
Gossip in the First Decade of Victoria's Reign Part 29

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{119b} That of intermarriage with Protestants only.

{128} A private box, on the level of the stage, with which it communicated.

{132} Three Chartist leaders, who were condemned to death on 16 Jan., 1840, but were never executed, and subsequently pardoned.

{151} Handcuffs.

{156} The nautical way of writing "Oh, come to me."

_Printer's Devil_.

{159} He put up for election at the Senior United Service Club, was balloted for on 6 June, 1840, when out of 194 b.a.l.l.s, 166 were black.

{163} An action was brought against them at Reading, and on 24 Feb., 1843, the jury found for the plaintiff against all the defendants, and gave 1_s._ damages for the a.s.sault, and 55 for the injury done to the house and furniture.

{169a} It was held copyhold of the Queen, as Lord of the Manor.

{169b} Mr. Simpson had been a famous Master of the Ceremonies.

{170a} Ring Master at Astley's.

{170b} George Robins, a famous auctioneer.

{171} A famous Rope dancer.

{194} A well known nick-name for Lord Palmerston.

{279} From Moorgate Street 83 prospectuses, demanding 90,175,000, were sent out. Gresham Street issued 20, requiring 17,580,000.

{310} The case of _Bunn v. Lind_ came on, in the Court of Queen's Bench, on 22 Feb., 1848. Damages laid at 10,000. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, and the case was ultimately settled by a payment of 2,000.

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