
Farming in the Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old Chapter 1228: Abdicate Early

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Chapter 1228: Abdicate Early


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After chatting with Daxi and the others for a while, it was about time to eat. Shao Youyue had gone back to change Shoushou’s diapers, so she had not arrived yet, Jiang Yue and Xue Yan, along with Xue Shi, went to the three-door house next door.

Emperor Hao wanted to build this three-door house. It was already built and there was a big garden at the back. Shao Youyue had already brought Zicui and the others to move in. There was a door, but they never walked through the door because half of the walls between the two houses had been torn down. The broken wall made the two houses look like one house.

Xue Dafu, Liu Guixia, and the others all felt that this was especially good. They had already treated Shao Youyue as a family long ago. They were afraid that Shao Youyue would become estranged if she stayed in the small house behind.

They were all a big family now, so Shao Youyue was invited.

Shoushou had p.o.o.ped, so she had no choice but to change his diapers. Shao Youyue carried Shoushou back to change his diapers.

Shao Youyue’s body had also been fully recuperated. She had already drunk the chicken essence a few days ago, so there was no longer any danger of ma.s.sive bleeding due to childbirth.

“Why are you guys here? I’m going over now.” Shao Youyue carried Shoushou, who had already changed his diapers, out of the room. She saw Jiang Yue and Xue Yan, who were about to enter the room. They were holding Xue Shi’s hand. She immediately smiled gently and said h.e.l.lo.

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan had yet to speak when they saw someone leap over the wall and enter.

He was the Emperor’s man.

Xue Shi was often with Jiang Yue and Xue Yan. Although he was still young and did not understand, he had already seen this kind of scene many times. He was not afraid and even jumped happily from the scene.

Perhaps it was because he had been naughty for the whole morning and did not have much strength on his feet. He jumped, but his feet did not leave the ground at all.

However, Xue Shi still raised his eyes, sparkling.

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan were also used to him being like this.

On the other hand, the smile on Shao Youyue’s face disappeared the moment she saw the Emperor’s men.

When the Emperor’s people arrived, they first bowed to Shao Youyue, the Empress, and then to Xue Yan, the Crown Prince. After that, they respectfully took out a letter from the Emperor and handed it to Shao Youyue with both hands, saying that it was for her.

Zi Cui hurriedly bowed and received it on behalf of the Empress.

Only then did the Emperor’s people say to Xue Yan, “Your Highness, the first day of February next year will be a once-in-a-hundred-years auspicious day to ascend to the throne. The Emperor has already started preparing for the ceremony. Hewill abdicate on this day next year, allowing you to ascend to the throne. The Emperor wants you to arrange the time well. He said to not forget.”

It was obvious that the Emperor was not afraid of Shao Youyue listening in on this.

After all, Shao Youyue had already given birth to a child. Her emotions were stable, and her body had been fully recuperated. She was very healthy.

Originally, it was estimated that he would ascend the throne in at most a year and a half. This was something they knew. Jiang Yue was not surprised while Xue Yan stayed calm.

“Alright.” Xue Yan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Shao Youyue was completely stunned and could not react at all. “He…he wants to abdicate?” she stammered as she asked anxiously.

“Yes, Empress. The Emperor will abdicate early.” The Emperor’s men replied.

Shao Youyue was even more fl.u.s.tered.

She finally understood why Emperor Hao wanted to build this three-entry residence. It turned out that he wanted to abdicate early and come here to live with her…

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Farming in the Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old Chapter 1228: Abdicate Early summary

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