person to stand up will be healed of whatever problem he has." He said that and this lady, with two other ladies holding her up, stood up. She was in terrible pain and her legs were so thin she could not stand by herself. They took her up on the platform and Smith said, "Let her go." The two ladies with her answered, "She can't stand if we let her go-she'll fall." So he said again, "Let her go."

They let her go, and she fell over with a thud. You could imagine what the crowd thought. Smith said, "Pick her up." So they picked her up, and again he said, "Let her go." They said, "We can't let her go, she'll fall," so he raised his voice and said, "Let her go!" They let her go, and she fell again, crying out in pain. So they picked her up, and for the third time he said, "Let her go." They answered, "We will not let her go-that's cruel," so he raised his voice again and said, "Let her go!" They answered, "No!"

Just then, a man stood up in the audience and yelled, "You callous brute-leave her alone!" Smith yelled back at him, "You mind your own business. 1 know mine." He yelled again and said, "Let her go!" They let her go, and that tumor just fell off on the floor. She walked right out of there healed.

Do you know why it worked for him? Because whenever he saw something contrary to what G.o.d had told him, he hardened himself to it. He was hardened to his senses, even his good, natural senses, so that he was not moved by anything except what G.o.d had told him. That's why it worked.

My Own Attempt

Now consider what I did once. I was ministering to a man in Sioux City, Iowa, who was in a wheelchair. I had faith- this was after after I'd I'd seen two people raised from the dead. I seen two people raised from the dead. I knew G.o.d had told me to minister to him. I went up to him, prayed, grabbed him by the hands and lifted him out of that chair. He fell right to the floor. I picked him up, and immediately thought, knew G.o.d had told me to minister to him. I went up to him, prayed, grabbed him by the hands and lifted him out of that chair. He fell right to the floor. I picked him up, and immediately thought, Oh G.o.d, look what I've done. I've caused him pain. I've embarra.s.sed him. Oh G.o.d, look what I've done. I've caused him pain. I've embarra.s.sed him. So So I began to consider him and his situation. I began to consider what people thought. I began to consider him and his situation. I began to consider what people thought. I I began to consider everything but what G.o.d had told me to do. Eventually, I ended up putting him back in the wheelchair, and he stayed there. I didn't give him what he needed. 1 didn't do what Wigglesworth did. began to consider everything but what G.o.d had told me to do. Eventually, I ended up putting him back in the wheelchair, and he stayed there. I didn't give him what he needed. 1 didn't do what Wigglesworth did.

Later, I went back to the motel room thinking, G.o.d, what's wrong? G.o.d, what's wrong? It was years before I learned that the same thing had happened to Smith Wigglesworth, but Smith just kept at it, while I was moved away from my faith by the hardness of my heart. I was still more sensitive to the natural realm than to the supernatural. It was a lifestyle that I'd been developing all my life; the unbelief started years and years before. As I said, it was not overt sin, but a matter of my habits and where I put my attention. It was years before I learned that the same thing had happened to Smith Wigglesworth, but Smith just kept at it, while I was moved away from my faith by the hardness of my heart. I was still more sensitive to the natural realm than to the supernatural. It was a lifestyle that I'd been developing all my life; the unbelief started years and years before. As I said, it was not overt sin, but a matter of my habits and where I put my attention.

For example, you watch the television reports about people dying of cancer, or you attend a reunion where somebody talks about cancer, or people at work talk about their aunt who died of cancer. Soon, you are totally dominated by cancer and the fear of cancer. Then, years later, when the doctor says "cancer" to you, all of that fear suddenly rises up on the inside of you. That's where your doubt and unbelief come from.

Why does it happen? Because you considered something other than Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. As Hebrews 12:3 says, "For consider him that endureth such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. " "For consider him that endureth such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. " There's that word "consider" again-it's everywhere! There's that word "consider" again-it's everywhere!

The Curse of the Tube

What do we consider most most in our society? It's probably television. in our society? It's probably television.

