
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language, Solomon Islands Part 16

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_gu_ 2. as _gu_ 1. but is suff. to v. and prep, as obj.

_gula_ n., place, part; _gula i maa_, outside; _gule bara_, family.

_gulu_ v. i., to be heavy, to be enceinte,

_gulufi_ v. tr., to be too heavy for.

_gulua_ adj., heavy.

_gumu_ v. tr., to strike, to punch. S. _k.u.mu_.

_gutafi_ v. tr., to persecute. S. _kotahi_.

_gwa_; _faigwa_, to shed, to spill.

_gwaa_ v. i., to be open, of ears. S. _wa'a_.

_gwagwaria_ adj., patient, gentle.

_gwai_ 1. v. tr., to anoint; 2. n., ointment.

_gwaila_ v. n., anointing; _gwai ni gwaila_.

_gwalifoa_ v. tr., to cause to sink.

_gwalu_ 1. v. tr., to promise.

_gwalua_ v. n., a promise,

_gwalula_ v. n., a promising.

_gwalu_ 2. v. i., to moor a vessel,

_gwaofa_ n., house, ridge. S. _qaoha_.

_gwaofai_ v. tr., to hide, to cover over,

_gwari_ adj., cold; _kafo gwari_, cold water,

_gwarimabe_ v. i., to be gentle, quiet, sober. _gwagwaria_

_gwau_, _gwou_ (_gu_) n., head. S. _q'au_.

_gwaunga_, _gwounga_ n., a generation; _gwaunge mwane_, a generation of men. S. _qaunge_.

_gwauru_, _gwouru_ v. i., to kneel, to bend. S. _pouruuru_.

_gwautoli_, _gwoutoli_ v. i., to bow, to bend. S. _qa'utoli_.

_gwegwe_ v. tr., to buffet; _salo_ e _gwegwe gera_, the wind was contrary to them.

_gwelu_; _tatagwelu_, headlong. S. _tataqelu_.

_gwini_, _gwinigwini_ v. i., to be moist, wet. S. _qini_.

_gwou_, _gwougwou_, _gwoufi_, 1. v. v. tr. to drink.

_gwoula_ v. n., a drinking.

_gwou_, _gwau_ 2. v. i., to be deserted, overgrown, of gardens; to be part; to be empty, finished, of a vessel; _fera gwou_, a deserted village,

_gwoutai_ v. tr., to be apart, alone; _e gwouiai daro_, they two were alone. Mota _won_.

_gwoubusua_ a hill. _gwou_, head,

_gwouru_, _gwauru_ v. i., to kneel, sit.

_gwourula_ session. S. _pouruuru_.

_gwoutai_, _gwoutaini_ v. v. tr., to bow the head.

_gwou ulunga_ n., a pillow. S. _qa'u ulunge_.


_i_ 1. locative; always used before names of places; always with adverbs of time and direction; _ifai_, where? _i daluma_, in the midst; _i Ramarama_, at Port Adam; _i kade manga na_, at that time; _i angita_, when? _i se_, _i sena_, here. Forms the compound prepositions _ifafo_, _i fara_, _i lao_. S. _i_.

_i_ 2. genitive; _geni i Saa_, a Sa'a woman; _ro kesi kurui bata_, two pieces of money; used to express purpose, _lea i fasifa_, go to purchase. S. _i_.

_i_ 3. prefix to personal and demonstrative p.r.o.nouns; _inau_, _igoro_, _igia_. S. _i_.

_i_ 4. instrumental prefix forming noun from verb; _kamu_ to eat areca nut, _ikamu_, a lime spatula.

_i_ 5. verbal suffix; _manata_, to think, _manatai_, to pity. S.


_ian_ a fish, a fish tooth (porpoise); _qe ia_, a fish. S. _i'e_.

_iano_ adv., on the ground, down; _mai iano_, on the earth.

_iangita_ adv., when? at what time?

_ibobongi_ adv., tomorrow. Mota _qong_.

_ida_ v. i., to be ashamed, to reverence; _ida fasi_, to reverence,

_idala_ v. n., respect, shame.

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