My mother is an educator who taught school for 42 years. She has seen surveys showing that children who watch television are something like 10 times 10 times less creative than children who don't watch it. A child who doesn't watch television on a consistent basis can take a bolt and a nut and entertain himself for hours, but a child who has had television used as a babysitting tool can have a whole room full of toys and not have a thing to do! It destroys their creativity. Television is a powerful medium. Praise G.o.d that the gospel is finally making an impact on TV, but up until now, Satan has largely ruled it. less creative than children who don't watch it. A child who doesn't watch television on a consistent basis can take a bolt and a nut and entertain himself for hours, but a child who has had television used as a babysitting tool can have a whole room full of toys and not have a thing to do! It destroys their creativity. Television is a powerful medium. Praise G.o.d that the gospel is finally making an impact on TV, but up until now, Satan has largely ruled it.

Television is so captivating that you don't even have to think to watch it. For example, you come home from work and you're dead tired. You turn on the b.o.o.b tube so you can totally relax-it takes no effort on your part. There is no mental exercise; the producers can put your mind in the gutter whenever they want to. Even if there was nothing but gospel on television 24 hours a day, it would damage you to watch it, because you would be sitting there like a zombie letting someone else feed your mind.

Why are we tempted with so many things? It's because of the junk we consider.

Dr. Jesus

When my son, Joshua, was five or six years old, he asked me, "Daddy, what are doctors for?" He didn't know what a doctor was for! He didn't know there was any other option for healing than prayer. He had never healing than prayer. He had never considered considered it, because he'd never been taught it. I'm not against doctors, but G.o.d can heal you without a doctor-if you know how to tap into the healing power of G.o.d. Leave the doctors for people who believe they're sick! I it, because he'd never been taught it. I'm not against doctors, but G.o.d can heal you without a doctor-if you know how to tap into the healing power of G.o.d. Leave the doctors for people who believe they're sick! I don't don't believe I'm sick, even when it looks like I'm sick. I just don't relate to sickness. And so I've always been healed. I have doctors' reports to show I was healed of an incurable disease. I never have sickness, because I don't believe in it. believe I'm sick, even when it looks like I'm sick. I just don't relate to sickness. And so I've always been healed. I have doctors' reports to show I was healed of an incurable disease. I never have sickness, because I don't believe in it.

No Plan B

One of the reasons we get into trouble is because we entertain alternatives.

I don't have a Plan B or Plan C-it's only the gospel. Because of that, it works for me. One of the biggest hindrances to your faith is when you are considering considering something else (we can't seem to get away from that word). Satan will always push you to make a decision one way or the other. You can't have another plan in the wings and see it work. You must be single-minded on the Word of G.o.d. something else (we can't seem to get away from that word). Satan will always push you to make a decision one way or the other. You can't have another plan in the wings and see it work. You must be single-minded on the Word of G.o.d.

I prayed for a lady once who had bad teeth. When I prayed for her, she told me that she already had made a dental appointment. Later, the Lord asked her, "Which way are you going to go? Are you going to believe me, or are you going to go to the dentist?" She thought about it and said, "G.o.d, I'm going to believe You. I don't care if my teeth rot out of my head." She called up and canceled the appointment, and by the time she hung up the phone, her teeth were completely healed!

Several days later, she came to me and asked, "Why did it happen at that time?" I said, "Because that's the first time you made a decision to believe G.o.d. Before, you still had a Plan B and C." She had considered something else.

Sadu Sundar Singh Sundar Singh

We don't see nearly as many miracles in this country as they do in others. Let me give you an ill.u.s.tration of this.

A man named Sadu Sundar Singh was a legend in India in the early 1900s. If you mention his name there, people begin talking about all the miracles that happened. This man was a Moslem who was converted to Christ. He saw many people healed; in Bombay, for example, he saw as many as 100,000 people healed in a single day. He would go into a city and empty all the morgues, raising dozens of people from the dead. It was phenomenal. Singh finally had to stop praying for people because n.o.body would listen to him preach-they just thronged him to get at the healing power of G.o.d.

Singh saw tremendous things happen in India, but in the United States, it was a totally different story. Because of the expense of travel, Singh had planned a year-and-a-half tour of the U.S. After sailing over by ship in 1910, he got off the boat in New York City and spent 30 minutes walking around the city. Then he promptly canceled his speaking engagements, got back on the ship, and said, "I'll never preach to these people. They're so hard-hearted, they're so busy, they'll never hear it." And he went back to India.

He knew that where people are as preoccupied as we are with other things, the gospel would never penetrate. That was in 1910!

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Hardness of Heart Part 2 summary

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